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Leashed [Shifter Sanctuary 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Scarlet Day

  “You’re not finished.” His voice sounded harsher than he’d meant it and Laci jumped slightly. He wasn’t going to apologize, though. He’d told her to strip and that was precisely what he’d meant.

  Laci kicked her sandals off and then tucked her fingers under the thin strips of material at her hips. She slid the thong down and stepped out of them, discarding them onto the small pile of clothes next to her. Tucker watched as tiny bumps formed across her back. He extended the flogger and ran it over her ass and up her spine, taking satisfaction at the shiver it drew from her.

  Tucker walked back around to face her. She met his gaze, her jaw set in a hard line. Tucker forced himself not to grin. It was obvious she wanted to speak, but her stubbornness kept her silent. He reached for the buttons of his shirt and started unfastening them. Laci’s gaze locked onto his fingers as they moved down his shirt. Her body quivered, and her breathing quickened with every button he released. He worked slowly, keeping his gaze focused on her. Finally, the last button came undone and he shrugged out of the shirt. He tossed it onto the bed, not taking his eyes off Laci. Her stare flicked to his jeans, and she licked her lips. Tucker grinned. She would have to wait for the rest.

  “Go stand facing the cross.” He motioned toward the wooden structure. He watched her walk across the room, his gaze focused on the stiff movements of her legs. He knew from her body language that she was afraid, but he admired her determination to follow his orders in spite of her fears. She stopped with her back to him and waited.

  Tucker moved to stand behind her and then he dropped the flogger on the floor. He grasped her left wrist and pulled her arm up over her head, before strapping her wrist into the sheepskin-lined leather cuff that was attached to one of the beams. Then he moved to her other side and did the same to her right wrist. Neither of them spoke as he dropped to his knees and moved her legs apart. He fastened each ankle into the matching cuffs and then pushed himself up, retrieving the flogger from the floor as he stood. He stayed at her side so he could see her face.

  “Test the restraints. Are they too tight? Do they hurt?”

  Laci pulled at the restraints and then shook her head. “No, they’re fine.” Her voice shook, but she met his gaze with determination etched on her face.

  Tucker narrowed his eyes, her omission not slipping past him. Her eyes went wide as realization apparently dawned over her. “Sir. They’re fine, Sir.”

  “That’s better. I’ll let it slide, this time. But next time you will not escape punishment.” A mixture of what looked like fear and anticipation warred in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Master. I won’t let it happen again.”

  Tucker’s dick hardened at hearing the word Master roll from her lips. It had been too long since anyone had called him that. Hearing Laci say it, though, stirred him more than he’d expected. He studied her for a few moments, judging her reactions to being strapped to the cross. The position forced her ass up and out and her spread legs gave him unobstructed access to her pussy.

  He thought briefly of blindfolding her, but decided against it. He wanted to be able to see her eyes as she experienced the things he would teach her. Later, after he became accustomed to her tolerances and her body’s reactions, after she learned to trust him, they would use the blindfold.

  He gathered her long hair in his hand and tucked it over her shoulder. Then he backed away from the cross and stood behind her. He waited and watched while she adjusted to being unable to move. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She opened and closed her fists a couple of times. Tucker waited until her breathing settled into a more relaxed rhythm. Then he slapped the flogger against his leg. She jumped at the sound.

  He slapped his leg again. She jumped again, but not as much.

  He slapped it again. She didn’t move.

  His next movement brought the soft tails down across her right shoulder blade.

  Laci arched her back and gasped. Tucker was at her side in an instant, looking into her eyes. He knew his stroke hadn’t hurt, it was barely more than a soft thud, but he wanted her to know he was aware of and would respond to her every movement. “Are you okay?”

  Her breaths came quick and shallow, but she calmed herself after a few seconds. “Yes, Sir. I thought it would hurt.”

  Tucker stroked her cheek and then backed away. “Not today.”

