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Seventh Heaven (Heaven Sent Book 7)

Page 4

by Mary Abshire

  “Your pressure is a little high,” the nurse said as she removed the strap around Emily’s arm.

  “Really?” Emily and Andrew said in unison.

  “Not much. It’s one twenty-eight over eighty-four. Do you get nervous before you visit doctors?” the nurse asked.

  “No, I don’t,” Emily said.

  “You might start checking it every couple of days. They have machines at most drugstores and Walmart. If your numbers increase over the next four weeks, then tell your doctor or a doctor.”

  The nurse returned to the stool. She made a note in the folder before she started typing on the keyboard. Emily wondered if her emotional outburst from the previous night had anything to do with her elevated blood pressure. Andrew hadn’t said he’d noticed any change in her pulse. The increase hadn’t been much, but since she still had four months to go she didn’t want any problems. She’d have to start monitoring it as the nurse suggested.

  “Okay, Dr. Wills-Hughes will be here in a little bit,” the nurse said before she left the room.

  Emily looked at Andrew. “I think it’s up because of last night.”

  He came to stand at her side. “Could be. I wouldn’t worry about it, but we should get it checked like she said.”

  “Have you noticed any changes in my pulse?”

  “Sometimes it’s a little elevated, but that happens from time to time for everyone. If I thought there was a problem I would’ve taken you to a doctor.”

  She inhaled a relieving breath. “I probably worry too much.”

  “I can confirm that for you.”

  Grinning, she smacked his arm.

  “I know of a way to raise that pulse even more,” he said with a crooked smile, and his gaze lowered to her chest.

  “I swear, you always have sex on your brain.”

  “Have you met my sexy wife? And for the record, you never say no. And I recall plenty of times you’ve hit on me, so we’re in this boat together.”

  His words made her chuckle. He was right. She couldn’t refuse him any time they fooled around.

  The door opened and a thin woman with long, black hair entered the room. Her white robe covered the majority of her clothes except for her dark slacks.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Wills-Hughes,” she said before she shut the door.

  “Hello,” Emily said. “I’m Penny and this is my husband Spencer.”

  The doctor shook Emily’s hand first.

  “I read the notes in your file. It looks like your about five months along. Is that right?” the doctor asked.

  “By our calculation, yes,” Emily said.

  “Have you had any problems?”

  “No, nothing,” she said.

  “Well, that is always good. Why don’t you lie back and lower you pants a bit? I can hook up the ultrasound and take a look to make sure everything appears okay,” the doctor said.

  Emily scooted back over the tissue paper. The table was at a slight angle to help her stay up. When she lifted her shirt, Andrew reached for her jeans.

  “I’ll help you with this,” he said with a mischievous grin that made her nipples harden.

  The doctor had her back facing them. Andrew unbuttoned her pants, and then slowly lowered her zipper. He glanced at the doctor before he slid both hands under the waistband. His touch spawned a wave of heat through her. If the doctor hadn’t been in the room, there was a high probability she would’ve fooled around with him.

  “Okay,” the doctor said as she moved the equipment closer.

  Andrew winked at her before he removed his touch. The doctor faced them, holding a tube in her gloved hands.

  “This might be a little cold,” she said before she squirted the gel on Emily’s stomach.

  The doctor set the tube on the cart underneath the ultrasound machine. She removed the probe and stretched the cord. Andrew slid his hand into Emily’s as the doctor pressed the probe into the goo. Within seconds of moving the device over Emily’s belly, they heard a vibrant beat.

  “Oh my God,” Emily said. “It’s sounds so much louder than last time.”

  The steady rhythm gave her a chill every time she heard it, which had only been twice now. Life was growing inside her. How crazy was that? After she’d first met Andrew she never would’ve guessed she would end up pregnant with his baby and be the happiest she’s ever been in her life. She’d been blessed and she’d continue to think so.

