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Shannon, Shae - The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 3

by Shae Shannon

  Gabriel approached her, keeping a few seats away until the timing was right. His eyesight was sharper than any human’s, and still he was astounded when he got up close. She was breathtaking. In all his centuries he had never been in the presence of such beauty. She wasn’t stick thin like women seemed to be this decade, but instead had curves in all the right places. Her heart was pure, and she radiated brightness about her. His eyes wandered over each and every curve, taking extra time to examine in detail the swell of her perfect round breasts, the tautness of her tantalizing midsection, and stopping abruptly on the mouthwatering part between her thighs.

  Her sweet smell drifted to him, making him concentrate his willpower to keep him fixated to his seat. He needed to taste her nectar on his tongue desperately. He could vision her plump, juicy pussy and how it would feel to have his cock buried in her burning arousal balls-deep. With his fangs starting to descend, he knew that his eyes would be the molten red that came with it. He immediately focused his attention on subduing his arousal to avoid the change and the chance of being discovered. He felt his fangs receding back into his gums and knew that he had to be careful. This perfect little vixen broke his guards and made him careless. He couldn’t afford to get reckless around her. The rest of the humans weren’t what mattered. He could erase any thoughts if his identity was discovered. He needed to take things slow with his mate so as not to scare her. There was no letting her walk away, but also no way he would use his persuasion or mind control on her. She would be his willingly.

  Just as the throbbing in his dick settled into a manageable level, the girls reached for their drinks in unison, setting them in front of them. He watched with anticipation as Chloe poured the salt onto her hand. As her delicate, sexy tongue darted out to lick the predrink ritual, Gabriel felt his balls load up painfully. The girls downed the drinks, slamming the shot glasses back on the bar. She grabbed the lime with two perfectly feminine fingertips that were manicured a tantalizing pink and placed it between her luscious lips to suck the juices from it. All that went through his mind at that time was what it was going to feel like having those pouty, voluptuous lips wrapped around his thick, long shaft while she sucked him down her throat, fucking him with her mouth. She was killing him, slow and torturously, from two chairs away. How he was going to make it through the night without shoving her up against a wall and slamming his rod in her slick cunt, he had no idea. A low, throaty growl erupted from his chest, thankfully not loud enough to be heard with human ears over the music playing. The elf who was occupied, rolling her hips to gyrate against a muscular human, glanced around the room, dismissing the sound. He had to start working on his mate before what little self-restraint he had left dissipated. Before she had time to digest another drink, he sent a vision into her mind, stroking her emotions and caressing her thoughts.

  * * * *

  Chloe needed to get the first shot into her system before she totally lost all wit and bolted for the door. This was not her scene. Even though she enjoyed a few drinks once in a while and absolutely loved to dance, she just didn’t have the courage without a little liquid help. She felt the wonderful burn warm her from the inside and fought off the foul taste of the tequila with the help of the lime wedge. Immediately her tense muscles gave a little, and her lungs let out a little breath of relief.

  It hit her with a fierce flash. His face was haunting her mind, leaving the rest of the bar obsolete. Instantaneously her heartbeat quickened, her body reacting intensely. As fast as it had come to her, it was gone, leaving her wondering. Her thoughts trailed off to the encounter she’d had in the basement, persuading her pussy to heat and make its presence known. She shook her head slightly, drawing her attention back to what Amy was saying, and answered with a giggle. Maybe a few more drinks would clarify her mind and get rid of her nonsense. She needed to quit being such a dreamer and get a reality check. Imagining her perfect love was doing nothing for her nonexistent love life and lack of intimacy. She needed to learn to accept the path that was given to her, no matter how unappealing it seemed.

  Chloe plastered on her best smile. “Okay, it’s time we got this party started and get our hotness on. Facebook and my phone’s contact list are now blocked, so I won’t cause catastrophe drunk texting or post embarrassing things. There are only a few contacts that would not be utter failure in the event I got infatuated with technology…Shots then dancing, my dearest friend, and we won’t stop until we have set this bar on fire!”

  “Hell yeah! There’s my bestie talkin’. Cheers, sista. May we succeed in our business, and may we find our true love.”

