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Yours Book 3: Life Mastered

Page 6

by Blue Saffire

  This time, Nick does look up at me as his hand freezes in the midst of writing. “There is nothing I don’t know about my wife. I know you better than you know yourself. I know things about you that you have no inkling that I would even care about,” Nick says as his eyes give me a sharp once over.

  “Excuse me, Sir,” I tease.

  Nick’s face softens, and he snorts. “Definitely going to be asking about spankings,” he smirks and returns to the paperwork.

  The nurse returns for the paperwork and to take my vitals, not too long after. I step on the scale cringing at what it will reveal. I peek over my shoulder at Nick, and he presses his lips at me. I turn back towards the scale and sigh.

  He has been telling me all week that my body is gorgeous just the way it is. I miss my training with Noah. I haven’t worked out since the first week of my marriage, at least not in a gym. Nick wouldn’t let me out of bed for the classes I had been taking at the resort before his arrival. It has only been a few weeks, but I feel like all my hard work is melting away.

  My eyes go wide, and a smile stretches across my lips when the scale says one-fifty-five. That’s five pounds lighter than the last time I checked. I’ll take it. I know I’ll be packing on the pounds soon enough. I can’t help but wonder if Nick will still find me attractive in five or six months from now.

  When I step off the scale, Nick tugs me into his arms and kisses the top of my head. “You are going to make the most gorgeous pregnant woman in the world. I can’t wait to get my hands on all those curves. I am so excited to feel our baby moving in your belly when you finally have a baby bump,” Nick breathes against my temple.

  “I love you,” I choke out because Nick always knows just what to say.

  “Mrs. Lincoln, the doctor will be right in,” Tracey, the doctor’s assistant says.

  I smile at her in thanks and turn for the table. Nick follows right behind me. “Up you get,” he says as he plucks me off the floor like a feather and places me at the foot of the exam table.

  I giggle and shake my head. “I am more than capable of stepping up to get onto the table, Nick.”

  Nick shrugs. “Maybe so but you don’t have to when I am here,” he gives me that sweet smile that belongs to me, and I melt once again.

  Just as I get ready to coax him into kissing me, the door opens and in steps the doctor. My mouth literally pops open. This man is gorgeous. My eyes sweep over his impressive frame.

  Dr. Nobi is tall, at least six two or six three. The grey scrubs he has on under his white lab coat stretch across his chest revealing lean muscle underneath the shirt and powerful thighs beneath the pants. I have never liked Crocs on a man, but something about the black shoes on Dr. Nobi’s feet screams sexy.

  My eyes snap back up to his face and sparkling blue-grey eyes are staring back at me. A wolfish smile is pulling at his full pink lips. Oh, the hair. In the face, he doesn’t look a day over thirty-five at the most, but his hair tells a different story.

  The thick wavy tresses that fall onto his forehead are a mix of salt and pepper. Dr. Nobi looks like he belongs on the cover of a GQ magazine. He is hot, silver fox hot.

  “Well, you must be Sephora. It is lovely to meet you,” Dr. Nobi holds out his hand for me to shake. I am totally taken aback by the rich gravelly voice that comes from this man. So freaking hot!

  “Nice to meet you as well,” I say and blush.

  “You did well, Squirt,” Dr. Nobi turns to Nick with a broad smile.

  “Whatever,” Nick murmurs as he eyes my reaction to Dr. Nobi.

  Dr. Nobi laughs throwing his head back and pulling Nick into a bear hug, patting him on the back. “I’ve missed this brooding face. I keep asking Annalise about you, but she says you guys lost contact,” Dr. Nobi booms into the room.

  “She is traveling the world saving lives. She has better things to do then stay in contact with me,” Nick shrugs, but something uncomfortable crosses his face. It is so quick and something I know only I would pick up on.

  “Oh please, she adores you. I’m sure it will break her heart to find out you are married and starting a family,” Dr. Nobi pauses to look at me as his cheeks redden. “I’m sorry, no offense to you, Sephora. My little sister had a crush on Lincoln here for years. I never saw it going too far. Ann is a bit too submissive for Nick. Nick needs a woman with strength and a will of her own.”

