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Take a Deep Breath (Lake of the Pines)

Page 18

by Shar Dimick

  “Just a second!” Liv crossed the living room and threw open the door. “What did you forget?” Standing on her front stoop wasn’t Sara or Ron, but Cam. Liv stood speechless in surprise, as a myriad of feelings poured through her.

  “Forget?” Cam looked confident, but uncertain as he waited for Liv to say something. He’d cut his hair short, leaving just the bangs and sideburns longer. He smiled at her and jammed his hands into the pockets of his worn brown leather jacket. Beneath the jacket he had on a heather blue, button-front shirt that made his eyes look even bluer than normal. “I know you said you needed time…but I just couldn’t stay away any longer…”

  “Cam, it really is you.”

  “Yeah.” He smiled warily. “Can I come in?”

  She could see the longing in his eyes and feel it in her body. In answer to his question, she reached out and grabbed the open edges of his jacket, pulling him into the room as his mouth crashed onto hers. She parted her lips inviting his tongue into her open mouth. His hands tangled in her hair as she encircled the back of his neck with her arms and deepened the kiss. Dizzy with desire and the pent up longing of more than a month apart, she couldn’t get enough of his taste. She moved her hands over his shoulders as she pulled his jacket downward and he shrugged it off letting it drop to the floor.

  Cam broke the kiss. “Sara?” His voice rasped heavy with need.

  “She’s at her father’s for the weekend.” Liv started to unbutton Cam’s shirt as he kissed the side of her neck and found his way back to her sweet mouth. Hot desire arrowed straight to his groin as he realized Liv’s words meant they were alone. In that instant she knew he wanted her as much as she wanted, needed him. The cuff of his shirt caught on his hand and he shook it off. Liv ran her fingers over his muscled chest, while Cam pulled her shirt up over her head and unfastened her bra. He stared a moment and admired her beauty. She shivered standing before him half naked and he realized the front door stood open.

  “The door…”

  “I got it.” Liv quickly kicked it shut behind her with the heel of her bare foot. Pressing herself against his chest, she closed the space between them. She could feel his heart beating as fast as hers. His hot skin felt so good against hers. She unbuckled his belt and started to unfasten his jeans when she felt his hands encircle her wrists to stop her.

  “Are you sure this is what you want? I didn’t come here to…”

  “I know. Do you have protection?” She prayed he did.

  “I do, but I don’t want to take advantage of…”

  She stopped him with her mouth. The kiss was urgent and fast. She knew what she wanted. She entwined her fingers with his and pulled him towards the stairs. Cam scooped her legs out from under her and held her in his arms. Liv gasped in surprise.


  “First door on the left…”

  Cam kissed her neck again. He couldn’t get her to the bedroom fast enough. The urgency of their love making took over his mind and body. He laid her in the middle of the bed. She sat up on her knees, tilted her head up at him and finished undressing him. Her body ached with longing at the sight of him.

  “No fair. I’m the only one naked.”

  “Why don’t you do something about that?” She pulled him down on top of her and found his mouth. She groaned as his tongue danced with hers. He propped himself up on his elbows careful to keep his full weight off of her. She arched upward to meet him and pulled him back down onto her. She wanted to feel his weight on her, to feel him inside her.

  “Wait…let’s slow it down.”

  “I can’t, please Cam, God, Cam I can’t wait…”

  Cam smiled lazily and softly touched her lips with his as he caught both her wrists in his hand and pressed them above her head.

  “Just relax…I want the first time to be about you…” He buried his face in her throat, trailing open-mouth kisses down her body, teasing and taunting her with his tongue. He eased her pants down and off as he continued to kiss her torso, moving down toward her inner thigh.

  Liv instinctively pulled her legs together and tried to sit up.

  “Cam…please stop, I need you to…”

  “Shhhh. Let me do this for you. I’ve dreamed of pleasuring you for so long…” He released her wrists and brushed her hair back from her forehead. “You’re so beautiful Livvy. I love you so much. I’ve loved you for so long…Let me show you how much.” He tenderly kissed her mouth as she ran her fingers through his hair, letting herself relax back down into the soft pillow. Cam drew circles with his tongue down her neck once more. He loved and caressed her body, sending her senses spinning.

