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Samantha and Her Genie

Page 15

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Or will we be going to the food market to purchase cold ruffled cream to spray on our bodies when we lay naked in bed tonight?”

  Her face nearly as red as the ketchup, Samantha swallowed her food and glared at him while shielding her face with her hand. “You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you?”


  She leaned forward and whispered, “Trying to embarrass me.”

  “Well, duh,” Lugal said. He laughed at Samantha’s expression of surprise. “I cannot help it. It makes me smile to see you squirm, to become so ill at ease.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, you can just knock it off, buddy.”

  “I am not your buddy, Samantha. I am your lover. The man who delights in bringing you untold sexual pleasures.”

  Samantha gulped. Both hands shielded her eyes now. “Oh jeez…I wish you’d keep your voice down.”

  “But then you could not hear me as I tell you that when I see your cheeks turn pink I can only imagine how wet you must be getting for me. Tell me, my sweet, are you thinking about being tied to your bed while I sup on your juicy parts?”

  Gasping at his carnal inquiry, she said, “Oh my God. Lugal, you have to stop. Really.”

  “Why must I cease, Samantha? Is it because I am right? Are you imagining all the unspeakably erotic things I will do to your body as you submit to my control?”

  The expression on Samantha’s face altered, shifting from discomfited to impassioned. The deep hue of her eyes intensified until they were dark as a midnight sky. After a long while, she leaned forward again, her breath coming in small jagged gusts.

  “Yes, dammit…yes,” she admitted. “Now cut it out or I swear I’ll embarrass the both of us by having an orgasm right here in public.”

  Lugal’s interest perked. This midday repast was fast becoming the most enjoyable and entertaining of his life. He shifted in his seat, sliding one of his shoes off beneath the table. “You mean right…here?” Samantha’s body jerked and she gasped as his toe dug into her crotch. His leg was long enough to easily span the distance across their seats.

  “Don’t do that!” She squeezed her thighs together, inadvertently clasping his foot tight to her sex.

  “I can just imagine how swollen and ripe your little pink pleasure button looks right now,” Lugal said, quietly enough for only Samantha’s ears. “How good it would feel to be able to release the tension you must feel there. Here, little one, let me help.” He wiggled his toes hard against the notch between her thighs.

  “Please…please Lugal, stop. I-I’m going to come,” she whispered, her thighs relaxing. “I’ll die of embarrassment.”

  Lugal had no intention of stopping until his beautiful Samantha erupted with the rosy glow of satisfaction right where she sat. He would teach her an exercise in control…at the same time praying that he would maintain command of his wild cock and keep it from shooting his seed while he pleasured her. It would not be easy.

  “How I wish it was my mouth pleasuring you instead of my foot.” He kept twisting his toes against her, watching with rapt attention as she slipped down slowly in her seat. “My tongue would twirl around the engorged bud and then my teeth would capture it as I sucked you hard.”

  After a string of fervent mutterings, she focused on him. “Did anyone tell you that you don’t play fair?” Her words were interrupted by shallow panting breaths.

  “I never claimed to. You had better sit up straight, my naughty Samantha. Or else everyone here, including your boss, will know what we are doing. They’ll know that you’re about to shudder, and moan and cry out my name.”

  “Damn you, Lugal…” the words came out on a breathy sigh as she pulled herself up tall, with obvious effort.

  He felt a scowl take hold. “Too late. I am already damned,” he said, meaning it. But this wasn’t the time for him to sink into melancholy thoughts of his eternal imprisonment. This was the time for driving his lovely Samantha wild with desire, and enjoying every moment of her pleasured agony.

  Quickly replacing his glower with a smile, Lugal urged, “Imagine yourself spread open wide for me, Samantha. Restrained so that you are unable to move.” She bit her plump bottom lip, dragging it between her teeth as he spoke and continued to dig his toes where he knew she needed him.

  “Now imagine my cock teasing your hot, wet sex instead of my toes. Imagine me biting your pretty pink nipples. They’re hard and aching for my attention right now, aren’t they, little one?”

