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Savage Desire (The Infinite City Book 4)

Page 5

by Tiffany Roberts

  She groaned, releasing his hand, and pressed her palm to her face. “Please don’t tell me you’re married or something.”

  He leaned forward on his arm, making the table creak beneath his weight. Yuri’s scent—without the smells of hundreds of other aliens to compete with—grew stronger as the space between them shrank until it engulfed his senses, sweet and heady and arousing.

  When his face was close enough for her to feel his breath on her skin, he grasped her wrist and guided her hand down from her face. In a deep, gravelly voice, he said, “Look at me, Yuri.”

  Her eyes met his. Her pupils were huge and impossibly dark, and from this close, he could see the little veins of darker and lighter green running through her irises.

  “Oh, believe me, I’ve been looking,” she said.

  For an instant, he caught his lower lip between his teeth. “Me too. And you’re pretty fucking hot yourself.”

  A tremor ran through her, and she released a shaky breath. Yuri’s gaze dipped to Thargen’s lips; his gaze dipped to hers. Just a little closer and he could taste her. Just a little closer and he could touch her for real, and they could tear off each other’s clothes, could—


  However much he wanted her, he couldn’t let things go beyond this point or he’d have no chance of maintaining self-control. He’d protected her from the thugs at the bar, but he couldn’t protect her from himself. He knew these terrans were far tougher than they looked…

  But his Rage was too much.

  Just a taste though… That’s not too much, is it?

  He leaned infinitesimally closer, groaning at the ache in his cock. The sound vibrated across his chest in a rumble.

  Just a quick taste.

  Yuri closed her eyes—and closed the remaining distance between their mouths.

  Heat flooded him, and thrilling tingles spread outward from his lips. Yuri’s mouth was so damn soft and small, and it fit perfectly in the space between his protruding tusks. Her lips tentatively caressed his.

  That hint of hesitance in her roused a fierce possessiveness in Thargen.

  Lifting his free hand, he caught the back of her neck and held her in place as he slanted his mouth across hers. Her gasp of surprise only encouraged him to kiss her harder, deeper, to flick his tongue past her parted lips to taste her.

  He growled as her flavor swept across his tongue, even sweeter than her fragrance, even more enticing. He crushed her lips against his, ravishing her mouth. He wanted more—needed more. He couldn’t get enough.

  Something clattered on the table, and Yuri grasped the edges of his vest with both hands, tugging it as though to draw him somehow closer. Her mouth moved beneath his, returning the kiss, and a small moan escaped her. The sound made his cock throb, made it fucking ache with desire. Hunger and Rage roared through him and made his limbs tremble with overwhelming need.


  He knew then that he wouldn’t be able to resist her—and that by giving in to these urges, he was likely to do more damage than the onigox could’ve.

  The breakroom door whooshed open.

  Like a switch had been flipped, Thargen’s Rage shifted from lustful to protective, pouring molten strength into his limbs. He tore away from Yuri and shoved himself upright, baring his teeth and positioning his body to shield her as he turned to face the new threat.

  The azhera who’d restrained Thargen at the bar—Ruunok—came to a sudden halt just inside the doorway. His brows fell low over his clear blue eyes, and one of his big hands dropped to his belt, where his claw-tipped fingers curled around the handle of a collapsed stun baton.

  Instinct urged Thargen to attack. This azhera was a threat, a real threat, both to Thargen and Yuri. Thargen clamped a hand down on the chair, hooking his fingers beneath the backrest. It would make a clumsy, crude weapon, but all he needed was an extension of his reach to counter that stun baton. His muscles tensed, and his skin pulled taut over them.

  A gentle hand fell upon his arm. The contact sent a cool, soothing current through him that washed away the haze of his Rage. Yuri stepped in front of him and met his gaze. She was so small, so fragile looking, and so unafraid of the fury and aggression he’d just displayed.

  “Hey, Ruunok,” Yuri said as she turned toward the azhera. “Everything okay out there?”

  The azhera’s gaze flickered between Thargen and Yuri, his mouth turned down in a deep scowl. “Yeah, everything’s fine. What’s going on here?”

