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The Rules of Love

Page 2

by Morticia Knight

  “So, is there a reason I sent my sweet boy away from me so that we could speak alone?”

  Saul had barely had the opportunity to suck in a good lungful of smoke and he’d already had enough. He laid the cigar in the matching crystal ashtray.

  “You’re right, old sport. Please forgive me.” He rubbed his forehead, his fifty-three years taunting him as if they were actually a hundred. After taking a deep breath, he continued. “I don’t care for the way in which Preston treats Kenneth. He’s more than harsh, more than severe. In my opinion, many of his actions are cruel.”


  “Take this evening, for instance. How could Kenneth cry mercy when his ability to verbalize was taken away?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “How do we even know if any of the severe beatings Preston gives Kenneth are ones he’s agreed to? There’s absolutely nothing we can say about it on behalf of the club because there are no rules in place. What if a man were to be deliberately injured here? What then?” Saul gestured with his hands, palms up. “We certainly can’t bring in the authorities now, can we?” He took a deep breath as he tried to contain the whirlwind of thoughts that had come tumbling from his mouth. “I’ve been a fool. I have a responsibility—we have a responsibility—to ensure that the submissive men who come through our doors can give of themselves freely and know that they will be safe. Cherished.” Saul crossed his arms across his chest defiantly.

  “May I interject?”

  “Of course. That’s why I wanted to speak with you privately. I’m…I’m overcome with worry.”

  The look on Aaron’s face was one of obvious compassion. “Saul. Kenneth is Preston’s boy.”

  Saul couldn’t hide his reaction to Aaron’s words, the frustration very likely apparent to his friend. He needed Aaron to understand that his concern was genuine and not exclusively due to his feelings for Kenneth.

  I don’t have feelings for him. I’m merely watching out for the willing men who patronize Hampton Road to get their needs met. That’s all.

  He inwardly cringed at what he knew at the very least was a partial lie. Never before had he asked himself if the other submissive men were being abused. He’d enjoyed the various demonstrations, he’d heard the discussions between the Masters of what their favorite forms of either punishment or discipline were and he’d witnessed the welts, bruises and brands on the flesh of the willing participants.

  It wasn’t until Kenneth had come along that he’d questioned whether a submissive wasn’t as willing as Saul had always assumed they were. If Kenneth truly desired what Preston did to him then he knew it was none of his business. But if he was being coerced in any way… Saul couldn’t bear the thought. Kenneth was a magnificent specimen of a man. Not only was he lovely in form, but his chiseled features and soft hazel eyes exuded an interesting combination of strength and an eagerness to please. Saul was startled to awareness as his cock hardened at the thought of Kenneth aching to please him through his unrestrained surrender.


  Regardless, he needed Aaron to understand that it didn’t matter whether he was asking because of Kenneth, only that he was asking at all.

  “Old sport, I am painfully aware that Kenneth belongs to another man. I would do anything for that not to be the case.”

  Saul held Aaron’s gaze in the hopes that his friend would understand the intent of his words.

  “However, that’s not why I’m bringing this to your attention.” He drew in a deep breath. “This club means everything to me. It’s been my safe haven and I know it’s been that for you as well. What would we do if there wasn’t a place for us to gather and enjoy the delicious gifts the submissive men who come here offer us? Within these mansion walls we have the freedom to indulge our darkest urges without fear of arrest or even derision from fellow lovers of men who don’t understand our needs.” Saul brought his voice lower. “Would we lose all of that because we allowed a man with no conscience and a black heart to destroy a beautiful submissive in either body or soul? You know, there are other newer, initiates who are swayed by Preston’s declarations of grandeur. Have you thought what would happen if the club were to be overrun by Masters who thought nothing of hurting their partners in ways they hadn’t agreed to, or who consistently ignored their pleas for mercy to the point of permanent injury?”

  Saul cleared his throat and turned away. It was difficult to read Aaron’s schooled expression. He’d held Saul’s gaze, hadn’t backed down. But Aaron’s years of Domination and control had served him well. He was an expert at concealing his inner emotions.