  “Yes…” Samantha moaned and slipped back down in her seat. She grabbed the napkin from her lap, partially covering her face as the two servers returned to the table. Then she clamped her thighs tight around his foot to still it.

  She wasn’t completely successful.

  “Will there be anything else today?”

  “Do you have ruffled cream?” Lugal asked the server.

  She slanted him a questioning look. “You mean whipped cream? Sure. You want just that, nothing else?”

  “What do you think, Samantha?” Lugal asked. “Would you like to have some cold whipped cream right now to cool you off?”

  She moaned again and slipped further in her seat.

  “Nay, I do not think we need the whipped cream after all. That will be all. Thank you.”

  The girl left a slip of paper, which Lugal assumed was the bill of fare. The food and experience with his sensuous Samantha was worth any price levied.

  As soon as they left, Lugal went back to his agreeable mission. “Open for me, my sweet Samantha. Let yourself soar. You know you want to. You know you must climax for me.” He worked his toes faster, harder. “Show me how much you want to please me. Let me see you erupt with bliss. Right here…right now.”

  “Please…I don’t want everyone to see…”

  “That’s up to you, Samantha. You can control your orgasm or not. What will you choose, eh? Do you think you are capable of keeping your shudders to a minimum as your body ignites? Let us find out.”

  There was something especially delicious and satisfying pleasuring Samantha in public. He knew she was terrified of embarrassing herself, but not so much so as to stop to his actions. Nay, she didn’t really want him to cease. The taboo adventure of exploding with climax in the midst of the other diners, with her self-important boss just a few tables away, clearly held an air of excitement for Samantha. The exotic thrill of the forbidden.

  With each manipulation of her secret place with his toes, she grew more beautiful. The rapture on her face, the ecstasy in her eyes, the slow catlike, writhing movements she made as she tried to appear normal, all of it made her precious to him.

  Elation. He could see it in her eyes and it made his cock throb. The instant before her spirit left to be carried on lil to an, Samantha gazed at him with a look so blissful, it touched his very soul.

  “Such a sensuous, extraordinary creature,” Lugal breathed. “So alluring. Watching you makes my cock so hard with longing I can barely stand the ache, Samantha.”

  Stiffening in her seat, Samantha began to tremble, her eyes wide and her radiant blue gaze affixed solely on him. Her face was transformed with the glow of ecstasy, her lips silently mouthing his name.

  Lugal reached for one of her hands, grasping it tightly as her eyes fluttered closed and she sank her teeth into her lip, turning her head to the wall. She kept her utterances soft and minimal, when Lugal knew what she yearned to do was to scream out her joy.

  He kept his foot busy at his most pleasurable task until he was certain the last rapturous shiver had been wrung from her being.

  And for the first time since his long ago incarceration, Lugal sent up a prayer of thanks for the unlikely circumstances that had brought him to Samantha Rutledge.

  Chapter Ten

  “I can’t believe you did that to me right in the middle of the restaurant,” Samantha said once they’d deposited their bags in the trunk and entered her car.

  “You loved it,” Lugal said with that ever-present confidence of his.

/>   He was right. Absolutely, completely, entirely right. She’d never been more scared or more thrilled in all her life. Her sexy genie had an uncanny way of connecting to her inner slut.

  She wasn’t sure if it was Lugal’s amazingly skilled foot play that brought her to orgasm or his incredibly hot, perfect, ultra-erotic dialogue. In any case, she felt wicked and naughty and slutty and just so damned good that she still hadn’t come down from the heady rush of it all.

  “You keep forgetting,” she pointed out, “that I’m the one who’s supposed to be in charge here. I told you to stop and you didn’t listen to me. Isn’t that some sort of major violation of the sacred genie code?”

  “I would have stopped immediately if you had really wanted me to.”

  “Oh, so now you’re a mind reader too, hmm?”

  Arms folded across his chest, he sent her a cocky smile. It was hard to concentrate on the conversation with him being so darned dazzling.

  “I did not need to be a seer to know you did not wish for me to stop. Your words may have said stop, but your eyes, ah, your expressive blue eyes, Samantha…they begged, implored me to persist.”

