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We Were Only Strawberry Picking

Page 8

by Henrietta Defreitas

  ‘I think I can do it … I will pray to the MightyKats to protect all of us and get us out of here safely,’ vowed Oscar.

  ‘That’s the spirit!’ said Jack.

  ‘And as for you, Lyndi Lou,’ said Henratty, ‘I need you also to be very brave and stay with Oscar. Do you understand?’ Lyndi Lou looked frightened and nodded her head as she hugged her big sister.

  ‘Right, Jack, that settles things. I’m ready when you are – we’ll definitely go tonight then.’

  While Lyndi Lou and Oscar were in the corner of the dormitory talking and keeping themselves amused, Henratty decided she would speak to Jack in private.

  ‘Is there something you have not told me following your meeting with Nora and Cooper? I can tell that something has definitely alarmed you?’ Jack thought, deny, deny! He knew Henratty was tough but he did not want to upset her.

  ‘Don’t be so silly, do I look like I’m scared of any of them? You know if I had had my own way, I would have pinned that snake down to the ground a long time ago. We can all see that he seems the most ferocious and the one to watch. I think the rest of them are harmless really, but that snake has a glint in his eyes; he’s thirsting for blood and our blood. I just want to get out of here, more so for the sake of Oscar and Lyndi Lou; they look so fragile.’

  ‘I agree, but you would tell me if something was wrong, wouldn’t you, Jack?’ questioned Henratty.

  ‘Absolutely, Meerkats’ Honour! We need to decide about the order of events for tonight: I noticed last night whilst you were all asleep that Alfonso does two spot checks at night, so after his final check, I suggest we give it a good fifteen to twenty minutes before I attempt to remove the key from the keyhole with my little device and then we’ll set off. We can use the torch to search the tunnels.’

  ‘But have you forgotten – the battery died?’ recalled Henratty.

  ‘Of course, I haven’t. I forgot to mention that I found some spare batteries in the inside pocket of my army jacket,’ informed Jack. Henratty could not believe their luck and jumped up and gave Jack a hug. He did not know what to do as she had never ever shown him such affection, but I guess she had good cause to be excited and grateful. Jack had promised that with his trusted torch he would get them all out of here and that is exactly what he was going to do.

  ‘I suggest that we follow the tram tracks in the opposite direction to where we were picked up, therefore, we should turn left when we leave the main entrance of the dormitories. Something tells me these tram tracks are the means of a way out of here. There is just one rule we must obey, though,’ conveyed Jack.

  ‘And what might that be?’

  ‘We cannot make a sound – that Nora was no fool and she had the most astounding hearing, I think she would hear a pin drop on the other side of the tunnel no matter how far away she was. I think we should hold hands along the tunnel, then if you need to show me something or get my attention just squeeze my hand tightly, Henratty, and I’ll do the same, but let’s hope we don’t have to do that,’ suggested Jack.

  ‘Okay, I’ve got you loud and clear,’ answered Henratty reassuringly.

  ‘Secondly, if we do get caught and one of us was able to escape, I suggest whoever it was ran for their life and tried to find a way out. We must not fail, Oscar and Lyndi Lou are depending on us to not let them down,’ reminded Jack.

  ‘I agree. So, we’ll wait until tonight. I strongly advise that we get some sleep to ensure we are fully alert later because we can’t afford to make any mistakes,’ stated Henratty.

  * * *

  Back in Nora’s dormitory, Nora and Cooper were mulling over recent events, especially their little conversation with Jack.

  ‘So, Nora, what do you think, does Jack know anything for sure about the diamonds or is he just bluffing?’

  ‘I have to say he is not as dumb as he looks! I’m still not sure but I would say that he is pretty confident there are diamonds down here, even though he has no proof. I think we will definitely need to keep an eye on him.’

  ‘But perhaps he meant what he said, that if we let them go and show them the way out, they won’t say a word. I think what you said about the media frenzy sunk into that tiny brain of his and you could tell from his reaction that it struck a chord. I don’t think he wants his or anybody else’s home invaded by the media. You can tell he loves living in Meerville, as do all of us!’ speculated Cooper.

