Swinger Style: Hot Rods, Book 5

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Swinger Style: Hot Rods, Book 5 Page 10

by Jayne Rylon

  Perfect timing.

  Nola had welcomed Sabra and helped her get her equipment set up while showing her mock-ups of the plan for the car. If they could pull off a doozie of a transformation like that, they deserved every bit of the high praise in the referral section of their website. To Sabra, the hunk of junk appeared unsalvageable, but the guys practically drooled as they stood around it with their hands on their trim hips and tossed out ideas for improvements.

  Already their well-oiled friendship jumped off the screen. Anything she shot captured it as a byproduct, though she was careful to make sure it was only camaraderie she recorded. Since she’d opted for an intimate reality feel, Sabra had decided to do the camera work herself on handheld equipment. Editing and post-production she could handle at night. Saved budget and kept her presence less intrusive. Plus, working solo gave her full control of the show. Win-win.

  Her degree in film and journalism certainly would come in handy on this project.

  It also let her get up close and intimate, as if she were one of the gang. So she’d spent some time shooting the 3D design Nola had worked up to illustrate the improvements they planned for their new project, then moved on to filming the intake and first bits of work on what Kaige and Bryce swore was a classic beneath centuries of grime.

  Secretly, it disappointed her that Holden hadn’t been the one waiting for her in the office with one of his patented smiles and an apology for freaking out the day before. He’d already had half his ultra-sexy body stuffed under a vehicle by the time she’d arrived, precisely on time. If he wanted to play it cool like that, so could she.

  Except when she stopped filming, he seemed to appear magically beside her. She sensed him, every cell in her body drawn in his direction as if he had polarized her at a fundamental level with the shockwave caused by their epic release.

  Instead of the bliss they’d shared, she focused on his rejection to anneal her spine. Otherwise, she’d melt into a puddle of motor oil at his feet.

  Holden cleared his throat.

  Before he could breach the awkward silence, though, Carver interrupted.

  “Hey, Sabster!” Meep called from across the garage. At least he had the decency to wince when he spotted Holden hovering nearby and realized how bad his timing was.

  “What the hell do you guys have against using someone’s name?” She put her hands up and shrugged. “You know, the one on their damn birth certificate.”

  Holden grew still next to her. Probably he was thinking the same thing she was. She’d never actually seen her birth certificate. He placed his hand in the small of her back and rubbed lightly. Wasn’t he pissed anymore? Maybe he didn’t think as badly of her as he’d made her believe. Or he was gallant enough to tend to even those who didn’t deserve his kindness and protective instincts?

  “I always knew Sabra was my name. I guess it’s burned into you by the time you’re three,” she said low, for his ears only.

  “Hell-ooooo.” Meep poked her in the ribs, drawing her attention from Holden’s soft stare. Hell, how had Carver gotten there so quickly? He really was fast.

  “Yes?” she and Holden asked at the same time.

  “I had a cancellation after lunch. This dumbass is free too. Care if we fool around with your car a bit? Tune her up?” He wiped his hands on a rag and she felt bad for snapping at him.

  “Sure. It’s the—”

  “I know which one it is.” He smirked.

  “What? I parked my car in your lot once, for five minutes, and you can pick it out of a lineup? What’d Holden do? Put GPS on it?” She narrowed her eyes at them both.

  “Nah, I noticed the distinct scratches on the bumper the night I picked him up from the pizza shop. To us that’s as good as a fingerprint.” Carver winced. “Please, let me make your car pretty and shiny again. It hurts me to see it dinged up like that. Especially if it’s going to sit in front of here for days on end. It’s bad advertising for the shop.”

  She had a feeling he was playing her, but she wouldn’t deny him if not doing it caused them trouble. “Sure. Do you have an estimate for the work?”

  “We’ll talk about that later.” Holden shushed her with his fingers over her lips.

  Until she bit him. Not too hard.

