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by American Guerrilla

  389. Ibid.

  390. Paschall, A Study in Command and Control: Special Operations in Korea, 1951–1953, p.2–3.

  391. Birtle, U.S. Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine: 1942–1976, p.109; Evanhoe, Darkmoon: Eighth Army Special Operations in Korea, p.20.

  392. Ibid.

  393. Ibid, p.110.

  394. Volckmann, “Career Chronology of Russell W. Volckmann,” attachment to 21 March 1969 letter to History Office, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Special Operations Archives; Interviews with Russell Volckmann Jr., William Volckmann, and Helen Volckmann, August 5–10 2008; Various personal papers covering 1949–1951, The Volckmann Family Collection.

  395.Volckmann, letter to the History Office, John F. Kennedy Center for Special Warfare, 21 March 1969, Special Operations Archives. Letter contains Volckmann’s description of how he became involved with McClure and the OCPW.

  396. Paschall, A Study in Command and Control: Special Operations in Korea, 1951–1953.

  397. Ibid.

  398. Ibid.

  399. Ibid.

  400. Interview with Russell Volckmann, Jr. 21 February 2007.

  Chapter 12

  401. Paddock, US Army Special Warfare: Its Origins, p.72.

  402. Ibid, p.111–129.

  403. Ibid, p.88.

  404. Paschall, Study in Command and Control: Special Operations in Korea, 1951–1953, p.14.

  405. Ibid.

  406. “Major General Robert Alexis McClure,” Time, 14 January 1957; Daugherty and Janowitz, A Psychological Warfare Casebook, p.131; “Operational Groups,” Exhibition at the Army Airborne Museum, Fayetteville, North Carolina.

  407. Volckmann letter, 21 March 1969, Special Operations Archives.

  408. Bank, letter to the History Office, John F. Kennedy Center for Special Warfare, 23 February 1969, Special Operations Archives. Letter contains Bank’s recollections of his duties with OCPW. In this letter, Bank gives Volckmann credit for formulating the operating concepts of Special Forces.

  409. Volckmann, “Memorandum to the Commanding General, Infantry Center: Analysis and Suggestions re Gen J. Lawton Collins’ Conference, 5 April 1951”, 9 April 1951, RG 319, Box 12, NARA; Paddock, US Army Special Warfare: Its Origins, p.122.

  410. Ibid.

  411. Ibid.

  412. Ibid.

  413. Volckmann, “Findings and Recommendations re Special Operations Training,” Office of the Chief of Psychological Warfare, RG 319, Box 15, NARA.

  414. Brown, Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Army, p.1, 220; Bank, letter to the History Office, John F. Kennedy Center for Special Warfare, 23 February 1969, Special Operations Archives; Schemmer, U.S. Special Operations Forces, p.84.

  415. Bank, letter to the History Office, John F. Kennedy Center for Special Warfare, 23 February 1969, Special Operations Archives.

  416.Ney, Notes on Guerrilla Warfare: Principles and Practices, p.158.

  417. “Volckmann’s USAFIP-NL’, p.5-6, The Donald D. Blackburn Collection. Unpublished text (~15 pages) outlining historical achievements of USAFIP-NL. Volckmann letter to USAFIP-NL District Commanders, “Operating Principles and Procedures, USAFIP-NL,’ 16 March 1944, The Donald D. Blackburn Collection.

  418. Volckmann letter to USAFIP-NL District Commanders, “Operating Principles and Procedures, USAFIP-NL,’ 16 March 1944, The Donald D. Blackburn Collection. Specifically, Volckmann put his prisoners to work in clerical positions typing memos or performing menial labor jobs.

  419. Volckmann, “Outline of Events, Policies, and Orders Relative to the Apprehension and Elimination of Filipino Jap Spies and Informers’, 1946 (unspecified date), The Donald D. Blackburn Collection; Volckmann letter to American Forces Pacific Area Command (AFPAC) “Date of Recognition: United States Armed Forces in the Philippines — North Luzon’, 26 November 1945, RG 407, Box 468, NARA. Praeger was by no means the only guerrilla to be captured as a result of Filipino collaboration with the Japanese. Volckmann provides the names of twelve (12) other guerrillas who met similar fates.

  420. Dizon, “Complete Data Covering the Guerrilla Activities of the Late Colonel Claude A. Thorp’, Army G1, RG 407, Box 258, NARA.

  421. Blackburn Oral History, 104-09, MHI; Blackburn, “War within a War: The Philippines 1942-1945’, Conflict, Volume 7-2, p.137-38.