  “Cam, please Cam…”

  Cam cocked one eyebrow up at her, smiled and went back to kissing and teasing every inch of her being.

  “Cam, please…” Liv begged. “I want, I need you…I want our first time to be together.”

  Cam stopped on her words, any control he’d had gone. “Okay, baby, okay. Just give me a sec.” He dangled his arm over the side of the bed and fumbled on the floor until he found his wallet and a condom in the back pocket of his jeans. Only moments later, Cam positioned himself above Liv and looked down into her eyes. She reached up and gently touched the side of his face before she kissed his mouth gently, slowly with love and longing.

  “Now, Cam, please… I can’t do slow anymore…” She opened herself to him as she tilted her hips up to meet him. Cam crushed her lips with his and joined them in one fluid motion. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him down further into her.

  “Liv,” he groaned as they moved in rhythm together. “I can’t last…”


  He pressed his mouth back onto hers swallowing her cries as she came undone. Wave after wave of pleasure rushed through her body, triggering his release. Spent he collapsed on her and laid his head on her chest. She kissed the top of his head and savored the weight of his body pressing her into the bed. He looked up at her and smiled.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh yeah, better than okay. Way better than okay.” Her eyes fluttered closed. A satisfied smile played on her lips.

  “Me too.” Cam kissed her eyelids and rolled off her, pulling her into his embrace. She rested her head in the curve of his arm feeling thoroughly loved.

  “I love you, Cam.” She whispered and kissed the hollow of his throat. The moonlight streamed through the window, illuminating her face. Tears glistened on her cheeks.

  “What’s wrong?” Alarm filled his voice.

  “Please forgive me.”

  “For what?”

  “It’s just, I’m so sorry for leaving you this summer without even saying goodbye. I was so stupid. I’ve been miserable without you. It’s just that I thought you deserved someone better…”

  “Oh Livvy, no one is better for me than you are. I lost you once before, because I was too afraid. I can’t lose you again. You’re my best friend. You make me whole. Please make my life complete and marry me.” Cam searched her face, trying to anticipate her answer. He hadn’t meant to propose to her so soon, but now that he’d said the words he couldn’t take them back. More than anything he wanted her to say yes. He didn’t mean to rush her. He couldn’t bear for her to turn him down flat. “You don’t have to answer now. Just think about it, before you…”



  “Yes, I’ll marry you, Cameron Preston.”

  “Thank you, Livvy. I promise to do everything in my power to make you happy from now until forever…”

  “You already have.”

  Liv hugged him tightly and tipped her face up to receive his kiss. Cam leaned in and kissed away the tears streaming down her cheeks before kissing her hungry lips. They spent the night entwined in each other’s arms, making love, dozing off and then making love again. Liv never felt more relaxed, more peaceful or more loved than she did in Cam’s arms. She wished she could stop time that the night wouldn’t end, but the early morning
dawn streamed through the windows as it did every morning.

  Half asleep with a dreamy smile on her face, Liv rolled over and reached for Cam. Her eyes flew open when her hands failed to find his warm body. She sat upright when she realized she was alone in her bed. Fear washed over her and settled in her stomach. Please God, don’t let last night be a dream, she prayed. She flipped the light switch on above her head and grabbed her yellow silk robe off the hook on the back of her bedroom door. She pulled it closed around her naked body and headed down stairs.

  Relief filled her as she heard Cam’s voice coming from the kitchen, talking to Brit.

  “Sit, girl, sit. Good girl. Now shake.”

  Liv peeked into the room and watched as Cam tried to teach the puppy a couple of tricks using pieces of crispy bacon as reward.

  “That bacon smells wonderful. Tell me you haven’t given it all to the dog.” Liv smiled.

  “Don’t worry, Livvy. There’s plenty of bacon for everyone.”

  “Do I smell coffee and eggs too?”

  “It wouldn’t be breakfast without them. Sit down and I’ll bring you some.”

  Liv obeyed and sat at the kitchen table. A few seconds later Cam joined her.

  “This looks delicious, Cam. You’re going to spoil me!”

