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Torn Apart (Book 3): Survive Texas Dead

Page 17

by Hoaks, C. A.

  Henry nodded excitedly. “A man by the name of Grant was in charge until last week. He left with a group to go out scavenging and just never came back. Most people figured he ran into the military or took on someone he couldn’t handle. Anyway, that’s when this bunch took over. You have to understand, not everyone in the camp is bad. Grant brought in a bunch of assholes right after the attack, and the decent folks are afraid to do or say anything. Most of the people there are like me. They have families they are trying to protect.”

  “Decent?” Brian interrupted. “It's so-called decent men standing by while others do harm that will finish the job the jihadist started!”

  “I know. I’m ashamed of what I watched happen, but I had my family to think of.” Cringing, Henry pleaded. “You got a family? Wouldn’t you do whatever it took to protect your family? I barely know how to shoot a gun.”

  Brian turned away. He kicked at a cigarette butt on the concrete. Henry was right. If he were honest with himself, he would do whatever it took to protect his family. Finally, Brian spoke. “We’ll do more talking tomorrow.” Brian pulled Henry to his feet. “For now we’re going inside and get some rest. We’ll have a guard, and you’ll stay tied up for the rest of the night. Any trouble and you’re dead, no second chances.”

  Henry gave a quick nod. “You won’t have any trouble with me.”

  Brian led Henry inside the gift shop, and found a place for him to sleep away from the others but in plain sight. He secured Henry’s hands around the bench leg then turned to Billy. “Get some sleep I’ll keep an eye on our friend and wake Leon in a couple hours.”

  Brian settled on the office chair he had used earlier and watched the night slip away. It was a quiet passing of time. Around four, his eyes grew heavy, and he woke Leon.

  Leon started, looked around, then stood and stretched his arms wide, muscles bulging in the undersized, t-shirt. “I got it, boss. Anything I should watch for?”

  “All’s quiet. Just keep an eye out and watch sleeping beauty over there.” Brian nodded toward Henry. “He hasn’t moved since I tucked him in.”

  “He snores like a freight train.” Leon laughed.

  “Just make sure he stays where he is. I don’t want him moving around while most of us are asleep.”

  “Got it,” Leon answered to Brian’s retreating back.

  Leon searched his bag and found a small LED flashlight. He used the narrow beam to walk to the stove in the diner and turned on a gas burner under a metal pot of water and threw a handful of coffee grounds in the water. He lit a candle on the table near the prisoner and pocketed the flashlight. When steam rose from the pot, he crossed the room to the stove and turned down the burner. He watched the grounds settle then poured a cup of coffee.

  “Mind if I have a cup?” Henry whispered as he struggled to sit with his hands still bound together around the bench leg bolted to the floor.

  “I suppose it won’t hurt to give you coffee.” He poured a second cup of coffee. “Don’t know how you gonna drink it, cause I ain’t cutting the zip ties.”

  Henry chuckled softly. “You give me the cup, I’ll manage.”

  Leon passed him a cup then settled on a bench where he had a clear view through the front window. He brought the cup to his lips and slurped the hot liquid.

  “Not good,” Leon whispered. “But it’s coffee.”

  Henry clutched the big cup and leaned close to suck at the hot liquid. “Ah…thank you. I know you don’t have any reason to believe me about the people in the camp. Most are good folks. Just got tangled up with assholes.” He slurped at the coffee again.

  “Why didn’t your menfolk step up and do something, man?”

  “Only ones with guns were Grant’s people. When he didn’t come back, the people he left behind turned out to be even worse.”

  “Who stands guard?” Leon asked as he poured another cup of java.

  “Wilson was the name of the man your boss killed. He only left six men behind to keep the camp in line.” Henry held the cup toward Leon. “I tried to talk to Wilson about making some changes. That’s when he locked up the women and made me come on this raid.”

  Leon refilled Henry’s cup of coffee. “My guess is you’re lucky to have survived. Is that why you didn’t have a gun?”

  Henry nodded. “Wilson told me if I didn’t get with the program, I was useless. He was right, I couldn’t save that woman’s husband or her son. If I had tried, I’d be dead.”