  422. Erieta, “North Luzon Guerrilla Warfare and Governor Roque Ablan’s Exiled Commonwealth Government,’ RG 407, Box 297, NARA.

  423. Ross-Smith, Triumph in the Philippines, p.3-8.

  424. ibid.

  425. ibid.

  426. Volckmann’s War Diary, 17 February 1944; Blackburn Oral History, 195, MHI; Volckmann, “After-Battle Report, USAFIP-NL G3’, p.9-11, The Russell W. Volckmann Papers, Box 4, MHI.

  427. Volckmann radiogram to MacArthur, September - December 1944, “Correspondence with General MacArthur’s Headquarters,’ The Russell W. Volckmann Papers, Box 3, MHI.

  428. Krueger, “Memorandum: Procurement, Recognition, Supply, and Disposition of Guerrilla Units’, 3 May 1945, USAFIP-NL General Orders, RG 409, Box 468, NARA.

  429. Volckmann, FM 31-21 Organization and Conduct of Guerrilla Warfare, 11-12.

  430. Small Wars Manual, p.17-32.

  431. ibid, p.1-9.

  432. Blackburn Oral History, p.235-54, MHI; Framed decree from the Philippine President, 1947, The Donald D. Blackburn Collection.

  433. Blackburn Oral History, p.235-54, MHI.

  434. USAFIP General Order #21, 3 December 1944. RG 409, Box 468, NARA. Volckmann later had O’Day extradited back to the United States but it is likely that O’Day never stood trial or went before any tribunals.

  435. Lapham, Lapham’s Raiders, p.1-11, 148; Volckmann’s War Diary, 1-3 September 1942, 8 August 1943.

  436. Lapham, Lapham’s Raiders, p.29-30.

  437. Lapham, Lapham’s Raiders, p.119.

  438. Interviews with Russell Volckmann, Jr., William Volckmann, and Helen Volckmann. All three confirm that Volckmann was a man of unfathomable reserve. Rarely did he ever speak of anything that occurred in the Philippines, Korea, or with OCPW.

  439. Arnold, A Rock and a Fortress, p.209-210.

  440. Hunt, Ray, and Bernard Norling, Behind Japanese Lines, p.218.

  441. Volckmann, “Career Chronology of Russell W. Volckmann,’ attachment to 21 March 1969 letter to History Office, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Special Operations Archives; Interview with Russell Volckmann Jr.; Volckmann, “Tehran Breifing: The Potentialities of Guerrilla Warfare,’ April 1956, The Donald D. Blackburn Collection.

  442. Volckmann, “Career Chronology of Russell W. Volckmann,’ attachment to 21 March 1969 letter to History Office, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Special Operations Archives; Interviews with Russell Volckmann Jr. and William Volckmann; United States Military Academy, USMA Fifty-Year Book, 1934-1984, p.182-83.


  Primary Sources:

  Arnold, Robert H. A Rock and a Fortress. Sarasota: Blue Horizon Press, 1979.

  Blackburn, Donald D; Brigadier General, USA (Ret). Interview by Lieutenant Colonel Robert B. Smith, USAF. Senior Officer’s Oral History Program (Project 83-9). U.S. Army Military History Institute, 1983.

  The Donald D. Blackburn Collection. Collection of personal papers, photographs, letters and official documents in possession of Blackburn and family.

  Field Manual 31-20: Operations Against Guerrilla Forces. Fort Benning (Georgia): The Infantry School, 1950.

  Field Manual 31-21: Organization and Conduct of Guerrilla Forces. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1951.

  Field Manual 31-15: Operations Against Irregular Forces. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1961.

  Field Manual 31-16: Counter-guerrilla Operations. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1967.

  Hunt, Ray C. and Bernard Norling. Behind Japanese Lines. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1986.

  Lapham, Robert. Lapham’s Raiders. Lexington: University Pr
ess of Kentucky, 1995.

  Office of the President of the Philippines. Victory at Bessang Pass. Macapagal Administration, 1962. Publication commemorating the 17th anniversary of the final victory of the USAFIP, North Luzon.

  Peterson, A.H., ed, The Role of Airpower in Counterinsurgency and Unconventional Warfare: Allied Resistance to the Japanese on Luzon, World War II. Memorandum 3655, U.S Air Force Project Rand. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation, July 1963. Panel on which Volckmann discussed the vitality of air support to guerrilla operations and made recommendations for future implementation. Ramsey, Edwin P. Interview conducted by author. 3 August 2008. Special Operations Archives, John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center.