  “You deserve to be spoiled. Here, have some pancakes.”

  “Mmmm. Pancakes too?” Liv forked a pancake onto her plate next to the bacon and eggs. She cut a slice of butter and let it melt over the pancake in the warm maple syrup she poured on top. “This is heavenly. Thank you Cam.”

  “My pleasure, the soon-to-be Mrs. Preston.”

  “Then it wasn’t a dream…”

  “We’re living the dream and now I want to make it official.” Cam pulled a square, velvet box out from under the table. He opened it to reveal a one carat, emerald cut solitaire diamond engagement ring.

  Liv gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands. Tears filled her eyes as she watched Cam drop down on one knee, taking her hand in his.

  “I know I asked you last night, but I always imagined myself proposing to you in the old-fashioned way. Livvy, honey, I can’t remember when I didn’t love you and I know I’ll never stop loving you. Please, be my wife, my partner in life forever.”

  “I love you so much Cam. Marrying you will make me the happiest woman alive. Yes, I’ll marry you!”

  Cam slid the ring onto her finger and kissed the back of her hand. He stood pulling Liv up from her chair. She reached her arms up and around his neck and kissed his lips. He moaned as she thrust her tongue into his mouth, pressing her body up against his. She felt his body respond to hers, pulled back and smiled up at him under heavy lids.

  “I think breakfast can wait…” He stammered.

  “Me too… My appetite isn’t for food right now anyway.”

  “No?” Cam cocked his left eyebrow up at her.

  “Follow me and I’ll show you what I’m hungry for.” Liv taunted as she let her robe drop to the floor and headed back up the stairs.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Liv awoke Sunday morning to the sound of Brit barking in the back yard and the slam of two car doors. Immediately alert she pulled the curtains back and looked down on scene in the driveway below. Ron was lifting Sara’s bags out of the trunk of his black Jeep Rubicon. She had several more bags than she’d left with. Liv imagined Ron’s parents had indulged the little girl. Ron’s mother having three sons and five grandsons enjoyed shopping for her only granddaughter. Liv counted three shopping bags on the ground and Ron was bringing out a fourth. Sara danced around the driveway and sang into her pretend microphone. Her hair hung down her back smoothly brushed. Liv didn’t recognize the black and white polka dotted mini-skirt and matching capris Sara wore — another new outfit from her grandmother she supposed. At least she wouldn’t have to buy any more school clothes for a while. Liv smiled to herself until it hit her. Sara was home with Ron and she was in bed with Cam. A wave of panic washed over her. She drew in a deep breath and slowly released it.

  “Cam! Cam! Wake up! Sara’s home. She can’t find us in bed together.” She shook his arm until he opened his eyes.

  “What time is it?”

  Liv glanced at the digital clock on the dresser across the room.

  “9:36. The alarm didn’t go off.” She scrambled out of bed and pulled on the jeans she’d left piled on the floor from the night before. Cam pulled a towel around his waist. “Shirts?”

  “Top drawer.” Liv pointed to the small chest of drawers under the window.

  Cam found a dark green t-shirt and tossed it to her.


  He played around with the settings on her clock radio. “It looks like it was set for PM instead of AM.”

  “Figures. I guess I had other things on my mind last night. . .”

  “Me too.” Cam turned back to Liv. His lips hovered above hers. Slowly he met her lips and gave her a gentle lingering kiss.

  “Mom? Where are you?”

  Liv gave Cam another quick kiss on the lips and caressed the side of his face before she turned to leave the room.

  “Coming Sweetie!” Liv finger combed her hair as she took the stairs two at a time.

  Cam made his way to the bathroom. He rubbed the scruff on the side of his jaw. He hadn’t shaved since he’d arrived Friday evening, but in the essence of time he decided to forgo the shower and shave until later. After brushing his teeth and wetting his hair down, he used a dab of Liv’s hair goop and tousled his hair with his fingers until he achieved the look his hair stylist had shown him. Humming to himself he dug through the contents of his gray duffel bag until he found a fresh pair of jeans, a clean white t-shirt and his red and black checked flannel. He buttoned his jeans, shrugged the t-shirt on over his head, pulled the flannel up over his broad shoulders and rolled the sleeves up, leaving it hanging open. Before leaving the room, he pushed his wallet into his back pocket and scooped his phone and keys off Liv’s night stand. He turned back into the room one last time and returned to stuff the rest of his clothes back into the duffel bag and make the bed. Better, he thought.

