Collide: A Riverbend Novel

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Collide: A Riverbend Novel Page 6

by Sara Daniell

  He pulled out of the parking lot and tugged on the bottom of my shirt for me to scoot to the middle.

  "Because." I smiled a little as I moved over.

  "I like surprises," he smiled as he took my hand in his. "Can we drive around for a bit so we can talk?"

  "Sure," I said nervously. "Am I in trouble?"

  "No. I want to talk about us..."

  Us? I scrunched my eyebrows at him. "Okay," I said as I waited to hear what he had to say.

  "I like you, Reese. And not just as a friend. It's more than that for me."

  I had no idea what to say. I liked Garrett a lot, but I liked Havock too. I also knew nothing could come of either of them. "You can't," I said as I removed my hand. "They'd make me leave, Garrett."

  "They won't know."

  "Who won't? Your parents, brother, school counselor, teachers? I'm on watch by all of them." I ran my hand through my hair. "You don't need to like me. I'm not stable, Garrett."

  "But I could be that stability you need, Reese." He stopped the truck on the side of the road. He looked at me as he touched the side of my face. "No-one has to know. Not my parents, my brother, the teachers, no-one."

  A tear rolled down my cheek. "I don't know. Part of me wants to say yes. Right now I think there's just too much going on in my head."

  "So, that's a no?"

  "It's a not right now or at least let's just see where it goes. Could you do that? If not I understand."

  "I can do that." He smiled and kissed my cheek softly. He held my hand the whole way home but didn't say anything else.

  I liked Garrett a lot. He was stable which I desperately needed. And I really cared for him. There was just something holding me back. Honestly, I don't know if it was Havock, Garrett's parents, my issues, fear or a combination of it all.

  When we got home, everyone was sitting at the table waiting for us.

  "A phone call saying you'd be late would've been nice," Johanna said as she cut her eyes at Garrett.

  We put down the covered art. "It's my fault. I wanted to finish my paintings. Sorry."

  Havock scoffed, stuck his earbuds in and started drumming his fingers on the table. Garrett sat down and handed me a plate.

  "Havock, take those things out of your ears now," Mr. Rick said firmly.

  Havock pulled out one. "Better?"

  His dad sighed heavily. "Whatever."

  Johanna started passing food around. "So, we leave first thing Saturday morning to head to the mountains! Denver is so pretty this time of year."

  "Awesome," Garrett replied with a smile.

  "Yay," Havock said with little excitement.

  "Oh, come on! It'll be fun! Skiing is a blast." Mrs. Johanna smiled at Mr. Rick. "Isn't it?"

  "I like staying locked up in our room better," Rick said with a wink.

  Havock put his other earbud back in when his mom giggled and smacked his dad's hand.

  "Get that look of your faces boys. How do you think you got here?"

  Garrett choked on his drink. "I'd rather not go there, dad."

  I laughed.

  Havock didn't hear a word. He was busy eating and listening to his music.

  I chewed on my lip excitedly. "I've never been to the mountains," I said excitedly.

  "Oh, Sweetie, you'll have the time of your life!" Mrs. Johanna smiled.

  Havock heard that and grinned. I didn't want to know what he was thinking.

  My leg started bouncing. I wanted to give them their gifts now. "May I give you guys something?" I asked.

  "Um sure," Johanna nodded.

  I jumped up excitedly and grabbed Johanna's first. It was of all of them. It had several pictures in one. Some of her and the boys now, some when they were little, and some of her and Rick. I handed it to her and chewed on my lip as I grabbed Rick's. It was a picture of him and the boys. Half were him and Garrett playing football the other were him and Havock working on the truck. Johanna covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

  "Oh, they're beautiful," she said as she ran her fingers over the picture. She turned it around to show the guys.

  Rick looked shocked. "This was really kind of you. You're really talented, Reese."

  "It's a Christmas gift. You guys took me in and gave me a home when you didn't have to. It's my way to say thank you." I smiled then looked at the boys. I grabbed theirs.

  Garret's had four pictures in one. One of him and his brother. They're both laughing about who knows what. One of him and his mom. One of him and his dad and the one in the middle is of him leaning against his truck smiling. Both dimples showing.

