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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 266

by Hawke, Jessa

  The only thing that brightened her day in this awful town was Mickey, a guy that she had been crushing on from a distance for quite some time. He went to the same classes as her, although that was about all that she knew about him. He was a handsome guy, the sort of guy who just looked like a ‘great lay’, and she couldn’t get him off her mind. She found herself daydreaming about him often, and the dreams often left her with a throbbing in her sex that ached for attention. She had tried sitting close to him during the classes, but that was as far as she could go because she was way too shy to be the one to make the first move. All that she could do was to pray that one day he would notice her and hopefully make a move. She thought that he must have a high-paying day job judging from the designer clothes that he wore and the BMW that he drove. With luxuries like those he had to have money. That is, unless he was from a very wealthy family, which was also a possibility because of all the old money that floated around this town.

  One the other hand, Kersley extremely disliked Mickey's brother Joe. He also attended the same class, but he was the complete opposite of Mickey. Joe was obnoxious and had no qualms about forcing things to be done his way. Kersley did everything that she could to stay away from him, and wondered what the deal was with the women who hovered around him, even though it was rumored that he was very well endowed and could take any woman to paradise with his cock. Kersley was repulsed by Joe, and she would have none of his nonsense if he ever tried anything with her. He was not even half as handsome as Mickey, and at times Kersley wondered if they were from the same mother.

  Mickey Benson and his family had lived in Nooksville for centuries. They were the last of the remaining good vampires, although his brother Joe considered himself a “bad boy” and would occasionally attack human beings. Mickey did his best to try and keep his younger brother in check, even though at times it became almost impossible. Joe had contracted an incurable virus that affected vampires before he was vaccinated, and it had sort of gone to his head like it had all of the other bad vampires. Being a member of the Benson clan, there was no way that Mickey and the other family members could run him out of town like they had all of the other infected vampires. They therefore did their best to keep him in check, monitoring him as much as possible.

  Nooksville was a very dull and boring place for Mickey, and he had even been thinking of moving to some other state to start his life anew when a breath of fresh air held him back. One of his uncles ran the Nooksville County Bank and he hired the hottest blonde that he had ever seen, Kersley. She carried herself like a sex-goddess that needed to be worshipped. She was the sort of woman who gave him a hard on just looking at her. She had all the right curves and a body that any model would kill for, and Mickey started to find himself obsessed with her. There was only one problem. Unlike Joe who was loud and made his point clear, Mickey was a reserved and calculating guy who took his time laying out a plan before executing it. He had a cousin that worked in administration at the college that filled him I on the classes she was enrolled in so he could join the same classes as her. However, there was somebody who seemed to want to cock block him in a big way - his brother Joe. He saw the way that Joe's fangs ejected whenever he looked at her, and he knew that sooner or later Joe would make an aggressive move on her, although Mickey had a hunch that Kersley would want absolutely nothing to do with him.

  Kersley just wasn’t his type. Joe went for the sort of women who did not mind one night stands and had sex just for the fun of it, no strings attached. Kersley looked like the sort of woman who would enjoy the sex only if she felt something for you. Mickey knew that he had to first make her notice him, although at times he noticed her gazing in his direction in an admiring way, but her glance would quickly dart away and her face would flush with a bright crimson shade. He couldn’t be sure about what thoughts coursed through her mind. His best friend and fellow vampire, Chris, could read human minds, but Mickey did not want him getting in the head of the woman he was falling in love with. It was better that he found out what she was thinking in his own way, and that is what he intended to do.

  “That sure is one hot piece of ass,” Chris interrupted his thoughts as they watched Kersley getting out of her car while seated in Mickey's car. They had followed her home from class just for a chance to gaze at her form for even a few more moments before the night was finished.

  “I told you so. The only problem is that I can't seem to gather the guts to even talk to her, I feel like she is too special even for me,” Mickey replied, marveling at the fine molding that God had created as his cock stifled in his pants.

  “I wonder how wild she can get in bed, because I know that you love them wild. Remember the threesome that we had with Kate early last year? You couldn’t seem to get enough of her,” Chris continued, adjusting his dick in his pants as he too began to get aroused just looking at Kersley's long legs emerge from the parked car.

  She was dressed in a short dress that hugged her body in a good way, and for some reason, she felt as though she was being watched, although she could not see anyone as she looked over both shoulders. She uneasily made her way out of her car toward the house. She still felt a strong sense of unease as she opened the door. Suddenly, from nowhere, she felt someone cupping her mouth from behind. Turning quickly, she found that it was Joe.

  “Hello sweetheart. Surprise! You have been avoiding me, and so today I decided to come and pay you a visit personally,” he said, as alarm registered in Kersley's mind. “Now, you are going to come with me and I am going to teach you a thing or two about how to handle a real man, I'm going to fuck you like you have never been fucked before.” Kersley let out muffled screams and writhed her body trying to escape Joe’s hold.