  ‘But can we take that risk? If the Larkans in Skylark get a hint of any mention of diamonds, we are all doomed. You know how precious those diamonds will be to the Larkans, their power would be phenomenal and I don’t even think the MightyKats could stop them,’ said Nora.

  ‘You honestly believe these superheroes exist, don’t you? Have you ever seen one?’ asked Cooper intriguingly.

  ‘No, but I have heard so many stories from reliable sources that were far too vivid for me not to believe. They say if you just call out to them or even think of them and ask for help, your prayers will be answered.’

  ‘What a load of nonsense. If that were the case, why have they not come to rescue all of us and think of a way of defeating the Larkans?’ proclaimed Cooper.

  ‘The MightyKats only appear when we are in grave danger and when the Land of Arkvale is threatened with extinction (nature has to take its course). Also, we have not seen any activity from the Larkans, as they cannot yet pinpoint where the diamonds are, but it only takes something like this to get out to the media and they will have their answer,’ alleged Nora.


  Alfonso The Snake Fake

  All the inhabitants, apart from Nora, Cooper, and Nancy who had gone to fetch food above ground, were in Cooper’s dormitory. Alfonso had just returned following Jack’s visit to Nora and Cooper earlier this afternoon.

  ‘So what did our new found friends say?’ asked Enoch excitedly.

  ‘They maybe your friends, but they are not mine, I prefer to use the word “enemies” – that Jack is very cunning and certainly does not know when to keep his mouth shut,’ growled Alfonso. One could tell that he had certainly got under Alfonso’s skin and if he had his way, Jack and his friends would probably be dead by now.

  ‘Oh, Alfonso, why do you have to be so harsh? You always seem to be so much angrier when you have lost your rattle. I think you feel a little threatened by them, Jack in particular. He’s quite an intuitive little meerkat despite his appearance, a bit like me!’ remarked Enoch. Immediately, Jasper, Alfonso, Poppy and even Escargot, who had just made an appearance, began to giggle hysterically. Even though Escargot was sound asleep his antennae were fully active and would alert him to anything interesting that was being disclosed outside his little crustacean habitat.

  ‘Well, what’s so funny then, I’ve obviously missed the joke, as I’m the only one not laughing?’

  ‘Oh, Enoch, you’re so funny even when you’re not trying to be funny and that’s what we love about you. Don’t pay us any mind, you know we’re only larking about. It’s just that you do say the most ironic things,’ said Poppy.

  ‘And what was so ironic about what I just said?’ Poppy just did not have the heart to tell him that he was nothing like Jack, apart from having the same waistline!

  ‘It will take too long for me to explain to you – it’s not important – ask me when it’s quieter, then I will tell you.’ She hoped by then Enoch would have long forgotten, well, in fact, she knew by then he would have forgotten. She did not want to upset Enoch as he truly was the most loveable mole one could ever meet, albeit a bit daft sometimes.

  ‘I’m inclined to agree with Alfonso, that Jack is the one to watch. He is the most outspoken and it’s hard to say what the other meerkats were like. I would probably guess that the one with the red beret and cape, Henratty, seems pretty astute too. So, personally, I think we should tell Nora to keep an eye on both of them for now,’ suggested Jasper.

  ‘And let’s not forget how clever Jack is – he was certainly quick-witted enough to work out th
at the bread could not possibly have been homemade, and is now convinced that there is a way out,’ noted Alfonso.

  ‘But there isn’t a way out?’ disputed Enoch. ‘Or is there?’

  ‘Oh, Enoch, you know there’s a way out and we are all free to leave whenever we want to, but we choose to stay as this mine is our home and has kept us safe and away from the real predators. Even you have left the mine but returned within hours, as you can’t find your way back home and the dark up there scares you even more than being in the dark down here,’ said Poppy.

  ‘I guess you’re right and besides you guys are family to me, I would be lost without you. How could I ever leave you?’

  ‘So, our petit amis are giving Nora and Cooper a hard time, Je suis regard?’ noted Escargot intriguingly. ‘I wish I could have been there to see Cooper’s face when they questioned Jack.’