  Andrew stared with wide eyes at the monitor. The doctor turned the machine at a better angle for Emily to see. A black and white image on the screen revealed a little person.

  “Can you determine the sex?” Andrew asked.

  The doctor moved the probe slowly over Emily. “I’m afraid he or she is at an angle and the legs are together. Oh, there’s movement.”

  Andrew bent over Emily. “Is it moving an arm?”

  “I believe so,” the doctor said.

  Emily wanted to get a closer view, too, but if she moved too much, the baby would too and the image on the screen would go away. The doctor would have to find a new one. Emily didn’t want to risk losing the shot of luck they had.

  “Can you print out some pictures?” Emily asked. “I’m keeping a scrapbook.”

  “Sure.” The doctor pressed a button on the machine and it made a slight humming noise.

  “I’d say your baby looks healthy. You should be you’re right on schedule.” She pressed the button a few more times.

  “It’s so small, but the pictures look clear,” Andrew said before he met Emily’s gaze. “It’s growing.” He looked as happy as she felt.

  The doctor removed the probe. She set it under the equipment and tugged a few tissues from the box.

  “Thanks,” Emily said, taking the tissues from her.

  “I think you are on track. My advice is to monitor your blood pressure. If it gets worse, talk to a doctor. If you don’t have any other problems, you can wait four weeks for another checkup,” the doctor said as she removed her latex gloves. She tossed them in a nearby trashcan.

  Emily wiped the gel from her stomach. She set the soiled tissues at her side as she sat upright. The doctor stepped forward with the pictures.

  “I’ll take them,” Andrew said, reaching for the photos.

  “Keep taking the vitamins. You’re doing great,” the doctor said. “Stop at the front when you’re ready to leave.”

  “Thank you.”

  Andrew studied the pictures with a smile on his face as the doctor left the room. Emily kept all of the thin photos in a bag so they wouldn’t get destroyed. Every time they were on the road, he’d pull out the bag and marvel at each picture.

  “Still don’t know the sex,” Emily said.

  “It’s healthy. That’s what’s important.”

  Emily slid from the table. She fastened her jeans. When he lifted his gaze, she saw the joy in his eyes. His happiness nurtured hers.

  She took his face into her hands. “In four months you can hold the life we created.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “I love you, wife. You make me so happy. And horny.”

  She grinned before she gave him a kiss. “Same boat, husband.”

  “Let’s get out of here. I want to share the pictures with Matt.”

  “Is that all?” She’d noticed his erection had hardened while they were hugging.

  “Well, if there’s an alley around here, maybe we could fool around a bit.”

  “Maybe?” She arched a brow.

  His lips stretched. “Okay, I’d very much like to fool around with my wife. Soon. A blowjob would be great.”

  She chuckled. “All right. You’re driving.”

  “And you’re blowing. I mean, sucking.”

  She laughed again. “Yes.”

  He smooched her lips before he headed for the door. Her twenty-six year-old husband truly was a unique man. He seemed to enjoy making her laugh and smile. If he wanted a blowjob, she’d gladly give him one. She’d indulge him as much as she
could in the time he had left. And he was right. They were both in the same boat of love and horniness.

  Chapter Five

  Andrew was on the cusp of exploding. Literally, his engorged cock ached to release the seed built up. Lying back in the driver’s seat, he held the back of Emily’s head as she stroked him with her precious lips. His body burned with need. He wanted to pump into her, but anyone could walk down the alley and find them. The darkened windows would hide most of their actions, but he didn’t dare risk someone interrupting them in the midst of sex. For now, he enjoyed her caress on his hard length. He’d fill her with it later.

  She dragged her tongue up and then circled underneath the head. He groaned as the zings of pleasure danced within him.

  “Damn, that feels so good,” he said.