  Havock's was the same as Garret's except it was him leaning against his truck, his right dimple showing and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  "Somebody's been snooping in family albums," Havock teased.

  I shrugged and blushed.

  "They're great!" Johanna squealed. "Rick, you and the boys will be hanging these up as soon as we're done eating." They all set their paintings down and continued eating. Johanna talked about my talent the whole time we ate.

  "What college do you want to go to?" She asked as she pushed her empty plate away.

  "I don't know. I've never thought about it."

  "Garrett is going to Florida State to play football," she said proudly.

  "That's great!" I said as I smiled. I scrunched my eyebrows together. I'd never thought about college. Every time I had tried to bring it up to dad, he'd tell me that I didn't need to go then changed the subject. "And what about you, Havock? Have you picked a school?" I asked as I tried to get my mind off of what I couldn't have.

  "I don't plan on going. I want to travel the world. Figure out what I want out of life before I decide on a career."

  His dad lowered his eyes at him.

  "Sounds logical if you don't know exactly what you want out of life yet." I smiled.

  "What, that not what you wanted to hear dad?" Havock laughed coldly.

  His dad stood. "I'm going to get the tools to hang up the pictures." He left the table.

  Johanna kept on smiling. "Reese, help me clean up?"

  I nodded and stood. I grabbed the boys plates then headed to the kitchen.

  "Sorry about that," she said as she washed and I dried.

  "Don't apologize. Families are supposed to fight, right?" I asked. A pain filled my heart as I thought about the fact that the last words I said to dad had been in anger.

  "Yeah, I guess." She smiled as she washed the last dish.

  Rick came in with a hammer and nails. "Show me where you want them."

  I sat on the couch and laughed as Rick and Johanna argued about where to put them. I looked at Garret who was laughing. I held a book on my lap.

  "Garrett, where's Havock?" Johanna asked as she pointed to a spot on the wall.

  "He went outside earlier."

  I closed my book, giving up reading. "Do you want me to go get him?"

  "That'd be great. I want to discuss our trip some more."

  "Okie dokie." I hit Garrett on the side with my foot then took off towards outside when he tried to grab my foot. I looked around outside and spotted Havock. "Hey your mom wants to discuss the trip," I said as I came over to him. I chewed on my lip. "Did you actually like the picture? You're honest enough you'll tell me."

  He looked at me and smiled a little. "Yes."

  I smiled. "Okay, so inside," I said as I motioned towards the house.

  "I was thinking about going for a drive. You should come."

  "Can't we go after you talk with your family?"

  He laughed and got in his truck. "Coming or not, princess?"

  I looked back at the house and chewed on my lip. "I want to, but I can't. Sorry." I stepped back and smiled. "Be safe."

  "You can't?" He raised a brow and laughed. He shook his head and closed the door. He drove off with his music blaring.

  I walked inside, my feet freezing. I headed into the living room and sat down. "He went for a drive. Sorry," I said as I tried to w
arm my feet up. "What? I forgot shoes," I said to Garrett as he looked at me funny.

  Garrett pulled my legs onto his lap and covered them with a blanket. He rubbed my feet while we watched TV. Slowly my eyes closed, and I fell asleep. At least until the nightmares hit.


  I walked into the house quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone. But there sat mom in dad's chair reading a book. I should have known she'd be up waiting on me.

  "Sorry I lost track of time." I kicked off my shoes and pulled off my hoodie.

  "Can we talk? Like we used to?" She asked so quietly I almost didn't hear her. When I got closer I saw her face was wet from tears.

  I sat across from her on the couch. "About?"

  "Tell me whatever you want."

  "My favorite food is still Thai food." I shrugged. I didn't know what she wanted me to say.

  She laughed. "How are your grades?"

  "All A's."

  She smiled. "That's my smart boy."

  I just stared at her. This was weird.

  "Can I go to bed now? I'm tired and I have a big test tomorrow."

  "She's been having nightmares all night." More tears fell from her eyes. "I want her to be happy here, Havock. Tell me, what am I doing wrong?"


  She wiped her eyes. "Sorry. I know you can't answer that."

