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Shannon, Shae - The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Shae Shannon

  With a smirky, arrogant smile, Gabe let out a whistle and kissed her cheek. “I would never dream of it, baby. However, for your safety, you need to be here. We will keep your little cottage if you like, but I plan on buying you many houses in many countries. You, my little witchy, are going to be spoiled.”

  As he finished his sentence, a shrieking, jumping Amy came bouncing into the room. The girls hugged and continued to jump together.

  “Oh my gosh! You are here! We have so much to talk about! I missed you so much!”

  “I missed you, too! Isn’t this all awesomely awesome? I can’t believe that you are dating a vampire! And you’re a witch! A real witch! Gabe filled me in on some of the details. I think he was making sure I could be trusted, and if he thought I couldn’t he was planning on frying my brain or something. But oh my gosh! It’s all so cool! I so wanna watch while you are learning your spells and cauldron recipes and stuff!” She paused only long enough to suck in a breath. Her excitement was literally bouncing around her.

  “Maybe I can do something cool. Let me tell you, I will never go human again. Blake Marshall ruined me! Hopefully everything will work out for us, too. We haven’t been separated since at the bar either. He is so dreamy! I am just a simple human but am working very hard at keeping his attention.” Amy made it complicated to get a word in edgewise.

  Chloe patiently waited until she ran out of breath. Finally, Amy literally choked from lack of oxygen. She inhaled a few deep breaths, holding her chest like she had run a marathon.

  Smiling, Chloe knew the window of opportunity had just showed, so she took it to divert her rambling friend. “I am glad that Gabe filled you in. We will chat about all of the details later. I do need to hear more about Mr. Dreamy, though. Where is he?”

  “He went to grab a few things and go ‘grocery shopping,’ if you know what I mean. I really didn’t want to watch that, even if it is bottled. So gross. It isn’t gross when he is sucking it from me, but that’s a conversation for later.” Both girls busted out in naughty laughter.

  “Well, he is welcome to be here with you anytime. You know that. Grab a plate. I have a ton of Chinese food, thanks to my own dreamy vampire.” They made their plates and continued their conversation. Gabe excused himself to enjoy his liquid meal in the den, giving the girls time to chatter and catch up.

  Gabe sat in front of the massive fireplace, enjoying the conversation the two girls were engaged in. It still surprised him how females were capable of engulfing themselves so deep in a million conversations at once. They were talking so fast he had a hard time keeping up. He knew eavesdropping wasn’t exactly gentlemanly, but he found entertainment in their chatter. It also gave him a chance to learn about Amy. His attention was diverted as he heard something approaching the outside of the mansion. In a flash, he was out the door, on full vampire alert.

  Chapter 5

  He immediately relaxed when Blake’s silhouette came into view. “Easy, friend. I come in peace. I promise I am not here to do any anal probing or experiments. Just coming to visit.”

  “No shit. I don’t think anyone could mistake you for an intelligent life form. You aren’t smart for even the vampire breed.” Smiling, Blake walked up and hugged his longtime friend.

  “Good to see you, Blake. I got to say, your acting skills were pretty damn good at the bar. I don’t think anyone could tell we knew each other, much less grew up together.”

  Blake flashed a wicked smile remembering their performance. “Good to see you, bro. How are our ladies doing? I do hope you haven’t been telling Amy any horror stories about me. I really don’t think she needs to know about past er…transgressions.”

  Gabe shrugged his shoulders. “No, but I don’t think that it would matter much, Amy doesn’t seem like the…delicate type, to put it lightly. I do believe you have met your match, bro. I think maybe she could teach you a thing or two.”

  “Hey now, don’t go tainting her reputation. But off the record, I think you might be right. She is definitely a handful. There hasn’t been a dull moment yet, and it’s quite refreshing to not be bored out of my mind already.”

  Laughing, Gabe nodded his head in agreement. “Now that, my friend, I can relate to. We are going to have to work at keeping our little vixens happy and entertained if we want to hold on to them. We definitely have our work cut out for us, but what sweet work it shall be. Come on. Let’s go inside. There are a lot things to do and plans to make. The girls are chattering so fast I am having a hard time keeping up with their conversation. We may have vampire speed, immortality, compulsion, and other gifts, but the way they rattle on and on is a superpower all in itself.”