  I tilt my head at his words and fight back a burst of laughter. However, I don’t manage to hide my smile. It sounds like the Annalisa was a perfect fit. I lift a brow at Nick, and he smirks back. I’m sure he knows just what I am thinking.

  “So your sister is a doctor as well,” I ask trying to lighten the mood.

  “Runs in the family,” Dr. Nobi sighs. “I am trying to encourage my daughter to do anything but. The hours and the sacrifices can be a heavy burden. Don’t get me wrong, my sister and I love what we do. I just don’t see this for my little girl.”

  I notice the sadness in Dr. Nobi’s words and wonder what’s the story behind them. He quickly recovers and pats Nick’s cheek. “I’m so happy for you. You look good, Nick. Happy, I haven’t seen you look happy in a very long time.”

  “Thank you and thank you for seeing us,” Nick replies.

  “Anytime, you two must be excited,” Dr. Nobi says as he moves close to me. “I’ll just need you to lie back for me, Sephora.”

  “Excited and nervous,” I admit.

  “Understandable, we’re just going to take a look and make sure everything is as it should be. I know Nick has been concerned with your fainting spells. This is not uncommon, we’ll just make sure there is nothing to be alarmed with,” Dr. Nobi says kindly as he lightly presses on my stomach while starting his examination.

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  I look at Nick for comfort, but his eyes are on Dr. Nobi’s hands with a scowl. I bite back a laugh. My husband is beyond possessive. It tells me a lot about his trust in this doctor. My own doctor is a woman. I saw the nanosecond it took for Nick to process and dismiss that fact when I told him.

  At first I thought he would cave, but in the end, he chose this torture. The fact that Nick is willing to allow this man to touch me causes me to relax. I get the feeling that our baby is in good hands.

  “What the fuck is that, John,” Nick snaps, pulling me from my thoughts.

  I look to see Dr. Nobi has rolled the ultrasound machine over. He has the wand in one hand and gel in the other, squeezing it onto the wand. I can tell he is fighting back his own laughter at Nick’s outburst. I look at Nick, and he has a scowl on his face. He is beet red, and he looks coiled and ready to snap.

  “I told you that I usually wait until patients are at least twelve weeks before I see them. From the information on Sephora’s chart she is only about ten weeks along, Nick,” Dr. Nobi says before pressing his lips. “This is a wand. I won’t be able to see much with the external ultrasound this will allow me a clear view at this stage in Sephora’s pregnancy.”

  Nick wipes his forehead and murmurs something under his breath. I roll my lips inward to keep from laughing. Dr. Nobi looks at me and winks as mirth dances in his eyes.

  Dr. Nobi moves to insert the wand while explaining to me what all he is about to do. I keep my eyes on Nick as his jaw clenches. He reaches for my hand and holds it in a death grip.

  “Well, I do believe you are right at ten weeks,” Dr. Nobi says distractedly. He pauses and moves the wand a bit then leans into the screen. He clicks a button, and the baby’s heartbeat fills the room. Nick sucks in a breath of air and my eyes fill with tears.

  Dr. Nobi starts to click a few buttons then leans in further. Something sounds odd with the baby’s heartbeat to me, but I don’t say a word. I don’t realize that I am holding my breath until he leans back and whispers low.

  “What,” Nick breathes out.

  “Well, I think we have a little surprise for you newlyweds. Sephora, are you opposed to multiples,” Dr. Nobi asks with a huge smile on his lips.

/>   Nick’s other hand shoots out to steady him on the table. His head drops to my belly. I reach to run my hand through his hair. My wide eyes flicker back to Dr. Nobi.

  “Dr. Nobi, what exactly are you trying to say,” I whisper just loud enough to be heard. As if what I am comprehending will change if I don’t speak too loudly.

  “Well, it looks like we have two fetuses in the womb here,” he points to the screen.

  I gulp and follow his finger. He is talking still, but I do not hear a word. Nick’s arms wrap around me as Dr. Nobi finishes up and removes the wand. I can feel that my man is breaking, and I know he needs a moment.

