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Spoiled Secrets

Page 16

by Ebony N. Donahue

  “I respect that! Congratulations bro!” Blake nods at Chase and turns his attention to me.

  The hand that I extended for him to shake has become the rope that pulls me away from my warm embrace. Chase reluctantly lets me go as I am engulfed in a platonic bear hug. The hug was very unexpected, but comforting in a brotherly way. I return the hug and return to my man’s arms.

  “Sorry, I’m a big hugger, little sis.” Little sis? He sees the confounded look on my face and starts to laugh. “I figured since my brother here –“He points to Chase. “Can’t live without you, I figured you’re a permanent fixture in all of our lives. So, little sis fits, don’t you think?” I smile and nod my head. “To answer your question, my eyes are a mixture of gray and green with speckles of light brown thrown in.”

  “Yeah, those freaky eyes are a regular hoe-bag magnet. I’m not complaining because his rejects usually end up in my bed.” Jazz says this with a straight face. Keisha and I glance at each other and proceed to walk into the club.

  The music is thumping as we walk into the club. Club Envy, is the first eighteen to twenty club, in the city. The interior is decorated with black and red booths and standalone tables, with either black or red leather chairs. The dance floor is huge; the back wall of the dance floor is covered in mirrors. As I peruse the club I’m trying to locate my better half. I locate her on the dance floor showing off her moves. My girl is fierce! She notices our group and waves us to the dance floor.

  “Go have some fun. We’ll be at the booth over there.” Chase says and points to the booth the fellas were headed to. I give him a quick peck on the lips, grab Jazz and Keisha by the hand and head out to the dance floor. When we make it out to the center of the dance floor with Emily. She has already worked up a sweat.

  “You remember the rules Jazz?” Emily, always straight to the point.

  “What rules are those?” Jazz responds

  “All these clits,” Emily points to herself, Keisha and me. “These pussies are all off limits. We will not have any of that grinding shit out here on the dance floor tonight. It’s not that type of party.”

  “Bitch please! You’re not the only tuna in the sea! Get a grip; I don’t fish in my own pond.” Jazz responds to Emily.

  With that settled, we commenced to dance our asses off. Jazz fit into our little click as if she has always been there. Every song that came on, even if we didn’t know the words we tried our best to sing along. We were having the time of our lives. Then my girl Nicki Minaj, “Feeling Myself” came on, and we fucking lost our minds.

  Jazz bent over at the waist and started isolating each of her ass cheeks. Ready – Set – Go! In Nicki’s own words, we were all “Feeling Ourselves”. I couldn’t be outdone so, I took it low to the ground and very slowly brought it back up. Tantalizingly, sexy! I knew exactly what I was doing. I was giving my man a hell of a show. I take the time to glance at the booth to see if he is watching.

  The distance from the dance floor to our booth was nonexistent. Our eyes lock and the gravitational pull is overwhelming. He stands and I watch as he approaches me on the dance floor. By the time he approaches, the song has changed to Busta Rhymes, “Twerkit”. The reggae tone had me popping and giving serious isolations. My hips were moving to every base beat that was dropping. I was serving my man all types of, come and get it big boy!

  In Emily’s words, take that in, digest it and respect it. I felt as if every eye in the club was on me. I was giving one hell of a show and I was the star in this particular blockbuster performance. What surprised me is that he was able to keep up with me. When the song ended he tugged my hand and led me off the dance floor.

  Chapter 22

  I hear Keisha’s voice before we make it to the booth.

  “Bitch, you were serving the shit out of that dish and your man was eating every last morsel! Hell, you’ve been holding out on me. I didn’t know you knew how to isolate your body like that.” As I sit down, she reaches over and touches my arm and shakes her hand. “Damn, my girl is HOT! FIRE BABE!” I laugh at her.

  I notice that everyone is at the table except for Emily. So, I state the obvious.

