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Leila: Goddess The Second Coming

Page 26

by R. J. Castille

  That week was the longest in my life. Every day, I tore through the mail, looking for envelopes from the agency hired to complete the paternity tests. Each day brought disappointment as no letter had arrived. It was not until Monday afternoon, when I checked at the reception desk for incoming mail to the penthouse, that two letters with a familiar logo arrived. Sitting in the living area of the penthouse, the twins sound asleep in their nursery, at least according to the baby monitor receiver I had placed on the end-table next to the love seat. I stared at the envelopes, deciding finally to wait until Gordon came home from work to open them. I left them abandoned on the end table and carried on with some menial tasks I hadn’t gotten to. Taking care of one baby was a handful, taking care of two at once was a complete test of wills.

  As the day wore on, my level of anxious energy increased. The sun was dropping down quietly behind the waves on the horizon when I heard the elevator chime. Looking in the direction of the entrance, I watched as Gordon emerged from the elevator carrying a dozen, blood-red roses in his hand. He approached me across the penthouse, holding out the gift with a soft smile on his lips. Smiling back at him, I took the flowers from him and placed them in a clean vase from under the sink in the kitchenette. When I found him again, Gordon had made his way to the living area and was holding the two envelopes I had shied away from earlier in his strong hands. His hands trembled as he looked up at me, his eyes filled with sudden dread.

  I crossed the black marble to the living area, placing my hand softly on his forearm. I plucked one envelope at random from his hand and regarded him seriously. He understood without a word and flipped the envelope over that remained. We both tore the envelope we held open, careful not to ruin the contents inside and pulled a single piece of paper from the opening. My hands were shaking wildly as I unfolded the paper and read the report that was typed out in standard, Times New Roman font.

  In the matter of Gregory Roth: The analysis of the DNA of the male subject confirms that within a 99.99% margin of certainty, the father of Gregory Roth is Gordon Roth. I continued to scan the paper, a new sense of positivity surging through me, until I raised my eyes and saw Gordon’s appearance. The color had drained from his face, he was ghostly white. Searching his eyes for some explanation for his sudden mood change, I saw nothing so I grasped the paper that he still clutched in his hand. His gaze was still fixed upon it, but the glazed look I saw in his eyes told me he no longer saw the words.

  Scanning the document, I quickly understood his reaction.

  In the matter of Gordon Roth, Jr.: The analysis of the DNA of the male subject confirms that within a 99.98% margin of certainty, the father of Gordon Roth, Jr. is Matthew Chambers. I re-read the words multiple times, hoping I had not read it correctly the previous time. Neither one of us had ever prepared ourselves for that outcome. I wasn’t even certain it was possible, but there it was, in black and white, verified by a certified expert at the laboratory that did the analysis. Their name and number was printed in the body, along with the “chain-of-command” information. If I wasn’t in the middle of thwarting chaos, I would have called them on the spot and demanded that they re-test the samples.

  Gordon had not moved in several seconds. I was beginning to get concerned when his shoulders slumped forward and his right hand found his face, covering most of his features. My disappointing decisions had caused him so much pain, and it now settled heavily on his shoulders. I said nothing, hoping he would finally break his silence, that moment never came. Instead, Gordon shuffled toward the elevator and disappeared inside once the doors slid open. As his frame escaped my view, I could no longer control my emotions. The tears came with a fierce vengeance, coursing their way down my face in a copious outcry. He was gone, without a word, and I could do nothing but wait.


  In agonizing anticipation, I remained. Two weeks passed and I had not heard anything from Gordon. Multiple text messages and voicemails went unanswered as I struggled to maintain my composure. Fortunately, my mother had started to come by several days a week to help me with the twins. I did not have the heart to tell her the news I had gotten, in fact, I had told no one. If I had my way, I never would. It would be mine and Gordon’s ultimate, dark secret.