  “Yeah, I wish that our sensitive hearing was being deaf at will instead sometimes. Never have I known anything to rattle so fast and so much. Don’t get me wrong, I love talking with Amy, but shit, I can’t keep up when she gets on a roll.” Chuckling, they made their way into the protection of the mansion.

  “Hello, ladies! Very nice to see you again, Chloe.”

  “Hello, Blake. Back at ya. Amy and I were just talking about you. Glad you came. Make yourself comfortable.”

  “In that case, Amy love, come give me some sugar. I missed you.” Amy almost flew out of her seat, her face beaming with excitement. With one leap, she wrapped herself around him, engulfing him in kisses.

  “I missed you, too, sexy. You were gone too long. I thought I might have to find a new vampire lover.”

  In a blur, Blake had her flipped around, his hand landing on her ass with a loud smack. She turned, her eyes wide with surprise before comprehension hit her. Retaliating with a punch to his shoulder, she shot him a stern look.

  Blake’s eyes twinkled with amusement as his mouth curled into a smirky smile. “You are mine, love. Don’t ever doubt that. We vampires don’t often find women that keep our interest, much less win our hearts.”

  With his simple statement, her face softened. Smashing her lips to his, Amy wrapped her arms around his neck. He deepened the kiss, taking an innocent smooch and turning it into something much more. After a few minutes passed, Gabe cleared his throat a few times, trying to get their attention and bring them back to reality.

  Giggling like a schoolgirl, Amy pulled away, bringing her focus to Gabe and Chloe. A blush creeped over her face. “Um, sorry. What can I say? The man is a hell of a kisser.”

  Chloe laughed at Amy’s sudden modesty. “Don’t sweat it, girl. I know all too well how a single kiss can spark a wildfire from a hot, steamy vampire man. Okay, let’s all go get a drink. Gabe, would you mind giving us a tour on the way to our den? Sitting up here only reminds me of all of the work I still have yet to do. Oh, Amy! That reminds me, we are going to have some help getting this place ready. Tomorrow we can send out all of the Masquerade Ball invitations. My aunt and Gabe are going to use some ‘Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo’ to help finish this place up. And since I will be living here, it will make it a lot easier to get everything done.”

  “Awesome! We can get this place up and running. I was informed earlier today that we will be taking up residence here as well. It is my understanding that your ancient building has enough room to house a whole town. The best part is I get to be close to you, Chlo!”

  “Really?” Chloe looked at Gabe, who just nodded and shot her a sexier-than-sexy grin. “Ya know, just a short time ago, our lives were pretty ordinary. Then all of a sudden, we have the most exciting lives ever! I am so glad you didn’t try to sham out the night we went to the bar. Our fairy tale would have never happened!”

  “Chlo, don’t forget, we went from living in trashy tiny houses to this freakin’ mansion! The same freakin’ mansion we are opening up our own shop!”

  “I know. This is definitely the beginning of forever for us, Amy. Finally we are livin’ the dream.” Both men smiled but kept their secret to themselves. No need to ruin Amy’s self-accomplishment by telling her they would have found them anyway.

  After winding down candlelit halls and going thro
ugh a few doors, they stepped into a huge den. The den was massive. Huge bookshelves lined two walls, and a fireplace spread across a third. Lush couches and chairs fit for a king were placed throughout. All of the colors were warm and inviting. On the fourth wall, a huge bar that was fully stocked sat complete with barstools. They all snuggled down comfortably on the couch with each girl sprawled out on her man.

  Gabe kissed Chloe’s brow. He adjusted her on his lap before turning to Blake and Amy. “Tomorrow we have a busy schedule. Giselle will be coming here to start Chloe’s training, and while they are at work, Blake and I can finish up the coffee shop. The decorating we can leave to Giselle. I don’t believe our decorating skills would meet the expectations of you lovely ladies. It won’t take long to finish all of the rooms needed and get the ballroom ready. I do feel a lot better having both of us here to protect you girls. I have a feeling that things are going to heat up around here real soon. We have most of the security measures taken care of, but a few last preparations still need attention.”