  Chapter Ten

  Laci waited for Tucker to swing the flogger again. The first strike had surprised her. She had expected pain, but it hadn’t hurt at all. She stared straight ahead, trying to listen for any sound behind her that would give her warning.

  There was a soft whoosh of air, and then the leather came down across the left side of her back. This time she didn’t react. The next strike came on the right side. Tucker started an alternating pattern, never hitting the same side twice in a row. Laci had expected the flogger to sting, but it felt more like a pounding massage. Her breathing deepened and she leaned into the cross.

  She didn’t know how long she stood there. It could have been minutes or hours. Her back tingled where the flogger had struck her so many times, but the tingling didn’t confine itself to her back. It spread through her whole body and seemed to settle in her pussy. She wanted to squirm, but forced herself to stay still.

  She grew accustomed to the pounding rhythm, the strokes driving her into an almost trance-like state. She hadn’t known what to expect when Tucker had strapped her to the cross, but pleasure hadn’t been it. That was exactly what she was feeling, though, as her thoughts settled into hazy bliss.

  And then the strikes stopped. She felt, more than heard, Tucker behind her. He ran his hand down her spine and then cupped her ass. The touch roused her out of her daze and put every nerve ending back on high alert.

  “Did you like that, Laci?” His voice was low, almost a soft growl, and his warm breath caressed her ear.

  “Yes, Master.” She was rewarded with a squeeze on her ass.

  “Good girl.” His hand slid down her hip.

  She moaned as his fingers delved into her pussy and then pushed inside her.

  “You’re so wet, baby. Do you want to be fucked?”

  His words and fingers drove Laci into a frenzy. She fought for breath. “Yes, Master, please.”

  Tucker pulled his fingers out of her, and she whimpered in protest. Seconds later, though, her ankles were released from their restraints, followed by her wrists. Tucker pressed against her and wrapped his arm around her front as she sank back into him. His hand travelled down her abdomen, and his fingers pushed her wet folds, finding her sensitive clit. She cried out and ground against his hand.

  “You are not allowed to come yet, Laci. Not until I tell you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” Laci’s breathing sped up. His voice and his fingers made it almost impossible to obey him.

  Tucker pulled her against him. She felt his hard bulge press against her ass.

  “Do you feel that, baby? Watching you stand there, spread out and beautiful, made me so hard.” She whimpered and tried to grind against him again, but he removed his fingers from her pussy.

  “Not until I tell you.”

  Laci would do or say anything to have his fingers back on her clit. “Yes, Master.”

  Tucker turned her around and led her to the padded table in the center of the room. He bent her forward at the waist over it and then strapped her wrists into cuffs on either side, stretching her out across the leather surface. He knelt and pushed her legs apart, before strapping her ankles into restraints affixed to the table legs.

  “Comfortable?” His hand stroked her ass.

  “Yes, Master.” Laci had a feeling she was about to either be spanked or fucked, but she wasn’t placing any bets on which.

  “Have you ever been taken here?” His fingers pressed against her tight rear opening.

  Laci’s muscles contracted on instinct. “Once, Master. It hurt and I didn’t like it.”

  Tucker made a derisive scoff
. “Then the bastard didn’t do it right.”

  He walked to the large cabinet and opened one of the drawers. Laci couldn’t see what he pulled out before her closed the door and returned to his spot behind her. He placed the items on the table next to her, but the only thing she could see was a small towel.

  “I’m going to talk you through everything I’m doing, Laci. I want you to follow my instructions and tell me if you feel any pain. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “That’s my girl.” Tucker stroked her back, raising shivers on her skin.

  Laci was starting to really like the way the word Master sounded when she said it. She especially liked the reaction it caused in Tucker. Knowing she was responsible for that reaction made her feel powerful, much more so than she would have expected, considering she’d spent most of her time with Tucker strapped to something.