  File: Volckmann, Russell W.

  Letters dated 21 March 1969, 1 August 1975.

  File: Bank, Aaron

  Letters dated 17 February 1968, 3 April 1968, 27 February 1973.

  Records of the Adjutant General’s Office, Philippine Archives Collection, National Archives II, Record Group 407.

  Box 250. Battle Records.

  Box 251. Intelligence Reports.

  Box 255. “Guerrilla Resistance Movement in the Philippine Islands.” Monograph composed by Major General Charles Willoughby;

  Radio log of Volckmann’s communication with SWPA.

  Box 258. “Volckmann’s History,” Claude Thorpe File, CagayanApayao Forces.

  Box 297. Ablan’s Guerrillas.

  Box 465. General Orders, GHQ, USAFIP, North Luzon. Orders issued

  periodically from GHQ spanning September 1943–May 1945. Box 468. More General Orders and Correspondence, USAFIP-NL.

  Box 539. Maps of USAFIP, North Luzon Area of Operations, Tables of Organization and Equipment.

  Box 543. After-action reports of pilots who conducted strafing runs on targets designated by Volckmann’s forward air controllers. Records of the Army Staff, National Archives II, Record Group 319. Box 12, 15. OCPW, correspondence and position papers outlining

  operational concepts and principles for Special Operations Forces. The Volckmann Family Collection. Volckmann, Russell W. Assorted personal papers—Contains notes, letters, photographs and official documents with Army seal. Spans from 1917 until death.

  Volckmann, Russell W. “Guerrilla Days in North Luzon: A Brief Historical Narrative of a Brilliant Segment of the Resistance Movement during Enemy Occupation of the Philippines 1941–1945.” Camp Spencer, La Union (Philippines): United States Army Forces in the Philippines, 1946. First Division Museum.

  Volckmann, Russell W. “The War Diary of Russell W. Volckmann, 1941–1944.” Combat diary composed by Volckmann from 8 December 1941 to 16 June 1944. Entries from 16 June until V-J Day remain unaccounted for. Copy provided by the Volckmann Family.

  Volckmann, Russell W. We Remained. New York: Norton, 1954. Volckmann, Jr., Russell W. Interviews conducted by author. February–June 2007.

  Volckmann, William. Interviews conducted by author. February–June 2007.

  Volckmann, Helen. Interviews conducted by author. August 2008.

  U.S. Army Military History Institute, Army Historical Education Center.

  “The Russell W. Volckmann Papers.”

  Box 1. G3 Operations.

  Box 2. Duplicates.

  Box 3. Correspondence with General MacArthur’s Headquarters.

  Box 4. G3 Operations (cont’d); USAFIP-NL After-Battle Report.

  Box 5. Miscellaneous Papers and Maps.

  Box 6. G2 Periodic Reports; Intelligence Summaries.

  Box 7. G2 Weekly Reports.

  United States. FMFRP 12-15: Small Wars Manual. Washington, DC: United States Marine Corps, 1935.

  United States Military Academy. The Howitzer, 1934: The Annual of the Corps of Cadets. Volume 37, 1934.

  United States Military Academy. The Register of Graduates and Former Cadets. Volume 200, 2003.

  United States Military Academy. USMA Fifty Year Book, 1934–1984. 1984. This is a reunion publication for the Class of 1934. Helen Volckmann and Don Blackburn contributed to the memorial page for Russell Volckmann.

  Secondary Sources:

  Birtle, Andrew J. U.S. Army Counterinsurgency and Contingency Operations Doctrine 1942–1976. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 2006.

  Daugherty, William E. and Morris Janowitz. A Psychological Warfare Casebook. Baltimore: The John Hopkins Press, 1958.

  Evanhoe, Ed. Darkmoon: Eighth Army Special Operations in the Korean War. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1995.

  Harkins, Phillip. Blackburn’s Headhunters. New York: WW Norton, 1955.

  Matloff, Maurice, and Edwin Marion Snell. Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 1941–1942. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, Dept. of the Army, 1953.

  McClintock, Michael. Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerrilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counter-Terrorism, 1940-1990. New York: Pantheon Books, 1992.

  Morton, Louis. The Fall of the Philippines. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 1953.

  Ney, Virgil. Notes on Guerrilla Warfare: Principles and Practices. Washington, DC: Command Publications, 1961.

  Paddock, Alfred H. US Army Special Warfare: Its Origins. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1982.