  “Where is Emily?” I notice Brent glaring at the dance floor. Jazz points her finger in that direction. I turn my head and low and behold, my girl is still on the floor giving everyone a show.

  “I would like to quote my dearly departed granny. She sure is showing her ass!” Brent says disapprovingly.

  “She’s just having a bit of fun.” I turn around and look at him, but his eyes are glued to the floor.

  All of a sudden all the drinks on the table rattle and a few are tipped over as Brent jumps up from his seat. Thank GOD he was seated on the end; otherwise he might have stood on the table to get free. Everyone turns at the same time towards the dance floor to see what has caused his erratic behavior.

  We all watch as Emily slowly slinks around some random guy. When she gets to his front, she drops it low and on her way to slowly bring it back up, she places her splayed palms on the guy’s legs and drags them up his body until her palms are splayed on his chest. Her body is gyrating seductively, by the obvious tent in the guy’s pants he is enjoying her one on one attention. We all sit in stunned silence as we watch as a predator stalk his prey.

  Emily’s back is turned away from Brent so, she doesn’t see him approach. I’m not sure what the other guy sees in Brent’s eyes. His body posture changes, he shrugs and holds up his hands in the universal male sign for, my bad, I didn’t know this was your woman.

  The guys at our table starts to laugh as if they know what’s about to happen. Just then, the guy turns and walks off the dance floor, leaving Emily openmouthed and aghast. When she turns she finally understands the cause of her partner’s hasty retreat. Shock, then fury crosses her face. She starts to point her finger and her lips start to move. She turns to walk off, but he says something to stop her in her tracks. I would pay to be a fly on the wall, if only I could be privy to their conversation.

  Right then Bruno Mars, “Gorilla” starts to play over the speakers. I start to laugh because this song is fitting. Emily turns her back to Brent, this is when he pounces... gazelle meet the lion...the hunt is on. He walks right up to her back, sweeps her hair to one side and whispers something in her ear. To everyone’s astonishment they start swaying to the beat. WHAT THE FUCK?

  I received a second shock when Cameron stands to ask Keisha to join him on the dance floor. Boy, can he move. Both my girls look content out there dancing. This outing was much needed. I lean over to show my appreciation of this night out, by placing a kiss on my man’s lips.

  “Thanks for inviting us to hang with your friends. I haven’t had this much fun, in forever. This is one of the best nights of my life.”

  “No problem. I’m kind of sad that they can only stay for tonight. They have to head back tomorrow. I thought they were coming for the whole weekend, but things have changed and they have to head back sooner than expected.”

  “Chase don’t pout, it doesn’t look good on you. Christmas break is in a two weeks, we’re still getting together then. You, my dear, will be graced with our presence for over a week.” Jazz states.

  “You all are coming back? That will be so cool!” I smile at Jazz.

  “Why are you smiling like a loon?” I turn to see Keisha and Cameron approaching the booth.

  I slide over to give her space to sit. Cameron proceeds to sit on the opposite side. I turned my head to locate Emily in the crowd. I watch her approach the booth in a snit. Following close behind her, Brent was walking with a cool swagger and a smug grin on his face. I nudge Keisha so that she could make room for her in the booth. As she plops down, I decide to ignore her current snit and answer Keisha’s question.

  “Chase stated that his friends will be leaving tomorrow. Jazz reminded him that they will be back over Christmas break. They will be here for over a week on their next visit.”

  Keisha shyly glances in Cameron’s direction befo
re responding. I look over and by the beautiful tentative smile he returns, he is most defiantly digging my girl. If I’m not mistaken, he’s got my Nubian Queen feeling some type of way.

  “Really? Cameron are you planning on returning on Christmas break?” Keisha is sending him all sorts of interesting vibes.

  “Would you like for me to return?”

  “FUCK NO! Not if you’re bring this jackass with you.” Emily answers instead of Keisha and points an accusing finger at Brent.

