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Unexpected Gift

Page 17

by Lively, R. S.

  Her words make me stop and consider. I look to the left, roaming my eyes over all the boxes. There are so many boxes. Black boxes, purple boxes, blue boxes. Variety, her pleasure, his pleasure, ribbed, lubricated, sheepskin. Sheepskin! What the hell is that? Gross.

  Magnum. I swallow. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure what that meant. “Um,” I nearly whisper as I lower my voice. “How do you know when big requires magnum?”

  She drops her mouth into an ‘o’ and starts to laugh. “Oh, you dog. When you finally decide to have sex, you jump into the deep end, don’t you?”

  “I haven’t had sex.”

  “Yet. You haven’t had sex, yet.”

  “Kenna, I am panicking, okay? Things…happened.” I lower my voice, and then I say, “Last night. Things happened last night.”

  “What kind of things?” Crunch.

  “Will you stop with the damn carrot?”

  She stares at it and grins. “Why, does it remind you of his cock?”


  “Stop being such a prude. Tell me.”

  “We fooled around. That’s it. Answer my question.”

  “I’ll answer when you tell me. Did you go down on him? Did he go down on you?”

  I don’t say anything.

  “Blink once for yes and twice for no.”

  I blink once.

  “Did you orgasm.”

  I blink again, feeling like a damn fool.

  “Damn, good for you. So my advice, if you are asking if you need magnum, you probably do.”

  “I’ve never…”

  “Right, I forgot. Okay.” She picks up the carrot again for demonstration. My humiliation reaching a new level. “Probably as long as this, but much wider. Like big, big. Is he big, big?”

  I swallow at the memory of his cock not fitting down my throat. “Yeah, but I don’t know what a magnum condom looks like. I’ll just get the small boxes, you know? Like one box of each.” I toss a three pack of magnum’s and a pleasure pack, whatever that means.

  “Tell me more. Give me details.”

  “No, way. This conversation is over. I’m grocery shopping.”

  “You’re no fun.”

  “Just go back to eating your carrot.”

  “I will if you go back to eating yours.” Crunch.

  “Classy. Real, classy. Kenna. Okay, I love you. I need to go buy eggs.”

  “Don’t forget lube—”

  I hang up the phone and sigh, completing disheveled from our conversation. Lube, why would I need…oh, oh! I think about last night, thinking about how wet he made me. I think about the way he tongued my clit, sucking it in his mouth and nibbling it. I feel my lips when they tingle, reliving how it felt wrapping them around his cock.

  I gulp. My clit starts to throb, and my hole starts to ache, replicating how it felt last night. Will his cock fit? I stare at the magnum condoms in the cart, next to the cream cheese. Right, bagels. I need bagels. I turn down aisle ten and grab a loaf of bread and bagels. The loaf of bread kind of reminds me of how long he is.

  I hold the loaf in my hands and examine it. Yeah, that looks about right. He has to need a magnum. I mean, I don’t have any other dicks to compare it to, but something of that size can’t fit in a regular condom.

  And if it can’t fit in a regular condom, can it fit inside me? Maybe that is why Kenna mentioned lube. I’ll have to use an entire bottle on that missile for it to fit. It is going to hurt. Maybe I should start with something smaller, something easier.

  I shake my head, who even said I’ll be having sex with him. I scoff, throwing the bread in the cart. “No one said I’ll be having sex with him.”

  The old lady from the previous aisle gave me look again and held the cross necklace around her throat before turning away, glancing over her shoulder like I’m the devil. You know what the devil is? The size of his damn cock.

  Kenna is right; I haven’t had sex.

  Yet. And by the size of things, it doesn’t look too promising.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Two weeks have come and gone since Molly and me. Tonight is my last night at work for a few days, and I plan on doing something about the sexual tension that we left in the bedroom. I say left because I haven’t seen her or Posie in two weeks. I miss them. I miss them so much. It’s a new feeling too, missing someone I never thought I ever could.