  While Carver clutched his side and howled, she clarified. “For the record, someone backed into my car while it was parked and I was inside the grocery store. I’m a good driver. Don’t go thinking I crash into stuff at random because I’m a chick.”

  “If they dared to be that stupid, I’d have ripped their balls off and stuffed them up their tailpipes years ago.” Mustang tossed the barb over her shoulder as she passed by wearing a paint-speckled jumpsuit.

  Holden gave his hand a few more jiggles then turned to face her. “I assume that means you’re still pissed over last night?”

  “Pretty much.” Honestly, she loved seeing him again, even if she had to pretend she didn’t to survive today and every day after.

  “Can I talk to you in private for a minute?” he asked, shooting Carver the finger.

  “Only if I can film an interview with you for the introductions.” She shrugged.

  “Ug. Fine.” He grimaced, then shrugged. “Let’s go.”

  Sabra followed him as he left the garage and circled around behind the building. An open-backed metal staircase led up to the second story, where the Hot Rods lived. She expected him to let her inside, but he never seemed to do what she thought. Instead, he veered off to the side of the landing then up the next flight of narrower steps.

  “Uh, is this safe?” She tried not to look through the lacey metal risers as they ascended to dizzying heights. Or maybe it was being in his presence that had her off balance again.

  “Trust me.” He smiled over his shoulder at her and kept climbing. “There’s a great view up here, and no one will bother us.”

  As they finished their hike, she hit the record button on her camera again. Why not get some great footage and force him to complete her interview before they got into personal territory? When she spied what awaited them she was glad she’d snagged the shot.

  A rooftop deck stretched out before her. Slate pavers were ringed by shrubs in black and chrome pots. A pergola covered in flowering vines shaded some areas while chaise lounges were positioned to take advantage of the unobstructed views. From here, she could see all the way to Middletown. Black-and-green-striped onion fields stretched to the mountains on the horizon opposite the cityscape. She panned from east to west, taking it all in.

  “Wow.” Impressed despite her nervousness over their impending conversation, she peeked around the recreational haven. A bar on one side, plenty of places to relax, read a book or have some other fun in the sun on the low daybeds. There was something for everyone.

  “Thanks.” He smiled as he snagged a couple bottles of water from the bar fridge, then led her to a comfortable seating area. If the flashing red light on the camera disturbed him, he didn’t act like it. She zoomed in on his handsome face, admiring the hint of his dimples up close. “We worked hard on this. Mustang likes to sunbathe up here. Too bad for her, she was doing it on the day Google Earth came around. I think she holds the record as one of the top ten attractions in the state these days.”

  Sabra shook her head, wondering if he was testing her. Would Sally really want the world to know that? Was it even true? Holden loved playing pranks. She could picture him tricking the viewing audience into searching for something that wasn’t there.

  Thinking about the sudden popularity of the garage on the map site nearly had her chuckling behind the camera. She loved his sense of humor, even if she didn’t plan to admit it.

  “So, how long have you guys been in business here?” She steered them back on track.

  “Tom opened the service station when he was in his early thirties. Over time, it’s grown into the operation you se
e today. The shop used to be straight maintenance and body work until Eli took an interest in restorations in high school. By then the rest of us guys and Sally had found our way here…home…thanks to Tom and the foundation his wife started before she passed away. We sort of never left.” He shrugged. “And I can’t imagine ever going now.”

  “What do you enjoy most about Hot Rods?” She swallowed hard when his eyes flashed and she knew exactly what he was thinking. A vision of tangled, sweaty limbs and ripped male muscles filled her mind. The picture on the screen wobbled as a result of her distraction.

  He treated her to one of his full-on smiles, complete with dimples. Damn.

  “I guess I like the friendships the best. And getting to make things whole again. Some of the piles of crap that come in here seem worthless. Everyone’s given up on them, thrown them in the dump. But we can take them and put them back together. Fix them. Find them new homes with people who will appreciate them. Love them and take care of them. I guess that has a certain appeal to a misfit like me.” When he finished speaking, he glanced away, picking at the label on the water bottle he clutched between his knees.

