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The Rules of Love

Page 11

by Morticia Knight

  Thomas, Theodore and Barry wandered over, but they didn’t look at the deed. They came to his side, and along with Aaron, reiterated that they would stand by him, and the club.

  Damn emotions.

  He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Well, gentlemen. We still have the matter of nominations to contend with.”

  Otis guffawed. “Do you believe this lunatic? Nominations! For all we know, this document is a forgery. You still haven’t explained why you’ve kept this big secret of you supposedly being the owner of Hampton Club this whole time.”

  “It’s not that difficult to understand. I never meant for this to be a venture that I dictated—which is the same reason we’ve never had a board president. If anyone had known that I was the owner and sole founder, it would have always skewed things in my favor. The natural human tendency to pander to me would have been there and I never sought out that type of situation. I’d always dreamed of a place such as this in my younger years. Once the profits from my real estate deals allowed me the luxury of purchasing Hampton Road, I set about making my youthful dreams come true. For over a decade now, men have been able to pursue their passions at this club without the threat of recrimination or fear.” Saul paused to glance around the room, locking eyes with those who didn’t look away. “I hope that will continue.”

  Aaron clapped, alone at first, but soon others joined in the applause. Saul resisted the urge to wince in discomfort. He was sure they were only showing their support for his words. But for the same reasons he’d just recited, he didn’t want things to change in terms of how people perceived him. It couldn’t be avoided to a degree, yet he held onto the hope that at the very least, his friends wouldn’t change in their attitude toward him.

  Otis and his supporters stood defiant, but they seemed to realize that they’d become the outsiders. They simply glared Saul’s way then turned, marching out in unison. Aaron called out after them.

  “Remember gentlemen, we have your—”

  “Files! We’re aware.” Otis had growled it out behind him as they’d continued out of the ballroom.

  Aaron turned to Saul, his brow furrowed in the slightest. “I hope that wasn’t too impudent of me?”

  Saul groaned. “Don’t. Please, old sport. Nothing’s changed. You’re still on the board in an equal position as me and the others. Anything you do in the name of protecting Hampton Road is the right thing to do in my eyes.”

  There was a noticeable relaxation in Aaron’s posture. “Sorry. I’m still adjusting to your startling announcement. Speaking of board members, I do believe our ranks have diminished to five.”

  “Mmm. Perhaps we should hold off on nominations until next week, give others a chance to adjust too.”

  Theodore strolled up to him, Barry and Thomas in tow. “I think that’s a splendid idea. What do you say to us leaving things informal for this evening? We can use this time to socialize, get things back to a place of friendliness.”

  “Carry on, gentlemen. But I need to get Kenneth out of here and spend some time with him. This has been a traumatic day for all of us, but I believe he’s especially ready for some calm and solitude.”

  Aaron nodded. “Please, go to him. But I think the only solitude you’ll find he wants will also include you.”

  “Then we can revel in it together.”

  * * * *

  Kenneth was filled with a lightness inside that he’d forgotten existed. So much of what had happened to him in the past few years still seemed unbelievable. Could it be true? Could he really be going to live with Master Saul? Would he never have to be chained up in a shed again, sleeping on the ground as if he was a dog?

  Saul’s keeping me.

  He bit his lip to keep his smile from spreading across his face. If he let himself completely go in front of the other men, he’d be grinning like a lunatic.


  Sam stared at him expectantly. He really liked how funny and sweet Aaron’s boy was. Always friendly, always happy—from the first time Kenneth had met Sam, he’d really enjoyed being around him. It had been a great diversion for him to watch Sam and Francesco wind each other up. Sam was filled with endless energy and Francesco was filled with endless mischief. Kenneth had always felt like a big brother to them, and he knew he’d eventually have those same feelings for the quieter Linus.

  “What is it, Sam?”

  Sam reached out and placed a finger on Kenneth’s throat. His gut clenched. He’d been so relieved when Saul had taken it off, he’d thought he would fall into a fit of sobs again.

  “Are you happy now that it’s gone?”

  “Very. Today’s the happiest day of my life.”

