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Mike Guardia Page 25

by American Guerrilla

  58th Independent Brigade

  103d Division

  Jincos family

  Kalinga, North Luzon

  Kamayong, chief

  Kempei Tai

  Kiangan, North Luzon

  King, Gen. Edward

  Kluege, Herman

  Korean War

  Krueger, Gen. Walter

  La Paz, Luzon

  La Union Province

  Lapham, Robert

  Lepanto-Mankayan Operations

  Lingayen Gulf

  Loo Valley, North Luzon

  Lusod Sawmill Company

  Lusod, Luzon

  Luzon Guerrilla Army Force

  MacArthur, Gen. Douglas

  “I shall return” “ Military Advisor to the Commonwealth” not much to inspire; “ Orange Plan” staff meeting; visits 11th Regiment; Volckmann reports to

  Magsaysay, Ramon

  Main Line of Resistance

  Manila Bay

  Mankayan Ridge

  Manriquez, Maj. Romulo

  Mapayao, North Luzon

  Marauka, LtGen Yutaka

  Marshall, Gen. Richard J.

  McClure, Gen. Robert A.,

  McGee, Col. John H.

  Metzger, Miss Myrtle

  Midway, Battle of

  Molintas, Dennis

  Moore, Gen. James E.

  Mountain Province

  Mt. Arayat

  Mt. Namandaraan

  Mt. Natib

  Mt. Pinatubo

  Murphy, Capt. Art

  Nakar, Capt. Guillermo

  National Defense Act

  Natunin, Luzon

  Nishiyama, LtGen. Fukutaro

  Noble, Lt. Col. Arthur K.

  Nonpaling, Luzon

  North Luzon

  Northern Luzon Forces

  Nueva Vizcaya Province

  O’Day, Capt. John

  Oding, Luzon

  Office of Strategic Services

  Office of the Chief Psychological Warfare

  Olongapo, Luzon

  Operation Jedburgh

  Orange Plan

  Pampanga Province

  Paschall, Col. Rod

  Pearl Harbor attack

  Peryam, Capt. William

  Petit, Lt. (-)

  Philippine Army Units:

  1st Division

  11th Division

  11th Infantry

  11th Regiment

  arrives in Bataan; defense of Manila Bay; Guagua; Highway La Paz River; Lingayen Gulf; Mt. Arayat; withdraws from Lingayen; withdraws to Concepcion

  12th Regiment

  13th Division

  14th Regiment

  15th Regiment

  21st Division

  31st Division

  41st Division

  51st Division

  61st Division

  66th Infantry

  71st Division

  81st Division

  91st Division

  101st Division

  121st Regiment

  departs La Paz; withdraws toward Bataan

  Philippine Army Mobilization Plan

  Philippine Campaign

  Philippine Constabulary

  Philippine Ryukyu Command

  Philippine Scouts

  Pilar-Bagac Road

  Praeger, Capt. Ralph

  Psychological Warfare Center

  Quezon, Manuel

  Radio station KGEI

  Rand Corporation

  Reorganization Plan of 1943

  Robinson, Capt (-)

  USS Rocky Mount

  Roosevelt, President Franklin D.

  Roxas, Manuel

  Royal, Adm. Forrest B.

  Royal, Kenneth

  Russo-Japanese War of 1905

  San Fernando, North Luzon

  San Fernando-Bacsil Operations

  San Nicolas, Luzon

  Shattuck Military Academy

  Sipin, Maj. Diego

  Smoller, John

  Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA)

  Special Order #129

  Spessard, Miss Lottie

  USS Stingray

  Straughn, Col. (-)

  Sumulpuss, Luzon

  Swanson, Congressman Charles E.

  Swick, Herb

  Taboy River Valley

  Tamicpao, chief

  Tangadan, North Luzon

  Tarlac Province

  Terau, Col. Sotomu

  Thorp, Col. Claude

  Tojo, Hideki

  Townsend, Col. (-)

  Tuguegarao, North Luzon

  Tydings-McDuffie Act

  United Nations Civil Assistance Command

  United Nations Partisan Infantry in Korea

  United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE)

  2d Infantry Division

  3d Infantry Division

  6th Infantry Division

  9th Infantry Regiment

  10th Special Forces Group

  11th Airborne Division

  13th Armored Division

  26th Cavalry (PS)

  31st Infantry Division

  32d Infantry Division

  43d Infantry Regiment (PS),

  45th Infantry (PS),

  59th Coastal Artillery

  60th Coastal Artillery

  82d Airborne Division

  86th FA (PS),

  91st Coastal Artillery

  92nd Coastal Artillery

  123d Infantry Regiment

  133d Infantry Division Iowa National Guard

  200th Coastal Artillery

  308th Bomb Wing

  511th Airborne Infantry Regiment

  Army Special Forces

  Eighth Army

  Far East Air Force

  I Corps

  II Corps

  Sixth Army

  United States Armed Forces in the

  Philippines-North Luzon

  United States Military Academy

  Valera, Lt. (-)