  Another reason why I have been at work, sleeping in on-call rooms. I know when to give a woman space, because well, she has been giving me space, so clipping aneurysms all day keeps my mind off the idea that has been niggling in the back of my mind that she regrets what we did together.

  But today is the last day for that shit. I place a clip on the last aneurysm of the day and look to the intern to my right. I still don’t know everyone’s names, but one of them will do something that will make me remember them, good or bad. “Alright guys, that is it. You.” I point to the shorter man with dark hair. “What’s your name again?” I hold my gloves up that have a little amount of blood on them.

  He sighs. “Alexander, Dr. Jackson. For the hundredth time,” he says frustrated. He has every right to be, I ask him every time.

  “Well, since you want to give me attitude. You.” I point to the other guy. “What’s your name?”

  “Dr. Inkling, sir.”

  Right. He has the weird last name. I can remember that. “Close up for me, will you?”

  His eyes light up like I just gave him keys to a brand new Porsche. “Are you serious? By myself?”

  “Can you handle that? I have somewhere I need to be.” I whip off my gloves and toss them in the trash.

  “Yes, sir. Right away, sir.”

  “Inkling? Relax.”

  “Yes, sir.” Even from behind the mask I can see him smiling. His joy is infectious. I love interns just for that reason.

  “When I see this patient again, I want to be impressed with the suture line. Don’t scar him to filth.”

  “Not a problem, Dr. Jackson.”

  “Excellent. And Dr. Alexander? You’re off my service.” I rush through the O.R. door and sigh and lean my back against the wall opposite of the surgery. I take my scrub cap off, well Brandon’s cap. It was his very first cap. It is bright pink with little red hearts all over it. He said Amelia got it for him for Valentine’s Day the first year they were doctors.

  I rub my finger over the heart that has Amelia’s initials on it. He did that. He was such a sap for her, and he wanted everyone to know it.

  “Dr. Jackson? Are you okay?”

  I shove the cap in my pocket and look up to see Nancy, an older nurse with white hair and kind, blue eyes. She has a mother’s expression on her face. The corner of her eyes wrinkle with concern. “Hi, Nancy. I’m fine, just missing an old friend is all.”

  She places her aged hand on my arm and pats my hand with the other. “If you ever want to talk about it, I’ll lend an ear. I was with my Henry for thirty years. God rest his soul, he died two years back.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, Nancy. I know what that’s like. I just lost my best friend. About a month ago.”

  She gasps. “Oh, dear. Still so new and fresh. You poor thing. Well, if you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I take the first step down the hall, but before I leave, I kiss her hand. “Thank you.”

  She squeezes my hand one last time before walking away, disappearing down the hall. I don’t bother showering or any of that because I am ready to get the hell out of the hospital and go home to see my girls.

  My shoes slide against the floor when I try to stop so suddenly. Holy shit. I called them my girls. Do I really feel that way? My phone buzzes and I reach into my pocket to see a message from Molly saying Kenna is coming over. I want to ask about her parents, but we haven’t heard from them since Brandon’s funeral. It pisses me off, but I can’t force them to want to see their grandkid.

  Twenty-minutes later, I park the car
in the driveway and notice a teal car parked next to Molly’s. “Great.” Kenna is already here. I like Kenna, kind of. Alright, I tolerate her at best. She is loud and curses more than a sailor. Oh, and she smokes. No matter how many times we tell her it is bad for her and can kill her, she doesn’t seem to care. You know who will care?


  And Molly can’t lose someone else.

  Kenna opens the door, and her loud boots clank against the porch. She has on a bright yellow, leather jacket, red pants, and a black T-shirt. Her arms are crossed. And she has a real pissed off look about her. Awesome.

  I step out of the car and greet her. “Kenna. So great to see you.”

  “Aw, don’t lie Caden. You hate that I’m here.”

  “Honesty isn’t always the best policy, Kenna.” We are going to fight while she is here. I feel that. It is inevitable when great minds think alike. I’ll never tell her that, about the great mind part.