  The girls raised their shot glasses, toasted, and gulped the fiery liquid. Immediately after, they chased with the contents of their fruity cocktails. Slamming their glasses a little harder than necessary on the bar, they ordered up another round and giggled. “I know exactly what we need, Chloe. Wait here for a sec!”

  “What are you doing, Amy? Wait…where are you going?” But, before she could stop her, Amy disappeared into the crowd of people.

  Turning back to the bar, she lifted her glass and started to take a drink, when a swift movement beside her caught her attention. Jerking her head a little more dramatically than she had intended, she caught sight of the cause. Sitting on the barstool next to her was him. Not just any him, her him. Her fantasy hunk of male perfection. Her heart stopped, and she held her breath, knowing it was all her imagination. Her mind whirled a million miles an hour, flipping through all of the previous scenes and leaving her mouth agape and her eyes as big as the moon. I am just drunk. That’s all it is. Snap out of it before someone realizes you are losing it! Shaking her head, she blinked, and he was still sitting before her.

  He was mesmeric. The paintings did not capture his full beauty. Unable to speak, her mouth went dry, and her hands started to tremble. And then she heard him. He was speaking to her. Snapping out of her thoughts, she shook her head, barely mumbling the words, “Excuse me? I’m terribly sorry, what was that?”

  A smile stretched across his face, softening his masculine features. “Hello, madam. I was simply stating that such beauty should not be sitting alone. You are stunning.” Stretching his hand out, he made introductions. “My name is Gabriel Jacobs. You are…?”

  “Oh, um, thank you. I am Chloe Kent. Nice to meet you.” Meeting his hand, she was surprised when he pulled hers to his lips and kissed the back of her hand slowly, sending every cell in her body into explosions of stimulation. Her eyes never left his lips, drinking in the sweet lushness. Chloe examined his features, soaking in every detail as if her life depended on it. Dragging her gaze up to meet his eyes, she was embarrassed when she realized he had been watching her and found amusement swimming in the pools of his dark eyes.

  Trying to hide her blush, she hurriedly gulped half of her drink, trying not to choke as the burn trailed down her throat. “I’m sorry, I know this seems cliché, but you look familiar. Have we met before?”

  With enough heat in his eyes to make Superman’s heat vision look like a childish prank, he pulled his mouth into a devilish grin and leaned in to speak only for her to hear. “I would hope that you would classify us as more than strangers, pet. After the time we have shared, I do believe that at least puts us in the ‘acquaintance’ category. However, we will be much, much more than that very soon. I promise you.”

  Her eyes bugged out of her head, her mouth dropping slowly as the recognition sunk in. Pet. He called me pet. Before she had time to react, Amy walked up on the arm of a handsome man with golden hair and a boyish smile. Surprise lurked on her features as she looked between Gabriel and Chloe, sending subtle questioning looks to Chloe. She could see that Amy was astounded at how amazingly perfect he was and how he made her blonde arm candy look like M&M’s next to exquisite French chocolate. The amusement of the situation and the emotions pouring from the trio made a slight almost guffaw escape from Gabriel. Gaining their attention with the sound, he turned and started introductions. Within a few minutes
of small talk, and the knowledge that the blond Ken doll on her friend’s arm was Blake Marshall, which suited his surfboard style, the room was enveloped with “We Made You” by Eminem. Amy, screeching like a schoolgirl, turned to Chloe, announcing, “That’s what I went to do, well, before I had the privilege of running into Blake. I figured we needed something to pump up the night! Let’s go show these boys what we can do on a dance floor!” With two loud “whoot! whoots!” they got up from their seats.

  She grabbed Amy’s hand, and they made their way through the entwined bodies on the dance floor. Gabe and Blake followed, taking care not to lose the women in the ocean of movement. Glancing around, a blush came to Chloe’s face as she realized that most everyone was doing everything but having intercourse while they swayed and ground against each other to the beat of the music. A couple was locked together in a hot embrace, their tongues exploring each other intimately, only to come back up to lock in a passionate kiss that would make a porn star blush. Her body temperature bolted up a couple notches as she tried not to stare, but she couldn’t stop her gaze from straying around the room in amazement. As the song changed into a pulsing, erotic melody, she and Amy started swaying to the sexy sounds pumping out of the speakers that surrounded the area. After a short moment, she relaxed and got into the beat, turning and moving her body like a belly dancer. Her arms above her head, she snaked them around in a hypnotic rhythm, designedly being a seductress and letting her inhibitions run free. Amy mimicked her moves, and both took the attention of most onlookers, bringing a crowd of people around to join them, moving their bodies against the girls and letting their hands explore.