  She repeated her loving kiss. The tension within him had almost reached a breaking point. She took him deep into her mouth again and again. He couldn’t hold back any longer. Her love brought him the release he’d been seeking. His erection pulsed while the warm fluid it held flowed free. Euphoria drifted through him. She slowed her movements. He’d miss her love and the way she made him so horny. No one could ever replace her.

  His fast beating heart calmed but his cock hadn’t yet. She removed her lips and lifted her head.

  “Better?” she asked.

  He inhaled a long breath. “For now. I would be much better if I could make love to you.” He lifted the back of his seat.

  “Trust me, I would like you to, but this isn’t the best place for sex.”

  The tall buildings on both sides added some privacy, but not enough in the daylight. He liked to strip Emily, touch and kiss her. He wouldn’t risk someone seeing her naked beauty. It was for his eyes only.

  “Rain check,” he said as he tucked his length back into his boxers and jeans.

  “I’ll cash it later.”

  His wife’s fun nature, good humor, and loving spirit were all qualities he admired and adored. As he started the engine, he wondered if such characteristics would transfer to their child. He hoped so.

  Andrew steered out of the alley in a blissful state of mind and it had nothing to do with the blowjob. The appointment had turned out well. Mother and baby were both healthy. Emily’s blood pressure wasn’t a big concern, but he had to wonder if the stress of him leaving was a contributing factor. He’d noticed an increase in her pulse after she’d had moments of the blues. The previous night had been no exception. The numbers weren’t too bad, but he wondered if they could worsen the further into her pregnancy. He’d have to monitor her better and try harder not to speak about his departure.

  “These pictures are great,” she said as she held them in her hands.

  “They are. I love looking at them. Can you believe how much our baby has grown?”

  He recalled the first ultrasound they’d gone to. The fetus had been a few inches in length. Now it appeared to be eight to ten inches long. And the heartbeat… What a beautiful sound. He was in awe of the life inside her and how quickly it developed.

  “It doesn’t look like an alien so much now,” she said.

  “When you take out the bag with the other pictures, I’d like to show them to Matt. I think he’ll enjoy seeing them, too.”

  “Yeah, he should look at them.”

  He glanced at her while he drove. She held a wide grin on her face as she stared forward.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head, but the smile remained.

  “Oh no, there’s something in that sweet head of yours. Tell me.”

  “I can’t. Not yet. It’s just an idea anyway.”

  “Then share it.”

  “No, it’s mine. You’ll have to wait.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  He steered into the garage behind the hotel. The large brick building had seven floors and took up a good portion of the block. He stopped at the gate and swiped his card.

  “I think you should tell me,” he said as the gate lifted.

  “No, Andrew, not now. I’ll share it with you soon. Be patient.”

  “How soon?” He drove through the garage, searching for a spot.

  “Soon.” She huffed.

  He clenched his jaw. He hated she wouldn’t tell him her idea. Because she refused, he suspected it had to be a surprise, maybe even something for Christmas. Damn it, now he needed to find something spectacular to give her. And time was running out with it being Christmas Eve tomorrow.

  He parked in a spot on the third floor. Although their suite was on the seventh level, they could take the elevator up.

  “I’d like to stop at the Square after dinner. I think it will be open. We should look around at some shops,” Andrew said while she gathered her purse from the floor.

  Located in the center of town, the Square was a multilevel complex with a wide array of shops. He’d read about it in a magazine offered at the hotel. They’d passed by the building several times, but had yet to venture inside.

  “Yeah, that sounds fine to me,” she said. “We’d planned to walk around after we eat anyway.”

  They exited the Jeep. Andrew hurried around to catch up with her. He hit the button on the remote to trigger the alarm. Together, they headed for the stairwell and elevators.

  Emily shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket. Her purse dangled from one of her arms. “It’s cold. Remind me next time not to visit any places near the east coast in the winter.” Condensation from her breath disappeared quickly.

  He grabbed the door for her and opened it. “Make sure to wear layers tonight. I think it might even snow.”

