Collide: A Riverbend Novel

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Collide: A Riverbend Novel Page 5

by Sara Daniell

  "Yes sir. Florida State."

  "Good." The doctor looked at me. "I'm gonna have some tests run just to make sure everything is all right. You hang tight. Lab will be here in a bit." He stood and left.

  "A coma?!" Garrett said as he came over and sat next to the bed.

  "No wonder I didn't feel good," I said as I gave him a small smile. I laid back against the bed, and my head pounded like it had a drum in it.

  Johanna came in with Havock following behind her with my bag. She nudged Garrett out of the way and cupped my face. "You scared me! Did you not take your insulin when you went upstairs?!"

  "I did. I promise."

  I watched as Havock set my things down. He gave me a strange look then took a seat in the corner of the room.

  "Then what happened?" She asked, her voice shaking.

  "I don't know. I took it, and I just felt tired so I laid down." I shrugged. "Apparently, I was knocking on a coma's door."

  She pulled the syringes of insulin from her purse and stared down at them. "Maybe..." She shook her head. "I'm going to go let the doctor take a look at these." She left the room in a hurry.

  "A coma? Really?" Havock asked.

  "Really," Garrett answered.

  I rubbed my head with my fingers. "So, what happened to you two?"

  Before they answered, Mrs. Johanna came back into the room. While she talked to the boys I fell fast asleep.


  Garrett and I walked out into the hall while the doctor talked with Reese. I leaned my back against the wall and drummed my fingers on the wall. I needed a cigarette. Reese had scared the shit out of me, and I needed to calm my nerves.

  I looked at Garrett who was cutting his eyes at me. And I couldn't mistake the look of war in his eyes. That same look he would get when we were kids and we happened to walk in the kitchen at the same time and there was only one cookie left. It was on. He wanted Reese. I wanted her more. We both already knew that when I punched him in the lip last night when I caught him coming out of Reese's room. He returned the punch, but I'd sport that damn black eye any day. The satisfaction I felt when my fist busted his lip felt too good.

  And I was sure she wanted me too. Why else would she have drawn a picture of me? I found my face sketched perfectly, lip ring and all when I was packing her bag for the hospital. At first it scared me a little. I wasn't sure if I wanted a girl to feel something for me. I had traveling to do. I had goals after high school that I fear would change if I got involved with someone and we'd have to figure out how to reach both our goals. I was selfish.

  We both turned when mom and dad walked up. Mom scanned both our faces and sighed.

  "Look, I don't know what's going on between you two, but cool it. Alright?"

  I grinned evilly and Garrett did too.

  The doctor stepped out and smiled. "She can go home. There's no need to keep her. But I wrote her a refill on insulin. The lab looked at what you brought from home, and it was the wrong prescription. What pharmacy do you use?"

  "Griffin's," mom said in shock. "They could have killed her!!"

  Dad put a calming hand on her shoulder. She shrugged it off.

  "Mistakes happen, but I'd be just as upset as you. Just make sure that you double check what you're leaving the pharmacy with before you leave."

  Mom nodded as tears fell down her face.

  "Can we go home please?" Reese asked as she came out of the room carrying her bag.

  "What's wrong?" She asked mom tiredly.

  She walked over to her and wiped her tears.

  "Don't cry," she said softly.

  Mom looked at dad and Garrett. "Take her home." She looked at me. "You're driving me to the pharmacy."

  "I don't really think that's a good idea." Mom glared at me. "Okay, okay!" I got my keys out of my pocket.

  As we walked out to the truck mom said, "No smoking."

  "Yes ma'am," I mumbled as we got into my truck.

  "Why didn't you have dad drive you?" I asked as I drove.

  She laughed. "He wouldn't have brought me."

  I pulled up to the pharmacy and noticed them flipping the sign to closed. They closed early on Saturdays, but I knew that little sign wasn't stopping her. Mom got out of the truck before I could cut the engine off. Alrighty then. I knew I should probably go with her.

  I got out and followed her. She banged her fist against the glass door so hard I could hear the bells on the door inside.

  The pharmacist opened the door and managed to smile. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Satterly. Can I help you?"

  Mom reared back her purse the size of a boulder and probably as heavy as one too and knocked him upside his head. "You almost killed her you moron!!" That caused a few cars to slow down as they passed the drug store.

  The pharmacist rubbed his head. "What are you talking about?!"