  “Lugal, you’re positively incorrigible.”

  “Do you know what else I am?”

  “You mean besides disobedient and exceedingly egotistical?” And delicious, and lickable, and hot and—

  “Perhaps.” Lugal laughed and the rich, deep, sexy sound of it rippled clear to her nerve endings. “But I was referring to this.” He brought Samantha’s hand to his groin. “I am hard. Like the blade of my saber.”

  Samantha moaned. Good Lord, the man wasn’t kidding. His cock felt like a column of iron beneath the denim. God, how she wanted to feel him inside her. High, deep and hard. She was tempted to turn on the ignition, shift the car into drive and burn rubber all the way back to her house where she could strip off Lugal’s new blue jeans and fuck him until he was dry.

  “The constant throbbing is making me wild, Samantha. You see what you do to me? How you torture me with lust because you are so exceptionally desirable?”

  Oh, how she loved the sound of that. She, Samantha Rutledge, chunky weight-loss counselor extraordinaire, had been able to drive the hottest, sexiest man on the planet to distraction. All by her exceptionally desirable self.

  Something foreign, something wild and wanton, spun around inside her brain. She surveyed her position in the parking lot, which was at the far end, because Lugal liked to walk as much as possible after being cooped up in that bottle.

  A wicked, downright iniquitous idea took hold.

  Oh, no…she couldn’t. No way. Absolutely not.

  Could she?

  With a deep breath and a firm grip on Lugal’s erection, Samantha gave him her best sultry smile.

  “It would serve you right if I forced you to climax, right here in the middle of a public parking lot.”

  Lugal laughed, but not before Samantha caught the undeniable gleam of excitement in his dark-as-night eyes.

  “You would not dare to do such a thing, little one.” He patted her hand in a condescending manner.

  “You’re daring me?” Her heart thumped so hard she feared it would pop clear out of her chest. “You think I won’t do it?”

  “Someone with your sweet innocence most definitely does not have the nerve, or the nature, to engage in such a public display.” Cupping her face, Lugal leaned over and kissed her, sweetly, gently. “The fear of getting caught would immobilize your hand before you could bring me to completion, Samantha. I would have to finish the job for you.”

  “Who’s talking about my hand?” she countered with a purposeful lick of her lips.

  “Samantha?” Lugal’s voice nearly went up an octave and Samantha swallowed a laugh. “You cannot possibly mean—”

  She effectively cut off his power of speech with the slow downward glide of his zipper. Her hand hovering just above his cock, she could feel the heat, sense the throbbing. She freed his glorious shaft from his jeans and brand new boxer briefs.

  A heartbeat later, her mouth was on his warm flesh, sucking, nipping, licking.

  Following an utterance of foreign words, the intense groan rumbling up from Lugal’s chest was long, low and sexy as hell. The patent danger of getting caught red-handed—or maybe that would be red-cocked and pink-tongued—had Samantha’s heartbeat galloping.

  She’d morphed into a woman so sex-crazed, so hormonally overcharged, that she’d risk shame and embarrassment and, who knows, maybe even jail for indecent cock sucking in broad daylight.

  The illicit thought made her giddy with excitement and she sucked Lugal harder.

  “How you amaze me, Samantha,” he said, burying his fingers in her hair and holding her close to his need.

  Lifting her head, she allowed his cock to pop from her mouth, watching as the wet rod bobbed to and fro a few inches from her lips.

  “I have to burn off that burger, fries and beer somehow,” she said. “I figured this would be a good start. How’s your cock feel, genie?”

  I am not a—” He groaned when Samantha dug her tongue into the tiny opening at the dripping tip. “It feels like it’s about to burst.”

  “Good, because I want to feel that silky hot cum bursting all over my tongue and cascading down the back of my throat.”

  “Gods, Samantha. Your words alone will have me coming.”

  “Now you know how it feels.” Samantha’s breath caught when she heard the sound of voices outside the car. Her pussy soaked as icy fear crept up her spine.