  Brent slaps his hand over his heart as if he is wounded. “Why must you slay me, you succubus? Verbal abuse is not supposed to be a part of your demon powers. I was under the impression that succubus were supposed to sex their intended target to death not insult them to their demise.” He smiles and winks at Emily. “I won’t even fight you babe. I will gladly offer up my body….sex me up any day…you can suck me dry.” He laces his fingers behind his head and leans back in a relaxed pose.

  Emily leans forward on the table. “I believe you should go to the restroom and check your pants” He looks down towards his crotch.

  “There is nothing wrong with my pants.” Again, with the confused look. I hope he will soon figure out how not to walk into Emily’s insults.

  “Are you sure? I swear your camel-toe is showing. I’ve never seen such a big one before. It must be awfully embarrassing for your friends to walk around with such a big camel-toe walking on the side of them.” She leans back in the booth and smugly winks at him.

  I wonder how long it is going to take him to figure out that cryptic insult. Emily is sitting here smiling haughtily back at him. Keisha caught the insult the same time I did. Jazz figured it out soon after. How did I figure out she deciphered it? Her quick intake of air and the shaking of her head clued me in. Brent is no longer leaning back. His hands are clasped together as he leans forward on the table. He knows she has insulted him, his facial expressions shows everyone at the table that he’s repeating the insult over in his head trying to figure it out. This one might be a little slow folks!

  Eyebrows scrunched together.

  Upper teeth biting his lower lip.

  Eyes closed.

  Face goes slack.

  Eyes slowly open.

  His heated glare was directed at no other, except for Emily.

  He turns and looks at Chase. “Did she just call me a big pussy?” Chase just shakes his head. He turns his glare in Emily’s direction. “First I was a bitch – No, an inquisitive bitch.” Maybe, I was a little too quick, calling him slow. This dude has a big word in his arsenal.

  “I didn’t say inquisitive. I believe the word I used was…”

  Brent raises his hand and places his index finger on her lips. This gesture effectively shuts her up.

  “Again, you first call me a curious bitch. Now, you have just disrespected me by calling me a big pussy. Am I correct?” Emily was about to verbally respond, but that was squashed due to Brent’s thumb and index finger masterfully pinching her lips together. Well, I take it back. He has caught on pretty quick. He has effectively staunched her speech.

  “Nod for yes and shake your head if the answer is, no. That’s all I need from you right now. I do not care to listen to your mouth any longer. I am very upset right now, Ms. Emily. Do you recall what I told you I would do to you the next time you tried to disrespect me?” He released her lips. If looks could kill this poor smuck will be dead soon.

  “You may speak.” He stated that as if he was a mighty magician and she was his stage prop waiting on his direction. Emily continues to throw daggers at him with her eyes. So, he took this as his opening to continue voicing his disapproval of her actions. “Do you remember what I told you I would do to you if you kept talking slick, when we were on the dance floor?” He stares at her and raises his right eyebrow, as if he is waiting for her response.

  To our utter astonishment Emily remains quiet. Her eyes continued to eviscerate him. Some sort of silent communication was transpiring between the both of them at this point. Their eyes were locked in battle. I had a feeling my girl was out of her depth for the first time in her life, messing around with this guy. We hear a chuckle and everyone pried their eyes away from the battle, to look at Blake.

  “Here this motherfucker goes with this dominate shit. Cam, Chase, I told you this silly motherfucker has been reading and watching all that dumb shit on, BDSM! This silly motherfucker told me that becoming a dominate was his calling in life.” He pauses in his outburst to look over at the visual warfare going on at the end of the booth and points his finger at the two.

  “You see the kind of shit I’ve had to deal with since you’ve been gone, bro? This motherfucker has gone and lost his fucking mind. I went over to his house a few weeks ago to see if he wanted to play ball.” He starts to laugh. “This dude comes to the door looking like a black version of that dude from that “50 Shades” book.” He laughs some more. “I told this crazy bastard to stop reading that fucking book. He was reading it like it was a fucking text book. He had pages dog-eared, he went as far as highlighting passages in the motherfucker. He’s dead serious about this shit, bro. Please talk some sense into his stupid ass.” Blake rants.