  ‘What for? You probably would not have stayed awake long enough!’ bellowed Alfonso, as they all cackled once more, but this time the joke was on Escargot.

  ‘Well, yes I like to sleep but, Alfonso, how many times have I caught you snoozing when on lookout and not mentioned a word to Nora, so I suggest you think twice before you make fun of me.’ And on that note Escargot retracted his neck back into his shell in a huff as if to say, I rest my case! Everyone was now staring at Alfonso – his secret was out …

  ‘Look, guys, I can explain.’

  ‘Yes, why don’t you explain,’ scowled Jasper. It was mostly Jasper and Alfonso that took watch and every now and again Enoch would have to do a shift just so they both had a bit of a respite. However, unlike Alfonso, Jasper was always honourable and never fell asleep no matter how tired he was, as the welfare of his friends and his home was of the utmost importance.

  Escargot’s head popped out once again, he was revelling in this, as when Nora found out, Alfonso would no longer be “the golden snake” anymore, more like “Alfonso the snake fake” as he had well and truly been rumbled. Escargot was laughing hideously as his neck was now hyperextended out of his shell. Suddenly Alfonso raised his head way up high and shot over to Escargot, hissing venomously.

  ‘Just you wait you slimy toe rag – one lick from me and you would be no more, but you can thank your lucky stars that I detest snails and would not touch or eat you if you were the last edible thing left on Arkvale – I’d rather die of starvation.’

  ‘Then die you must, but the fact remains I told the truth about your sneaky ways. No wonder you think Jack is a snide, it obviously takes one to know one!’ Alfonso’s eyes widened as he raised his head once more and flicked it back in anticipation of a kill. Escargot had angered him so much that he was about to gobble him up in one swoop despite what he had just professed. However, luckily for Escargot, he was saved by the sudden presence of Nora and Cooper.

  ‘Alfonso, what do you think you are doing? It’s not our friends that you should be terrorising!’

  ‘I’m sorry, Nora, but Escargot is spreading lies about me.’

  ‘It’s no lie, I speak the truth and nothing but the truth.’

  ‘Look, we can deal with that later. At this moment in time, we should be concentrating on ensuring our intruders do not try to escape, as I suspect they know there was a way out of here. Speaking of which, Alfonso, shouldn’t you have checked on our little visitors by now?’

  ‘Yes, yes, Nora! I did not realise we had all been in here for so long,’ as he slinked away. He had not finished with Escargot and would deal with him later for his betrayal of trust – he had promised Alfonso he would not say a word!


  The Great Escape – Part One

  ‘Now listen everyone, Alfonso should have been here by now – he’s late,’ remarked Jack. But only a few seconds had passed, when suddenly they heard movement outside the dormitory door. They immediately lay still in bed as if fast asleep so that Alfonso would think everything was normal. As the door opened with a creak, they could hear Alfonso gliding towards them. He was now hovering over Jack and hissing …

  ‘I’m watching you Jack, you maybe asleep but mark my words any attempt to escape, I vow to catch you and then you will be mine,’ Alfonso sneered and then off he went as he locked the dormitory door securely.

  ‘What was that about … what did you do in that meeting?’ questioned Henratty.

  ‘Nothing, Alfonso has had it in for me from day one, that’s all, he obviously feels threatened by me. It’s nothing to worry about, one of his colleagues has probably rattled his cage and he needs to take it out on someone, that someone being me … anyway, we’ll all be out of here soon. Now listen, Oscar, we are going to leave shortly, as that visit in theory should have been the last inspection for the night, however, if he comes back, you know what to do. I can’t imagine Alfonso will check that closely again; I think he would have calmed down after a little while. If he shows up again, just stay calm and pretend to sleep even if you were awake. Have you both got that?’ Oscar and Lyndi Lou both nodded their heads timidly – they were very scared and Jack and Henratty knew it. They had to leave immediately or risk never getting out of this mine forever.

  Jack flicked open the metal detector and shoved it under the dormitory door through the gap, luckily the lights were left on outside, so he could aim the metal detector rod towards the keyhole. Once in place, he activated the magnet on the metal detector and instantly the key was yanked out of the keyhole. He then retracted the rod and with the key still intact he pulled the metal detector rod back under the door.