  “We saw what you did to protect them,” Leon answered. “That counts for something in my book.”

  Henry looked toward the first hint of dawn shining through the large plate glass window. “I guess we’ll see when your boss wakes up.”

  One by one the sleepers awoke and found their way to the coffee pot. Margo poured a cup of coffee and took a swallow then coughed coffee across the counter.

  “How can you drink this shit? You make coffee, and it’s filled with grounds? Why didn’t you use a filter?”

  Margo poured the contents of the pot down the drain, used bottled water to rinse out the last of the ground and then refilled the container. She laid out a filter, poured a mound of grounds then put another over the top. She walked to the counter and retrieved a stapler. She folded the edge of the filter over, stapled the side, folded and stapled again until she had an enclosed packet. She tossed the bundle into the boiling water, then repeated the procedure for a second pot.

  Ten minutes later, coffee was being passed around when Brian walked into the diner. He was given a Styrofoam cup and took a swig. “Not bad…not bad at all.” He nodded at Leon. “You have hidden talents.”

  Leon laughed. “Not me. It was her. She’s more adaptable than I figured.”

  Brian walked to the pot with the coffee and saw the filter packet floating on the rich dark liquid. “I guess so.” He walked to where Henry still sat on the floor and pulled a knife from his belt. He slid it between the man’s wrists and freed him from the bonds.

  Chapter 31


  Five soldiers and two civilians sat around the kitchen table for over two hours. Lists were made, inventories consulted and options discussed, some dismissed while others added to the list. Eventually, the items on the document were prioritized and scheduled for implementation.

  Amanda balanced the new baby on her shoulder and patted the infant’s back. “I think we’ve covered all the civilian needs and what you’ve defined as priorities. “I’m going to let you gentlemen decide on the logistics. Someone here needs a clean diaper.” Everyone got to their feet except Novack. Amanda chuckled. “Sit down gentlemen. Finish your meeting.” She turned and left the small room.

  “Where were we?” Matt said.

  “There’s a small front-end loader in the barn. We can dig out the hill and slide in a small shipping container near the playground. If we cover it with soil and plants, it’ll be warm, but with ventilation, the people can survive for a couple days. We can put in a couple vent pipes with a wind vane for ventilation, a composting toilet behind a curtain and bedding. If we store water and MREs, the kids could hide several days. I can make it easy to open and securable from the inside.” Jenkins commented.

  “If we get everyone trained, we’ll have thirty-plus adults protecting the camp,” Larry added. “Then we can start thinking about sending the girls to their grandfather.”

  Matt, with his elbows on the table and clutching a third cup of coffee, moved his head from left to right and sighed impatiently. “It’s over four hundred miles. Even if we could make it to Guadalupe National Park, we’d have to find the place.” Matt lamented. “All I have is the name of the place.”

  “Amy might know where to go,” Jake answered. “It’s a chance to get them to their family. Hate to see you break your word, man.”

  “So do I but how in the hell can I leave? It takes all of us working full time to keep this camp going.” Matt snapped.

  “Can you live with not?” Jake answered. “Besides, we’re
going to be training everyone.”

  Matt scowled. “Getting them there would be at the expense of the camp?”

  “Not necessarily if we ensure everyone could help defend the camp, you could take off a couple days to go to Guadalupe National Park.” Larry grinned. “You were gone four days with Tate, and we managed just fine. You aren’t as indispensable as you think.”

  At the sound of footsteps at the door, the conversation fell silent. Everyone turned to see a slender silhouette standing in the doorway. Tate asked, “Is this a private meeting?”

  “No. Come on in,” Larry called out. “Is there something we can help you with?”

  “Got any beer?” She settled on a stool in the corner while Jake opened the frig and passed her a bottle of Lone Star. Tate shrugged an inked shoulder, and the tattooed panther’s eyes peeked from under the wife-beater. “Better than nothing, I guess. You said something about Guadalupe Park.”

