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Page 15

by Marilyn Campbell

  Everyone laughed then one woman ventured a tidbit. “Well, I heard the Gavistons aren’t as high society as they want everyone to believe.”

  “I heard their money came from blockade-running in the Civil War,” her husband countered.

  “I heard they sold secrets to the Germans during the big one.” This from the man on Maggie’s other side.

  “That’s ridiculous,” said the aspiring writer. “The old man’s related to one of the New York crime families. Gaviston isn’t his birth name. I know that for sure. I also know he’s made his fortune running hooch across the Canadian border. We’re probably drinking some of it tonight. He likes coming down here because he and the wife get to pretend they’re aristocracy and everyone here pretends they believe them.”

  “He’s right about that,” the man beside Maggie interjected. “And a matchup like this could give the family an inside man where they make the laws. If you know what I mean.”

  From the looks passed around the table, everyone knew what he meant and decided it was time to change the subject.

  The band started playing and put an end to any further group conversation, gossipy or otherwise.

  Maggie watched Mama give her son a silent reminder to take his fiancée out onto the floor for the first dance. As he rose he touched his mother’s arm. They were definitely close but did his loyalty go so far as to walk away from the woman he loved and their baby? The parents followed the engaged couple then most of the guests rose and made their way to the dance floor to watch.

  “Shouldn’t we join them?” Maggie asked Noah.

  “Naw. As soon as the guests crowd onto the floor, the parents will probably come back. And they’re the ones we need to keep an eye on. If they think no one is watching, they might take their masks off so pretend we’re wrapped up in a private conversation of our own.”

  As he predicted the four parents soon made their way back to the head table, though the Martins made several stops along the way to exchange comments with constituents. Maggie leaned closer to Noah and let her peripheral vision take care of spying. It didn’t take long to see something of interest.

  Mr. Gaviston was very annoyed about something. Mrs. Gaviston was reminding him to behave like the gentleman he was supposed to be. When the Martins drew close, however, the older man shot the politician a distinct warning and the politician nodded. Then there was a very quick exchange between the Martins as they took their seats. The only difference was it took place behind frozen smiles.

  “If I’m not mistaken,” Maggie said close to Noah’s ear, “the only one who doesn’t know about Broderick’s wanting to defect is the bride-to-be.”

  “This would actually make an interesting plot,” Noah replied as he brushed an imaginary crumb off her shoulder. “Who would you make the villain?”

  She gave his chest a poke. “This isn’t fiction. A real girl and her baby are going to die if we don’t figure out how to stop it. And I have a terrible feeling that it could be tonight.”

  He sobered immediately. “But Broderick took her home, wherever that is. Unless…”

  She waited several seconds before poking him again. “Unless, what?”

  “Unless he changed his mind and told her to wait on the beach. Or maybe she came back after he dropped her off, just to see what was the important thing he had to do before they could be together.”

  “Or…one of them followed Broderick and saw where Shannon lives and they kill her elsewhere and bring her body back here to make it look like a suicidal drowning.”

  Noah’s eyes widened. “Wow, you could have something there. I remember the medical report mentioning the throat bruising but not whether there was water in her lungs. They may not have bothered to autopsy her. You know, you’re pretty damn good at brainstorming.”

  “I read a lot of good books,” she answered with a smirk. “So, what now?”

  He shrugged. “Guess we just keep watching and hope to catch a break. But as long as we’re stuck here…” Noah’s hand covered her knee and inched his fingers up to the garter clamped to her stocking. “How about a dance? I think they’re playing our song.”

  * * * * *

  Love’s glow brightened with delight. “They are going to figure it out in time. I am certain of it!”

  “Hmmph.” Karma was skeptical as usual. “Not if they get distracted with each other again. You may have overdone the chemistry this time, Love.”

  Her soft light flushed with pink. “You knew?”

  He didn’t bother to respond. “Time! Status?”

  “The portal will close again in forty-eight Earth hours.”

  “Justice! What is the status of your foxhunt?”