  In a day’s time she’d gone from being a lackluster, law-abiding, sex-deprived single, to an outrageous, madly depraved sex fiend!

  “The gas engine chariot next to us fills with four old, silver headed people,” Lugal said. “The driver just signaled me with a wave of the hand.”

  “Oh God,” Samantha said around his cock, picturing the elderly foursome peering into the car, clutching their pacemakers in horror as they watched her suck off her big, handsome genie.

  Why, they could…gasp…they could even be some of her TBT clients! What if they recognized the back of her head? Maybe they’d understand if she explained at the next weight-loss counseling session that semen contains minimal calories as well as some protein…

  Oh God…

  “I am waving back,” Lugal said. “Do you suppose they can tell by the look of rapture on my face that I am about to spurt bands of hot cream into my girlfriend’s pretty mouth?”

  He called her his girlfriend. And it wasn’t even in front of anyone else. Samantha sighed. And then her clit started quivering.

  She heard the other car’s motor engage and went back to some serious suckage on Lugal’s velvety flesh.

  “I come soon, Samantha. Your mouth is so remarkable. So bewitching.”

  One hand still in her hair, Lugal reached beneath her, cupping her breast, locating the nipple. She thought she’d split apart when he pinched it. He continued his merciless assault on her nipple as she did the same to his cock.

  With the sound of the vehicle beside them pulling out of the parking space, both Lugal and Samantha erupted with climaxes so powerful she wondered if they’d be jettisoned clear through the car’s roof.

  As her senses returned, she licked the remainder of Lugal’s creamy essence from his cock before returning the spent appendage to its zippered covering.

  “There.” She patted his groin. “Let that be a lesson to you, genie.”

  “I bow to your thorough and merciless rebuke, my sensuous little possessor. May I say that I look forward to additional penalties of this sort in the future.” Lugal lifted Samantha’s head, capturing her lips in an eye-jiggling romantic wallop of a kiss that seemed to go on forever.

  Or, at least until another vehicle pulled in beside them.

  “Okay then,” Samantha said, straightening her hair and starting the car. “I think you’ve had enough scolding for now, mister.”

  “We are off to buy restraints?”

sp; Her gaze never veering from the road, Samantha gave a quick nod. “Yup.”

  Why not? It seemed to make perfect sense that shopping for scandalous sex toys with her genie should be the next step in her downward spiral into sexual addiction.

  In less than ten minutes they arrived at their destination. A lime-green neon sign flashing the name of the store was boldly emblazoned across the front of the stand-alone building. You Know You Want To it read. Samantha just shook her head and sighed. Oh yeah…she wanted to, all right.

  Why hadn’t she thought to bring a wig? A mask? Even a paper bag with cutout eyeholes to throw over her head?

  She had this eerie feeling that something awful would happen the moment she stepped over the store’s threshold. Like she’d be their millionth customer. Lights would flash, sirens would blare and the media would snap her horrified expression to slap across the features section of Sunday morning’s Oregonian newspaper.

  “You sit as still as a statue,” Lugal noted.

  She didn’t even realize he’d gotten out of the car. His muscled magnificence stood hunched over the driver’s side, looking down at her. She glanced up into his espresso eyes and the long, thick black lashes fringing them. Sheer overkill. How the hell did she ever get this lucky?

  “Come, Samantha.” His voice was a sensuous, soothing invitation as Lugal opened her car door, holding out his hand. “Are you not eager to explore the inside of this sexual pleasure market?”

  “Eager’s not the word,” she muttered, taking his hand and exiting the vehicle, knees knocking and heart thumping.

  A subdued dingdong heralded their arrival as they opened the door. Once she’d taken a few steps inside and all was quiet, Samantha let out the breath she’d been holding.

  Then the bell went off and she let out a piercing yip.

  “Samantha, are you ill?” Lugal clamped her shoulders in a caring gesture. All she could do was to shake her head no in response.

  Primed for paparazzi, she stiffened. Then she heard the bell again.

  Her shoulders slumped with relief when she realized it was just the damn phone in her purse making the racket.


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