  Mom's hands shook as she pulled the paper for a refill out of her purse. She slammed it against his chest. "You gave her the wrong insulin!"

  He took the prescription in his hands. "I'm so sorry."

  I knew he truly was and so did mom. It was a mistake. A bad one. But by the look on his face I knew he wouldn't make it again.

  "I'll go fill this. Why don't you two come inside where it's warm?" He held the door as we stepped inside.

  I sat next to mom in the waiting area. She wiped her eyes as more tears fell. "It's my responsibility to keep her safe. I can't believe this happened."

  Mom needed Garrett or dad here to comfort her. I was never good at sympathy. I was the suck it up and move on type of guy. There was no doubt she had scared the hell out of me, but she was fine. Everyone needed to calm down.

  I stood and walked outside, reached in my truck and got out my cigarettes. Just as I lit one I heard a horn honk. I nodded at Ruth Ann in her lime green Camaro. She winked and sped up. She was the slut of Riverbend. If it had a dick she'd sleep with it. I wasn't that desperate. If I wanted sex, I could get it. That was never a problem for me.

  Mom walked out. "Put that thing out!" she said grabbing the cigarette from me and stomping on it. She pulled hand sanitizer out of her purse and rubbed it into her skin.

  We got in the truck. "What did I tell you about doing that in public?! Ha?! The lip ring and tattoo is enough to ruin my rep as a social worker! If I can't control my own kids what will make people think I can help with others?!"

  "Sorry," I grumbled.

  "No you're not. Just take me home."

  She was right. I wasn't. And I knew I was wrong for that, but it didn't bother me enough to change. I drove us home.

  We walked in the house not speaking. I had to admit, what she said kind of hurt a little. I normally didn't mind the truth even if it hurt. But today, knowing she was already upset, it shook me up a little.

  Dad met mom at the door as she took off her jacket. "She's resting upstairs. She's fine, honey."

  Mom nodded. "I'm going to start lunch."

  Mom walked off and dad stopped me before I could go upstairs.

  "How'd it go at the pharmacy?"

  I smirked. "Before or after she hit the guy with her purse?"

  Dad pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'll go talk to her. I'm sure she's embarrassed."

  I nodded. "Good idea. Is it alright if I go out?"

  "Sure. But please stick to your curfew. Your mother has dealt with enough today."

  "Yes, sir."

  I put my jacket back on and walked back out to my truck.


  I looked down at my painting of the Satterly family and smiled. The art teacher stared at it over my shoulder. "Very nice. Johanna will love it."

  Art was my favorite class and the place I hid out. I'd just put up my work when Havock walked in. "Hey," I said as I covered the paintings I had done. I'd made one for him and Garret as well. I smiled sadly at him. I had been having a rough day. Some days I was fine, others, not so much.

  Today was a bad one. I had been picked on relentlessly until I hid in the art
room and the counselor was calling Mrs. Johanna to voice her concern that I was still suicidal. Which I wasn't.

  "What are you doing in here?" I asked as I cleaned up my supplies.

  He sat on a stool. "Coming to see why you didn't come to lunch."

  I shrugged. "I wasn't hungry. I ate a granola bar, though."

  "Want to walk to English with me?"

  "Let me finish cleaning up," I said as I wiped down my area.

  After I finished, I picked up my bag and walked out of the art room with Havock. I avoided looking at the faces of the other kids because they always had anger in their eyes when they looked at me. "Why do people hate me?" I asked him quietly.

  "Because they think you did it," he said referring to my mother and dad. Havock wasn't one to sugar coat things.

  "I was seven when mom was killed," I said as I moved closer to him as a particular girl who had made my life worse than a living hell walked by.

  Havock put his arm around my shoulders.

  I heard someone whisper murderer as they walked by, and I couldn't take anymore.

  "I...I need to go to the restroom." I moved away from him then hurried into the bathroom.

  I went into a stall and locked it. I slid down the door and wrapped my arms around my knees as I buried my face against them and cried. I just wanted my dad.

  I heard the door open and saw Havock's converse. He knocked on the stall. "Reese?"

  I wiped my eyes, stood up and unlocked the door. "You shouldn't be in here," I said as I wiped my eyes.

  "No, I shouldn't. But that didn't stop me." He wiped my tears. "Ignore them," he whispered.

