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Secret Crush (The House of Morgan Book 1)

Page 13

by Victoria Pinder

  The kisses hadn't registered as important enough. He'd have to test that. "That's it?"

  She leaned closer. "John, you and I are not a long term thing. You're going to get bored and leave."

  He settled his elbows on the table so they were eye to eye. "You have no faith in me."

  She reached out and touched his arms. Electric bolts shot through him. She kept her voice low, "Don't take it like that."

  The waitress came back over with another bottle and the prime rib dinners. She set the table. Both of them sat back until the server left. John picked up his fork and nodded. "Let's just enjoy our dinner."

  "Bon appetit."

  Silence hung in the air while they ate. John finished his meal first, wiped his lips clean and glanced at her. "My father's death upset me more than I realized, Alice. You being here is the most important part of all this, and I don't want to lose what we could have."

  She picked up her fork. "Let's enjoy tonight and this beautiful setting. The future doesn't have to be answered right now."

  His gut twisted like she'd stabbed at his manhood. Every other woman at this point in the relationship wanted more than he'd give. Once again, Alice was different. She picked at her food unaware his mood was off. He tried to follow her lead, but then she said, "I hope tonight made you feel better after what happened at your brother's place."

  "You asked to go out." He shook his head and massaged the bridge of his nose. "I'm here because of you."

  She closed her eyes. "John, you confuse me."

  His hands fell to his sides. "Likewise."

  She swallowed like she tasted something bitter. "Maybe I should just go back to the farm."

  "No. I 'couldn't live with myself if something happened to you.

  "Everything was wrong right now. This started because of his foul mood. "Please don't make this worse."

  She picked up her fork and ate in silence. Then she placed the fork back down, but stared at the silverware. "I'm trying to make everything better. I don't know if I believe anyone is truly after me. I still think it's the President that was the target at the funeral."

  Something else had to be bothering Alice. His mind raced through everything she ever said to him, and then the math clicked in his head. "When is your condo available?"

  "Tomorrow it becomes empty." Her gaze flew to meet his. Her eyes were crystal clear blue. Whatever she said next was something she believed. "As no one has taken any shots at my head in the past few days, I think I should just move into my condo."

  He sat absolutely still. The email threat had been real. He vividly remembered the glass shards that flew through the door as the bullet passed over her head. He kept his tone even. "That's not a good idea."

  "Why not? It's not a good idea for me to stay with you."

  She should have the same memories. She was there. He dropped his napkin on the table. "We should have just gone home."

  Her gaze narrowed. "Why?"

  He leaned forward, but she took her hand off the table. "You are not safe on your own, not yet. I'll contact someone else in my old department, other than the boss, first thing in the morning."

  She squared her shoulders. "It's my choice."

  This was insane. She acted like she wanted to get killed. "Don't you care about your own life?"

  She shrugged, but then stayed still. "Of course I do, but the Morgan family is taking all my energy."

  He froze. What did his family have to do with anything? "Don't let it."

  "Your money means you're the star of everything."

  She sounded jealous, which made no sense. He leaned closer again. "What are you talking about? My money buys security, and that's what I'm talking about."

  She pressed her lips together. Whatever he said wasn't getting through to her. "Let's just go."

  He stood up and waited for her to follow. "Okay."

  Once home, he'd find a better way to keep her there. If something happened to Alice, he'd never forgive himself.

  Chapter Twenty

  Alice hugged her waist and gazed at a piece of Spanish art from old Cuba that hung near the inside door. She could see it from the outside as they drove toward the garage. The bright color contrasted with her feelings. This was the final night that she would be staying with John.

  With her head down, she turned toward John's profile. He couldn't see her eyes behind her sunglasses. Tomorrow, she moved out on her own. Tomorrow her real life started. Victoria could stop by. If she was lucky, John might also show up. Their date had been the opposite of romantic. She'd kicked him while he was down.

  He parked the car in the garage. She studied his strong jawline. His kisses lit her on fire, despite his back and forth emotions. Perhaps with time that didn't include funerals, they had a chance at a stronger relationship. Dating John would be the prize she had always wanted, but never thought she'd have. She didn't dare to hope.

  Perhaps she should settle. If somehow she could have one night with him, it would be enough.

  John took her hand and led her into the house from the garage.

  If she stripped off her shirt and threw herself in his arms, perhaps he'd finally take her. The thought played in her mind as he locked the door behind them.

  Then, without provocation, he turned around and kissed her hard. She fell backwards and almost knocked the stand with the flowers down next to the door. He didn't seem to care and continued to press his lips against hers.

  Her hands raked up his body. She needed to touch him. She needed to have him. He tasted like delicious wine and testosterone. Her fingers untucked his shirt and found his chiseled abdomen. Her entire body flamed with desire as his eyes held a blaze in them that read he wanted her too.

  Finally. She pressed into him and reached farther up his shirt to feel his naked skin.

  His muscles quivered at her touch. Her body moistened with desire.

  John stepped away from her, and his voice was gruff as he said, "Tell me to stop."

  She lifted her chin, wanting him. "Take me to a bedroom."