  Thargen clenched his jaw, forcing away the lingering tension in his neck, before twisting his lips into what he hoped was a casual smile. He lifted his right hand. “She just finished patching me up. Probably bled everywhere, though.”

  Ruunok stepped farther into the room, keeping his hand on the stun baton. “Yuri?”

  Yuri cleared her throat and peeked up at Thargen. Her lips were swollen and red, and her flushed cheeks seemed to be darkening by second. She was undoubtedly a female who’d been well and thoroughly kissed. Thargen barely resisted the urge to lick his lips, wrap his arms around her, and smash his mouth against hers again to stake his claim right in front of the azhera.

  “I’m good, Ruunok. Thargen and I just finished up,” she said.

  Ruunok’s scowl eased, but only slightly. “You finished something up, all right.”

  Yuri pointed at the azhera. “That part is none of your business.”

  “When you’re doing it in the breakroom it is.”

  “Did I say anything about that cren you were necking with last week?”

  “Hey now, that was diff—”

  Yuri crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her hip. “You were doing it right in front of the restrooms. While you were on duty.”

  Finally, Ruunok bowed his head and lifted his hands—leaving the stun baton on his belt. He laughed. “Okay, okay. You win, terran.” The azhera leveled his gaze on Thargen, and a bit of that hardness returned to his expression. “Just be careful, Yuri. I know he helped you before, but this one is dangerous.”

  Thargen drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs near to bursting, and let it out through his nostrils.

  Just smile, Thargen.

  He stretched his lips into a grin. “Yeah, I’m dangerous. But I’m a pretty good kisser, too.”

  Yuri laughed, and the sound eased Thargen a bit more. “As crazy as it might sound, I trust him.”

  The warmth Thargen had felt in his chest while she’d talked to him at the bar flared again, spreading outward slowly from his center. He wasn’t sure if it was pride, happiness, or some deeper, unfamiliar emotion, but it didn’t matter. It felt…good.

  Ruunok grunted, one corner of his mouth pulling back in an expression that clearly stated he did not share Yuri’s assessment of Thargen. “You’re a grown female. Anyway, Lyrani wanted me to check on you and let you know you’re free to head home if you want. And I’m sure she’d want you to know that she thoroughly chewed us out over being so slow to respond to what happened.” The azhera’s features softened again, more so than before. “I’m really sorry, Yuri. I fucked up on this one.”

  “Hey.” Yuri walked over to Ruunok, placing a hand on his arm.

  That possessiveness she’d woken in Thargen roared in his mind. He clamped his mouth shut and didn’t allow his feet to move. He had no right to be jealous when she touched another male—he’d only known her for an hour or two.

  “It’s fine, Ruunok,” she said. “It all happened so fast, I don’t think you or anyone else would have made it in time. Thargen was only able to help because he was right there.” She grimaced. “And I…probably escalated it by slapping him. It wasn’t the best thing to do, but I, uh…wasn’t really thinking. I just kind of reacted, you know?”

  The azhera nodded. “Yeah, not the best reaction, but…”

  Thargen barked a laugh. “Should’ve seen the look on the big fucker’s face. Hell, I wish I’d have seen the look on his face after that scuffle—at least what was left of it.”

  Ruunok let out a long, heavy sigh. “Yuri, you sure you want to trust this vorgal?”

  “He won’t hurt me, Ruunok.” She said as she walked back to the table, her voice brimming with confidence and certainty.

  Don’t think I deserve that trust, but I’m definitely taking it.

  Yuri gathered the supplies and returned them to the med kit. “Anyway, yeah, I’ll take the boss up on heading out early. Can you thank her for me?”

  “I will. You should probably slip out through the loading dock out back. That onigox and his friends were wearing Zulka colors, and gangs like that aren’t above seeking revenge. Employee entrance might be too visible.”

  Zulka; that’s what those colors were. Thargen had thought the orange highlights looked familiar. They were smugglers or gun runners or something like that, weren’t they?

  “Greeeat.” Yuri moved to the cabinet, placing the med kit on a lower shelf before sidestepping to the sink to wash her hands. “Yeah, I’ll go out the back way. Thanks, Ruunok.”