  I try to get by her, but she blocks my way. I pinch the bridge of my nose, not in the mood for this dance. “Kenna, I haven’t taken a shower in my own house in two weeks. I’ve cut tumors, found cancer, lost three patients, and clipped like twenty aneurysms. I have slept on a lumpy cot in the on-call room, and I haven’t seen them yet. I want to see Posie and Molly. When I say, I’m not in the mood for this, you should really believe me.”

  She kicks the heel of her boot on the porch and chuffs, hiding a chuckle. “She told me you know.”

  That makes me snap my eyes from my feet.

  “You didn’t expect that, did you? She talks to me you know. I know you think our friendship is stupid and pointless, because she is so much better than someone like me—”

  “Woah, I do not think that at all.”

  “Anyway, she told me. I had to beat it out of her, but know this, Caden. If you hurt her,” she takes a step forward to invade my space. I’ve never felt fear when it came to a woman, but Kenna is different. She knows people that can make my body disappear, so yeah, there is a part of me that is a little nervous. She whispers in my ear. “I will make sure you will never operate again.” She takes a step back and puts her hands in her back pocket.

  I never knew a woman could pack a punch as hard as Kenna. “I don’t want to hurt her. I never want to hurt her. It’s supposed to be her and me. It’s just going to take a while to break through to her. She pushes me away. Right when I think I’m getting close, she pushes.”

  “I know.” She pulls a pack of cigarettes out of her back pocket and packs them against her fist.

  “Those are going—”

  “To kill me? Yeah, so I’ve heard.”

  “You should care,” I lean on the rail of the porch.

  “I do, but everything out there can kill me. I can get hit by a bus tomorrow, crash my car, have one of those fancy aneurysms you love to clip.” She strikes a match, a damn match. Of course, she doesn’t have a lighter like a normal person. She places the match stick back in the box, taking a deep inhale and blowing out smoke. “I know what can kill me, Caden. I don’t need to hear it every day.”

  I put my hands up in surrender. “Alright, sorry. You’re right.”


  “Hey, guys.” Molly opens the door with Posie on her hip. Her smile fades when she sees the cigarette and turns her body to hide Posie from it. “Seriously, Kenna? You can’t stop smoking while you’re here?”

  “I’m outside. I didn’t think it would be a problem.” She blows the smoke out of her mouth from the side of her mouth and puts the stick out in the ashtray. “Jeez, someone needs to get laid.” She takes Posie from her arms, leaving a gaping Molly standing at the door.

  I want to laugh at the expression on her face, but honestly, I’m afraid neither of the women taking over this house will let me in.

  “We are going out to dinner tonight. Amelia’s dad is coming and taking Posie for a few nights.”

  “A few nights?” I take a step forward, watching the pulse in her neck throb faster. “You mean we will have a few nights alone?”

  Her hand goes to her throat, protecting it from my hungry stare. “Um, Kenna will be here. So, we won’t be alone.”

  “You two can bump uglies! I won’t be around for it. I’m going out!” Kenna yells from the living room.

  I take another step forward, and she inhales a sharp breath when I bend over and blow into her ear. “You hear that?” I run my fingers down her arm, making her shiver from my touch. “I’ve been patient with this situation between us. I’ve given you space, I’ve given you time. But it’s time for us, now. Don’t you think we’ve spent wasted enough time, fighting? All bets are off now, Molly. You’re mine.” My hand caresses the curve of her breast, trailing down to her waist. “You’re mine,” I growl into her ear, kissing her jaw as I walk past her and shoot a wink at Kenna.

  She winks back. “Damn, Molly. If you don’t sleep with him, I will.” Kenna glares at me, the expression clear as day. She will never, in a million years, want or need to ever sleep with me. The feeling is very mutual.

  This woman fucking terrifies me.

  I’m halfway up the steps and lean over the rail to see Molly still standing in the doorway, staring out into the woods. Good, I want her to feel cornered, because I have given her too much leeway. I don’t like to be out of control. I hate it, actually, but this entire time she has had it. Well, if I leave it up to her, we will be doing the same song and dance in another five years, and I don’t want that.