  “I’m going to put some lube back here.” His words were followed by a cold liquid running down her crack. “You’re going to feel some pressure, Laci. It’s a plug and it’ll help you get adjusted to having something in your ass. I want you to push against it, okay?”

  “Yes, Master.” Apprehension gripped Laci and she tensed up as something hard pressed against her.

  “Relax, baby. Press against it.”

  She pushed back against the pressure. The tip of something hard slid passed her tight muscle, and she let out the breath she’d been holding. Tucker caressed her back as he worked the plug into her ass. He went slow, letting her breathe between each push and giving her time to get accustomed to the unfamiliar sensation. She didn’t know how long it took, only that Tucker was patient and didn’t rush her.

  “You’re doing so good, Laci. You’ve almost taken all of it.”

  Pride shot through Laci at Tucker’s praise. She’d never cared much about whether men complimented her, but it was different with Tucker. For some inexplicable reason, she felt like strutting when he praised her. It was a new experience and she wanted more of it.

  Tucker pushed again and Laci felt the plug slide the rest of the way in. Tucker leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Now comes the fun part.”

  A moment later Laci gasped. The plug in her ass was vibrating. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. The vibrations resonated through her and made her squirm. She squeezed her muscles together and it intensified the sensations. She felt full, fuller than she’d ever felt, but she wanted more. Tucker’s fingers stroked through her wet pussy and entered her. She pressed against his fingers, but he pulled out again all too soon.

  “Master, please!” If Tucker didn’t do something about her mind-numbing need, she was fairly certain she’d go insane.

  “I love it when you say please, baby.”

  She heard a zipping sound and then a rustle of clothing. Tucker gripped her hip with his left hand and then slammed his cock into her with one quick stroke. She cried out at the sudden thrust. She’d thought she couldn’t possibly feel any fuller than she did with the plug in her ass, but having Tucker’s cock inside her at the same time stretched her more than she would have ever thought possible. He stayed still for a few moments, massaging her back and giving her time to get used to him being inside her.

  Once she’d caught her breath, his right hand joined his left on her hip as he pulled almost all the way out of her. She whimpered, the sudden loss leaving an unwelcome emptiness. Then he used his leverage to plunge back into her, again and again and harder and harder. Between the vibration in her ass and Tucker’s cock sliding in and out of her with such force, Laci’s every nerve ending felt as though it was on fire. She clenched her eyes shut tight and fought against the urge to come, since she still remembered that Tucker hadn’t given her permission.

  That challenge became much harder when he reached around and pressed against her swollen clit.

  “You want to come, don’t you baby?” His breathing was ragged, matching her own.

  “Yes, Master, please!” The desperation in her voice reflected the torment wracking her body.

  “Come for me.” Tucker stroked her clit with a masterful touch and slammed his cock back into her.

  Raw pleasure exploded in her clit and tore through her like a shock wave. Tucker continued to work her clit, keeping her orgasm going for longer than she would have thought possible. As she rode her high, Tucker pulled out and then rocked back inside her. She felt his cock twitch and he growled as his climax took him.

  Laci panted as her body recovered from the intensity of her orgasm. She’d never had one like it. Tucker leaned over and swept the hair away from her neck. He placed a gentle kiss on her nape.

  “Very, very good girl.” He withdrew his cock from her, and then the vibrations in her ass stopped. The plug was gently pulled from her. The emptiness was startling and left her feeling bereft. She whimpered at the loss and Tucker leaned back over her.

  “Shh, baby. Give me a minute.” He walked across the room and opened a door Laci hadn’t even noticed before. He flipped on a light, revealing a bathroom. The brighter light allowed her to get a good view of the man who had just fucked her in a way she’d never imagined.

  As he dropped the plug in the sink and discarded the condom he’d used, Laci stared at his body. Well-toned muscles spoke of someone who kept himself in top shape. From what she’d seen of Tucker, that shape was likely earned through hard work, rather than the latest and most expensive fitness equipment. His body had the hard lines of someone who used those muscles for more than just recreation and fitness.