  “I need my belt,” Thargen said. “Borian out front had me check it.”

  “So go get it,” Ruunok said, scowl returning.

  Thargen spread his hands to either side. “It’s the least you can do after I helped you out tonight, right? I even let you pull me off that onigox without hitting you once.”

  Yuri turned off the sink, dried her hands, and walked back toward Thargen and the azhera.

  “You didn’t let me do shit, vorgal,” Ruunok replied. “I’ll have someone bring your gear back to the loading dock. You’re not getting it till you’re out, got it?”

  Yuri poked Ruunok’s shoulder. “Oh, stop being all growly.”

  The azhera grumbled something, not looking away from Thargen.

  “I got it,” Thargen said. “Just tell your crew that I know exactly how many knives were on that belt and if even one is missing, I’ll be coming to find it.”

  Ruunok stared at Thargen for a few seconds more before shaking his head, turning away, and stepping into the hall. “Nice knowing you, Yuri. Send me a message if you make it home safe.”

  When the door slid closed behind the azhera, Yuri turned to face Thargen, eyes narrowed suspiciously, and put her hands on her hips. “You’re not going to take me into a dark alley and stab me, are you?”

  I might. But not with a knife.

  His balls tightened, and his cock twitched. Arousing as that thought was, it was also wrong—and that she deserved so much better than a rut in a dank alley was only one of many reasons why.

  “If you were half a meter taller and a whole lot meaner looking, I might try just for the challenge of it,” he said, “but no. I think tonight I’ll settle for just getting you home.”

  “Good, cause I have a mean slap and I’m not afraid to use it.” She raised a hand and blew on her fingers—just like actors did to smoking, overheated blasters in those ridiculous action movies Thargen often watched with his friends. She cringed and dropped her hand, hiding it behind her back as she flashed him a self-conscious smile. “Sorry, that was really corny.”

  Thargen grinned and chuckled. “Not sure what corny means, but that was funny.” And cute. Why the fuck did she have to be so cute? “Tell you what, you feel the need to slap anyone, I’ll back you up. Pretty sure if you’d hit that volturian first he would’ve dropped.”

  She laughed. “Now you’re just trying to make me feel better.”

  “Is it working?”

  “Maybe.” Her smile softened, and she tilted her head. “You’re really going to walk me home?”

  “Yeah, if you aren’t worried about a big, creepy vorgal who owns a lot of knives knowing where you live.”

  She walked up to him and reached out, slipping her hand into his. “I’d feel safer, actually.”

  Thargen’s smile fell abruptly, and he found himself staring down at the point of contact between them—at her pale, delicate fingers wrapped around his large, rough hand, a perfect representation of the stark differences between him and Yuri. Her skin was warm and soft, her touch gentle but sure.

  Holding hands was the kind of thing Shay would’ve referred to as sappy shit, but that never seemed to stop her from holding Drakkal’s hand.

  Hell, just about everything Arcanthus and Samantha did together was sappy shit by Shay’s definition, but the joy it sparked in those two was undeniable. And this…well, this felt fucking good. This trust, this little bit of innocent intimacy. But it was also a little scary, too.

  Thargen was pretty sure he’d never done anything like this; nearly all the memories he had left were of violence. Combat had defined his entire life.

  “Guess my theory of security guarding is finally paying off,” he said, lifting his gaze to hers.

  “Oh? And what theory is that?”

  “The most important thing is to look scarier than anyone you might be guarding against. Doesn’t hurt if you’re also better looking, too.”

  Yuri quirked a brow. “So it’s all about appearances, then?”

  “Basically. I put a lot of time into”—what was it Arc would say?—“cultivating this look.”

  Yuri chuckled and raised her other hand, patting his chest. “Then don’t worry. I’ll protect you. Come on.” She stepped away without releasing his hand, giving it a little tug. “Someone should be waiting for us at the loading dock with your stuff.”

  For a second, he was tempted to resist, to pull Yuri against his chest, lean down, and kiss her again instead of following her. But he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself the first time had Ruunok not interrupted. He couldn’t count on outside interference to distract him a second time. As much as he liked Yuri, as much as he wanted her—and he really, really did—he couldn’t have her. He had to be satisfied with the brief taste he’d already had.

