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Rider (Spirals of Destiny)

Page 10

by Jim Bernheimer

  “What happened to you looking at other options?”

  “Did I mention how irritating the younger ones are?”

  She scoffed at his answer. “So I am less irritating than the younglings who won’t be mating this season. Is this your idea of charming? Perhaps you should try again.”

  The female was toying with him. Of this, he was certain. He would try a more direct route. Drawing himself up into a rigid stance, he replied, “To my knowledge, there are three females on the island that I have previously mated with. I haven’t bothered to see if any of them are already paired off. I will ask only one this season.”

  “Well that seemed rather heartfelt. I’ll have to keep you in mind as mating season approaches. At this moment, you seem up to the challenge, but you attitude changes with the breeze.” Her body language betraying, ever so slightly, the aloof tone she was trying to affect.

  “You plan to make this difficult, Pasha. I’ve missed mating season before, because of where my rider was ordered to serve. Be careful. This little game you play could easily backfire.”

  She moved alongside him for a moment and he enjoyed having her that close. Last mating season, he’d just lost Danella and neither wanted nor received any offers to sire any children.

  “It’s not really a game, Majherri. I just think I am worthy of more effort on your part. This is a good opening gesture, but I will not settle for anything less than your best.”

  He noticed Pasha’s rider returning from instructing the other humans. Lieutenant Sheppard smiled, misunderstanding what was transpiring.

  “I wish it was that simple for me. Unfortunately, I have to interrupt and take a ride back to see how the stragglers are faring. You’re welcome to come along.”

  He glanced at his rider and considered the offer. Kayleigh was climbing a rope net up to a platform. Her hair was matted to her head by both rain and mud. Her eyes were not tired and could see that she was determined to finish strongly.

  She’s doing well. I will see her later. Let us see what other gestures this prideful female has in mind.

  Majherri fell in stride behind Pasha, enjoying the view. Though he’d hoped it would be a simple arrangement, the challenge of winning Pasha over gave him something interesting to do. Just because he could miss mating season, didn’t mean he wanted to. He had a second chance and he should make the most of it.

  Chapter 12 – Magical Selection

  “Reese, wake up. Francine said that you wanted to get up thirty minutes early. The inspection is in an hour.” Kayleigh wiped the sleep out of her eyes and thanked Helena, while wishing that there was more time to rest. The other girl nodded curtly and walked back to her guard position ten feet from the door.

  She didn’t want to get out of bed, but Captain Lynch was inspecting today and there was no telling how many demerits were going to be handed out. Alicia mentioned there was even a betting pool.

  Kayleigh vowed to show no fear. She was getting good at cleaning out stables. Either way, she wouldn’t give the Captain the satisfaction of declaring her unsatisfactory. Stepping onto the wooden floor, she started making her bed. She centered the worn mattress was square in the wooden frame. The pillow was positioned at the head of the bed and the blanket folded correctly and placed at the foot. Two drawers under her bed and a footlocker at the end contained her possessions. The contents were neatly arranged, even though this was not usually something that was inspected. Against the wall, behind the bed, Kayleigh saw her desk and quickly checked to make certain it was organized.

  She glanced down the dimly lit aisle at all the identical beds where the rest of the recruits slumbered. The barracks were all stone walls with wooden floors, but the first year barracks was dull and plain. Earth maidens from each year were responsible for decorating the outside and as such, each year was progressively more elaborate. The fifth year barracks resembled a miniature castle that rivaled the splendor of the main buildings. At times like this, she wished she could have been an earth maiden. Sculpting was something she dearly enjoyed and earth magic would speed the process along.

  Of course, I don’t exactly have time to do any! Oh well, next year we are allowed to have privacy curtains. Something to look forward to, I guess. The fifth years supposedly get semi-private rooms.

  She headed to the bathroom, one of the things that did impress Kayleigh was the barracks had an indoor bathroom, instead of an outhouse. Tanks of water were filled every night by water maidens from the upper classes, though there were at least two instances where that task was ‘forgotten’ as a form of hazing.