  Mickey and Chris immediately got out of the car and made their way out of where they had hidden it. They had not expected to see Joe appear from nowhere like he did; apparently he had been hiding somewhere near the house. Mickey was furious as they ran towards Joe. He was much stronger than both of them because of the virus that had infected him, but there was no way that Mickey was going to let Joe have his way with the woman he felt he was falling in love with. Since his family was used to policing Joe and his antics, Mickey carried around a drug that could disable Joe's joints; the problem would be finding the opportunity to inject Joe while in the middle of this rampage. As they approached Joe and Kersley, Joe pushed Kersley roughly to the ground, his eyes becoming red and his fangs instantly ejecting, ready for war.

  “Joe, you don’t have to do this, just go home. Leave Kersley alone,” Mickey said, holding out the biggest syringe that Kersley had ever seen.

  Kersley could not believe what was happening. The strangest thing that she had ever seen was unfolding right here before her. Joe had been in the process of abducting her, and suddenly Mickey and another guy just as handsome as him appear from nowhere. The weirdest thing of all was what was happening to Joe. He had suddenly become animal-like, his eyes turning a glaring red while his teeth turned into fangs. This had to be some bad dream that was happening, and Kersley would wake up and find herself in her home, but no, it was more real than ever. She was so filled with fear, that she did not even have the strength to get up and run for her life. All she could do was watch this craziness from the ground in a state of paralysis.

  Kersley watched as Joe charged towards Mickey and his friend, knocking Mickey to the ground easily before turning on his friend. A huge fight ensued between the three. Kersley was in shock as Mickey and his friend also got the characteristics that Joe had, eyes turning bloodshot and long fangs sticking out of their mouths. Aha! Vampires, that is what they all were. So it was true about what they said about vampires! No wonder all the girls at school said that Joe was very well endowed down there - he was a vampire. Suddenly, Joe was charging at her on the ground, and just as he grabbed her and was about to sink his fangs into her neck, Mickey jabbed the huge needle into his back. Joe froze and fell to the ground, leaving Kersley trembling like a leaf. She had
just about been the next victim of a rogue vampire.

  “Kersley, are you okay?” Mickey came and knelt beside her, putting his hand around her shoulder, his eyes full of concern.

  “Yes, I'm fine. What the hell is with your brother? Are you all vampires?” she was still in shock, although his hand on her shoulder registered its presence in her body, sending pleasant sensations all the way to her pussy.

  Dammit, Kersley, you are supposed to be afraid, not getting turned on!

  “My family is the last of the remaining good vampires, since the rest were infected by a virus, the same dangerous virus that infected my brother here,” Mickey explained, hoping that she would not go and squeal to the rest of the city residents. “We are not bad people, and not all of us suck blood from humans, just the infected ones. Luckily for this city, the only infected vampire is my brother since we drove the others out. We figured that we would live with humans better that way.”

  “Wow,” was all that she could manage to say since her body was reacting in a way that it really shouldn’t be reacting right now, and all she could think about was how her clit was throbbing with desire being so close to Mickey.

  “I hope you are not scared, my name is Chris, I am a friend of Mickey's,” the handsome friend said to her, holding out his hand to her.

  “I'm Kersley. Is he dead?” she shook his hand, shocks of arousal vibrating through her as her hand made contact with his.

  “No, he will just be out until the sun comes out. Luckily, I think we should have a cure for his virus really soon so this sort of thing will never happen again. One of the chemists at the government labs has been working on a cure,” Chris replied quickly.

  Mickey did not miss the powerful electricity that was flowing through the three of them. Kersley had even turned pink in her cheeks, and he could see the way that there was some sort of a tremor in her voice when she spoke.

  “Well, if you are okay, then I think that we will get going now,” Mickey said, lifting Joe off the ground and carrying him to the car, putting him on the back seat.

  “No,” Kersley got up and dashed after the men. “You guys just rescued me. The least that I can do is to invite you both in for a drink or something, just as long as it is not my blood.” She giggled nervously, not knowing if her joking this way was appropriate or not.

  Kersley could not believe she got the guts to say that, but one thing was certain, she was not letting these two hot guys go before at least inviting them in. Maybe they could become friends after all, or maybe even something more than friends. The thought made her feel dampness welling up between her folds. What did they look like without their clothes on, and was it true that vampires were well hung and could go on for hours on end without tiring? There were so many scenarios racing through her mind, and she desperately wanted to find out the answers. Mickey and Chris did not look like bad people at all, and they had even saved her life. They had now shifted back into regular people, but for some reason, Kersley wished that they could remain in their vampire form. Heck, she even wondered if it was true that they also grew wings and flew when need be.

  “We just saved your life, and so you have no need to worry about us sucking your blood. We are not the blood thirsty type of vampires,” Chris smiled at her, making her feel like she was going to melt with desire.