  “The trap is set. He will not be able to resist such a hotbed of deception. The moment he steps foot on Davenport property the magnetic field will be activated. He will be back in his cage this night.”

  Love could only hope he was not caught before he had a chance to do one last favor for her. With only two zeniths left, his assistance could be the defining factor in whether Maggie and Noah got to live happily ever after or never meet at all.

  Chapter Ten

  The party remained in full swing until well after midnight when the hosts and honored guests said good night. Those who were not ready for bed were invited to go to the Amethyst Cave. Although the hotel’s speakeasy was supposed to be secret, no one needed to ask what it was or where the Cave was hidden.

  It was easy enough to follow the two families to the lobby and watch the three Gavistons head to their rooms upstairs. It took a while longer for Mr. Martin to do a bit more back-patting and hand-pumping before he and his family got in their car and headed home together.

  “I feel like we missed something,” Noah said. “We’ve been alert all evening and although we came up with a lot of guesses, I didn’t expect it to end like this.”

  “I felt so sure tonight was the night. Maybe my intuition isn’t as good as you think.”

  “Maybe this was the night when someone decided to take action. About the only thing we can do is follow Shannon around again tomorrow.”

  Neither of them liked that plan but with no other ideas they headed out of the rear door of the lobby. As soon as they were outside Noah pulled Maggie into an embrace and pressed his lips to hers. “It feels like years since I got to do that.”

  Maggie smiled. “You really are quite the romantic.” She pulled his head down for another kiss. “Even though we didn’t solve anything tonight, I had a lovely evening. There were whole minutes at a time when I felt like I was on a date rather than a mission.”

  He chuckled and kissed her nose. “I promise to take you on lots of real dates when we get back.”

  She gazed up into his eyes and saw the promise of a future filled with love and laughter. “I’d like that,” she whispered and drew his head down for a deeper, sexier kiss. Within seconds she felt his body changing against hers and there was no question of what her body wanted from him. “Take me home, Mr. Nash.”

  “With pleasure, Mrs. Nash.”

  They had reached the first of the bungalows when a four-legged creature tore across the boardwalk in front of them.

  Noah froze. “What the hell was that?”

  “A cat?”

  “Too big. But it didn’t look like a dog either.” Before he could make another guess, the animal raced back over the walkway toward the ocean, whirled around, leapt over the walkway and dodged between two of the small buildings.

  Maggie stared into the darkness without feeling brave enough to get any closer until two golden eyes flashed at her. “It’s the fox! From my dream. We have to follow it.” She grabbed Noah’s hand and pulled him as fast as she could in her heels. The animal stayed too far ahead of them to see it clearly but it turned occasionally and flashed its eyes as though to make sure they were following.

  Suddenly Maggie felt an electrical shock followed by a loud yelp from the fox and he disappeared in a crackle of light. She and Noah glanced a
t each other but said nothing as they found themselves in one of the hotel’s parking areas surrounded by a variety of black antique cars.

  Maggie opened her mouth to say something but Noah clapped his hand over it and pulled her down to the ground behind a car. He pointed at something beyond their hiding spot and she carefully peeked over the car’s fender. There was enough moonlight for her to recognize Amelia Gaviston getting into a fully-enclosed, four-door model a few yards away. She quickly ducked down and stared open-mouthed at Noah. He nodded to let her know he was as surprised as she was.

  They stayed hidden until they heard the car driving away then Noah pulled her to her feet and surveyed the area.

  “What do you think she’s doing?”

  “She could be sneaking off to meet a lover but odds are we were wrong about her not knowing about Broderick’s change of heart. She just might be a better actress than the rest of them. Maybe she even knows about Shannon and is taking matters into her own hands. C’mon,” he said, abruptly pulling her down the row of cars. “I had to research Model Ts for a book. I think I can handle one.” He helped her into the passenger seat of the old Ford and ran around to the driver’s side.

  “We’re stealing a car?” Her voice came out in a very squeaky pitch.

