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Roman (The Clutch Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Heidi McLaughlin

  “Ugh.” She groans at me. “Look, I think you should stay the fuck away from her. But I can see that’s not going to happen, so the only solution I can think of is that you need to bring her here. She needs to see what our life is really like. Right now, all she sees is the work you’ve done to seem human. But you’re not fucking human. I don’t think she fully understands what she’s dealing with.”

  “She knows I’m a vampire, Selene.”

  “Uh huh. But does she even know what that means? She knows you’re a man, who has fangs. Those are just fucking teeth. Not being able to hear your heartbeat is just the tip of the iceberg. Has she seen you feed? Have you bitten her? Has she experienced the vampire life? Or did she get the vampire who acts like a human to fit in?” she asks before pressing her lips together and glaring at me.

  Fuck. Selene is totally right. I’ve spent all of my time trying to show Fiona how human I am. I’m not human. I’m not the monster her father says that I am, but I’m never going to be something I’m not, mortal. I realize that my strategy of covering up what I am to show her my humanity has perhaps backfired.

  “So you think she needs to come here?” I furrow my brows. I’m skeptical that a feeding bar and lounge is the absolute best idea under the circumstances.

  “It doesn’t sound like the greatest day of my life, but for you, it’s the only way to see if she can handle the truth. I don’t enjoy entertaining humans who are leery of our kind or of our ways, or that come here begrudgingly like we’re some kind of a sideshow. We’ve been through that era, and I’d just as soon forget that we were almost all staked to death over what we are.” She pauses and takes a deep sigh before continuing. “However, for you, for my partner in this immortal life, I suggest that you bring her here. If she can handle what she sees and experiences, then maybe you can salvage something from this relationship if you want to call it that. But let me ask you something, Roman.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Why her? You could have practically any woman on this earth. What makes her so special that you’re willing to stick your neck out for her? You’ll outlive her a thousand times over. What’s the point?” I knew this line of questioning would come eventually. Selene never believed in settling down with humans or settling down at all really. We’d talked about it before over the years when we’d seen vampires marry humans, and live with them until they died. She’d made it very clear that for her there was no point in getting attached to a creature who would age and die. I had agreed with her for many years, that is until I met Fiona.

  “I can’t describe it. It is a gut feeling, and instinct. I’m drawn to her in a way that is almost primal; I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to.”

  “So, she’s your prey?” Selene suggested with a smirk.

  “No! It’s not like that at all. Do you even listen to me? I want to protect her. Take care of her.” My thoughts retreated to the expression on her face when she looked at me in her house. She had disgust, and fear in her eyes. I had to fix this.

  Again, Selene rolls her eyes. “Whatever you say, Roman. I don’t get it, but I’ll help you. However, I can. Bring her here so she can see how the other half lives. If she’s got the stomach for it, you’ll know in an instant whether or not this can work. That’s the only way you’ll know.”

  “Thank you, Selene.”

  “You’re welcome. And while we’re at it – keep your fucking nose clean moving forward. Don’t be throwing any more humans around. I’m serious!” She points her long pale finger at me aggressively as I get up to walk out. I nod my head in agreement and head back out the bar.

  Deciding to try and talk to Fiona, I pull out my phone, dialing her number. I’m not surprised when my call goes to voicemail; I’m assuming she’s just not taking my calls. I decide to hang around Clutch for awhile; I’m not ready to go home and sulk. Going back to her place seems like a bad idea, so I lament in public alone at the bar until the vampire sitting next to me with his consort, a lovely, young, brunette human who I’ve seen here before, addresses me.

  “Hey, are you Roman?” he asks me with hesitation in his voice.

  “Yea, why?”

  He turns on his stool to face me, then glances around the room to see if anyone is listening. We’re vampires, anyone could be listening, and they don’t have to be sitting anywhere near us to hear, so I impatiently wait to find out what he wants.

  “We were just walking through the Glacier Palace Casino on Broad Street before coming here, and uh… I think your consort is there.”