  I want her, naked, moaning, screaming my name in my bed as I claim her virginity as mine. It was always meant to be mine, just like she is. I close the door to my bedroom, flip on the light, and stride into the bathroom and get undressed, stepping into the shower.

  Molly is mine. And it is time to prove it before she runs away from her own fear. I needed to hold on tight now. She has a fight and flight response when it comes to us, and now, she is in for the fight of her life.

  My cock perks up from the thought of having her again. I wrap my hand around my girth, stroking it to the thought of sliding into her virgin depths. If I come now, I’ll last longer later. And I plan for us to pull an all-nighter. Then, we will wake up in my bed, and I’ll take her again, and again, and again; until she is full of my come and sore from her need. Just the thought has me losing control. My orgasm blindsides me, and I hear a gasp.

  I keep my hand on my cock and look up through my soaked hair to see Molly watching me. Funny, I didn’t hear the door open.

  Her cheeks are red, and her eyes are dilated. She spins around fast, slamming the door. I smile and start to wash my body.

  Yeah, the fight is on, and I can’t wait to win.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Molly! We aren’t getting any younger. Get your ass out here.” Kenna shouts, pulling her hair out of the jacket she just put on. It flows down her back in dark purple curls. I think Kenna has a leather jacket in every single color. I don’t know how someone finds so many leather jackets, and they aren’t the same. I have to admit, no one can pull off the style better than Kenna.

  “I’m not coming!” she says through the other side of the closed door.

  Oh, she will be coming, now and later.

  Kenna huffs and taps her shoe on the floor. “She is all pissy because of what I made her wear.”

  “Why wouldn’t you just let her wear what she wanted?”

  “Because it would be like going out with grandma. She wanted to look hot for you.”

  “She said that?”

  She takes the vodka out of the fridge and takes a sip from the bottle. “She didn’t have to. Her room was wrecked from her throwing stuff from her closet. So, I kind of destroyed a few pieces of clothes and made her wear the rags.” She shrugs.

  My breath hitches when I think of her wearing nothing but ripped clothes. Will she be in heels? Tonight, I can lift her skirt up, place her legs on my shoulders and slide into her. I shake my head when I remember that she is a vir
gin. Her first time needs to be special, not some half-ass, shove her panties to the side, heels on my shoulder, fuck.

  “You might want to calm down,” Kenna says, sipping her drink with a grin, staring at my groin. “Yep, I am so glad I told her to grab those magnums.”

  “I can’t help it. Not when it comes to her.” I try hiding it, but Kenna laughs.

  “Please, I am not interested at all. Not my type.”

  This time it is my time to be arrogant. “I’m everyone’s type.”

  “Wow. There it is. The man I always knew you were.”

  “And who is that?”

  “An arrogant, conceited man. But it isn’t my opinion that matters.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  Molly’s door pops open, but she doesn’t open it all the way. I step forward, putting my hand against the wall. “Come on, Molly. Come out so I can see you. I really want to see you.”

  “Yeah?” her voice small and questionable.

  “I’ve been dying to see you for these past two weeks.” I lean my head against the wall, hoping that door opens just a little more.

  Her red, high-heeled shoes step out, and my fists clench when my eyes rake up her legs to the little black dress hugging her body like a glove. “Jesus fucking Christ.” My breath whooshes out of me from how sexy she looks. Her hair is straightened and glossy, her breasts are pushed up, spilling out of the top, begging for my tongue to taste them.

  “Right? I’m the fucking queen.” Kenna boasts, taking another gulp from the vodka bottle.

  My eyes finally meet her face, and my heart stops beating when I see the red gloss shining on her lips and the eyeshadow smoking her lids. There is some very glowing stuff on her cheeks when the light hits it, I’m not sure what it is, but it looks amazing, and the only image running through my mind is how the light is going to look against her face as I drive into her for the first time.


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