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The Rules of Love

Page 6

by Morticia Knight

  Fortunately they were only traveling up one floor, as the rickety place they were in had no elevators. They easily found the door they sought and Saul knocked with what had been perhaps too much force, judging by the frown Aaron gave him.

  He stepped closer to Saul, whispering, “He’s already fearful. Let’s not make him faint away.”

  “Sorry, old sport. I’m a bit anxious I suppose.”

  They could hear some shuffling going on from within the room. Given the type of establishment it was, there could be many men sharing the one sleeping area. Aaron knocked again, much gentler than Saul had been.

  “Who the feckin’ hell is bangin’ on our door at the feckin’ crack o’ dawn?”

  Saul arched his eyebrows at Aaron, since it was well past noon. He cleared his throat. “We need to speak with Linus Sullivan. It’s very important. We’re here to help him.”

  There was some mumbling between at least two people that Saul couldn’t discern, then the same voice from before yelled out. “Ah, sweet holy Jesus. Go see what they want, Linus! I needs me beauty rest for the Johnson brothers later. They don’t take so well to me not being extra frisky and I needs me doss paid for.”

  Saul and Aaron exchanged glances. Saul could only imagine that Aaron was thinking the same thing. Once they got Linus and Kenneth situated, they would make sure that none of the Hampton Club boys resided in such conditions ever again.

  The door cracked open in the slightest, and the sweet face of Linus peeked out. As soon as he saw them, he yelped and tried to shut them out. Aaron wedged his body in the frame, preventing Linus from closing the door.

  “No! I won’t go back! I never want to see that awful place again!”

  Saul’s heart broke at the young man’s terrified words. What had he done by allowing Preston Cornwall into the halls of Hampton Road?

  Chapter Five

  “Dear boy, we’re not here to harm you. We’re here to help you.”

  As Linus was no match for Aaron in physical strength or size, he gave up. He didn’t move to allow them in or come out in the hall either.

  “I don’t understand. Help me with what?”

  Saul maintained eye contact with him, inwardly pleased that Linus was refusing to lower his gaze. It was likely the only way the scared young man could convey that he wasn’t going to be bullied.

  “We heard from one of the other submissives that you were very upset when you left the club last night, that they thought you’d been crying. Is that true?”

  Linus seemed to relax somewhat, but kept a wary expression. “I might have been a little upset. But why should you care?”

  “Because Master Aaron and I are two of the men who head up Hampton Road and it’s very important to us that anyone who goes there is safe and happy. We’re worried that something might have happened to you that goes against our standards for the club.”

  Linus chewed on the side of his bottom lip. “I…I can’t talk about what happened. You seem like nice men, but I think its best that I just don’t go back.”

  Saul couldn’t stand it any longer. “Did Preston Cornwall hurt you?”

  Linus gasped and that was enough to give Saul his answer.

  “Please accept our sincerest apologies for ever allowing that horrid man into the club. Whatever he did to you, we want to guarantee that it never happens to anyone else again.”

  Tears spilled from Linus’ eyes. “Then you have to help Kenneth. The first couple times I was summoned by Master Preston, I couldn’t tell if Kenneth liked what was being done to him, but after last night…I’m sure he doesn’t. He sounded so scared when he stopped Preston from raping me.”

  “What?” Aaron cried out as Saul’s blood ran cold through his veins.

  “Linus. Gather your things. We’re taking you someplace safe, someplace clean. We’ll make sure to get Kenneth too, but you have to tell us everything so we can help him. Agreed?”

  Linus glanced back and forth between Saul and Aaron. “You promise to help Kenneth? I owe him for getting Master Preston away from me.” Linus dipped his chin in what appeared to be shame. “I don’t know what he had to do after I left. I was just… I couldn’t…”

  More tears dropped onto the young man’s chest. Saul tentatively reached out and patted Linus lightly on his shoulder.

  “There, there. Kenneth did what he thought was necessary. You can help him by coming with us. He’ll need a friend when we get him away from that bastard.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Linus’ voice was very small.