  “Yeah. It’s where Amy and Claire have a family,” Larry chimed in. “We were headed that way when we ran across Jenkins and the bus loaded with most of the kids. They were in pretty bad shape when we got here, so we decided to stay a day or two. It got complicated, and we never moved on.”

  “I guess so with the fuckin’ Pied Piper there,” Tate laughed when she saw Matt cringe. “Where ever he goes, he picked up strays. Haven’t you noticed?”

  Jake chuckled. “Yeah. He has been doing that, lately.”

  “I was heading to Pine Springs Canyon on the east side of the park. I have family there. He used to talk about some crazy shit back in the day, but no one ever believed him. I guess he knew more than anyone knew. He met some old man at the VA once. The man offered Randy a job. He’s been living out there for the past couple years. From what I gather, it’s a big-ass place. I’m hoping Randy made it into Houston to get my mom and sister. I think his name was Edwards, Edmond or something like that. He gave me directions.”

  “Edmonds? He’s the girl’s grandfather.”

  “That old bastard?” Tate laughed. “If it wasn’t for him, I don’t know what would have happened to Randy.” Her face grew serious. “All I know about him is he bought an old run down hunting lodge out there about three years ago. They’ve been fixing it up. The website just went live before, well... It looked pretty sweet. Pretty big lodge with a dozen cabins or so.”

  “So it could be a safe place for the girls?”

  “Hell yeah,” Tate answered. “Last I heard they planned a self-contained facility since they were so far off the beaten path.”

  “You could take the kids!” Matt brightened.

  “Wait a minute, cowboy. I don’t do kids, and sure not babies.” Tate protested. “I didn’t babysit as a kid, and I don’t know shit about taking care of no babies.”

  Jake laughed. “Matt knows all about changing diapers and makin’ bottles.”

  “Not so fast, folks. Dip-shit there owes me a new truck. He has to hook me up before I’m willing to go anywhere with or without kids.” Tate snorted.

  Matt raised his hand in defeat. “I know what I owe you. When we get the camp set up, I’ll go with you back to Hondo. But that means me and the kids go to Pine Springs with you.”

  “It’s a deal. But, I don’t do crying babies, and I don’t change diapers. I drive. You take care of the kids.” Tate added.

  “Fine.” Matt conceded.

  Tate got to her feet and handed the empty bottle to Larry. “You folks got a week then I plan on heading to Hondo. When we get back, we leave the next day for Pine Creek.” She breezed out the back door leaving the table of soldiers to stare at the black ink visible on her shirt.

  “Well, shit,” Mumbled Matt. “I guess that settles it.” He looked around the table then continued. “We have a plan so let’s get some sleep before we have to stand guard duty. We’ll call a meeting after breakfast. All adult will need to attend.”

  “I’ll see that the civilians are there.” Novack agreed.

  Jenkins and his companion got to their feet and headed for the door. Matt followed them out into the summer night. Heat still wafted up from the hard packed dirt of the parking lot. Dark of night had settled on the camp leaving only a hint of light from the moon and stars. A soft glow from lanterns and candles could be seen around the blinds in the rec-room building and the camper windows.

  Jake approached Matt and cleared his throat. “I can’t be going to Pine Springs.”

  Matt turned to face him. “Wasn’t planning on it. I noticed how you’ve been sleeping upstairs.”

  “All she’s got is that baby. I do what I can to protect her or the boy. Besides, I have feelings for her.”

  “Then she’s a lucky woman.” Matt slapped Jake on the back. “I’m not taking you or Larry when I go.”

  “What do you mean?” Jake asked.

  “It’s going to be just me, Tate and the girls,” Matt answered. “Anyone else going would leave the camp shorthanded.”

  “How will you get back? She’s planning on staying.” Larry asked.

  “I’ll figure out something. I imagine the grandfather will be glad enough to have the kids, and I can talk them outta a vehicle of some kind.”

  “I don’t like it,” Larry commented. “You’ll be driving back alone.”

  “You don’t have to like it.” Matt got to his feet. “I’ll be heading out in a few days to help Tate pick up a rig. And if we find what she’s expecting in Hondo, we’ll be bringing back a fuel tanker. That’ll solve our persistent gas shortage, at least for a while.”