  “I know you’re newly involved in the club board, it’s only been a little over a year. You’re a good fellow, Aaron, I’ve always believed that. And to see how you’ve trained then loved your sweet boy has only reinforced my positive opinion of you as a Master. It is with that knowledge of your character that I bring these concerns to you.” Saul faced Aaron again and locked eyes. “I need your objective thoughts as to what we should do.”

  At last Aaron’s façade crumbled somewhat. He released a mournful sigh. “I think my little Sam may have to be bound another night. As it turns out, I’ll be needing that brandy after all.”

  * * * *

  Kenneth stifled a groan as Master Preston undid the strips that held his wrists captive. It was the last thing his Master needed to remove before he was dragged to whatever unpleasant thing Preston had planned for him next. Desperately trying to remain alert, despite the growing hurt coursing through his body, he didn’t dare indicate he was suffering in any way. The slightest hint of a complaint or show of any weakness would only result in an agonizing retribution. He had to remain still, had to behave.

  Ronald never told me I was weak.

  His first lover and Master had always held him after he’d gifted Kenneth with his sadistic blows. He would stay with him throughout the aftermath of all they’d experienced with one another. Ronald’s soothing words, gentle touches and soft kisses would bring him back from wherever he’d floated to—brought him back to that place where they were simply two men bound together through their love and shared perversions. He’d always been able to count on Ronald’s unwavering devotion and care.

  “Don’t you dare flinch or make the slightest sound unless you want to spend the night chained naked in the shed.”

  The stench of the hooch emanating from Preston was strong, the heat from his acrid breath fanning the side of his neck. But it was his tone that was the most chilling. Evenly controlled, almost calming in nature, it had fooled more than one Dominant as being non-threatening. Hell, it had fooled Kenneth for a long time, until he’d discovered the awful truth.

  Only a few years before, Kenneth had ached for Preston’s attentions, craved his closeness, his touch. Gradually, as Preston had become increasingly more brutal in both his words and actions, Kenneth had been grateful for the other lovers Preston had taken. That way he wouldn’t have to be subjected to intimacies from a man he’d fallen out of love with. Once Preston realized that he could no longer torture Kenneth emotionally by flaunting his much younger lovers in front of him, he’d found other ways to make him hurt—to make him pay.

  I wish I could figure out what it is I’m supposed to be paying for.

  Kenneth cried out as Preston twisted one of his arms behind him. A few of the men lingering nearby after watching the show glanced in their direction before turning back to chatting with the other club members. Preston pinched the flesh of the inside of his upper arms so hard that it brought tears to Kenneth’s eyes.

  Through clenched teeth, Preston growled out a warning, “Don’t draw attention, you weak, pathetic man.”


  The word had escaped from his mouth unbidden. There was no taking it back, no apology that would mollify his torturer. Once Kenneth had realized that Preston not only didn’t love him any more—if he ever had—but was only interested in abusing his body whether Kenneth enjoyed it or not, he’d refused to
think of him as his Master any longer.

  Even though Ronald had been a loving Master, it still hadn’t been easy. He had taken Kenneth to unexpected heights through his expert use of tools that punished. But it had been worth every bruise, mark and tear. He’d never experienced such an all-encompassing love. Wrongly believing it would be like that with every Master who shared Kenneth’s need for more extreme beatings, he’d allowed himself to be taken in by Preston’s lies. He’d believed what he had promised.

  Preston continued to shove him forward by holding on to his wrist still viciously held behind his back. His arm was flush against his sweaty, stinging flesh, and the typical numbness he would employ to distance himself from what was being thrust on him washed over his body. It was a shield that became stronger every year that he remained in Preston’s clutches. It protected his heart, but it couldn’t save him from his physical sufferings. It was all the more tragic since being beaten had always been such a joy for him. But the sensation of being free that he’d experienced with Ronald had eluded him ever since Preston had become more detached and hateful.