  Once downstairs he took the back hall to the kitchen. Hoping to avoid a confrontation with Ron, he’d let Liv welcome Sara home first. Keeping himself busy, Cam rinsed out the French press carafe from the previous morning and dumped the old grounds into the trash. While waiting for the water to boil, he poured the coffee beans, a breakfast blend, into the grinder and pushed the button to grind them. The smell of fresh, ground coffee beans filled his nose. He dumped the coarsely ground coffee into the carafe and poured the boiling water in after it. Next, he pushed the plunger almost to the bottom of the carafe and left the brew steeping on the counter. He found a couple of clean coffee mugs in the dishwasher. After opening and closing multiple cupboards and drawers, he put the last of the remaining clean dishes away. The plates and silverware from their takeout the night before sat in the kitchen sink. Rinsing them off first, he placed them in the now empty dishwasher. He poured the steaming coffee into the mugs and brought them to the kitchen table to cool. As he gathered the creamer and sugar, Cam listened to the sound of Sara’s bubbly chatter. He’d missed the little girl almost as much as he’d missed Liv.

  “Do you like my new outfit?” Sara twirled in a circle to give her mom the full effect. The ruffled mini-skirt flared out as she pirouetted around. Cam smiled as he watched mother and daughter unobserved from the hall.

  “You look beautiful Sara!”

  “Thanks Mom. Grandma took me shopping and got me a couple of more outfits too. She also got me a pair of gold hoop earrings and a necklace with my initial on it.”

  “Wow, it sounds like you made out.”

  “I hope you don’t mind. My mother went a little overboard,” Ron said, appearing in the doorway with Sara’s overnight bag, book bag and as the sorted shopping bags.

  “Not at all. I know it makes her happy to shop with Sara,” Liv replied.

  “Look at th
is one Mom!” Sara pulled out a glittery purple shirt with white and black peace signs across the front of it from one the bags.

  “I like it.” Liv nodded approval. “Did you remember to thank your grandparents?”

  “I sure did and I’m going to write them a thank you card too.”

  “Good thinking.”

  “First though I was hoping I could give you a fashion show!” Sara smiled. A tooth was missing on the bottom and Sara stuck her tongue through the opening.

  “That sounds like fun. Let’s save that for after lunch though. Did you lose a tooth?”

  “Yep. I pulled it out all by myself! It was really wiggly. I kept wiggling it with my tongue and my finger. Dad wanted to take the pliers to it, but I said no way!” Sara glanced back at her dad. He smiled at her and shrugged. Sara continued on with her story. “I just kept on wiggling it and it wiggled right out! And guess what? The tooth fairy came last night and left me twenty dollars!”

  “Wow. Was your tooth made of gold? When I was a girl the tooth fairy only brought me a dollar, tops, for my tooth!”

  “It’s inflation.”

  “Inflation? Where did you hear that word?”

  “Dad.” She waved her thumb over her shoulder at Ron who smiled at her.

  Cam chuckled to himself. Two sharp barks and a persistent scratching at the back door, reminded Cam that someone else had missed Sara too. He barely cracked open the back door when the little dog squeezed through and took off down the hall. Sliding on the hardwood floor, the puppy crashed into Sara’s legs. Sara laughed and bent to pick the puppy up in her arms.

  “Did you miss me, little girl?” Sara cooed to the puppy as the little dog licked her face. Sara squealed and giggled as the dog jumped out of her arms and ran to her toy basket. Seconds later, Brit dropped her yellow tennis ball at the girl’s feet. She tossed the ball into the hall and the pup scampered after it.

  “Not in the house Sara…”

  “Hey, whose car is that in the driveway anyway?” Nothing got past Sara. Sara took the drool-soaked ball from Brit and rolled it down the hall again. Before Liv could answer, Cam appeared from the hallway.


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