  Her heart broke for him.

  And a little for herself too. Why hadn’t her parents wanted to keep her?

  Sabra shut the camera off with a snap. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get so personal on record.”

  “Don’t you get it? That’s the problem with this whole idea. Hot Rods is personal. The garage, Tom, the gang, Buster and Ms. Brown… They’re everything I have. Everything that matters, anyway.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “Besides, if you’re not digging up dirt for the show, why do you give a shit?”

  “After last night I probably shouldn’t.” She shrugged and started to rise. It had been a mistake to come up here with him and expect...well, anything, really. Hell, she’d been the one to suggest they screw around, no strings. It wouldn’t be right to cling like plastic wrap, no matter how desperately she wanted another taste of the wounded man in front of her.

  “Ah, shit.” Holden abandoned his outpost. He perched beside her on her chaise, refusing to let her go. “I’m sorry, Sabra. You screw with my mind. Not on purpose, I know. It’s just that I want you. And I like you. A lot. More than I should.”

  When she angled her face to read the truth in his eyes, their mouths nearly met.

  He could have kissed her. It almost seemed like he would when he leaned a bit closer.

  But he didn’t.

  Instead he whispered, “I have issues. Because of my mom. She was a whore. Or at least she let men fuck her for drugs. I’m pretty sure that counts.”

  “Oh, Holden.” Without thought, she wrapped her arms around him and held him tight. Close.

  “Shh. Don’t stop me now or I won’t finish. I’ve never told anyone except the gang. And then only because…” He paused and looked down at her as if whatever he said would change how she felt about him. “I, uh, have nightmares sometimes. Bad ones.”

  She squeezed him.

  “Thanks, Sabster,” he croaked, borrowing the nickname Carver had bestowed. “But could you ease up before you crack a rib? You’re pretty strong for a girl, you know?”

  This time she didn’t hesitate. She let go and punched him in the biceps.

  “Ow.” He rubbed the spot in mock outrage.

  Then they were both grinning, despite the serious conversation.

  “That’s better.” He hummed as he tucked her against his side again. “Anyway, she was messed up because my sperm donor broke her heart and took off. She had to lug around a kid and for a while she was a serial-dater, trying to land a replacement guy. When that didn’t work out, well, she kind of went pro.”

  “Damn.” Sabra couldn’t imagine what that would do to a child. To his perspective on the world. On relationships. Things were starting to make a lot more sense.

  Patient, she found she wanted to do what would make things easier for him. The urge to be with him spiked. Not just physically, but like this, lending support and taking it when she needed some in return. If that meant they had to redraw boundaries, and ensure his comfort, she could handle that.

  What they were starting to build felt real. Not a cookie cutter relationship that could be easily defined but something unique and theirs alone. That was enough for her.

  “Look, Holden.” She took a deep breath, then started talking. “I don’t know what the hell happened between us yesterday, but I liked it.”

  He choked on the sip of water he’d been mid-swallow on. “Uh, good. Me too.”

  “And despite the fact that you acted like jerk, I kind of want to do it again. Okay, I really want to. That’s not something I’ve typically considered before. You know, a fling. But you tempt me to try stuff I used to be afraid of.”

  If she had expected him to cheer, she missed the mark. He scowled. “So you’re not going to demand some kind of girlfriend/boyfriend thing? Or that I only date you? Quit the gang cold turkey?”

  “No.” Sabra shook her head. As much as she might enjoy such an arrangement, it didn’t seem fair. She’d slept with him knowing about his bond with the Hot Rods.

  “Oh.” Why did he seem kind of disappointed?

  “Why am I starting to feel like I can’t win with you?” She sighed.

  “Probably because I’m twisted up inside when it comes to you.” He grimaced. “I’m sorry. Again.”