  * * * *

  He noticed how Chloe seemed a bit awestruck at first and watched as her body language showed her relaxing. His gaze was affixed to her every movement, watching with a deep need roaring inside of him, ready to combust at any moment. His passion turned to anger, and his primal instinct emerged the moment he witnessed the other dancers move closer to his woman. When hands started groping her, he had to swallow an attack as his fangs descended and the dark animal within came to surface. His eyes glowing a deep red, he fought the urges to grab her and carry her off to his lair where he could erase the touches with his own and brand her forever.

  Through clenched teeth and protruding fangs, he closed his eyes and started sending images to her, with more intensity than probably necessary. He let his voice drift to her, clouding her senses. “My little temptress, enjoy your little bewitching dance. You will only bring more punishment to that sweet ass of yours later. Make no mistake, I have claimed you as mine and mine alone. Soon you will bear my mark, and no others will dare touch you. I will show you pleasure that you have not discovered even in the books you bury yourself in. I love you, kitten, and will make sure to fulfill every dream and desire that is in that pretty little head. You will yearn for nothing, and everything will be yours.”

  Then he showed her a glimpse of what his plans included. He placed visions of her stripping her clothes, slowly and carefully letting them fall to the floor. His strong hands glided along her flesh, brushing her skin softly and bringing goose bumps with every featherlight caress. Electricity seemed to shock her and travel over her with each of his touches, bringing her eyes to half-mast and her head to roll back uncontrollably. Gabe moved his hands to brush against her taut nipples, gradually tracing the surface. Moving his fingers in circles, he continued his torture, only stopping to pluck at them, sending a rush of moisture to weep from pussy. He sent his voice out to her in a vision, clouding her senses. He kept his tone and words haunting and seductive. “Ah, pet, so responsive. Your body is like a beacon calling to me. I can smell the sweet nectar of your arousal. I can’t wait to sink my tongue deep in your channel and lick your cream.”

  As Gabe was sending these subliminal messages to Chloe, he moved in, reaching his large hands around her waist to graze the curves of her body. Leaning down, he inhaled sharply, taking in her scent of rose petals and vanilla. The faint smell of alcohol mixed in the aroma, drifting through his heightened sense of smell. He pulled her against him, allowing her to feel his desire for her.

  He whispered lightly in her ear, “My dear Chloe, your scent is intoxicating. For now, I will avoid ravishing you because of the audience. Tonight I will taste you from your sweet lips to your toes. Feel my need for you, pet.”

  Chloe moved against him, grinding her ass along his massive cock, bending slightly, and arching her back to position him against her cunt. Her eyes hooded, making her appear in a dreamlike state. She rolled her body around him, molding their movements together seamlessly. Gabriel cupped her chin, stroking her neck, and brought a moan from between her parted lips. He took the opportunity of her subdued state and plunged his eager tongue in her mouth, exploring every cavern and crevice. He attacked her tongue, slowly building up a heated duel of need trapped within the walls of their mouths. She fought for more, moaning softly between intervals, unleashing her hunger. Her tongue brushed against his teeth, examining each with care. Her tongue wandered to his fang and proceeded to caress and explore, causing it to elongate. A shiver went through his body, releasing the urgency of his desire more and more.

  His fear gripped him, tearing at his insides like razors, as the realization hit him that she would soon come to assimilate what he was. Holding his breath for what seemed like an eternity, he felt her tighten in his arms and waited for her screams of disgust. Instead, her hooded eyes opened, and she gazed up at him, a look of surprise masking her features. He opened his mouth to explain, but before he could squeeze a recognizable syllable from his lips, she reached up and caressed his cheek. Her eyes filled with questions and fear. Her thoughts brought relief to his panic. She revealed that her only fear was that he was a figment of her imagination and none of this was happening. She needed him to be real, and needed him.