  Now he’s garnered my full attention. “What was she doing there?” I ask brusquely. I’m annoyed.

  “Well, she was drinking; a lot. And we could, well I could, hear her talking about you to a bartender there. I wasn’t really eavesdropping so much as she was pretty upset about a vampire, and then she said your name. She seems pretty mad about whatever happened.”

  Not knowing this vamp, I had no intention of getting into my business with him, but I was grateful to know where I could find her and to hear that she wasn’t with her father. I decide to go to her immediately.

  “Thank you…” I trail off, not knowing his name.

  “Boris.” He sticks his hand out to shake mine.

  “Boris. Thank you.” I get up and walk out abruptly, headed straight for Glacier. It’s close to Clutch, in the more vampire friendly section of town, so I walk quickly, listening intently, trying to get a read on her voice. It can be difficult at times to pick up the voices that you’re trying to hear, particularly when your own mind is racing, but within a few moments, I can hear her.

  “I thought he was different. I guess my daddy was right. Humans and vamps just don’t mix,” I hear her say as I near the entrance. I know she doesn’t believe this, she can’t.

  Before I advance, I watch her for a moment. She’s talking to a female bartender, who happens to be a vampire. You can’t see her mark, it’s covered up with a leather cuff, and I wonder if Fiona has any idea that she’s talking about her problems with her vampire boyfriend to another vampire. Yes, boyfriend. That’s what I am in human speak. She’s mine, and I am hers. While I may use different terminology in my culture, it’s the same thing, and it’s time to go reclaim her.

  The vampire at the bar is bleached blonde, with a provocatively low cut tank top, and senses me coming before I arrive. As she makes eyes at me, I shift my glance and nod my head away from Fiona, indicating that she is mine and that my Fiona is no human conquest for her tonight. Vampires are territorial and do not go after each other’s consorts, once a relationship has been established. There are plenty of willing humans to choose from, but should we choose just one to be ours, respect for that is expected among our kind. Understanding, she smiles at Fiona and walks to help other patrons at the bar, leaving Fiona alone with her drink.

  I know I need to talk to her now. I’m nervous, and quite certain that if I were human, my palms would be sweating. Thank the fates that I don’t sweat or have a heartbeat because it would be thumping right out of my chest. As I approach her, I can smell her perfume, her perfect Fiona scent and it fills me with desire for her.

  “Fiona?” I take the seat next to her.

  “How did you find me, Roman?” She refuses to make eye contact with me. Before I have a chance to answer, she continues. “Oh, that’s right, with your superhuman senses. Well, what do you want?” She takes a sip of her drink and licks her bottom lip, where a small drop of liquid has remained.

  I swallow hard, watching her before I reply. “I want to talk to you. I need to talk to you.”

  She turns to face me, and I see immediately that her eyes are red, likely from crying. “I don’t think there’s anything left to talk about, Roman. You threw my dad against a wall. Not only that but with superhuman strength, leaving a humanly sized indent on my wall. You could have killed him!”

  It’s impossible to defend my actions, but I try. “Fiona, your father could have killed me with that stake. I was defending my
self. If I wanted him dead, he’d be dead.”

  Her mouth drops open in shock at my blunt statement. This is what Selene was talking about. Fiona needs to be reminded that I’m a fucking vampire. Yes, I have super strength; I have predatory tendencies, and that won’t change. It’s what I am, and it’s time to stop hiding it.

  “Wow Roman, really?” She shakes her head at me.

  “Fiona, listen to me.” I wait for her to look back at me with her full attention. “I am not a human.”

  “I know that, Roman.” She looks at me, confused and annoyed.

  “Do you? Because I think that you need to understand that I will give you the world, but I am not a regular mortal man. There is a part of my life you need to see for yourself. You need to understand what being a vampire really means.”

  “You answer my questions all the time. I know what being a vampire is about. I get it. You didn’t have to handle things that way today. I cared about you,” she says, blowing me off.