  Running water was something even the prim and proper Rebekah Morganstern wasn't used to.

  Opening the small valve, she filled a basin and used a washcloth and some lye to freshen herself and the rest of the water to rinse her hair. The row of empty bathtubs beckoned, but she ignored her sore muscles. Even if there was time to heat the water, once in, she doubted she'd be willing to get out.

  After the selection ceremony, I'll find the time for a good soaking. There isn’t any extra duty allowed tonight.

  Kayleigh finished making promises to her tired body and changed from her nightshirt into a fresh work tunic and pants. One of the nice things about the island was how quickly she was able to go to the quartermaster’s office and ‘shop.’ All Kayleigh need do was say what she wanted and the man would tell her the price. The goods arrived within two days. She’d resisted the urge to buy a new dress for Etiquette class. Her blue one would do for now and she still had an attachment to it. Stopping before lacing her boots, Kayleigh regarded the image in the mirror.

  If I cut my hair, I won't need to spend as much time on it in the mornings.

  Unbidden, memories of her mother came. She could almost hear her say, “You have such beautiful hair. Why ever would you want to cut it and look like a boy?”

  With squinted eyes, she beat back the tears that threatened to form. A few of the others had received letters. She had written two, but received none. One of her duties as lead rider was to hand them out and she did so knowing that it was unlikely she’d be getting one.

  I don’t have time for pity right now! Captain Lynch will smell it out like a hunting dog. Better go get the section and squad leaders up.

  Kayleigh checked her appearance in the mirror one final time and returned to the darkened room. Six to seven riders formed a squad, three squads were a section, and the two sections were the recruit company totaling forty-one recruits in her class. She let a smile cross her face as she approached the first bed.

  “Morganstern, time to get up.”

  “What are you talking about? The sun isn’t up yet!”

  “Two of the four failures from yesterday’s inspection were from your squad. If there are any more today, you’ll be getting up everyday at this time, earlier if needed. Do you understand?”

  The other girl glared at Kayleigh for a moment before saying, “I understand perfectly, Reese.”

  “Good. I’m glad we’re clear on this.” Kayleigh couldn’t actually come out and say Morganstern was undermining her and allowing demerits to happen, but it certainly seemed that way.

  “Lead rider, your weapon is dull and stowed incorrectly. Mark yourself down for a demerit.” Captain Lynch held up the bone Yar knife plucked from her desk drawer.

  Kayleigh annotated this on the parchment before stating, “Ma’am, the trainee has not been instructed on how to properly stow her weapon at this time. This material has not been covered our weapon handling class.”

  “Is that so?” Captain Lynch looked to Ellen Jacobs.

  “Yes, ma’am. We have not covered that material.” Ellen nodded furiously.

  “Very well. Consider this a warning then, Reese. You need to show initiative, if you wish to remain lead rider. Your weapons instructor … all your instructors are there to answer questions. Your job is to ask them. By my next inspection you will have your weapon sharpened and properly stowed. Am I making myself clear?”

Yes, ma’am.” Kayleigh won the battle, but knew the war was already lost.

  Captain Lynch nodded and stepped in front of Ellen. “Recruit Jacobs, there is a stain on your tunic right here. Your appearance is the first impression anyone will see. An enemy won’t care what you look like, but an ally may be left with a less than favorable opinion of you and, by extension, the rest of the battle maidens. Is that what you want?”

  “No, ma’am!”

  “Then consider that while you think about the demerit you just earned.”

  Kayleigh marked it down as Captain Lynch stepped to Ellen’s bedding. The woman’s hawk-like eyes scanned for the smallest imperfection. “Your bedding is satisfactory, but the only way to be better is to practice. Do you want to be better?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good to hear, recruit.” In one swift motion, Captain Lynch flipped the mattress out of the wooden frame and dumped it on the other side. Finished, the captain walked to the next recruit and began issuing a demerit for Francine’s appearance.