  Paschall, Colonel Rod. A Study in Command and Control: Special Operations in Korea, 1951–1953. Carlisle Barracks: Army Military History Institute, 1988.

  Smith, Robert Ross. Triumph in the Philippines. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 1963.


  Ablan, Roque

  Abra Province

  Abucay Hacienda

  Adduru, Marcelo

  Agno River Valley

  Agno River

  Anderson, Lt. (-)

  Antipolo tribe

  Aparri, North Luzon

  Apayao Province

  Aquino, Esuebio

  Araki, Gen. (-)

  Army Field Manual


  Army Field Manual

  Operations Against Guerrilla Forces

  Army Field Manual

  Organization and Conduct of Guerrilla Warfare

  Army Special Forces

  Arnold, Col. Rob

  Bacsil, North Luzon

  Bagabas, barrio of

  Baguio, North Luzon

  Baison, Daisy

  Baldwin, Capt. Rufino

  Banban, Luzon

  Bank, Col Aaron

  Barnett, Capt. George M.

  Barrio Caut, Luzon

  Bataan Death March

  Bataan Peninsula, Siege of


  Benning, Luzon

  Bernia, Vicente

  Bessang Pass, battle of

  Bessang Pass, North Luzon

  Biason, Dr. (-)

  Blackburn, Capt. Donald D.

  Antipolo; Aquino; arrives at Demson’s Camp; arrives in North Luzon; Bernia’s home; captures a spy; commands the 11th Infantry; depart for Oding; departs Lapham’s camp; departs Thorp’s camp; escape from Bataan; execution of spies; Fassoth Camp, guerilla warfare; Guimba, headquarters at Lusod; Ifugao; impressed by Demson’s camp; Japanese capture Lusod camp; Japanese devastation; malaria; meeting with Moses and Noble; more supplies arrive; Moses’ and Noble’s plan; moving north; plans to escape Bataan; recon mission to find more American’s; Red Floyd; repairs the phone line to Bobok; strength returns; Sumulpuss, Luzon; Thorp; Volckmann’s legacy

  Blair, Col. Melvin

  Bobok, North Luzon

  Bokod, Luzon

  Bontoc, Luzon

  Brougher, Gen. William

  Bruce, Cpl


  Bunche, (-)

  Bureau of Constabulary

  Cabugao, North Luzon

  Cagayan Province

  Cagayan Valley

  Calvert, Capt. Parker

  Camp #1

  Camp #2

  Camp Holmes, Baguio
  Camp John Hay, Philippines

  Camp O’Donnell, Luzon

  Caraw, barrio of

  Cayler, Col. Peter

  Central Intelligence Agency

  Central Plains of Luzon

  Clinton Herald

  “Cold War,”

  Collins, Gen. J. Lawton

  Cordillera Central

  Cubas, Maj. (-)

  Cushing, Charlie

  Cushing, James

  Cushing, Walter

  Dagwa, Capt. Bado Dalaprit, Luzon Deleon, Lt. (-)

  Demson, (-)

  Dinalupihan, Luzon

  Dodds, Hattie Mae

  Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D.

  Ekip, Luzon

  Ely, Col. Louis B.

  Emergency War Plan

  Enriquez, Capt. Manolo

  “Evacuation camp”

  Far East Air Force

  Fassoth camp

  Fassoth, Bill

  Fassoth, Martin

  Fertig, Wendell

  Field Order #27

  Fish, (–)

  Floyd, Sgt. Red

  Fort Benning, Georgia

  Fort Bragg, North Carolina

  Fort Sam Houston, Texas

  Fort Snelling, Minnesota

  Fort Stotsenburg, Luzon

  French, Enoch

  G3 After-Battle Report

  Gabu, North Luzon

  USS Gar

  Gattie, Pvt. (-)

  USS Grant

  Guerrero (-)

  Guerrilla Days in North Luzon

  Guerrilla Recognition Program

  Guimba, Luzon

  Gumabay, Sgt. Emilio

  Hayashi, Col. (-)

  Herrin, Mr. (-)

  Highway 3

  Highway 4

  Highway 5

  Highway 7

  Highway 11

  Highway 13

  Horan, Col. John P.


  Hunt, Ray

  Ifugaos tribe

  Igorot tribes

  Igoten Mines

  Ilocanos tribe

  Ilocos Norte, Luzon

  Ilocos Sur, North Luzon

  Ilocos-Tangadan Operations

  Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service

  Isabela Province

  Japanese Army Units

  Formosa Infantry, 196

  2d Tank Division

  14th Army

  19th Tora Divison

  23d Division


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