  Her use of the past tense cared, stings. Taking a chance, I rest my hand on her thigh gently. “Fiona, I don’t think you do. You’ve just barely scratched the surface. Will you come with me?”

  “Come with you where?” she asks hesitantly.

  “I want you to come to Clutch. I’ve told you about it. I want you to see what my life is about, and what being a part of my life means. Please?” I can see the hesitation on her face. She’s trying to read my expression before she makes a decision, but I can sense her want for me. “Fiona, I care about you. I will fix things with your father. But I need for you to understand what I truly am.”

  “You won’t let anything happen to me? Like nobody gets to bite me, right?” Her hand draws up to the cross she’s still wearing.

  It’s against the rules to enter the club if you’re not willing to get bitten, although it’s not really enforced. I’ve never seen anyone turned away over it since that’s what most humans go there for anyway. “You are mine, Fiona. No one gets to touch you except me.” My hand slides up her thigh a bit, and I can feel her heart rate increase.

  “I want to understand, Roman.” She rests her hand on mine and meets my gaze. “I’ll go, but I’m still upset over today. I’m mad at both you and my father.”

  Relief washes over me, and I throw some cash on the bar for her tab and pull her with me as I stand up. She immediately softens into me for a hug, and as I hold her tightly, I realize that I am in love with her. Whatever it takes, I’m going to make this work.

  We make our way back to Clutch, and at the door, we’re greeted by Corban, who immediately notices Fiona’s cross around her neck.

  “She can’t wear that in here,” he addresses me, and points to her neck.

  “She’s with me,” I reply.

  “That may be the case, but she can’t wear that.”

  I turn to Fiona and hope for the best. “Fiona? I need you to take the cross off.”

  “What? No.”

  “Listen to me. No one is going to touch you except me.”

  “But they could compel me. And I don’t want that. I want to know everything I’m doing. I don’t want to be controlled.” She seems scared, like she’s going to run.

  I take her face in my hands and look deeply into her eyes. “Fiona, listen to me. You’re mine. I wouldn’t compel you with or without the cross, and I won’t let anyone else. This is important if you want to understand my culture. I need you to comply. Willingly.” I take a step back, hoping she makes the right decision and to my surprise, she does.

  Slowly, she reaches around the back of her neck and unhooks the chain reluctantly. She drops the cross in her small purse, then looks back up at me with a smile. I can see her resolve now, and it fills me with pleasure. I lean in to kiss her softly, her lips tasting sweeter than ever, then I take her hand and smirk at Corban, who’s now opened the door for us to enter Clutch.



  Unlike at Hoover Dam, Roman doesn’t tell me to close my eyes when we step into his hangout, his lair full of blood sucking, human killing friends who are passing by us in a blur. My grip on Roman’s hand tightens, but I don’t feel secure. It’s not enough. I need him to shield me from his brotherhood.

  We’re not three or four steps in when Roman pauses. I don’t know if this is for dramatic effect or what, but color me underwhelmed. I’ve seen enough. I don’t belong here, especially without my cross. My hand reaches for my neck, and I close my eyes, wishing I hadn’t agreed to this.

  Nevertheless, I’m here, as promised so I can try to understand who Roman is when we’re not together. I need to keep an open mind because I truly like Roman, although, after his mishap with my father, I don’t know if we’ll be able to be together. I know my father well enough to know he’s going to make me choose, Roman or him, and by him, my father means my trust fund.

  The club is dark with red and black accents everywhere. It’s exactly what I would expect a vampire den to look like. Clearly, whoever owns this place didn’t branch out from their known color palette. It wouldn’t hurt the vampire community to add a little cream or yellow to their lives. Although, I supposed red and black mean you don’t see any blood stains.

  Roman takes my hand and leads us to the bar. It seems like it’s a mile long and completely out of place.

  “I thought you don’t drink.”

  “I don’t… we don’t.”

  “Yet, you have a fully stocked bar, and people have drinks in their hands.”

  “Those are humans.”