  “Just borrowing it. Stay focused on our good intentions. We might be saving someone’s life. Now, if I remember correctly, the Tin Lizzie had a starter button on the floor.” He shuffled his feet around until he found what he was looking for and a few seconds later the engine coughed and clanked to life.

  Getting the car out of the parking area and onto the intracoastal waterway bridge proved that reading about something was not quite the same as hands-on training but soon he had the hang of it and they could see Amelia’s car ahead. Since there were so few cars on the road they had to keep their distance but the scarcity of traffic also made it easy to keep an eye on her.

  “I never appreciated my car’s shock absorbers,” Maggie said, her voice quavering with the vehicle’s vibration as it bounced over the rough road. “I’m really confused. I would have sworn she didn’t have a clue during the party. But even if she was the greatest actress in the world, how would she know where to find Shannon?”

  “Lots of questions. Let’s hope we get to hear some answers before it’s too late.”

  Shortly after they had crossed the waterway, Amelia made two turns into what looked like a middle-class neighborhood. She pulled to a stop, jumped out of her car and hurried to the rear of a three-story house. A sign in front advised it was a boarding house for gentile young ladies. Amelia was in too much of a hurry to notice the Model T as it passed. Noah turned at the next corner and parked the car. “Time to see just how good we’ve gotten at tailing a suspect.”

  Maggie followed his lead, moving stealthily through several backyards, behind trees and bushes and over one fence. A woman’s shrill voice let them know when they’d reached their destination. It was coming from inside a small wooden structure unevenly balanced on concrete blocks at the back of the property behind the large house. A narrow open space between the top of the walls and the roof seemed to be the only way for air or sunlight to get in. It reminded Maggie of a toolshed. As they crept closer they heard the distinct sound of a slap and the woman’s words became clearer.

  “Don’t play stupid with me, you little Irish whore! I saw you together, your hands all over him, rousing his lust until he couldn’t think straight. I knew he was up to something so I followed him. I followed him all the way here to this…this hovel you call home. How many men besides Broderick have soiled those sheets with you?”

  As the shrew continued her tirade Maggie peeked through a crack between the slats of wood. Her limited view confirmed it was Amelia’s tongue doing the lashing and her silent target was indeed Shannon. Amelia’s eyes seemed to be popping out more than usual and the maid was cringing on a narrow cot, clutching a dingy sheet beneath her chin. She looked terrified and very small.

  Maggie took in the rest of the cramped interior. There was a little three-legged table, chest, wash basin and chamber pot. A candle in a cracked glass on the table was the only source of illumination and added to the scary look of the scene. Maggie was utterly shocked to realize the girl actually lived in that miniscule space. She wanted to rush to Shannon’s rescue but Noah held her back.

  “You’re probably too stupid to realize he was lying to you,” Amelia continued, clearly baiting the younger girl.

  “No,” Shannon refuted quietly. “He wouldn’t lie to me.”

  “Oh? Did he tell you we were engaged to be married? That we had the big announcement party at the Davenport this evening?”

  “He…he said he had ta take care of something and tomorrow—”

  Amelia slapped Shannon again. “Stupid, stupid girl. Tomorrow morning Broderick and his parents are leaving for Philadelphia. To meet my family’s friends at our second engagement party. I don’t know what sort of promises he made you to get between your fat thighs but he told me you meant nothing to him. He did suggest you’d make a good kitchen maid and said we should move you to Philadelphia with us tomorrow. That must have been what he meant about taking care of something. But I can assure you I will never have one of his sluts living under our roof no matter how good a maid she is.”

  “No. No!” Shannon got to her feet. Her thin nightgown barely reached her knees and had been mended many times. “Yer wrong. Rick loves me.”

  Amelia straightened her spine and lifted her chin. “Perhaps. Men are fools when they’re being diddled by a girl with experience and my fiancé is a bigger fool than most. He’s also completely dominated by his mother who has millions of reasons to force him into going through with our betrothal. So regardless of who Rick loves, Broderick will be marrying me. So you may as well start forgetting about him right now.”