  ‘Well done, that was magnificent; I really did not expect you to get the key so quickly,’ stated Henratty.

  Jack then inserted the key quietly into the keyhole and gently turned it to unlock the door. He signalled to Henratty as if to say, Are you ready? They both took a deep breath and tiptoed out of the dormitory. He then placed the key back in the door locking Oscar and Lyndi Lou in, who could be seen making up the beds using the pillows to make it look like Henratty and Jack were still there and hoped they had done a good enough job to deceive Alfonso – only time would tell …

  Henratty and Jack tiptoed along the main hallway stealthy until they came to the big wooden door entrance, which miraculously was open, as if someone had gone out, but who would be wandering around these tunnels at this time of the night? they thought but this was not the time to speculate as they had a job to do. They turned left into the dark and dusty tunnel and began to follow the tram tracks, as Jack gripped Henratty’s hand tightly. He had the torch at the ready in his other hand, but he was not going to use it until he was as far away from the dormitories as possible.

  They had been walking for approximately twenty minutes, when suddenly Jack thought he heard something clinking further up the tunnel. He immediately squeezed Henratty’s hand tightly as he sensed she may not have heard – he did after all have the best hearing. Suddenly, there was that clinking sound again, it seemed to be getting louder and louder and the sound was certainly coming from further up the tunnel but whatever it was, was coming their way. Luckily, he had felt along the walls and realised they had reached a junction where they could either stay on the same tunnel or turn left into another tunnel. Jack instantly turned left, tugging Henratty along with him. Immediately he pressed his body and Henratty’s body with his right arm against the wall. Because the sound was so close it seemed like they only had seconds to spare, and indeed, as they craned their necks to the right, they were surprised to see Nancy walking past holding a lantern and pushing what appeared to be an old-fashioned wheelbarrow, which contained some bread, strawberries, eggs and a few other items that were not so visible:

  Nancy had just got back from her regular weekly trip to Meerville Town Centre to stock up on their supplies. Her brother, Jasper, sometimes accompanied her depending on what they needed, but most of the time she went alone. It was only ever Nancy and Jasper who went outside to stock up on food, as being hedgehogs they could run for miles and Meerville Town Centre was six miles away, which meant they ha
d to give themselves at least four hours to get there and back, undetected. They were in meerkat territory, and if a hedgehog was seen in this vicinity, it could cause serious problems for Picklesby, their hometown – every species in Arkvale was governed by strict laws regarding when they should and should not enter each others territory.

  There was always fresh bread and eggs left outside the shops, and as Nora had advised wisely, it was always best to only ever take two loaves of bread at any given time; to take any more would arouse suspicion and this principle applied to whatever they took. However, they were allowed to take any food thrown out or left near the shop bins as usually they had gone past their “sell by date” but they were usually only just out of date and still edible. Obtaining fruits was more difficult and time consuming; strawberries were never a problem, after all they lived under a strawberry field and as long as they were in season they knew they had ample supply. Collecting other fruits, however, involved a much higher risk, as although they were left outside the shops these were usually picked up for disposal within the hour. Therefore, this task was done jointly by Nancy and Jasper and considering they had been doing this task for over two years now, so far they had managed to get away with things having only nearly got caught once and from this incident they had learnt that timing and speed were crucial to not getting caught!

  So Jack was right, their food source was, indeed, above ground, which meant there was also definitely a way out and they knew it had to be in the direction Nancy was coming from. They waited a few more minutes and then continued along the tunnel they were initially on. As they turned the bend, Jack decided he would use his torch as they were slowly running out of time and they needed to get back to that dormitory fast. They quickened their pace and knew as long as they could hear the wheelbarrow clanging, their movements would be distorted and Nora would be unable to detect them. But, unbeknown to Jack, she only used her echolocation when necessary, otherwise she would not get any peace or more importantly any sleep. Having exceptional hearing also had its drawbacks and Nora certainly needed to sleep just like anybody else.


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