  I look up at Dr. Nobi and give him a wobbly smile. “Dr. Nobi can we please have a few moments,” I say.

  “Call me, John. Take all the time you need. Tracey will show you to my office, and I will meet you in there,” He pats Nick on the back. “Congratulations, Buddy. I’m really proud of you.”

  With that, he turns and leaves the room. I can sense that their relationship was a strong one at some point. John gives off a big brother vibe.

  I wait until he shuts the door behind him before I speak. “Nick, Babe,” I say softly.

  Nick’s body jerks hard. A sob rips from deep in his chest. I am shaken to my core. I never thought I would hear or see my man cry. I am just as shocked as I was when I watched my brother lose his shit when he found out Kimmie was pregnant.

  I sit up, but Nick just tightens his hold around my waist. His sobs have become more muffled now as if he is trying to conceal them. My heart is breaking, and I don’t know what to do.

  “Nick, baby, what’s wrong. Please,” I plead.

  Nick lifts his head, and his red-rimmed eyes lock with mine. He cups my face and kisses me breathless. The kiss is tender, but fierce, raw, but loving and all consuming.

  “You give me…life,” he forces the last word out with so much passion. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too,” I say as I search his eyes. “So you are happy? This is okay?”

  I can hear the nerves in my own voice. Nick runs his finger back and forth over my lower lip. “Yeah, I’m over the fucking moon, Baby. This is more than okay. We can never replace Nicky, but you are giving me so much, Sweetheart,” Nick says with emotion heavy in his voice.

  “I’m glad you’re happy because I am now really, really scared as shit,” I burst out laughing, and Nick wraps me in a hug.

  “I’ll take care of you all,” Nick murmurs against my temple and all my worries float away with the sincerity in his words.

  chapter Eleven

  My Submission


  I am still in awe. We are having twins. When the shock wore off Sephora was able to get dressed, and we sat with John to really listen to everything he had to share. I am so grateful to him because I know I lost my shit in that exam room. I needed that time to pull myself together. I needed the comfort that my wife offered as it sunk in that I will finally be a father and not to one, but two babies.

  When he handed the sonogram pictures of our little babies over I thought I would lose it again. They are just two little peanuts, but I couldn’t love them more. Hearing their heartbeats. It was the first thing that pushed me over. I just knew, the moment I heard them I just knew we were having more than one baby.

  I was thrown back in time to when I first heard Nicky’s heartbeat. Ivana had been five months. It was the first time she had taken me along for an appointment. I was nervous and thought I would be sick, but the first time I heard my little girl’s heartbeat I was floored.

  Just like this morning, hearing my two little Royals’ heartbeats broke me down and grabbed my heart instantly. A prince and a princess or two of either, it doesn’t matter. I love them so much, and their mother…how can I love her anymore?

  I ask myself that every morning and every night, yet I love her more and more each day. This is why I have made the choice I am making today. Sephora needs this more than I do. I intend to give her a gift that will transcend any other I can ever give. It is a gift once given to me.

  “Nick, where are you,” Sephora asks from beside me.

  “Um,” I turn to look at my wife. She had been just as stunned as I was to get the news. Now I can see the thoughts racing through her pretty little head. I groan internally when I see the question that is on the surface. I could strangle John.

  I wanted to rip his hands off, to begin with, for touching my wife. I thought I was going to pass out from rage when he brought out that wand. I thought I would be able to handle John being Sephora physician a little better. I think I would have been fine if I hadn’t watched Sephora’s reaction to him walking into the room.

  I’ll admit John is a good looking man. Just as his sister Annalise is a gorgeous woman. I just hadn’t thought of how Sephora would see him. I have never before been so jealous, not in any other relationship. Not even with Ivana.

  However, I really wanted to strangle him when he mentioned Annalise and our past. I knew he meant no harm and was just too late in realizing he said too much. Annalisa is a sweet girl, but John was right. I was not the right man for her.

  Annalisa is too submissive. That is what got her hurt. She gave in to my dark side, and I got carried away. I haven’t seen her since. She took off and started traveling the world as a pediatrician. Last I heard she was in Haiti.