  I began to panic by the end of the second week. Inside my mind, I issued constant reminders that he would eventually have to contact me. At least one of the babies was his, he would be obligated to take care of at least Gregory. The thought horrified me, separating them out, identifying them to the world. Granted, the whole situation seemed to be right out of the pages of Science Digest Magazine. It was beyond belief, and I myself had to research the matter to see what the statistics were of that kind of scenario. To my surprise, it was a lot more prevalent than I anticipated. In fact, one in four-hundred sets of twins have been recorded as being born with two different fathers .

  Despite the science behind it, the overall situation left me feeling ashamed and mortified. Not only had I betrayed him, I had betrayed them both, and the twins were living proof of that fact. For days, my mind grappled with processing the facts, my mother helping me with the twins allowed me the time to ponder the evidence and come to terms with what I had done. There was no magic fix for what I had caused, and I was ultimately responsible for the demise of one man and the destruction of the other.

  It was a good thing that twin infants occupied so much time, or I would have more than enough time to drive myself insane, lamenting my circumstances and wallowing in self-loathing. The twins provided me with plenty of distraction as I rushed to take care of their seemingly endless demands. Without Gordon at my side helping, it became glaringly obvious that I was not equipped to handle the demand.

  One afternoon, my mother offered to take the twins for the afternoon, allowing me time to myself to unwind and “get myself together.” I was surprised she waited so long to say something so cynical, it was her nature after all, to draw out the negative at every opportunity, parading it in front of me to rub my face in my perceived failures. Reluctantly, I agreed, waving goodbye as she pushed them into the elevator and disappeared from my view. Later that afternoon, she called me and asked that I allow her to keep them both overnight, insisting it was for my own good. Reluctantly, I agreed. She was right, I had neglected myself for far too long.

  Instead of lurking around the penthouse like a discarded vagrant, I stripped off the clothes I had worn an entire week and slowly walked toward the bathroom. The hot water revived me as it washed the filth from my body. I breathed in the steam, its warmth instantly relaxing me. Lathering up the washcloth, I scrubbed every surface before shampooing and conditioning my long hair. By the time I emerged from the steaming shower, I felt renewed. I threw a towel around my hair and walked naked into the living area of the penthouse.

  When I spied him standing there, I froze in my tracks. The light across the room gleamed off of his bald head, reminding me of the time I saw him lurking next to the bar at the Red Velvet Room grand opening. My breath caught in my throat as his eyes lowered to meet mine. Before I knew what was happening, Gordon crossed the room and circled his arms around me, devouring my mouth with his. His hands followed my curves roughly, pulling roughly at my skin. I returned his kiss, my tongue plunging deep into his mouth, as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  Gordon lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands pawing at his neck and back as he carried me toward the bed. He threw me into the center of the mattress and unbuckled his belt quickly. In one swift motion, his fly was undone and his cock sprung forth proudly into the air between us. A streak of arousal coursed through me, a flood of moisture between my legs. He broke our kiss and showered my neck and shoulder with soft kisses, an occasional nibble driving my excitement further.

  When he entered my awaiting folds, spreading my thighs wide in one thrust, I gasped out loud, clawing at his back as he relentlessly plunged inside me over and over. I cried out his name as my pleasure heightened and my orgasm pulled fro
m my limbs inward. My body shuddered before going limp as he continued to claim his pussy. I felt him stiffen, a loud groan escaping his lips as he thrust into me once more before spilling himself inside me. His hips continued to thrust several more times before he collapsed on top of me, panting into my neck .

  We lay there silently for several moments, trying like Hell to regain control of our bodily functions. I could not move my legs and laughed as I tried to pull one knee out from underneath him as he finally rolled off to my side. His eyes met mine, still he had said nothing to me, just come into our domain and reversed the roles completely. And I had definitely liked it.

  He stared into my eyes, drinking in my essence, his hand stroking my hip softly as I listened to his breaths slowing. His heart pounded in his chest still, his eyes had taken on a whole new light. I had no idea what to expect when he finally did speak, but I had convinced myself that it could not be that bad.