  She wondered what he would look like when he was in his shifted form. She imagined his muscles would look just as finely honed and his fur would shine golden in the sun. For the first time since she’d arrived at the lodge, Laci had the urge to shift and go for a run. But only if Tucker would join her.

  Laci watched him as he flicked off the bathroom light and returned to the table. He used the towel to clean her off and then unfastened her ankles and wrists. Laci started to stand up, but her legs felt too weak to support her and she wobbled.

  “Easy, baby.” Tucker caught her and swung her up into his arms.

  He carried over to the bed and used one hand to pull the dark-brown velvet comforter aside, before he placed Laci in the center of the bed. He opened a cabinet door in a small cabinet next to the bed, which turned out not to be a cabinet but a concealed refrigerator. He pulled out two bottles of water and handed one to Laci and then opened the one he kept, downing its contents as though he were a man who’d just traversed a desert.

  Laci opened her bottle and brought it to her lips. As soon as the cold liquid flowed across her tongue she realized how thirsty she was. She gulped the water, emptying the bottle almost as quickly as Tucker had.

  She handed the empty bottle back to Tucker. “Thank you, Master.”

  Tucker took the bottle from her and set them both on the refrigerator cabinet. Then he slid into bed next to her and pulled the comforter up over both of them.

  He wrapped his arms around Laci and nuzzled her hair. “You don’t have to call me Master now. Only when we’re playing.”

  “Are we finished playing?” Laci couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. Her body could use a few minutes to recover, but she wasn’t really tired. She also didn’t think she could shut her thoughts off enough to fall asleep, even though falling asleep in Tucker’s arms held a sizable amount of appeal.

  Tucker grinned. “I’m finished being your Master for tonight, but I think we’re far from being ready to sleep.”

  Laci snuggled into Tucker’s arms. “So tell me more about yourself. I’ve told you stuff about me, but I don’t know much about you.”

  “What would you like to know?” Tucker’s breath teased her ear.

  Laci shuddered, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she was ready for more fun. But first, she wanted to use this opportunity to learn more about this man. “Well, for one thing, you’re obviously an alpha.”

  Tucker chuckled. “I�
�m glad you picked up on that. Otherwise I might have worried I was losing my touch.”

  Laci elbowed him, not hard, since all it did was make him chuckle harder. “Funny. What I meant was, why aren’t you leading a pride?”

  Silence settled over them. Laci grew concerned and turned in Tucker’s arms. His forehead creased and a shadow had crossed over his yes. Alarm and worry shot through Laci.

  “Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

  Tucker put a finger over her lips to stop her from apologizing. “It’s okay, Laci. It’s just not something I talk about often. But since I’ve gone ahead and jumped into all this with you, well, you might as well know.” He sighed and his eyes took on a faraway look. Laci could tell he was seeing something in his mind, some time or place she couldn’t see.

  “I do have a pride. Or what’s left of them, at least. Dillon, Tom, a few of the other employees. Colt is my beta.”

  Laci’s thoughts focused on one crucial piece of information. “What’s left of them? What do you mean by that?”

  Tucker sighed and closed his eyes. “Years ago we lived on the east side of the mountain range, when my father was the pride’s leader. One night most of our members went out on a run. Colt and I were teenagers and were too busy doing stupid teenage stuff to bother running with the pride.”

  He opened his eyes again and seemed to be back in the present with her, but his face fell into a sad mask. Laci reached up and cupped his cheek. She hated that a question she’d asked would cause him so much pain. “You don’t have to tell me.”

  Tucker placed his hand over hers and one side of his mouth turned up in sad smile. “I think I do. I’d rather you hear this from me than from someone else.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Poachers ambushed them.”

  Laci gasped, and horror rocked her to her core. She wanted to say something, anything, but the shock stole her words. She felt sick to her stomach and had to swallow hard to keep the water down that she’d had a few minutes before.


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