  Without a word spoken between the two, they locked in another sizzling kiss and ground together in a tangle to the haunting melody being played. Gabriel roamed his hands down her body, caressing her rump, and moved around to find the hot, wet swell between her legs. His hands pulled her lace panties off and stealthily placed them in his pocket. His thumb brushed her bud of nerves, massaging it carefully, causing trembles and quakes to roll through her body. Gabe’s finger dipped in her soaking pussy, bringing her juices to flood around her clit. Removing his hand, he brought his fingers up to his mouth, indulging in the taste of her and sucking them clean. Before she could recover, he thrust his fingers deep in her, pumping hard and fast, while his mouth took hers, leaving her own juices to coat her taste buds. Her body shook with need, her movements frenzied and demanding. With a simple twist, he touched the decadent spot inside her wetness, sending wave after wave of quaking orgasm roaring through her body. Swallowing her moans of pleasure, he kissed her precious mouth until she rode out the aftershocks of such intensity. She opened her innocent eyes, full of lust and need, to feast upon his features.

  Without a word, he picked her up, and before Chloe seemed to know what was happening, they were lying on a bed, submerged in a pool of red satin, her body tangled with his. He took in her perfection, noting the feverish warmth of her flesh against his of chilled coolness. “You are Him. A vampire. The man from my dreams. I don’t understand, but don’t know if I want to. You are so familiar, and yet such a mystery. My desire has never been so strong for another being. You take my breath away and cloud my thoughts. Was it all real? Am I dreaming again?” Her face twisted in confusion, her eyebrows furrowing together.

  “Shhhh, pet. All will be explained in time. Yes, I am a vampire, and you, my little tigress, are a witch. The last of the Shalay bloodline, and queen of your kind. All will be revealed in detail later. Tonight I am going to sink my cock deep in you and bring you to the heights of the universe. You are my captive, and I will show no mercy on that hot little body of yours. Your little gypsy dance earned you a nice dose of punishment, and I plan on making it one you shall never forget.” With t
hat last sentence, her body started to tremble and her pussy dripped with arousal.

  Gabriel inhaled deeply, savoring her sweet smell, bringing a smile to play at the corners of his mouth. He couldn’t get enough of her scent. “You, darling, are making this hard for me to keep my composure. I smell your arousal. Your sweet pussy is begging to be licked and suckled.” A soft moan escaped Chloe’s lips, her eyes hooded under thick lashes and heavy with lust. Gabe pulled her arms over her head, pinning them to the bed. Leaning down, he raked his fangs down her neck, leaving a path of goose bumps.

  Her breaths came in pants, her chest heavy with anticipation. “I need you, Gabriel. I have always needed you. I don’t know how or why, and right now I don’t care. Please, I can’t take much more. Fuck me now!”

  “Ah, pet, you are impatient. So much to learn. I decide what you can take and what you can’t. I decide when you need my cock fucking that sweet cunt, not you. You will learn to trust me, and in return I will show you pleasure you never imagined.” He leaned in, licking her lips lightly, tracing the outline of her hot mouth. Without warning, he crushed their mouths together in yet another hard kiss. He worked his lips on hers, demanding entry, which she happily obliged. His tongue took control, devouring her mouth in a brutal, sensual assault.

  * * * *

  Chloe could feel the rush through her veins as her pulse pounded like a drum against her chest. She didn’t understand what this animal need that was taking over her was all about, but she was empowered by the new sensations. She felt Gabriel’s warm breath on her mouth. When his tongue made contact with her lips, electric surges zapped through every cell in her body. So soft and passionate, she felt her heart melting like molten lava was encased in her chest. He deepened the kiss, dragging her in the depths of darkness that awaited her arrival. He manipulated her tongue with perfection, building up the orgasm that was a prisoner inside of her. He was attacking her orally, and she was meeting every thrust of his tongue with guttural desire. Her body shook with intensity, nothing else in the world mattering but this single moment. This was when time stood still and no one existed but this sexy beast and her. As their mouths tangoed, her head spun, and her vision blurred.


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