  Dropping her pocketbook on the ground near the door, Alice slipped her hand into his as he led her down the hall to his room.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as he opened the door with his free hand. His bed was messy and the gray duvet was on the floor beside his slept-in silken sheets, but otherwise the room was devoid of anything personal. She swung to him. "You haven't hired maids to clean up after us?"

  His eyes widened. "I've been afraid to have anyone here."

  Perhaps she shouldn't have changed the tone. She licked her lips and placed her hands on his chest. "Why?"

  "I don't want anyone to hurt you."

  No. They'd not discuss some threat that should keep her here. "Kiss me."

  "You don't have to tell me twice."

  His hand brushed against her skin. The hair on her arms stood up, welcoming his touch. He swept her hair back from her face, leaned in, and kissed her.

  Fireworks exploded in her stomach and the rest of the world faded to black. All that mattered was this kiss, this moment, this everything.

  Her hands wrapped around his back to somehow keep him close. If he stayed with her then the ride would never end.

  John took a step backwards and she followed, not letting him go.

  Her fingers ached to touch him and she held her breath when he stopped by the bed. She lifted her chin and gazed into his blue eyes. He was her everything. She stood up on her tiptoes, and his arms wrapped around her waist. His lips met hers and a tidal wave of need overwhelmed her.

  Alice gasped as he released her to kick off his shoes. In a frenzy, she lifted her dress up and over her head, tossing it to the floor.

  His eyes gleamed, making her dizzy.

  He unbuttoned his shirt and stripped off the clothes that hid his perfectly formed masculine body. Every nerve ending in her body stirred.

  He kicked his pants to the side, which left only perfectly sculpted thighs and part of his muscular abdomen hidden un
der his black boxer briefs.

  Impatience grew, but then his hands brushed the hair out of her face so he could kiss her, hard and demanding.

  Her bra felt uncomfortable but the smell of oak trees spurred her forward as her body temperature shot so high a thermometer would explode. Her body pressed against his groin, and she could feel the huge, hard length of him that waited for her.

  Her knees were weak as he moved her to the bed. Alice fell back, wrapping her legs around John's so he landed with her in the center of the mattress.

  He leaned above her, his fingers trailing down her body. At her chest she turned so his fingers would unhook her black satin bra. He smiled. "You're in a rush."

  "Hardly. I've waited all my life for you."

  His breath caught behind his lips as her bra fell to the side and her breasts were freed from restraint. "Pink."

  Laughter bubbled as she gleaned his interest. He'd probably dated gorgeous women the past few years. No one like her. Then his lips pressed against her pink pebbles and she moaned instead. This felt like heaven.

  Alice pressed her mouth together to stop her reaction, but then he did it again to her other breast. Another sound came out of her that vibrated from inside her soul.

  Her hands traced against his perfectly sculpted body and she tugged his boxer briefs down over the hard length of his penis. She had to see all of him.

  He leaned up so she could work off his boxers. She threw them aside and then stared at his loins. He was bigger than any man she'd ever seen, and adrenaline rushed in her veins. "Will that fit?"

  "We'll find out."

  Heat radiated through her smile. Yes, she would find out. Her hands traced his shoulders and reached his neck. He leaned down and kissed her again.

  Her soul soared.

  His fingers traced her body and reached her panties.

  Every heartbeat reverberated in her ears as he lowered her plain white cotton panties like they were spun of pure gold.

  His fingers traced the sensitive skin of her thighs and the hot brush of his hand sent her toward an edge as he touched her in her secret apex.

  No more barriers existed between them.

  His mouth kissed every inch of her body.

  Goosebumps grew everywhere. The hunger for him ached inside her. She opened her legs and wrapped herself around him.

  His eyebrows shot up. "You are impatient. We've got all night."

  She shrugged, but then said nothing. He ripped open a condom and rolled it on fast—next time, she'd help him put it on.

  His eyes were bright as he stared at her. Part of him had to care about her, even if they had no future beyond the here and now.

  Then he kissed her shoulder as he slid inside her.

  Her body stretched for him and the sweet ache made her moan.

  When he was fully inside her, her body pulsated with desire and moved on its own.

  The pleasure she felt sent her entire body soaring. Their bodies were entwined in a rhythm.

  The music in her heart and body reached a crescendo. She lost the ability to think or feel. Her soul seemed to have left her an aching need of desire.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Alice woke up entwined in John's strong arms. Cedar and pine tickled her nose. She felt protected and warm as she lay beside him.

  She turned and stared at John, whose eyes were still closed. The sheets were entwined around their naked bodies, revealing the tattoo on his arm. The black ink of roses was something she hadn't expected.

  The last time she saw him in short sleeves had been at a high school football game. One day she might get to ask him where the tattoo came from. She hugged her waist and flipped toward the edge of the bed. If she stuck around, she'd buy him a muscle shirt to let him show it off. He must have done it out of protest years ago.

  Until last night, she had never found tattoos exciting. Right now she shouldn't either. She had to get on with her life.

  She untangled herself from the sheets, careful not to wake him as she kissed his forehead. Time to leave the fairy tale.