  She led the way to the elevator. “Well, the Square will look pretty if it does.” She hit the call button.

  “We could try ice skating. The rink isn’t far from the Square.”

  “You and Matt can. I’d love to see two big men on thin blades trying to skate on ice.”

  “Afraid to try? Surely you know how since you grew up in Chicago.”

  The elevator doors opened. He followed her inside. Within seconds of her pressing the dial on the display, they were on the way up.

  “I’ve skated before several times. It’s not difficult. I’m passing because of the baby. If someone gets in my way, and I try to avoid them and fall…”

  “Right. I don’t want you risk hurting yourself or the baby. Ice skating was a bad idea.”

  “No, it’s a good one for you two. I can watch and drink hot chocolate.”

  “We’ll see. I’m more interested in checking out the shops in the Square.”

  The elevator stopped on the seventh floor. Emily walked out first. He followed her down the hall to the entrance. She stopped at the door.

  “I’m glad you went with me to the doctor,” she said as he swiped the card from the hotel. “I always feel better when you’re with me. When I looked at those other women waiting, it made me sad to think they were alone.”

  He opened the door for her after the lights flashed green. “I always get excited to go with you. I want to know how my two girls are doing.”

  She strode down the hall. “It is amazing to see the changes.”

  “I would miss out if I weren’t with you. I can’t have that,” he said as he walked beside her.

  They stopped at the door to their suite. Andrew had one more chance to try to get her to share her idea while he had her alone. He tugged on her arm and backed her to the wall. She removed her hands from the coat pockets as he stepped closer to her.

  “Can you give me a small hint about your idea?” he asked.

  She took hold of the zipper on his jacket and gently pulled it. “If I did that, it would ruin the surprise.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  She scoffed. “I’m not telling you.”


  “No. Just wait one day.”

  “So it’s a Christmas gift?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Andrew, open the door. I need to pee.”

p; Of course she did. The excuse worked well in any intense situation. Shaking his head, he inserted the key card.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll love it,” she said before she pushed the door open.

  He adored his wife with all his heart, but when she played games with him and planned surprises, well, he had to find a way to top whatever she had. The challenge had been set. He had less than thirty-six hours to obtain something to impress and stun her. He hoped he could do it.

  Chapter Six

  Emily stepped out of the restaurant with her stomach feeling like a blown-up balloon ready to pop. She’d eaten a few small slices of bread and calamari before her main dish, which consisted of stuffed cod, scallops, and shrimp with mixed vegetables and a potato. Seafood was her favorite food and Andrew knew it. That’s why he’d selected the place. She’d shared a slice of cheesecake with him, but he’d let her eat most of it to her. She hoped he realized if she kept consuming so much food she would gain more weight. She started to wonder if that was his plan.

  She zipped her coat and twisted to face Andrew and Matt leaving the restaurant behind her. “I am so stuffed.”

  Andrew slipped his hand in with hers. “I have to make sure my wife and baby are well fed.”

  “Mission accomplished,” she said.

  “Good food and good company. I love moments like this,” Matt said.

  “I second that,” Andrew said, walking in the middle, keeping her on the inside of the sidewalk.

  “Make that three confirmations,” she said.

  Dinner had been full of laughs as each of them recalled their favorite Christmas holiday. Matt reminded her of her old friend Troy in some ways. The ex-Marine was strong and outgoing, a real fighter and loyal to his friends. But unlike Troy, Matt had a compassionate heart. He cared about others.

  “Shall we go to the Square now?” Andrew asked, gently swinging their clasped hands.

  “I’ll go wherever you two want to go,” Matt said.

  “That’s fine with me,” she said. “It’s probably warmer in the Square.”

  Every time she spoke, a small cloud formed from her breath. The freezing temperature had chilled her the second she’d left the restaurant. She hadn’t bought any hat or gloves since they didn’t plan to stay long, but now she thought she might have to purchase the two to keep her ears and fingers warm.


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