  Everyone is staring open mouthed at the end of the booth. If we weren’t so shocked by his confession this shit would be hilarious. Yes, I have heard that old saying, curiosity killed the cat. But, something he just said has me on the edge of my seat.

  “Excuse me Blake, how do you know about the characters in 50 shades?” I’m trying to keep a straight face as well as the other occupants at the table, excluding the ones still locked in battle at the end.

  “Well, I had to know what I was dealing with. I needed to know if this crap was safe, you know? Plus, when he went back to his room to put on some clothes and I’m assuming to release the chick that was tied to his bed, I was curious about all the highlights in the book. What I read was intriguing. So, I downloaded the shit. It’s actually a good book. It’s a little too much work for some pussy if you ask me, but whatever floats your boat.” He points down the table at Brent, again. “He’s trying to reenact one of those pages in the book. It’s the part in the book where that Gray dude stares down his crazy ex to get her to submit to him. Hell, it might work on that crazy broad at the end of the table.”

  Chase starts to laugh really hard. “Brent, stop staring at Emily like that. You are not a dominate and she sure as fuck is not a submissive.”

  He does not lose eye contact as he responds to Chase. “Yes, I am. Ask Jazz, she will confirm it. Now, stop messing with me, this battle is almost over.”

  Everyone turns at the same time. Again, excluding the two locked in battle at the end of the table. We all look at Jazz expecting an answer/explanation to this craziness.

  “Thanks for throwing me under the buss, asshole.” Jazz mutters. “Listen, all of you are my BFF’s and you know I’m a ride or die friend. He called me some time back, asking all sorts of questions, like, if I’m in charge in the bedroom with my ladies and do I ever discipline or tie them up while having sex. You know me. I’m not shy about anything I do and I’m an open book when it comes to my brothers. So, I answered truthfully. He asked me where I learned how to dominate my partners I ended up taking him to this exclusive club. He is actually pretty good at being a Dom. He has a lot more to learn, but he is going to be pretty awesome when he finally masters it.”

  What – The – Hell? I turn my head, I notice Emily swallowing pretty hard. Yeah, she has most defiantly bitten off more than she is capable of handling. Brent gives her a wicked grin.

  “Learning what you have about me Ms. Emily, would you like to apologize? Word of advice, you should proceed in the conversation by sugarcoating what exits your mouth next.”

  I can tell that she’s nervous, that’s only because we have been friends for so long. If he thought she would give up that easily he is a fool. If he really is a Dom, he has just come across someone that will never submit in the way he is accustomed to. Emily will
never thrive as a submissive. That’s just not in her DNA.

  “I will not be sugarcoating shit! I’m not Willy Wonka asshole!” She severs their connection by turning to look at Keisha and me. Emily flips her hair over her shoulder. “I don’t have time for this shit, I’m out of here.”

  She stands to leave, Brent mirrors her movements. He’s standing mere inches away from her crowding her personal space.

  “Brent, I’m pretty much bored with sparring with you. Word of advice, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, I’ll floor your ass if you do not stay the fuck away from me! This is a sparring match you do not want to continue buddy. Frankly, I refuse to spend another minute looking at your smug mug. Travel safe and do me a favor, don’t return, I’m…” Emily squeals in surprise.

  To everyone’s amazement she was quieted when Brent grabs her by the nape and goes in for the kill. His mouth devoured hers, effectively shutting her up. I’m like, not a voyeur or anything, but…He took what he wanted and she gave it to him with no restraints. It was far from passionate, this was more of a promise. A promise that he will be back for more. My guess is that he will be back during Christmas vacation to make good on that very heated promise.


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