  No more designer dresses that were way out of her budget. No more fantasy dates. No more Prince Charming. None of it existed long term, and it was time to get her life together.

  She dressed in last night's clothes and slipped out the door.

  The hallway was still dark as she made her way back to her room.

  As she packed, the sun peeked above the horizon, sending light through the blinds in the guest bedroom. Finished taking what she'd come with, she zipped her bag. If she stayed, she'd never want to leave this life, or John. One day, once the funeral was a memory, he'd realize that he belonged to the House of Morgan. He could never be just hers.

  Her mother would tell her that the real world required toughness. She let out a sigh. For the past few days, Alice hadn't solved any of her own problems. The Morgans had taken over her every thought. Now she needed to be there for her parents and herself.

  At her new condo, she'd be able to think clearly.

  She peered through the sliver of window at the front door into the dim morning light. The house at her back was pitch-black, but the sound of the waves as they splashed against the shore played outside. In the dream, she'd never leave this place, but Alice Collins never lived in a dream.

  First she went and released the security code. Then she unlocked the door and departed. The grass was wet with dew as she passed through the lawn to where her SUV was parked in the driveway to the right of the house. She threw her bag in the backseat and rushed to get inside herself. A chill raced up her spine, but she ignored it as she realized her keys were in the car waiting for her.

  A moment later the car engine roared to life. She glanced up and down the street and then at the house one more time. John Morgan was the man she would always crave, and her crush on him had grown into love.

  She backed out of the driveway and headed toward her new condo. She refused to get mopey or weepy—she was not Cinderella. No one forced her to do anything. If she and John were to have a future, it would need to be much later, after they'd gotten their lives sorted.

  Alice wasn't against dating, but she had to live for herself too. Before she met John she spent months picking her first condo, painting it in yellow and white with a blue trim. The furniture was soft golden oak to let more sunshine in and her place was the first thing that would ever truly be hers.

  First and foremost, after coffee, she'd brainstorm and then reach out to new fruit buyers for the farm.

  She refused to let her mind wander back to John Morgan for one second.

  Alice's phone rang and she rummaged through her pocketbook. On the second ring, she fished out the phone and saw a number she didn't recognize. If it was John calling from his house phone, she would do the right thing, and turn around to talk to him in person. Her heart hammered in her chest as she answered, "Hello."

  "Alice? I would love for you to join me and Jennifer this morning. Please?"

  Vicki's voice bubbled with the happiness Alice remembered from the old days. Alice touched her best friend necklace. "Where are you going?"

  "The Miracle Mile for coffee and then I want to show you both my new idea for my future."

  Vicki's take-charge attitude might rub off. It's what Alice needed to do, too. She shifted the wheel to turn in her new direction as she agreed. "We'll meet at the book store like we used to, but I can't stay for long."

  "Deal," Vicki said.

  Alice danced in her seat. A friend was what she needed. Vicki ended the call and Alice threw her phone onto the passenger seat. Today she'd find out where Vicki had spent the last few years and avoid all conversations about John. No one pretended to be dead without a good reason.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Near his ear, something rang on the bedside night table. For a few seconds, he ignored it, but then remembered it might be the FBI. They hadn't called him. John woke up and glanced at the number on the voicemail message. No caller ID available might mea
n it was the FBI or a telemarketer.

  He licked his lower lip and tasted strawberries. Alice's scent was in the air. He turned to his side, but where she'd slept was cold as if she'd been gone for a while.

  He rubbed his forehead. He never slept like this. Then he picked up his phone and hit play.

  A garbled voice that had been processed through a changer spoke.

  John, your girlfriend was smart enough to leave you. You're the reason she'll die now. Prepare to live with what you've done.

  His body went still. Why had the FBI done nothing? This was something he needed to solve on his own or use more of the Morgan security. He stood and walked to the window. Money was power. The sun was in the morning sky. He clutched his phone, threw on his pants and then made the one call he'd never wanted to make.

  Peter answered, "This is a surprise."

  John said, "I need your help."


  The coldness between them didn't deter him. He had to get his brother's help. The FBI wasn't working fast enough. "Let me play you a message."

  The repeat of the threat to Alice made his blood freeze. Peter sucked in an audible breath as the voicemail played. John's heartbeat quickened as the deadly voice sent a chill down his spine. He shrugged into a shirt. As the voice finished, John said, "I need to find Alice before anything happens to her."

  Peter didn't hesitate. "What do you want me to do?"

  John ran one hand through the left side of his hair. His brother would help. "You have the staff to find her fast."

  "You need me to employ our handlers to get her back."

  John's mind raced. Peter had their father's confidence but not the venom that implied John once again was the always-in-trouble son. He'd call the local police once he finished with Peter. "Yes. Thank you."

  "Why did she leave you in the first place?"

  John straightened his back. Now was not the time for this. "I've no idea, and it doesn't matter right now. Alice's safety is on the line."

  "I'm on it. I'd recommend you talk to Vicki. They were friends."

  John's eyebrows arched. Now that was a good idea. "Is she up?"


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