  “Don’t be. I think I’m going to have to learn to untangle your knots instead of yanking the ends of your strings if we want this thing to be anything other than a disaster.” A tremulous smile curled her lips.

  “What if I told you I want to try something serious? A real relationship, however we define that.” He took her hand in his. “I may totally suck at it.”

  “I might too.” She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. “But I’d really like to give it a try. With you.”

  “To be safe, why don’t you record me groveling and then we can play it back forty times a day to save time and effort?” He dropped his forehead on her shoulder. “And P.S., yanking anything of mine is probably not the way to go if you want me to calm down.”

  A laugh burst from Sabra’s chest. He had a way of clearing the air with his jokes, making her feel like everything would be okay. Right then she knew he’d survived horrible things by battling them with a positive attitude. Refusing to let the world know how deep it cut him or how scared he might be by laughing in fate’s face.

  And she wanted to be like him.


  So she hooted. Delighted that she’d found someone who could make her feel so much, so soon, and that even if they ended up crashing and burning, he’d be sure to show her things she’d never allowed herself to experience before.

  “Damn, I love when you laugh.” He stared at her so intensely she feared he might laser a hole through her. “Do it again.”

  “What?” She did chuckle at his absurd request, though it held a tinge of awkwardness. “I can’t do it on command.”

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to tickle you.” He snaked an arm around her.

  Sabra bolted to her feet before he could pin her in place.

  Holden stalked toward her.

  She retreated with an equal number of measured steps.

  “No. No way.” She grinned at the infectiousness of his mischievous side.

  “Yep. Definitely.” Holden pounced while his lethal attractiveness distracted her.

  She dodged his grasping hands and ran for the other side of the roof with him hot on her heels. Cracking up the whole way.

  In fact, she laughed so hard, she lost her lead, and he took advantage, tackling her onto the chaise near some potted plants by the stairs to the elevated garden. He straddled her, both of them suffering a fit of hysterics while he tortured her with wriggles of his fingers over her ribs.

The power of his thighs around her waist made her remember how effortlessly he’d supported her while he drove inside her the night before. And she wanted to feel it again.

  “Mercy, mercy.” She panted between peals of laughter.

  “Hmmm.” He leaned down and put a kiss on the corner of her lips. “What will you give me if I stop?”

  “If you quit it, I won’t have to knee you in the nuts.” She gasped when he tickled her harder for her insolence.

  “Not good enough.” He winked as he teased more laughter from her.

  When she couldn’t catch her breath, he gave her another reprieve.

  “Okay, fine. How about a blow job?” She raised her brows.

  Holden jolted, then swallowed hard. The bulge growing at the front of his coveralls proved he liked her bribe. “Right now?”

  Sabra hadn’t really intended the level of naughtiness warranted by midday nookie at her jobsite, but she couldn’t deny he tempted her. More than anyone else ever had. She shrugged as much as the weight of him on her would allow.

  Without further hesitation, Holden unzipped his coveralls and shrugged out of them. Beneath, he wore a T-shirt with the Hot Rods logo, including all the mechanics’ names. It hugged his chest and reminded her of how it had felt to snuggle into him after their session the night before.

  Next he fished beneath the hem for his belt, which he unbuckled in a hurry.

  This time when Sabra suffered a riot of giggles, he paused. “Um, Sabster? That’s not usually the reaction I get when I take my dick out.”

  His chagrin only made her shoulders shake harder. “Oh my God, my side is broken.”

  “Here, I’ll distract you.” He shuffled upward on his knees until they locked beneath her arms. From here, she could see exactly why women and men alike were more likely to hum with approval when they caught sight of his impressive equipment.

  She’d been too focused on getting him inside her the day before to explore sufficiently. Today, she had no intentions of repeating that mistake. Taking him in hand, Sabra measured his length with steady strokes of her lightly clasped fingers. She pumped him from root to tip a few times, appreciating how he continued to lengthen and fill out in her hand.


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