  I sigh knowing that if I don’t answer the questions I see it will nag at Sephora. I don’t want her to stress about anything. So I speak up.

  “Yes, Annalisa was once my sub,” I reply to the questions in her eyes.

  “What happened,” Sephora asks, sensing more to the story.

  I shrug. “Pretty much what happened with Luke and Kimmie. Only, I knew I was skirting the edge. So did Annalise. She allowed me to lose myself. We were friends, but she wanted more. I believe she thought she could get more by pleasing my beast. I didn’t see that until after things went too far. I broke things off, and she left.”

  Sephora furrows her brows. “Nick-,” Sephora starts, but I place a finger over her lips.

  “You give me the perfect balance for what I need. This I plan to show you,” I say and leave it at that.

  We ride in silence the rest of the way home. I leave Sephora to her thoughts as I mentally prepare for what I have planned for us. I quiet the turmoil going on in my brain about the meeting I have in the morning. I shut down the rage that has been building within me for over a month. This will be about just Sephora and me.

  As we enter the house, I reach for her hand and silently lead her up the stairs. I can feel the excitement rolling off of her as she realizes where I am taking her. My little butterfly really has been in need of some good love making.

  I, for one, was ecstatic when John informed us that it would be okay to continue a normal healthy sex life. He just wants Sephora to stay hydrated and to ensure she is eating properly and regularly. I will take care of all of the above.

  I’ve already texted ahead to have the playroom ready. One of the only good things about having Luke and Kimmie still in our home. Luke has a key to my playroom and Kimmie understands the life. Kimmie was more than willing to help out.

  Sephora has no idea that I have already told Kimmie her situation. I needed someone else to be able to keep an eye on her since we have been back. I figured Kimmie would be best for that since she is still living under our roof.

  I shut the door behind us, and we step into the playroom. I snort when Sephora looks up at me with big happy honey-brown eyes, only to turn away when she realizes we are in the playroom and not our bedroom. She doesn’t know it, but the rules are about to change.

  I reach for her chin and lift her head so that I can look her in the eyes. “You have made me so pleased, my little Butterfly. You no idea how pleased I am. I am going to reward you for your efforts,” I say with a sly smile.

  I drop my hand and step back. I drop my own head and drop to my knees before her. I can hear Sephora’s gasp when the realization set
s in. However, she doesn’t utter a word, and I know it is because she is still not fully aware that she has become my master.

  “May I speak, my Queen,” I speak up to clear up her confusion.

  Sephora steps forward, cupping my face in her hand she asks. “What are you doing?”

  “I am yours to do with as you please, my Queen. Allow me to pamper you,” I reply as I look her in the eyes.

  Her eyes round in awe and after a moment she nods her head. “Permission to speak granted, my Love,” she says with a small, shy smile.

  “I would like to feed you. Would you like me clothed or unclothed while I do so,” I ask.

  I watch as her entire face lights up. I see the moment it sinks in that I have given her control. A sly smile replaces the shy one. Her eyes bounce around the room as if she is taking in all the things she wants to do to me in here, but not knowing where to start.

  “Naked, definitely naked, but first I need you to undress me,” Sephora purrs and I swear I get hard as stone to see her confidence rise to the surface.

  I nod my head and reach for her waist to pull her closer. I start with the buttons on her navy blue blouse keeping my eyes on my task. I can hear her breathing increase, and I know she is just as turned on as I am.

  “Look at me,” Sephora says through a husky voice that cracks with a commanding force I’ve never heard from her. It’s sexy, and I obey immediately.

  I loosen the rest of the buttons and free the fabric from her slacks. I love the curvy shape of her hips in these pants. I lick my lips as my hands run over her hips and to the front to the zipper. I try to take my time, but it’s not going so well.

  I release the button and zipper on her pants and hook my fingers in the waist of the slacks and her panties. Gently, I slide them down her hips. I slip her feet from her flats and push everything away.

  I just stare at her chocolate mound as the silky navy fabric hangs from her shoulders. The black lace bra she has on barely contains her full heavy breasts now that they have started to swell with the pregnancy.


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