  "I'm trying. It's hard." I smiled weakly at him.

  "Ready to go to class?" he asked taking my hand.

  I nodded. "Are we almost to Christmas break yet?"

  "Yup. And our family pre-Christmas vacation starts this weekend. Mom pitched a fit until the judge said you could go." We walked out of the bathroom.

  A smile appeared on my face. "Really?!"

  He smiled showing off his dimple. "Really."

  We walked into class and he followed behind me until I got to my seat. He then went to his seat.

  I hadn't been seated long when my name was called over the intercom, and I was asked to report to the counselor's office. I grabbed my bag and left the room.

  I opened the door and walked in. "You wanted to see me?"

  "Mmm hmm. Have a seat."

  I sat down in the chair and placed my bag on the floor. By the look on her face I did something wrong. "Am I in trouble?"

  I racked my brain as I tried to think of something I had done wrong. I had gone to the nurse like I was supposed to. I turned in my homework. I had been good.

  "Just a rumor. Or at least that's what I hope it is. Please tell me you weren't taking pills in the bathroom with Havock?"

  "No ma'am. I was crying and he came to get me out. We weren't even in there very long," I said as I looked her in the eyes. "And why would I take pills?"

  "He's been known to pop pills with girls in the bathroom, then they..." She shook her head. "That's confidential. I can't believe I let that slip." She smacked her forehead. "Why were you crying?" She asked, changing the subject.

  I shrugged. "I'm just tired of being called a murderer."

  Thoughts raced through my head as what she said sunk in completely. I just couldn't wrap my mind around what she let slip. Havock, what the hell were you in to? I wondered as I sat there.

  She started writing something down. "Who has been calling you a murderer?"

  "Everyone but Havock, Garrett and Jude," I said as I picked at my nails.

  She set her pen down and looked at me. "Is school too much for you? Do we need to get someone to home school you?"

  "I don't want to leave the Satterly's," I said as I started to panic.

  We had talked about homeschooling before, and they had said I'd have to go to a special place for that.

  "So, you're willing to tough it out here?"

  I nodded as I grasped my hands to keep them from shaking.

  She nodded and wrote something down.

  "You're free to go. See you in the morning. Oh and Reese?"

  "Yes ma'am?" I asked after I stood up and grabbed my bag.

  "Havock's name suits him well. Just be careful. And you didn't hear that from me."

  I nodded and opened the door. I gave Havock a weak smile as I saw him standing there waiting.

  "You should be in class," I said softly as we walked into the hall.

  "She doesn't like me," he said with a humored grin. "I heard what she said about my name. She's right. I'm terrible." He laughed.

  "I'm not much better. At least you're not-" I stopped myself and shook my head. "Never mind."

  He stopped and leaned against some lockers. "Not what?"

  I looked at him and shrugged. "I had to go see her because she heard we were popping pills in the bathroom together."

  "Oh." He chewed on his bottom lip. "Well, do you want to?"

  "No," I said firmly then started walking again. He didn't understand. I didn't do that stuff for fun. There's only one reason in mind to do that, and I didn't want that right now.

  He caught up with me. "I was kidding."

  I closed my eyes. "You can't kid like that with me. Okay?" I begged as I looked at him.

  He held back laughter. He nodded. "I'm going to smoke before my last class. Want to come with me?"

  I shook my head. "I'm staying after school to finish my art project. Just so you know." I tried not to be angry. He didn't know about the things I had done or tried to do. There was no reason to be angry at him. I gave him a weak smile then went to class.


  I finished the last painting, and it was dry. I'd just finished cleaning up my brushes and area when Garrett came in. "Hey, I figured you'd be at home by now."

  He walked over to the sink and wet a paper towel. He wiped my nose and cheek. "I stayed to work out in the gym. And then one of the guys told me you were in here, so I wanted to come see if you needed a ride home." He threw the paper towel in the trash.

  "Yes, thank you." I grabbed my backpack slung it on then grabbed the four covered art pieces, or tried to. "Mrs. Jacobs was going to drive me home, but it's out of her way," I said still trying to balance everything.

  He caught one of the paintings before it fell. "Let me carry all that for you." He laughed.

  "Just don't look. And thank you." After I said bye to Mrs. Jacobs, we headed to Garrett's truck.

  He placed the paintings carefully in the back. He climbed in and started the truck. "Why can't I look?"


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