  More than ever, Saul wanted to wreak a horrible vengeance on Preston Cornwall. But first he needed to investigate the situation with Kenneth’s aunt. Once that obstacle was removed, there would be nothing to stop him from getting Kenneth away from his brutal keeper.

  Hold on, dear Kenneth. I’ll come for you very soon.

  * * * *

  After the meeting with Master Saul and Master Aaron, Preston had become unusually decent. His normal day-to-day surliness had been replaced by smugness that was even more out of proportion to reality than normal. He’d even been humming as he’d polished and oiled his precious collection of dungeon gear. That was the one task Kenneth was never allowed to do. No one touched Preston’s presumably priceless treasures except for him.

  Preston’s behavior didn’t extend to going easy on Kenneth’s workload. Nor did it include allowing Kenneth to sleep in the bedroom. He was back in the shed—but after almost being choked to death the last time he’d slept in Preston’s room, it was worth any other discomfort he might endure. And he’d had privacy.

  Every night after he’d been chained in the shed, Kenneth had waited until the lights had gone out in the house. He’d managed to sneak a rag in with him that he’d hidden in the blanket he’d taken from the clothesline. Ever since he’d been so close to Master Saul, since the older man had briefly touched him, it was all he could think about. He was hard almost all the time.

  The last thing he could be caught with around Preston was an erection. He didn’t dare contemplate what reaction that might inspire. Since Preston had made sure to let Kenneth know in a rather harsh way that he didn’t believe any of Kenneth’s words of devotion, it would be dangerous if he were to catch him in a state of arousal. It had been reinforced to Kenneth so many times over the years that Preston would always know when Kenneth was hiding something from him, that Kenneth had the bizarre feeling that Preston knew Saul had been in the kitchen. He couldn’t shake the fear that Preston was aware Saul had touched him, had been nice to him—and that Preston was merely biding his time and plotting his revenge.

  Yet there was an even more insidious reaction Preston might have to Kenneth’s hardness. In a moment of misplaced hubris, he might conclude that Kenneth desired him after all. Kenneth shuddered in revulsion at the thought of Preston pawing at him, kissing him—entering him.

  He pushed the awful thoughts aside and concentrated instead on the magical images he’d used to bring himself to climax two times the night before. As he lay in the shed waiting for Preston to come and free him for the day, he recalled how he’d felt as he’d abused himself. As much as the sexual excitement had thrilled him, he’d been even more comforted by the tender care he’d imagined Master Saul would give him if he were his.

  Kenneth had shut out all sentiments regarding love or attraction for quite a while. His experiences with Preston had seemed to effectively destroy those thoughts. But from the moment the strikingly handsome man had warmly welcomed him to the club then done a beautifully severe beating on a submissive—Kenneth had been smitten. In Saul, he saw that perfect combination of harsh and sweet he’d relished when he was with Ronald.

  In the two short months he’d been around the other submissives at Hampton Road, he’d heard plenty of gossip regarding all the Masters. A few things had stood out to him that related primarily to Master Saul. The Dominant man didn’t have a boy of his own, all the submissives who’d enjoyed his attentions praised him highly and no one had
ever said they were afraid to be alone with him. Beyond all that, he was sure he’d caught Master Saul’s interested stare more than once.

  He shivered at the thought of those glances. Kenneth knew he shouldn’t have raised his eyes, but he hadn’t been able to help it. Once, Master Saul had caught him. Instead of reporting him to Preston for his disrespect, he’d winked, then with a small curl at the corner of his lips had subtly gestured for Kenneth to lower his gaze. Kenneth had held on to that moment with all that he had. He’d known in his heart that Saul hadn’t been disappointed in him—he’d merely been protecting him from Preston’s ire.

  The screen of the back door slammed shut, so he knew Preston was on his way to free him for whatever services he would require. He quickly hid the used rag behind some garden tools and pretended to still be asleep.