  I look down the bar at the men and women saddled up to it. Each person has a different expression on his or her face. The man next to us looks sad, almost as if he’s lost his job, and the woman three seats down is surveying the room, possibly looking for a man? It’s hard to tell. “Why are they here?”

  “Mostly, because they prefer this lifestyle.”

  “You mean being bitten?”

  “It’s not always about biting, Fiona.”

  “Then what’s it about, Roman?”

  “It’s about having a deeper connection with another being. It’s about helping someone survive. It’s about finding your place in the world.”

  I take his words to heart; especially what he said first, the deeper connection. I know I feel something for Roman that isn’t forced or a result of him biting me. I genuinely like being with him.

  “What would the human like to drink?” I suck in a breath at the sight of the woman in front of me. Everything about her is flawless from her long dark hair, perfectly curved figure, sharp green eyes and her boobs… yes, I’m marveling at her chest and the way her breasts are cupped flawlessly in her red (no less) corset. And her fangs. Her tongue runs over them as she looks at me. I swallow hard, and my body goes on high alert.

  “Selene, this is my Fiona. Fiona, this is Selene, she owns the Las Vegas Clutch.”

  I extend my hand, but she doesn’t shake it. Instead, she’s throwing the proverbial dagger at Roman, which is something I’ll have to ask him about later.

  “May I have water, please?” My throat’s dry and I’ve had enough liquor for the evening. I need to keep my wits about myself, especially in here.

  “Water?’ Selene nods and places a glass in front of me so fast I don’t even see her move to fill it up. Tentatively, I take a sip, not sure what to expect.

  “Thank you.” I’m still alive, at least for the moment. For all I know, this is a trap, and I’m here to be turned… wait, can vampires do that, turn humans into vampires without their permission? I don’t remember in any of my readings, and the thought literally has me shaking in my seat.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Roman’s hand is on my back. I nod, but I can see he doesn’t believe me. “What’s going on?”

  “Did you bring me here so you can turn me into a vampire?” I whisper. Suddenly the room goes eerily quiet, and the only thing I can hear is my own heartbeat. I’m afraid to look anywhere except at Roman, out of fear there’s an entire coven of undead being
s approaching me. Do they all take turns? Will they strap me down and drain my blood? God, I should’ve read more before I ever agreed to go on a date with Roman.

  “Fiona, it’s against the law for us to turn anyone.”

  I glance over my shoulder to find about eight or so vampires looking rather hungry. “What’re they doing?”

  “Kiss me, Fiona. They think you’re here on your own and are willing to be with them.”

  Roman doesn’t give me a chance to understand what he’s said before his lips are on mine. Without hesitation, my hand goes to his hair, and I pull him closer, needing to not only taste him but also feel him pressed against me. There are a few mumbles behind us, and the music has started back up. When Roman pulls away from me, I feel the loss of him instantly. “Can I show you around?”

  I nod and take his hand as I slide down from the barstool. The deeper we walk into the recess of the club, the tighter my grip is on his hand. Not because of what I see, it’s because of who’s looking at me, eyes everywhere with intense stares that cause the fine hairs on my arms to rise.

  In the back of the club is a dance floor. Half clothed bodies gyrate, people make-out and I swear I see a couple having sex. The vampire male looks up from his consort and winks before disappearing. I strain my head to try and see where they went, but to no avail.

  Roman pulls back a black curtain and motions for me to step through. “Back here is where you can go for some privacy.”

  “Like sex?”

  He shrugs. “Yes, but also for feedings. Some humans don’t want others to watch. Plus, this is where the um…”

  “Juice hustlers?”

  “No, we call them prostitutes just like you, and contrary to popular belief, we don’t need to bite our partner to achieve an orgasm. The act only heightens the experience for everyone involved. Anyway, this is where they work.”

  “Do you want to watch a feeding?”

  I shake my head but stop quickly. “I don’t know, do I?”

  “It’s only something you can answer, Fiona. I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”


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