  “It’ll get happier.” Francesco’s words were muffled by the pear he was chewing on. Juice dribbled down his chin, and he wiped it off with the back of his sleeve. They were all fully clothed for a change. “I saw how Master Saul was fawning all over you. I bet he’s gonna take you home with him for good and make you really happy.”

  “Francesco!” Sam smacked Francesco’s arm and the pear went flying across the room.


  Kenneth laughed out loud. An honest-to-God real laugh. He slapped a hand over his mouth—it was such a foreign sound to his own ears. The others laughed along with him, even Linus.

  When he’d still been under Preston’s power, he hadn’t been allowed to socialize very much. No doubt his former captor had feared what Kenneth might reveal to someone about his situation. The few times he’d been alone with Sam or Francesco, it had been only because there had been no other choice, when he’d been involved with activities for the Masters only. Of course, he’d been warned to keep his mouth shut or pay the consequences. Both men had been very friendly and welcoming, and Kenneth had wished to have the opportunity to get to know them better. Maybe he would finally have that chance.

  He listened to them chatter back and forth for a while, and it helped him to keep his mind off what might be happening elsewhere in the mansion. But his nerves increased the longer Saul was gone. For so long, he’d been left alone with his thoughts and fears—most of them relating to Preston. What would he do next? What could Kenneth do to keep Preston from lashing out at him? Was he forever doomed to stay with Preston?

  It hadn’t been until recently that he’d been able to divert his thoughts to other things that there was something else he’d been compelled to think about.

  Or someone.

  If only Saul knew how thoroughly he’d saved him. The previous couple of months when he’d focused on the good that was Master Saul had allowed him to regain some strength and confidence. It had given him hope.

  He adored Sam, Francesco and Linus, but he needed the man whom he hoped would one day become his Master. Saul had said they would talk things out, and Kenneth was anxious to get to it. It was important that he understand exactly what their relationship would entail, what Saul expected and how their daily routine would work out. Since he’d been eighteen years old and Ronald had first taken him in, he’d had that structure. That had been almost twenty years’ worth of submission and he couldn’t live without it.

  If it hadn’t been for his long-term relationship with Ronald, he doubted he could’ve survived with Preston for as long as he had. The love and care Ronald had shown him for so many years had taught him that there were Dominant men like him out there. He hadn’t known it at the time, but he’d only needed to wait for Saul to appear in his life.

  Francesco elbowed him. “I bet he’ll be here real soon.” The precocious submissive had a wicked gleam in his eye. “He’s been watching you for a long time, you know. Now that he has you, he’ll want to get you alone right away.”

  Heat crawled up Kenneth’s neck and into his cheeks and he noted the way Sam glared at Francesco.

  “Leave him alone. This whole thing has to be making him nervous.” Sam frowned. “I know it’s making me nervous. That was a lot of shouting and door slamming.”

  Kenneth observed
how Sam couldn’t stop wiggling and biting at his bottom lip. He’d never seen him like that before. Sam was always the picture of serenity when he was with Aaron. He was sorry that his troubles were upsetting the young man.

  Francesco poked him. “Sam! You’re chewing.”

  Sam brought his fingers to his mouth. Kenneth wondered if he’d ever struck Ronald as being so sweet when he’d been Sam’s age. He’d never said anything like that to him, but it hadn’t mattered. They had existed in each other’s eyes.

  “Could you teach me that marble game, Sam? I’ve never played it before and everyone seems to like it a lot.”

  The last thing Kenneth wanted to do was play a game, but he thought it might distract Sam. Maybe it would also do the same for him.

  “Sure! I’ve taught it to everyone here.”

  Soon, they were all busy playing the game with Sam giving him helpful hints—much to Francesco’s dismay. Linus quietly enjoyed the game with them, sometimes smiling at Sam and Francesco’s antics. Kenneth worried about him. What had happened to him with Preston was an awful thing for someone so young and inexperienced.