  Shannon did her best to imitate the haughty posture. “Twill be a might hard ta forget about him when I be carryin’ his son.” She proudly smoothed the nightshirt over her swollen belly. A bit too proudly.

  Amelia let out a growl and lunged at Shannon, closing her long, skinny fingers around the girl’s throat and knocking her to the floor with her body on top. “He’s mine. Mine! Mine!” she screeched, banging Shannon’s head against the floor with each word.

  Noah bolted to the door and jerked it open. With lightning speed he yanked Amelia off Shannon and shoved her out the door. Maggie hurried inside to help Shannon. The girl was gasping for air but seemed more shocked than anything else.

  Through the open door Maggie saw Amelia stagger to her feet, stuttering and staring at Noah as though he were the devil himself. “How dare you touch me? My father will hear about this. He’s had men killed for less. Whoever you are, you will wish you were never born.”

  Noah looked down his nose at her. “I met your father this evening and I know how important it is for his family to keep up appearances here. I think he would be very interested in hearing what you were up to when he thought you were safely tucked in bed.”

  She was spitting mad but no further threats came out of her mouth.

  “Now get the hell away from here before someone calls the cops.” He stood guard at the door until she was out of sight and her car engine rumbled.

  By the time he came back inside, Shannon was sitting on her cot, looking shaken but very much alive.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, glancing from Maggie to Noah and back to Maggie. “Mind ye, I am most grateful but what are ye doin’ here at such an hour?”

  Maggie gave Noah a look to let her explain. “Do you believe in angels?”

  “Of course,” she said and quickly made the sign of the cross.

  “Well, an angel came and told me you were in trouble and where to find you. Are you sure you’re okay now? You got knocked down pretty hard.”

  Shannon smiled. “’Tis a good thing I’m already so close ta the ground.” She rubbed her bottom. “And there be plenty of paddin’ too.”

bsp; Maggie wasn’t convinced. She looked at Noah. “I don’t think she should stay alone tonight. Or go to work tomorrow either. She should rest with her feet up until we’re sure the baby wasn’t injured.”

  The girl’s eyes opened wide as she shook her head. “I can see ye mean well but I mustn’t miss work. I’m not a stupid girl. In my heart I know what that woman said be true. Rick loves me but he…” She shook her head and wiped at the corner of her eye. “He is not so strong ta be standin’ up against his kin. Even when he kissed me today and said he would be back, I knew he wouldn’t be after keepin’ his promise. I cannot take the chance of losin’ me job too.”

  Noah ran his fingers through his hair. “I’ll tell you what. Stay with us tonight. Bring your uniform and whatever else you might need. We’ll talk about your working in the morning.” He pulled out his pocket watch and amended his statement. “In a couple hours. If Amelia told the truth, she and her parents, and maybe the Martins as well, will all be on their way back north tomorrow and you’ll be safe.”

  It took a few more minutes to convince the girl but soon they were in the Model T, heading back over the bridge to the Davenport’s exclusive island.

  Maggie’s curiosity finally got the better of her manners. “How is it that you live…there? Instead of inside one of the boarding house rooms? Doesn’t it get awfully hot?”

  Shannon shrugged. “’Tisn’t so bad with the door open. I’m very lucky ta have me own place. And since I clean the big house on me day off, I can well afford the rent.”

  As if Noah sensed her outrage over the girl having to pay rent on top of cleaning, he gave her a nudge and a warning look. She swallowed what she was about to say but she had another question. “How do you get to and from work?”

  Shannon looked at her curiously. “By me feet of course. Some of the others have bicycles but I must save me pennies fer somethin’ more important.” She patted her belly and smiled.

  Maggie could not begin to imagine herself in this girl’s position. She wasn’t sure she would be nearly so strong…or so wise. There was no question in her mind that Shannon O’Toole deserved a second chance to live, even if it meant changing history.


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