  It would be best for both of them if he just saw Yuri home safely and then returned to the compound. No more drinking, no more wandering. Just home, where he could trust himself to behave until his Rage resurged and forced him to seek release again.

  The training facilities in the compound basement had given him enough of an outlet before. They’d have to be enough next time, too.

  He forced his feet to move, following Yuri’s lead. She stopped in the hallway to retrieve her jacket from one of the lockers built into the wall and continued through the employee-only corridors, offering smiles and warm words to the coworkers she passed. All of them seemed quite friendly with Yuri—and quite suspicious of Thargen. He brushed off their stares for her sake. She’d seen enough trouble for one night.

  When they reached the loading dock at the back of the club, a pair of security guards—one of whom was the borian from the front entrance—opened the smaller door beside the big bay, allowing Yuri and Thargen to step into the back alley, and thrust Thargen’s belt at him once they were outside.

  Yuri released Thargen’s hand then, and he couldn’t ignore the pang of loss that struck his chest at the severance of that contact.

  Thargen insisted the guards keep the door open as he inspected his equipment, somehow managing to mask his petty delight at their annoyance. When he was done, he jabbed a finger toward the guards. “You’re lucky it’s all here.”

  The borian glared at him. “Sure you don’t want us to call a hovercar for you, Yuri?”

  Yuri had a hand over her mouth like she was stifling laughter. “Yeah, I’m sure, Eroe.”

  Eroe grunted, cast Thargen another glare, and nodded to Yuri. “See you.”

  Yuri waved, and Eroe closed the door. She swung her jacket onto her shoulders, slipped her arms through the sleeves, and turned her face toward Thargen. “You really don’t have to walk me home.”

  When she pulled the sides of her jacket together, covering the bare skin of her midriff, Thargen barely kept himself from frowning. He put on his belt to distract himself, taking extra time to ensure his weapons hung exactly as he preferred once it was fastened. Though he had no qualms about fighting unarmed—and often enjoyed
it more just for the enhanced rush—he felt more complete with his weapons at hand. Most people in the Infinite City weren’t interested in a fair fight, especially against a vorgal with a Vanguard tattoo on his cheek.

  “Not giving you a choice, terran,” he said once he was satisfied with his belt.

  She grinned. “I’m not complaining.”

  “Good. Besides, if that gang causes more trouble, I’m not gonna let you have all the fun kicking their asses.”

  She raised her right hand and blew on her fingers like she’d done before. “More like slapping their asses.” That lovely pink returned to her cheeks. “Wait! That really didn’t come out right.”

  “Yeah, I can’t get behind that,” he said with a chuckle. “But tell you what—you can slap mine if it means that much to you.”

  Yuri laughed and moved closer to him, looping her arm around his. She rested her hand on his forearm, tilted her head back, and met his gaze. “We’ll consider it a reward if you get me home safely.”

  “I do like a good challenge.”

  They walked arm-in-arm, like they’d known each other for years rather than an hour or two.

  Thargen still couldn’t understand just what he was sharing with her. His comfort and ease around this little terran, the sense of closeness he already felt toward her, was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Though his Rage had been present throughout his time at Starlight Trance, it hadn’t been able to break through—at least outside of those brief, lustful bursts—while he was talking with her. Something about Yuri seemed to keep the worst of him at bay.

  For a fleeting moment, he imagined her driving away his Rage completely. He imagined kissing her without the threat of him losing control, imagined the things he’d do if he wasn’t worried about harming her.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” Yuri asked as they neared the alley’s exit. “It’s kind of embarrassing.”

  That fluttery warmth in his chest reasserted itself. He glanced down at her from the corner of his eye. “You can tell me anything. No need to be embarrassed.”

  “You might think differently after I tell you.” She tightened her hold on his arm, leaning against him, and guided him to turn left onto a quiet side street. “So, on Earth, before humans ever knew aliens existed, we had these fantasy beings that were in old books, movies, and games. Elves, dwarves, dragons, and…orcs.”


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