  They left the grand ballroom then turned down the hall to what Kenneth assumed would be one of the rooms Preston had reserved for the night. They rarely went to the bedrooms upstairs. Those were undoubtedly too nice, too personal. What Preston required could be had in one of the places set aside for harder players.

  “Master Preston, your presentation was rather intense this evening.”

  They halted abruptly and Preston jerked back on his arm to keep him in place. Kenneth thought he might recognize the voice of the man speaking, but he didn’t even dare to peek up through his lashes to verify his suspicions. Somehow Preston would know and Kenneth would only be sorry.

  “Yes. I apologize for his behavior.”


  There was an odd silence and Kenneth chanced a quick look. He’d been correct in his assumption that it was Thomas, a Dominant who appeared to be at least ten years younger than him. He’d heard that the friendly Thomas was a newer member and didn’t seem to have a boy of his own.

  Neither does Master Saul.

  He swallowed hard, forcing himself to focus his stray thoughts back on the awkward scene that appeared to be unfolding.

  “Yes, yes. His obviously defiant actions. It’s an embarrassment.”

  Preston dug his fingernails into the sensitive inside area of his upper arm even harder as he continued to pinch the thin skin. Kenneth’s eyes watered more, a sweat breaking out on his upper lip. One tear trailed down his cheek. There wasn’t the slightest chance he could stop it.

  An uneasy chuckle sounded from Thomas. “I was actually quite impressed. He’s so strong and beautiful. I would think you would be proud. I’ve never witnessed anyone take a harsher punishment without begging for mercy.”

  Preston let out a grunt that was akin to disgust. “As if I would allow him the chance. He’s much too weak for that. I make sure he knows he can never request mercy. Why, he’d ask for it all the time! No, he’s not allowed to make one sound and is required to submit to me, regardless of what I do.” Preston jerked his arm. “And still he defies me with his cries that are like what an infant would make.”

  “Uh…I see.” Thomas cleared his throat. “I suppose if that’s what you have both agreed upon then you would know best.”

  Preston let out a hearty laugh that always made Kenneth cringe. It had a chilling quality to it, as if Preston were a madman about to be unleashed.

  “I’m the Master, am I not? Of course I know best. Now if you will excuse me, I have another much more striking and younger man who awaits. Good evening to you.”

  It seemed as if Preston hadn’t waited for a response. Instead, he yanked Kenneth down the hallway once again. Kenneth hadn’t been able to see Thomas’ reaction, but he fantasized the way he always did around good people that the kind Master would be struck with horror and revulsion at what he’d witnessed. That Thomas would intervene on his behalf by alerting Master Saul to his terrible circumstances—then he would be rescued from Preston’s never-ending abuse.

  He had to quit allowing himself to be filled with so much emotion. His lip quivered as the one truth of Preston’s assessment of him ate at his gut. Kenneth knew he was weak. In no way was he strong the way Master Thomas had said. He enjoyed pain, had always been grateful for its administration at Ronald’s hand, so in his mind that meant nothing. It was his inability to fight Preston, to escape him. If he were truly brave, he would get away then protect his beloved aunt, who Preston continuously threatened.

  If you so much as act as if you might leave, I will torture then kill her while you watch. You’re my property to do with as I wish.

  Kenneth cut off a sob, but was too late to stop it from being heard. Preston wrenched his arm and a sharp pain in his shoulder alerted him that his muscles had been pulled too harshly. No doubt he would be feeling it for days, but he hoped that it wouldn’t interfere with any of Preston’s punishments or other planned activities. Then he would pay even dearer.

  They reached the door of Preston’s usual room to tryst in and after opening it, he pushed him inside. Finally freed from Preston’s painful grasp, he stumbled then caught himself. He gazed around the dim room. Preston’s most recent favorite toy lay prostrate on the floor with his nose in the plush Oriental carpet. Kenneth stood completely still, waiting for instructions. He knew better than to say even one word.