  Victoria, Luzon

  Vigan, Luzon

  Volckmann, Nancy

  Volckmann, Russell William

  a landing site for an invasion; accepts Yamashita’s challenge; ADC, 82d Airborne Division; Allied landing at Leyte Gulf; amnesty proclamation about executing spies; Aquino; Army Field Manual, Operations Against Guerrilla Forces; Army Field Manual Organization and Conduct of Guerrilla Warfare 175, 177, 185–186; Army Special Forces; Army War College; arrives at Demson’s Camp; arrives in Bataan; arrives in La Paz; arrives in North Luzon; arrives in the Philippines; arrives in Tokyo; ASofS, Army Personnel Division; assigned to 11th Regiment; authority to deal with Army Bomb Wing; Banban, Luzon; Barnett; Bataan Death March; Bernia; Bessang Pass, battle of; Bessang Pass, North Luzon; Biason, Dr. (-); Blackburn, Capt. Donald D.; Bokod, Luzon; Bruno as ace in the hole; Bureau of Constabulary; captures a spy; Cayler, Col. Peter; Central Intelligence Agency; combat against the Japanese; commands 11th Regiment; communications with SWPA; completes parachute training; critical leadership; decides to become a guerrilla; Delaprit, 80; Deleon, 71, 79; depart for Oding; departs Fassoth camp; departs for Ifugao; departs Lapham’s camp; departs Thorp’s camp; diary; Distinguished Service Cross; dysentery; Emergency War Plan; end of diary; enemy activity at alltime low; enemy says he outfoxed them; Enriquez, Capt. Manolo; escape from Bataan; evacuates the Haliap camp; execution of spies; family; Fassoth Camp; Fassoth, Bill; Fassoth, Martin; “Father of Special Forces”; Field Order #27, 135; finds a radio; finds an ally in Blackburn; five military districts; forward air controller concept; frustrated and laying low; G3 After-Battle Report; gets support from Kruger; guarantees to the local civilians; guerilla warfare; Guerrilla Days in North Luzon; Guimba; Gumabay, Sgt. Emilio; headquarters at Lusod; headquarters in the Haliap lands; help arrives; Hukbalahap’s; Ifugao; impressed by Demson’s camp; IOAC, Fort Benning; Japanese approach Lusod; Japanese capture Lusod camp; Japanese devastation; Japanese supply system to be the target; Japanese surrender overtures; joins OCPW; Kiangan camp; Korean War; Krueger;
Lapham; legacy; limited options; Lingayen Gulf; Lusod camp; MacArthur’s visit; malaria; meeting with Moses and Noble; meets MacArthur in Japan; message center; modern Counterinsurgency doctrine; Molintas, Dennis; more supplies arrive; Moses’ and Noble’s plan; most significant contribution; moving north; need for a permanent special operations command; not best judge of character; not happy with methods in Korea; observes the Allied invasion; ordered to abandon equipment; ordered to the Infantry Center, Fort Benning; organizing a guerrilla army; pagan priests; Pearl Harbor attack; placed under U.S. Sixth Army command; planned 3d Battalion counterattack; plans to escape Bataan; postwar; postwar Philippines; progress reports; promoted to Brigadier General; promoted to Colonel; promoted to major; psychological warfare; radio communication with MacArthur; radio station KGEI; Rand Corporation; Red Floyd; regiment losses at La Paz; rehabilitation program; relocates to La Union Province; Reorganization Plan of; reports to MacArthur; returns home; returns to GHQ; returns to the Philippines; secures civilian support; senior ranking officer in North Luzon; Shattuck Military Academy; Special Order #129; start of a new life; strangling the enemy; strength returns; summons from Eisenhower; Sumulpuss, Luzon; supplies improve; Thorp; thought missing in action; visits 31st Infantry; alter Reed Army Hospital; wearing down the Japanese; West Point; wife files for divorce; Yamashita surrenders to; Yamashita’s tribunal; year end diary entries

  Volckmann Jr., Russell

  Wainwright, Gen. Jonathan

  Western Luzon

  Whiteman, Lt. (-)

  Yamashita, Gen. Tomiyuki

  Zambales Mountains

  Zaragoza, Luzon, 28

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  The Road to Luzon

  Rising Sun

  The Great Escape

  Northward Bound

  The New Guerrilla

  The Waiting Game

  Master and Commander

  Images from American Guerrilla


  Combat Operations

  After the Fire: 1946–1948

  A New Kind of Fighting

  Special Forces


  Understanding Volckmann’s Legacy


  Volckmann’s Citation for the Distinguished Service Cross

  Headquarters United States Armed Forces in the Far East 27 January 1945 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE CROSS


  The Career Chronology of Russell W. Volckmann







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