  Chapter 32

  Second Chance

  It took nearly a month for Liz to get to feeling like herself again. She woke up one morning and was up and dressed before she realized she was anxious to face the day. She slid her hand over the slight swelling in her lower abdomen and smiled. Brian would be happy. She, like Will, had decided this baby would be a boy. Brian, like all other men, always wanted a son and they had talked about another child, but Claire had been so young. It had to have been the antibiotics for the sinus infection. Liz took a deep cleansing breath, opened the door, and left the room. She had gained almost six pounds according to Cassie at her last check-up. With the return to health, Liz began spending mornings in the garden while taking over some of the office tasks in the afternoon.

  There was a constant influx of scavenged materials and the need to control and list everything for storage and make available for distribution. Liz smiled at the codes that included color, letter, and even numeric sequencing. The result was a metal building nearly bursting at the seams. She was working on a supply request list when an alarm sounded inside the house. There was someone at the drawbridge. Liz rushed down the stair to the front window where Cassie looked toward the gathering in the distance. “What is it?” Liz asked.

  Cassie passed Liz the field glasses she had been using. “It’s a pretty large group. Maybe three dozen people, men, women, and children. Some of the vehicles are pretty old and ratty looking.”

  Liz pressed the glasses to her eyes. She adjusted the sight then watched as Will and eight men and four women roll up to the bridge in four pickups. Each of the residents were well armed with rifles and handguns as they exited the vehicles and took a defensive position behind their trucks. The majority of the visitors had parked two hundred yards from the draw-bridge, while a single truck approached the opposite side of the arroyo.


  “What do you want?” Will called out from behind the hood of his pickup.

  A large man with his left arm in a sling stepped out from on of the trucks and stood clear of the vehicle with one arm raised. “I want to speak to the man in charge.”

  “You got him.” Will yelled back impatiently.

  “My name is Ben Nascha. We come to help build a community here.”

  With a snort, Will answered. “Why would you think we would be doing that?”

  “A man who lived at the Eagle Pass Reservation. A man known to Pablo Hernandez.”

know Pablo?”

  “No,” Ben answered.

  “If this man knows about this place why isn’t he talking to me?” Will snapped in response.

  “He died. We were attacked by the cartel when they started moving north. They looted or destroyed supplies and killed anyone they came across. These people are the only ones to escape Eagle Pass after a rade.”

  “I hate to hear that, but I still don’t know you.”

  “Pablo will know of me. I am his friend’s brother.”

  “Maybe, but right now the best we can offer is a place to camp.” Will pointed at the trees in the distance.

  “That’s understandable,” Ben answered.

  Will started to walk away then turned back to add, “Living here is not a free ride, and we don’t take in the infected.”

  “We don’t have infected with us. We got some people that could use doctoring. There’s only forty of us left after we were attacked a hundred miles south of here.”

  “Give me a few minutes to talk it over with folks over here, and we’ll see what we can do to help you.”

  He turned to Randy. “Do you know someone from Eagle Pass?”

  Randy shrugged. “Not me. Pablo had family from a native tribe south of the border. I’m sure he knew folks from Eagle Pass.”

  “Still no garrantee,” Will scowled.

  “Well, what are we going to do with this bunch?” Randy said. “We could use the help.”

  “They say they’re all clean with no bites, but I’m not willing to let that many people in the compound without knowing a lot more about them.”

  Will approached the gulch and called out. “The person that can vouch for y’all is not here right now, and I’m not willing to let you over here without getting to know you a little better. If you’re agreeable, you can camp in that grove of trees to the east. We’ll come with medical supplies and fresh water. Everyone has to be examined for bites. No discussion on that point.”

  Ben gave a thumbs up then struggled to raise his injured arm and cupped his hands together in front of his mouth. He placed his lips against his fingers and blew. The pitch of the whistle changed with the rise of his fingers. A man approached and after a brief discussion returned to the waiting vehicles. After some noticeable hustle and bustle, the trucks headed for the designated campsite. Ben called out. “We’ll be settled in an hour. Come by then, and we’ll have a drink.”


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