  “Leila,” Gordon’s voice barely a whisper, reached my ears. I held my breath and waited for him to continue. As we lay there together, exposed in the most intimate ways, Gordon gave me the greatest gift I could have asked for, an outpouring from a broken heart that I was taxed with healing. “It will take me some time to get past this hurdle, but I cannot live without you. You are my light, and my love, and I will do anything to keep you in my life.” For a moment, I thought he was finished, I took a breath and prepared to respond. Instead his finger found my lips and he opened his mouth to continue. “I will accept our fate, my Leila, my Goddess. Accept it with a willing heart, but I must ask of you one thing…you must denounce Matthew and never see or speak of him again. If you can handle that, are willing to accept that, I will gladly give you everything I am.”

  I had never had an ultimatum before. I was floored by his willingness to dismiss my indiscretions, ignore the fact that the very son we had named after him was in fact Matthew’s child, and take me and both twins into his life, for good. To drive the matter home, Gordon produced a box from his pocket and held it out to me.

  “It is a promise ring, Leila. I promise to try and give us a chance and make whatever we can out of the mess our lives have become, and someday, soon I hope, I will replace that promise with a wedding ring,” Gordon raised his other hand and cupped my hand. I was speechless and could not utter a word as he removed the ring and slipped it onto my finger. It fit perfectly, as if he already knew.

  My eyes filled with tears, which flowed freely down my face. I met his gaze, hopeful and for once, completely transparent. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him in close, burying my face into his shoulder. When I pulled back, my lips met his in a smoldering kiss, our tongues dancing together for several seconds before I withdrew and placed my forehead onto his, looking deep into his eyes.

  “Yes, Gordon, I want to be with you more than anything. These weeks without you have been a nightmare, and I wish never to repeat them,” he stopped me from continuing by pressing his lips against mine again, parting my lips with his tongue and exploring my mouth before planting a final kiss squarely on my lips.

  I lay in Gordon’s arms staring out the plate-glass window at the moon reflecting off the waves. His chest rising with the settled breathing of a man deep in sleep. I could not have asked for anything more and I was certainly counting my blessings. Gordon and I would carry on into our future in search of the lives we both wanted, our little family growing together. It was going to be a challenge, definitely, but once again, I could only hold on and try to enjoy the ride.


  The sun was bright as I carried Gregory toward the plane. A small charter jet sitting a short distance from the terminal was waiting to carry us all away. Away from the madness that nearly destroyed us both, and into a future together. Just me and my little family.

  Gordon and I had decided that we wanted to move away from the Southern California area. Hell, I wanted to get out of California period, so he had made arrangements to go visit his friends Mike and Katie in Florida. Escape the craziness and spend some quality time with like-minded individuals. Besides, I had never been to Florida and Disney World was definitely a bucket list item for me.

  There was also some talk of doing business with Mike, something right up my alley. Gordon promised to give me the world and, to him that meant everything that he could think of to satisfy me, his Goddess. I had mentioned that I would love to start my own business, perhaps a private BDSM club like the Red Velvet Room, though smaller, obviously I would never do anything as lavish as Master Jason. It would feature pieces from Mike’s warehouse, giving more people exposure to the items and familiarize them with his product. It was a win-win for both of us.

  Following close behind me, Gordon pushed a stroller with Little Gordon toward the plane. When he saw me looking at him, he stopped, his smile stretching his face out and causing his eyebrows to rise up. He had two bags crisscrossed over his chest and hanging down on either side of his body. He was my beautiful, bald pack-horse. Amusing thoughts rang through my mind as he neared where I stood.

  Poised at the bottom of the stairs, I looked up toward the airplane door. As I slowly ascended the stairs, it occurred to me that moving far away from a place filled with memories I hoped would fade sooner rather than later could be the best thing for all of us. A new life, a new adventure. For the first time in my life, I faced my future head-on and was determined to push forward, not a negative thought to hold me back. Gordon and I would surely have our challenges in light of all that happened. But then again, who doesn’t ?




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