  Kersley led them back to the house, and Mickey and Chris walked behind her, admiring her butt as she moved her hips from side to side deliberately. Mickey tried to imagine what lay just above the short dress, since it came short just underneath her ass, and he felt his cock once again starting to get excited and bulge against his pants. He longed to run his fingers through her sleek folds and then pin her against the wall and drive his cock deep into her, filling her in a way that she has never been filled as he gave her his vampire love. With his sharp sense of smell, he could already smell her arousal, and he knew that she was lusting for both Chris and himself even though she knew that they were vampires. Mickey could tell that Chris could also smell her arousal, because he could see his nose twitching from the corner of his eye, and his cock had also formed a huge tent in his pants. Maybe a few drinks would loosen them all up, and then they would end up having one good orgy. He had never regarded Kersley as one for drinking much, but today he had a feeling that she would be drinking with a mission.

  “Please, come on in and make yourselves comfortable,” she said, opening the door and turning on the lights. “Is there any particular drink that you would like, I am not much of a drinker, but I have quite a variety of drinks here for my guests. I haven’t really entertained much since moving to Nookville?”

  “Any sort of whiskey will do,” Mickey said, making his way past her quickly so that she did not notice that he had a hard on.

  The men made themselves comfortable in her living room, while Kersley made her way to the kitchen. Mickey had to adjust his cock in his pants to make himself comfortable since he was feeling more aroused than ever.

  “Dude, I think you have one hell of a hot babe here, she is already feeling horny, and something tells me that she wants to make out with the both of us. I don’t think that it is such a good idea, since you spotted her first, and so I think I'll just sneak off and let you do your thing,” Chris said, getting up and walking to the door and out before Mickey could say a word.

  That was one of the reasons that Mickey and Chris got along so well. They understood each other perfectly well, and they were willing to make sacrifices for each other. He was also sure that Chris would take care of Joe and take him home. Mickey now had Kersley to himself and he intended to take full advantage of the whole situation. He could already feel the animal in him ready to go and look for her in the kitchen, but luckily, moments later, Kersley appeared from the kitchen with a tray bearing three glasses, a bucket of ice cubes and a bottle of Jameson.

  “What happened to your friend?” she asked, setting the tray on the table and looking at Mickey her sharp eyes not missing the massive erection hidden under his untucked shirt.

  “He got a phone call and had to leave, something came up at home,” Mickey said, taking the glass that she handed to him and poured him a stiff drink.

  “What a pity, I was hoping to get to know him a little better, I have never really seen him before,” Kersley said, settling on the couch next to Mickey.

  He was so close to her, she could smell his male scent, and it was awakening all of the intense desire that she had pent up inside her. She had been on a dry spell for a while since coming to Nooksville, and she suddenly realized just how much she had missed having a man. Her pussy ached with desire in ways that she could not understand, and she needed Mickey right now more than ever. The sight of his erection was not making things any easier for her trying to play it cool, although she tried not to make it obvious that she was looking at it, only glancing there when he was not looking.

  That is what she thought, that he was not looking at her, when in reality he could feel her eyes burning his crotch. He gulped down his glass of whiskey in one swish, letting the hot fluid leave a blazing trail through his stomach and intestines that reminded him of the blazing lust that he was feeling for Kersley right now. She also tipped her glass and then went about refilling the glasses. Kersley was wearing a deep v-neck t-shirt, and Mickey watched the way that her breasts were moving up and down on her chest as she breathed, and he imagined them in his hands as he massaged them with his lips curled around one of the nipples.

  “So, Mickey, tell me about vampires, I never would have believed that they existed despite all of the rumors in town until today,” Kersley asked, although her mind was actually invading his pants and imagining the possibilities of things that she could do with Mickey without his clothes on.

  “There is really nothing much to say, we are supernatural beings that live for centuries. There are two types of vampires, the blood thirsty vampires that kill at will, sucking all of the blood from their victims, although those are almost extinct, and then there are
those like us who know how to control themselves. We have mastered control over our craving for blood and mostly settle for artificial blood or blood from wild animals,” Kersley watched his lips, imagining all of the lovely things that they could do wrapped around her clit. She believed that he was a good guy, and for the first time she was coming to realize just how much he too wanted her, and had probably wanted her since he first saw her.

  “Is it true what they say about you guys, you know, when it comes to sex?” Oh my God, okay, she definitely hadn’t just asked that question.

  “What is it they say, because so many things have been said about vampires? Some say that we suck the blood out of our victims as we make love to them, other's say that we kill after having sex. What exactly have you heard?” Mickey replied.

  “No, none of those, as a matter of fact, I have never heard that said about you guys. On the contrary, I hear that you are great lovers. I did not know that Joe is a vampire, but I have heard stories circulating about him on campus that he is great in bed, and that all vampires are” she blushed, her blood rushing through her veins as he brought one hand to rest on her bare lap.


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