  “Good God, you are one of the laziest, most pathetic creatures I’ve ever come across.” He pretended that Preston’s words had roused him from a sound sleep by rising slowly and rubbing his eyes. Preston squatted next to him to undo the lock on his chains.

  “Look alive. I have a busy day ahead of me and don’t have time for your nonsense. Get inside, use the bathroom then make yourself something to eat. You have a half hour before I chain you again, so make the best use of your time.”

  “A half… I’m to be left in here alone all day?”

  Preston narrowed his eyes at him. “No, you imbecile. Do you think I’m that stupid? You’ll be in the attic where I know that no one can hear you if you scream for help. Don’t think I don’t know how ungrateful and untrustworthy you are.”

  The trembling took over his entire body. The few times he’d been left imprisoned in the attic had been terrifying. He’d been surrounded on all sides by walls of mattresses to muffle any yells he might make. The fear that they could fall and smother him had been overwhelming. That had been mingled in with the worry of what could happen if the home caught fire or he had some other emergency and couldn’t get free to seek assistance. What then?

  “Please don’t, Preston. I beg you. I’ll do anything you want, anything.”

  “I know you will, because I always make you. There’s nothing you can tempt me with that will make me change my mind.” Preston sneered at him. “I won’t fall for your ridiculous attempts at seducing me again.”

  His tormentor went back to muttering to himself about liars and how he wasn’t a fool and so on. Preston kicked at him. Kenneth quickly rose to his feet, panic already climbing in his throat. Where was Preston going? How long would he be gone? He should be happy to be away from him for any period of time, but not under the circumstances Preston planned to force him into.

  “I said, get moving!”

  Preston shoved at his shoulder and Kenneth ran into the house. Once they were inside the door, Preston’s voice stopped him from advancing toward the bathroom off the kitchen that he so desperately needed.

  “Before you do anything else, gather my finest leather waistcoat and the buckled boots. Oh, and the diamond cufflinks, the one karat platinum ones.” More mutterings. “Hmm. Yes. Also, grab the executioner’s hood. I plan on using it for a demonstration tonight on that delicious new submissive who recently arrived. I’ll whip him with it tied snugly around his head as he’s bound at his feet and ankles. That will show the men there how it’s really done. My place on the board will be assured.”

  Kenneth gave a brief pause to make certain that Preston was done with his ramblings. There was a tumult of feelings coursing through him at Preston’s words. The lingering despair over being kept locked up in the attic, the relief of not being the subject of Preston’s display, the guilt from that because another poor man would suffer in his stead and his need for Saul to save him immediately.

  Saul had asked him if he wanted to leave Preston, but he had no idea when or how such a thing would happen. After he’d admitted Saul that he wanted to go, the man had squeezed his arm and told him to have hope. Then he’d left, no doubt to make sure they didn’t get caught together.

  He was stirred from his musings by the fact that Preston had not only stopped talking to him, but was strangely silent. Kenneth stopped a gasp from escaping his lips at the sight of Preston rubbing the heel of his palm against his own obvious erection. He lifted his gaze and was horrified to see a sinister gleam in Preston’s eyes as he regarded him.

  “Get the hood first. I’m going to put it on you then fuck you from behind. I’ll imagine what it would be like if I were to…” He gave Kenneth a cruel grin. It only added to the impression that Preston was truly crazed. “Then you would always be mine and I’d never have to hear you speak of another man again.”

  Kenneth couldn’t breathe. The floor seemed liquid for a moment as he fought the sensation that he might black out. He would never be safe with Preston.

  Hurry, Saul. I need you.

  * * * *

  “Where the fucking hell is Kenneth?”

  Saul had gritted it through his teeth as Aaron had forcibly dragged him into the study. “What has he done with him? Why isn’t he here tonight? I knew we should’ve have taken him with us the other day, I knew—”

  “Saul!” Aaron brought his voice back down as he shut the door behind them. “Stop. Everything is going the way we want it. Preston is here at the club, preening and posturing because he believes we think he’s the bee’s knees.”

  “I’d like to cut him off at the knees.” Saul had growled it out.