  Linus had confessed to Kenneth when they’d first met that he’d never had a Master before, that what went on at the Hampton Road Club had all been new to him. He’d only ever ended up there after one of his ‘dates’ had brought him, suggesting that it might be a lifestyle he’d be interested in. Kenneth could sense that it would be a good fit for Linus, but was afraid he’d never know the joys of a loving Master after what he’d been put through.

  The sound of someone at the door caused everyone to freeze mid-play. Even though Preston had been booted off the property, the rest of the men hadn’t sounded too happy. None of them had any idea what to expect.

  Saul peered around the corner and Kenneth jumped to feet. He repressed the urge to laugh out loud at his own enthusiasm. He’d almost forgotten what the word meant.

  “Come along, Kenneth. It’s time to go home.”

  Home. That was another word he’d thought had lost all meaning.

  Not anymore.

  * * * *

  The ride to Saul’s place hadn’t been too long, but Kenneth had been relieved to discover that Saul lived over the hills that separated Pasadena from Los Angeles near downtown. It felt like there was a wall between him and Preston, and he was grateful for that.

  Saul reached over then patted Kenneth’s thigh. “We’re just about there. Are you still doing all right?”

  Kenneth had been unable to wipe the smile that had been plastered across his face ever since Saul had come for him. “I’m doing wonderfully. Thank you, Sir.”

  Saul chuckled. “Glad to hear it.” Saul turned the wheel sharply. “Ah, here we are. We’re in luck that this mechanical contraption I’m driving didn’t give me any trouble tonight.”

  Kenneth took in the sight of Saul’s home with a measure of awe. He couldn’t wait to view it during the daytime. From what he could tell, it was similar to what he’d seen one time when Ronald had shown him a book with photographs of Spain and Italy. There hadn’t been any color in those pictures, but he could tell that the style was the same. The large home boasted curved archways with equally curved tiles on the roof. It was even more Mediterranean with the palm trees around it and it struck Kenneth as cheerful. It was the perfect place to live.

  Once they’d parked, Kenneth waited for Saul’s instructions. Saul had made it halfway up the path when he’d paused before turning around. He ambled back over to the vehicle and motioned for Kenneth to roll the window down.

  “Have you changed your mind about staying here? I can drive you back—”

  “No, Sir! No. I-I wasn’t sure what you wanted me to do.”

  Saul arched his eyebrows. “Well I certainly don’t expect you to stay outside all… Oh dear.” Saul rubbed his forehead. “Please forgive my unthoughtful words, dear Kenneth. I’m still reeling over what you said Preston did to you and I’d forgotten. I suppose it seems too unreal that a human being would do such a thing. I’m so very sorry that you ever had to go through that.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “No it’s not. None of it’s okay.”

  Saul seemed cross, but Kenneth could already discern when it wasn’t directed at him. He understood that it was on his behalf.

  “And you must also forgive me as I learn to be there as your Master and guide on a continuous basis. I’ve never had the pleasure before, so I’ll be learning as we go along.”

  Saul must have seen the concerned expression on his face, because he tilted his chin up then placed a quick, demanding kiss on his lips. He pulled away, the hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth.

  “No fretting, dearest. I’m greatly looking forward to it.” Saul straightened. “So, on that note, please follow me into the house.”

  He exhaled. “Yes, Sir.”

  His heart beat at an increasingly rapid rate the closer they drew to the front. He wasn’t scared, only nervous with excitement. He was sure he could please Saul. There had been many years for him to perfect his submission as well as his sexual talents. He adored pain when inflicted by a strong and loving man. The main difference would be that for the first time in a long while, he’d be experiencing it all from a place of joy.

  As soon as they were inside, Saul turned the knob to light up the entryway. As he moved into the darkened living area, Kenneth dutifully followed behind. Saul pulled the chain on a stained-glass lamp on a table next to an elegant carved oak sofa covered in an ivory brocade fabric. Kenneth had always appreciated fine things, luxurious items. Ronald had been a buyer and seller of antiquities and Kenneth had learned a lot from him. It was how he’d known that the majority of the items Preston had bragged about were forgeries.