  "You aren't doing anything wrong. She's got a lot on her plate."

  She nodded. "I know that. I was watching the news and they were talking about how they still didn't have any leads on Mayor Johnson. I just have a feeling he's not alive. I don't know how she'll handle it if he isn't."

  "I think she needs closure. If he's dead she'll cope eventually. At least it wouldn't be the constant worry and wondering where he is."

  "Are you okay with her staying here? Garrett and her seem to be getting along great. You haven't said a word about her to me."

  What mom didn't know is I'd thank her for the rest of my life for letting her stay. I'd never admit that out loud, though. "She's nice."

  "She is. Absolutely precious."

  Reese screamed from upstairs then there was a loud crash.

  Mom went to get up, but I stopped her. "I'll go."

  "If you need me come get me."

  I nodded then hurried up the stairs. I went into her room and saw her getting up and looking around confused. Hair was stuck to her face that was wet with tears. A bruise was forming on the side of her face where she must have hit the end table. Garrett came in behind me before I could do anything to comfort her.

  He moved past me and wrapped her in his arms. He looked at her cheek. "Havock go get ice."

  I went downstairs and mom met me in the kitchen while I put ice in a Ziploc bag.

  "Is she alright?" she asked as she yawned.

  "She bumped her cheek and she's shook up, but she's okay."

  "I think we're gonna leave in the morning to go to Denver. I think we all need a get away. Especially her."

  "We have big tests tomorrow, Mom."

  "You can make them up."

  "I'll go tell them." I hurried upstairs and handed her the ice pack.

  "Thanks," she said her voice shook as she moved away from Garrett and sat on the window seat. She looked out not saying anything.

  "Mom said we're leaving for Denver in the morning. She said we could make up our tests."

  Garrett sat next to her and rubbed her back. "Okay. Go get some sleep, bro. I'll stay up with her."

  "Did she say she wanted you to?" I snapped.

  "Please get out. Both of you," she said softly and quietly. She kept her eyes locked out the window. Her voice was hollow.

  Garrett shoved past me on his way out, bumping my shoulder with his. I smiled. I looked at Reese before walking out.

  When I made it out in the hall Garrett shoved me against the wall. "What the hell!"

  "Don't be stupid, Garrett." I shoved him away from me.

  "You're not good for her. She doesn't need someone like you."

  I raised a brow and laughed. "And you are what she needs?"

  "Maybe when she's ready I will be. But right now she needs friends!"

  I didn't reply. I walked into my room and slammed the door.

  A little while later I heard a quiet thud. It sounded like a window opening.

  I went to her room and saw the window wide open. I looked down and saw her running towards the sidewalk. Well, shit. We had an escapee. I didn't want to cause a scene so I climbed out of her window. I took off after her and was glad I hadn't taken off my shoes yet. But I was in just a t-shirt and jeans. I was going to freeze my balls off.

  When I caught up with her I could tell she didn't want me to stop her so I just ran with her. "Where are we going?" I asked, extremely out of breath.

  She stopped and put her hands on her knees. She looked at me. "I need something. Please, let me go," she begged as tears fell down her face. She wiped them then took off running again.

  "Does it require running or can we walk?"

  She stopped running but walked swiftly. She didn't say anything just walked.

  "We could've taken my truck. I would've even let you drive."

  "I didn't plan on anyone knowing I was gone. And I don't drive well." She continued to walk until we arrived at the front of her house. I looked at her like she had lost her mind. That place creeped me out.

  "I'm afraid to ask you why we are here."

  "I need something."

  "Please tell me it's not inside."

  "You don't have to go," she said as she looked at the house.

  There was no way I'd let her do it alone. "I know I don't but I'm going if you're going."

  She nodded then walked around the back of the house. She then started to climb up the terrace.

  I needed a whole pack of cigarettes and to smoke them all at once. My nerves were shot. I climbed up behind her. Tomorrow, I'd be able to add this to my list of stupid ass things I’d done in my life. It'd be number a million. My hands felt numb they were so cold, but I continued to climb.

  Finally, we arrived on a balcony. She found a hidden key and unlocked the doors. We walked in to a room. It was bland and very cold feeling.

  "Whose room was this?"



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