  Aaron sighed. “Wouldn’t we all. But we have to be patient. He’ll eventually bring Kenneth here again and it will be a simple matter of distracting Preston long enough to spirit the boy away.” Aaron furrowed his brow. “You’ve verified the aunt is protected?”

  Saul had only been half-listening to Aaron’s words. All he’d been focused on since they’d left Preston’s home a couple of days before was Kenneth. He could easily picture spending the remainder of his days with him at his feet.

  And in my bed.

  “Saul? For Christ sakes, are you even listening to me?”

  Saul cleared his throat. “Sorry, old sport. I know I’ve been out of sorts recently, and I do apologize.”

  Chuckling, Aaron patted him on the back. “Quite forgivable when you’re in love.”

  “I… That’s not the case at all! I’m merely… I’m…” Saul frowned.

  He didn’t know the boy. Not really. Although Saul had been instantly attracted to him, he’d recognized that for what it was. Simple lust. But witnessing small actions by Kenneth at the club had increased his respect for him. Despite how abused Saul now knew him to be, Kenneth had never been hostile or unkind to anyone. He’d overheard a couple of exchanges between Kenneth and the other submissive men. Kenneth had always been friendly and helpful to them, almost as if he was watching out for their well-being. Then there had been his bravery with Linus. He swallowed around a hard lump in his throat.

  “It’s okay, Saul. We’re going to get the man you love.” Aaron’s voice was gentle. “You know, you encouraged me with Sam and you told me how you had to counsel Vincent that it was okay to give into his affections for Juan. Why should it be any different for you now that you’ve found the right one?”

  Saul dropped onto the heavily cushioned velvet love seat then pulled one of the burgundy colored throw pillows to his chest. Vulnerability was an emotion he’d been unfamiliar with for quite a while. Kenneth brought that out in him. He was finally ready to accept that there was nothing wrong with that.


  Aaron arched his eyebrows. “Yes?”

  “I’ve verified that Edna Robinson is indeed safe. I’d had a notion that Preston was full of horse puckey when he declared he could get to Kenneth’s aunt, but my people in Chicago have moved her to a protected location until all this is over with. Just in case.”

  “Oh?” Aaron shook his head. “I can only imagine how she might’ve reacted to that.”

  “Mmm. She was none too happy, but they explained that it related to Kenneth a
nd she went along with it. From what I understand, she’s been quite worried about him because he’s been out of contact for years.”

  “Hmmph. I bet I know why.”

  “Yes, old sport. I bet I do too.” Saul set aside the pillow then rose from the small sofa. “I believe we have a board meeting to begin?”

  “We do. Are you going to be able to hold yourself together? We can’t raise any suspicion.” Aaron gave him a tight smile. “We could always claim you’ve taken ill.”

  “I’m not that far gone. And I need to be there. This is much too important.”

  Aaron clapped his shoulder. “Good man. Let’s gather the other members together then we can get started.”

  Saul had arranged earlier for Javier to bring in some coffee for the men at the start of the proceedings. Most of them were either going to seek out a willing partner or two to play with after the meeting, or they would be enjoying the submission of their permanent boy, so they needed to keep their wits about them. It wouldn’t do for Saul to allow a thrill at the thought he might someday experience a permanent partnership with Kenneth, but in his heart he knew it was too late. The excitement at the thought had already coursed through him.

  Gradually, all the members gathered. There was some happy conversation between the nine attendees—they all knew and enjoyed one another’s company. Much of their time at the club was spent participating in their chosen activities, so the twice monthly meetings always turned into somewhat of a social interaction. Both Aaron and Thomas were the newest elected to the board, Aaron for almost a year and Thomas for six months. Since Thomas and Aaron had already been well acquainted, Thomas had eased into their little group without any difficulty.

  After ten minutes or so of chitchat, Saul was too anxious to get everything underway, so he piped up. “Gentlemen, there’s a rather serious issue we have at hand that I want us all to take into careful consideration, so I’d like to get started.”


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