  “Ah, Linus. You are quite the lovely one.” Preston made sure to direct his remarks to Kenneth. “Young. Exquisitely fair. Lean and delicate. So unlike…others.”

  It was a ritual they went through. It was the one time when Preston demanded that Kenneth look him in the eyes. The whole interaction was a way for Preston to set the scene where he could fuck who he truly desired and could humiliate Kenneth with his hurtful words at the same time. It was difficult to discern which act gave Preston the most pleasure. He suspected it was a combination of both. He knew that Kenneth no longer cared if he took other men, but Preston could still wound him in other ways.

  “Fix us a drink, Kenneth. I want my delightful companion for the evening to enjoy himself to the fullest.” The warm smile that had briefly crossed his face changed into a scowl. “And for heaven’s sakes, do put on some clothing. I don’t want my view of Linus to be spoiled and there’s certainly no other reason for you to be nude right now. I brought up your underthings when I claimed the room. I don’t want any blood on your regular garments.”

  Without hesitation, Kenneth did Preston’s bidding. It was true that Preston controlled all of his actions, made all of his decisions. Under completely different circumstances, Kenneth would have gladly given his submission. It was what he’d enjoyed with Ronald. Without love, it was agonizing.

  But in his mind, Kenneth could live whatever life he chose. In his fantasies, he was cherished and loved. He gave of himself freely, allowed his body to be used however his lover wanted because he knew he would be fulfilled. As Kenneth poured the brandy for Preston and Linus, he found himself completely absorbed in his thoughts to the point where he could almost feel real happiness.

  He wasn’t sure when the imaginary relationship had begun to star the same man he wished was his Dominant. As always, his partner was a striking, silver-haired gentleman who was about fifteen to twenty years older than him. He was tall, broad-shouldered with a trim waist and flat belly. The deep blue eyes set in his handsome face were filled with mirth. Kenneth had seen those same eyes radiating a severity that made Kenneth’s knees weak.

  It wasn’t wise for Kenneth to fixate on that one image, to wish for someone like that.

  No. Not like that. Like him.

  The Master Kenneth wished for wasn’t one he’d made up. He was very real. The one Kenneth dreamed of was right there at the Hampton Road club. He was Master Saul.

  Chapter Two

  “Another drink, old sport?”

  Aaron nodded and held up his snifter. “Thank you, Saul.
” After his glass was filled halfway, Aaron took a healthy swallow before setting his brandy down on the cherry wood side table. “You know, I do believe we need to bring in the other board members on this.”

  “Agreed, but we’d better do it fast. Elections will be coming up soon and it’s obvious in the way that Preston has been courting favor with the new members that he intends to throw his hat in.”

  “Hmm. This is troubling, at best.”

  A light knock sounded at the door. Saul shrugged his shoulders then moved to answer it.

  “Thomas, do come in. Were you expecting us, or were you hoping for more interesting company?”

  “I promise I wasn’t eavesdropping, but I heard you mention to Aaron that you wanted to have a smoke. I know you well enough since relocating here that smoking for you is another way of saying that you have something serious on your mind.”

  Saul chuckled. “It would seem that I wasn’t as quiet as I’d imagined.”

  “You were quiet enough, but I was seated right near you.” Thomas winked. “Aaron was so enraptured with his boy and you were so focused on the demonstration… Well, at least one participant in the demonstration, that I’m sure neither of you were aware that I was even there.”

  Saul worked to keep his expression even. He wasn’t ready to face the true nature of his feelings toward Kenneth, but if both Aaron and Thomas could tell that he had more than a passing interest in the submissive, what might Preston have noticed? Regardless of how Saul felt about the snake, he didn’t peg him as a dolt.

  “You are ever observant Thomas, one of the attributes I’ve always appreciated in you.”

  A cloud passed over Thomas’ expression that caused gooseflesh to rise on Saul’s arms.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, because there’s something else I observed that greatly concerns me. Would you both indulge me for a moment?”


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