  “I have most of the stuff you requested stashed for safekeeping. After we get these girls to bed I will make a run for it all, and we can get set up tomorrow.” With a satisfied nod, Gabe dropped the subject so Chloe and Amy wouldn’t get frightened or worry. He didn’t want them to know exactly how ‘hot’ he expected it to get.

  They all relaxed, indulging in a few drinks and excited conversation. To any stranger it would seem that the two pairs had been together for years. They were all like family, and love fogged the room almost visibly. The girls went over decoration ideas and finished up preparing the invitations to be mailed out. The men politely showed interest from time to time, pulling their attention away to discuss their own security details. As the moon grew higher in the sky, both women were visibly growing tired. After a few hugs and they all said their good-nights, both pairs headed to their bedchambers.

  Chapter 6

  Once inside, Chloe slipped off her shoes and kicked them in the direction of the closet. Gabe walked over to the dresser, pulling out a package wrapped in black-and-hot-pink-glitter tissue paper. He led her to the bed, handing her the present.

  “What’s this? It’s not my birthday or anything.” Chloe’s eyes were bright and sparkling with her surprise written all over her face. Seeing this reaction made Gabe’s heart skip a beat. He loved nothing more than making this woman happy.

  “Darlin’, I don’t need a reason to give you gifts. I plan on showering you with presents. This would be more for my birthday than yours anyway. It is more of a selfish gift, but I will make up for it later. Open it, love.”

  Chloe carefully unfolded the sparkling paper, allowing her fingers to graze the silk as the contents were revealed. She pulled it out to gaze upon a corset made of the finest silk. It was a deep purple, with black accents and ribbons. A pair of black fishnet stockings with purple bows adorning the tops was included. “This is gorgeous! I have never owned such sexy lingerie. I am afraid that I will make this smokin’ little getup less attractive!”

  “Watch your tongue, pet. There is no lingerie in the world that compares to your beauty. I am glad that you like it, because I know that the images in my mind are out of this world. Why don’t you try it on and model it for me?”

  “Um, okay. I still hope you aren’t disappointed.”

  “I have been waiting patiently impatient all night to get you in this.”

  “I don’t see any panties. I don’t think I have any that will even remotely match. Will plain black work?”

  “Absolutely not. The lack of undergarments was intentional. This ensemble requires a round, bare ass and a plump, exposed pussy to make it complete.” With a wicked smile, he watched the fear and embarrassment wash over her face, creating a deep crimson color to replace her normal creamy skin tone. Chloe finally closed her gaping lips when the realization that he was serious sank in. Without argument, she slowly stood, shucking her clothing and allowing it to pool on the floor. Her gaze remained locked with Gabe’s.

  Chloe’s desire grew like a small flame being fed handfuls of kindling. She reached up and unhooked her bra, intentionally keeping her movements slow. Embarrassed or not, determination to keep her fear hidden ripped through her. Deep breaths. Let’s see if I can turn the tables a little in my favor. She intentionally tossed it in his direction, landing the lace undergarment on his head. A low mumble came from deep within Gabriel, causing his eyes to begin turning a glowing crimson. His desire was elevating quickly, giving Chloe a boost of courage and need to push him even further. She turned on her heels, slowly pivoting around to graze her thumbs down her sides to slip under the material of her panties. With a slow shimmy, she worked them down inch by slow inch, bending over to remove them.

  At the sight of her bare derrière, Gabe lost control. His fangs shot out, and his breaths were more deep pants. Using all of his willpower, he bunched his fists in the blankets to anchor himself in place. It still took him by surprise that this single woman could remove the centuries of self-control and poise with a single look or movement. His eyes glued to her every movement, observing her as she seductively slid on each stocking and laced up the formfitting corset. When the outfit was in place, Chloe did a slow, hip-swaying circle to give him a view of the finished product. “How does it look?”

  “You, my little vixen, look sexier than words could describe. I quite enjoyed your little taunting, but know this now. You have unleashed more beast in me than you may be ready for.” Chloe beamed with satisfaction, allowing her lips to curl into a seductive, plump smirk. With a fast gust of air, Gabe was face-to-face with her, his hands cradling her cheeks. He forcefully crushed her lips with his, demanding entrance. She submissively obeyed, meeting his tongue with her own. They began a heated duel, drawing deeper and deeper in passion. Chloe’s breathing became ragged while her pussy began gushing with juices, begging to play.