  Saul picked up a tasseled velvet throw pillow in a rich green hue. He placed it on the floor in front of the couch then gestured to it. Kenneth immediately dropped to his knees on the cushion then clasped his hands behind his back. A sharp thrill coursed through him. With his eyes cast down, all he could view was Saul’s black leather Oxfords and his pants covered lower legs. He ached to kiss the top of Saul’s shoes again.

  And to kiss his cock.

  Safe in Saul’s beautiful home, alone with his new Master, all Kenneth desired was to please him. His shaft filled, his balls ached. He let loose a soft whimper at the light touch of Saul’s hand on his head. It was so soft but it still burned him like fire. Saul lowered himself onto the late Victorian piece of furniture.

  “Look at me, Kenneth.”

  He lifted his eyes to meet Saul’s. The need was there. It was the same as his.

  “I’m dreadfully exhausted, as I’m sure you are too. We can speak briefly tonight about any fears you might have, but I’d like to save the discussion about our new relationship for the morning after we’ve both rested.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Kenneth steeled himself to go further. “I want to please you.”

  Saul leaned forward to stroke his cheek. “I know you do, dearest. Is there anything troubling you that you need to discuss before we go to sleep?”

  “No, what I meant is that I want to pleasure you. If I may, Sir.”

  Saul raised his eyebrows. “I see. Is this something you feel obligated to do, or that you desire to do?”

  “May I speak freely, Sir?”


  “I promise to do what you said. I’ll tell you if anything makes me uncomfortable and I’ll always tell you what I truthfully want. Worshiping your cock with my mouth right now would make me very happy.”

  Saul’s expression would have been comical had Kenneth been in a different frame of mind. He had a singular goal. All he wanted in that moment was to experience the swell of Saul’s shaft on his tongue, to bring him to a loud and rapturous culmination. To taste his seed.

  “Show me, boy.” Saul opened his knees, leaning back as he did. “Give me your mouth.”

  “May I also have your balls, Sir?”

  Saul clenched his ha
nds at his side. His voice was husky as he answered. “Yes. You most certainly can. Now get to work.”

  Kenneth eagerly rose on his knees to undo the buttons on Saul’s trousers. Once he had them undone, Saul lifted his ass to facilitate Kenneth’s removal of them. As soon as Kenneth had pulled them to Saul’s ankles, the scent of his lover’s arousal filled his nostrils. He couldn’t hold back a groan at how glorious it was. It had been too long since he’d yearned to bury his nose in the bristly curls of a man, wished to feel the end of their dick nudging the back of his throat.

  He removed Saul’s shoes, taking it slow by untying the laces, cupping Saul’s heels as he slipped them off. Kenneth rolled the silken socks down then rolled them neatly up together. He hadn’t asked permission, but Saul hadn’t reprimanded him when he’d kissed his shoes earlier. Kenneth pressed his lips to the soft skin of Saul’s foot, the dark hairs dusted by silver tickling his chin. His eyes closed so as to experience every nuance of Saul’s taste and smell.

  He covered his foot with soft kisses, encouraged by Saul’s pleased moans. Cradling the heel, he lifted it higher to suck Saul’s big toe into his mouth. Using his tongue to explore between each toe then alternately lick and feast on them, he felt his balls tighten painfully. Only years of control kept him from shooting his seed in the slacks he still wore.

  After pressing his tongue flat on the sole of Saul’s foot, he dragged it along the entire length. Several more times he lapped at it, Saul squirming and groaning as he did. He switched to the other one, starting over with a gentle kiss on the top to begin. The more he lavished attention on Saul’s body, the more his shaft leaked. He hadn’t experienced such an overpowering desire in ages.

  “Boy,” Saul rasped out. “If you want my cock, you should hurry. This is…wonderful, but too good. I’m about to take myself in hand if you don’t get up here.”

  Kenneth smiled against Saul’s ankle. He’d hoped to lick his way up Saul’s limbs, but it seemed it would have to wait for another time. After rising up on his knees, he pulled the silk boxers down below Saul’s erection, gasping as it sprung free. It was magnificent. Cut and crowned with a wide, flared head that dripped pre-cum from the slit. The tip was a ruddy color, Saul’s thick length beautifully proportioned.


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