  Over the next hour, thirty of the forty-one rider trainees received a demerit. When the “bloodbath” ended, Captain Lynch stepped to the center of the room. “I expect nothing less than the best from all my trainees. Today was not your best. Tonight, you will be tested to see which of the elements you have affinity with. It is a defining moment in your training. Now, you have thirty minutes to clean up this mess and get your breakfast. I suggest you move with a purpose.”

  With the dismissal, the recruits busied themselves with fixing their bedding, and returning the objects to their desks or drawers. The captain turned to Kayleigh with an emotionless mask. “Lead rider, you would do well to get your fellow recruits into something resembling a company. I suggest you think long and hard on how you are going to achieve this. Your inability to do this has already earned you several hours of extra duty. You only get one day a week off and from the way things are going, you will be spending the majority of it doing extra duty. Dismissed.”

  Kayleigh handed the inspection form to her commander and watched the woman walk away. In the confines of her mind she gave voice to her anger.

  Maybe ten of those thirty demerits were actually warranted! I might not know where to properly stow my knife, but I sure know where I’d like to stick it right now!

  The light rain made it difficult for Kayleigh to keep her footing. She sprinted, faster than she would have liked, down the trail, trying to keep the pace with the company’s best runners. It was a half mile to the first obstacle on the “Trail of Pain,” and she focused on breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.

  After the first group of trainees reaches the hand-over-hand bars, they’ll be slick with and a beast to hold onto. The one constant of our physical training is mud, even on sunny days. I’m surprised that we’re not all going to be earth maidens at this rate!

  Helena was right beside her. Francine and Ellen were further back. The smallish, red-haired girl from Miros was a very private and intense girl. Getting Helena to speak anything more than three sentences at one time almost required magic. The first time the girl had to carry “the bag” on the wagon trip here, she’d slipped and fell. Kayleigh offered her hand, only to have it batted away.

  She wants revenge. It’s going to be a long five years before she’ll be able to get any. I hope she finds something else to keep her going.

  The reached the hand-over-hand bars and Kayleigh dried her hands as best she could on her tunic before moving across them as quickly as possible. Her arms hurt, but it was nothing compared to the rope ladder a few hundred feet ahead. She seriously doubted that she’d be on a sailing ship anytime in the near future, but climbing up and down a set of rigging was good exercise.

  Glancing to her left, beyond Helena’s acrobatic efforts, she spotted Majherri in his usual spot. Ellen thought it was a bit creepy that Kayleigh’s unicorn was always around, but she knew better. Majherri was cheering her on and encouraging Kayleigh in his own way.

  It’s nice to have someone that still believes in me!

  Now clear of the bars, she used her longer stride to close the gap with the wiry Helena. By the time they reached the twin rope nets, Kayleigh had a few steps. She might not be the fastest runner, but she was one of the best climbers and attacked the net obstacle with a vengeance.

  At least all the extra duty is making my arms stronger. It makes this part easier.

  Reaching the top of the first net, Kayleigh swung one leg at a time over the wooden support and started on the easy part, the climb down the second one. There was a flash from the corner of her eye and instinctively, she reached out. Helena’s right hand slipped and she was hanging only by her left arm with her legs kicking to find a purchase on the wet rope, but only serving to tangle her. Kayleigh hand grabbed Helena’s belt and she lifted.

  “Get your arm back on the net! I’ve got you.”

  Helena’s blue eyes raged at Kayleigh, but she complied with the directions and Kayleigh helped get the girl’s left leg untangled before continuing down. Once at the bottom, she went up the muddy incline using all four limbs.

  “I didn’t need your help!” Helena practically spat out the words.

  Kayleigh’s reply came out broken by her heavy breathing. “Yes … you did. Besides, if you … fell and ended up in the infirmary, … the Captain would find a way to … give me more demerits.”

  Helena did something Kayleigh had never seen before. She smiled. They approached the next set of nets stretched out over the ground. These they had to crawl under. Hesitating only for a moment before diving into the muck, she used her elbows and knees to worm her way forward.