  Chloe was left feeling confused and still deeply incoherent when Gabe pulled back abruptly. In a swift motion, he had her cradled in his arms and was walking toward the closet door. Her mind was still not working and couldn’t piece together a sentence to ask where they were going. Reaching up, Gabe pushed down a lion-head sculpted coatrack. The wall opened up to a hidden passageway.

  He moved down the narrow hallway. It was only a short distance to a small door. As he kissed her again, she was unaware that they had entered and only noticed after he broke his lips from hers. He was a master at distracting her. Chloe was carefully set on her feet. She let her eyes adjust before she gazed around the space. When the reality set in, her jaw dropped in pure disbelief. They were in a dungeon. Not the beat-and-torture kind, but a room full of sex tools and toys, benches, and weird tables and contraptions. The walls were a glossy black with glazed deep-burgundy accent walls. There were no pictures, but instead hooks with different kinds of ribbons, leather strips, handcuffs, and sex toys.

  Speechless, Chloe dragged her gaze to meet a smiling, amused Gabe.

  “Don’t be frightened, love. I assure you this will be your favorite room in the mansion before the night is over. Let me explain a few rules. First, you will have a word. Any word that is not related to sex and you can remember will do. If you say this word, I will stop everything and discuss what you didn’t like and proceed from there. I do not want you frightened or uncomfortable. I will not hurt you in any way. This is about bringing you up and beyond the heights of your pleasure, pet. I am not into the stuff you read about or see in movies. I want to show you things about your body that you have never imagined. Do you understand so far?”

  “Uh, yes, I guess.”

  “Okay, love. This is about you trusting me to pleasure you. I will read how your body responds and know what you like and what you don’t, even if you don’t know yourself. I will push you beyond what you think you can take and like. I know by how your body reacts as to what to do next. The safe word isn’t to be used lightly. It is only for when you are truly scared or hurting. Now, what word would you li
ke to use as your safe word, pet?”

  “‘Roadkill.’ There is no way anyone could mistake that for anything but stop.”

  Gabe’s eyebrows drew together, his look of amusement written all over his face. He started to laugh, trying to keep it inside and not ruin the mood of the moment. “Okay, love, I think that is perfect. You are understanding the basics. Never in a million years would I have come up with ‘roadkill.’ That is pure genius, baby girl. Okay. I am going to put a blindfold over your eyes. I want to amplify your other senses, and by blocking one, the others are stronger. Ready?”

  “Yes, I think so. This is just sort of weird. I will try anything once, and maybe twice if it means pleasing my hunky vampire.” With a smile, Gabriel pulled a silk scarf down from the hook next to him.

  Leaning in, he brushed his lips to hers, giving her a taste of hot and sweet at the same time. Chloe’s heart melted, sinking her further and further into the deepest cavern of love. As she reflected on her feelings, she failed to feel him slipping the satin scarf around her eyes and tying it snugly at the back of her head. She was jolted from her thoughts when he raised her up, hoisting to seat her on a soft, velvety surface. She was lying at an angle with her head slightly higher than her feet. She felt him caress the tender inside of her wrists before his warm, moist tongue flicked along the crease where her pulse thumped, bringing her throbbing vein to fill and expand. His tongue was replaced by a soft, furlike restraint that fastened her arms to the table, stretched above her head. She felt like her breasts were set on a platter for display, jutting out, begging to be groped. He took his time, keeping his movements slow, making the anticipation heighten her arousal. She felt him trail kisses around her collarbone and up the side of her neck. He drew circles with his tongue as he worked in a pattern, leaving no inch untouched. Gabriel’s mouth reached hers, slowly brushing against her open, inviting mouth. He gently let his hot breath glide along her bottom lip, driving her to arch with need. When she opened her mouth to protest, he took her mouth in an assault, dominating and powerful. He deepened the kiss, breaking her senses and voiding all thoughts that were clouding her mind. Chloe let out a deep moan when she was startled by a tingling sensation coming from her hardened nipple. Gabe had her nipple between his forefinger and thumb, rolling and plucking at it hard. The burning sensation shot straight to her pussy. As he moved to the left nipple, her hips uncontrollably arched toward him. He instantly broke the kiss and left her untouched.


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