  Of course there’s mud. There’s always mud.

  The two wooden practice swords smack against each other hard. Kayleigh felt the shock reverberate all the way to her elbow. She brought the sword back to a guard position and awaited her opponent’s next blow.

  “Is that all you have, Rebekah?” she asked in a whisper. It was the first time she’d been paired up with Morganstern and surprisingly enough, Kayleigh didn’t feel bad about having a physical advantage.

  “Right side slash! Ready? Go!” Sir Dunlap, one of the few male instructors bellowed. Rebekah put even more effort into her strike and tried to twist it so she’d hit Kayleigh’s hand.

  The shorter black-haired girl grunted in anger at the impact. Kayleigh knew she shouldn’t be doing this, but between the exhaustion today and Morganstern’s attitude, she didn’t anguish over it much.

  “Come on, I barely felt that!”

  Captain Lynch did say I needed to get the rest in shape!

  “Left side slash! Ready? Go!”

  This time Rebekah put all her weight into her swing. Instead of blocking, Kayleigh stepped backwards and allowed the girl to go off balance and topple over into the ground.

  “Halt!” Sir Dunlap ordered. He stalked over to them. “What is going on here?”

  “I dodged, sir. The trainee was swinging too hard.”

  Rebekah started to state her case, but a sharp look from the bearded knight cut her off.

  “Get up, girl! Class, let this be a lesson. If you over commit yourself, you may end up in a bad position. On the ground, flopping like a fish out of water is no place to be! Alright, let’s switch and let the other side have a chance to attack while the rest of you defend.”

  Rebekah was furious and Kayleigh thought the day was finally looking up. She made sure to keep her balance.

  Their afternoon history lesson was cut short to give the first years enough time to prepare for the selection ceremony. For the second time, they donned the ivory white dress robes.

  “I can’t wait to find out what element I’m destined for!” Ellen babbled, as they lined up next to their unicorns and observed the dignitaries from the city and the other classes file into the ceremonial hall.

  Tightening her belt, Kayleigh answered, “Are you still hoping for fire to be your element?”

  “I don’
t know. They all have their advantages. I just want this to be over with more than anything else. You’re fortunate that you’ve already figured out your element.”

  “I suppose,” she replied. “I just enter with Majherri. They announce ‘fire’ and I go sit down. Not exactly a defining moment in my training, but its better than mucking out stables.”

  They continued talking until Kayleigh spotted Captain Lynch, in full battle regalia exiting the ceremonial hall.

  “We’re about to start. Good luck, Ellen.”

  Majherri moved slowly next to her and she got the impression that he was amused at this whole thing, or maybe something else was amusing him. Perhaps it was what could only be an angry stare from Captain Lynch’s unicorn, whose tail swished in anger as the procession started.

  They passed by Lieutenant Sheppard, who held her arm out to stop Ellen, allowing only Kayleigh by. The ceremonial hall was kept dark, so that the only real light in the room was the brightly lit dais. An older, dark-skinned woman, also in ceremonial armor, and supported by an elegant cane stood next to the dais. Until now, Kayleigh hadn’t seen General Jyslin up close, only in the distance at meal times or when she addressed the entire student body. Bent by age and injury, it was difficult to imagine this woman had once been on of the most skilled warriors in the entire land.

  “Kayleigh Reese has already shown an aptitude for fire. We welcome her to the Sisterhood of the Eternal Flame. Let her and her bonded unicorn call upon the fires of justice in defense of the innocent.”

  She came to attention in front of the General and saluted. The salute was performed by bringing her right hand across her chest and with her palm facing down and only her thumb touching her robes. General Jyslin returned the salute and smiled. Kayleigh executed a proper about face and returned to where Majherri waited for her. They walked the length of the hall to the applause of the crowd. It was a great feeling. At the exit, Captain Lynch stood as impassive as ever. Kayleigh wouldn’t let the woman’s anger ruin this moment.


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