Collide: A Riverbend Novel

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Collide: A Riverbend Novel Page 7

by Sara Daniell

  "Cozy," I said sarcastically.

  She ran over to a dresser and opened a drawer. She pulled out a large book and held it tightly. She grabbed a bag, put it in there then went to the other side of the room. She pulled up a loose board and pulled out three books and four drawing notebooks. She put them in the bag and put the board back. I watched as she put a few more things in it then came over to me. "I'm ready."

  "Do we get to act like bad ass spies again or are we gonna use the door like normal people?"

  "I don't have the key to the front door."

  "But we are inside the house. Can't we just simply walk down there and open it from the inside?"

  "No, all the doors require keys to open them.”

  And that just made the house even creepier. I nodded. "Alright. Let's go."

  She secured the bag and we went outside. She relocked the door and hid the key, then climbed down. Once we were down, blue lights started surrounding the house. Mom came running out of one of the cop cars.

  "Go," she said before they saw me. I stood there. I wasn't going anywhere.

  Mom ran over as she yelled to the cops she found us. She hugged us both tight then cupped Reese's face in her hands. "What on Earth are you doing here?!"

  "I wanted some of mine and mom's things."

  "And I would've got them for you! You didn't need to come here! Do you know how unsafe it is?!"

  Mom looked at me and poked her index finger into my chest. "You didn't give her any drugs did you?!"

  "What?! No..." I said in annoyance.

  "He came to make sure I was safe. I didn't take anything," Reese said looking ashamed.

  I was more than pissed that mom would say something like that. I had been clean for over two years.

  "Let's get you two home."

  We followed mom to one of the police cars.

  "It's not you Havock. It's me," Reese said quietly.

  I didn't respond. She didn't know a thing about me or what I put my parents through. I got in the back of the car with her and mom.

  Reese held tightly to her bag as if it was buried treasure.

  We pulled up to the house. The cop turned and looked at Reese. "I need to look at what you took."

  Her shoulders sagged and she hesitantly handed it over.

  Mom leaned forward. "Please, don't take it from her. If it was so important that she'd risk her safety for it, it must mean a lot to her."

  The cop looked through it then handed it back to Reese. "I'm not supposed to give that back."

  "Thank you," Reese said as she held it tightly to her.

  We got out and I noticed dad and Garrett's trucks gone. Mom started dialing on her phone.

  "I found them. Call Garrett and tell him to head back home. Love you.” She hung up then unlocked the door to the house.

  Reese looked like she was in another world. Her face was blank.

  Mom stepped back as we walked in. "Get some sleep. We are leaving for the airport by seven."

  I followed her up the stairs and turned and looked at her before I walked into my room.

  "Thank you. I'm sorry," she said then she went into her room. She didn't shut the door.

  I hesitated. I wanted so badly to go into her room and ask her why she drew a picture of me. I wanted to know if she felt what I felt. But Garrett was right. She needed friends and most definitely not a guy like me.


  I didn't sleep at all. I sat next to Garrett on the plane drawing.

  "I'm sorry about last night," I whispered to him.

  "It's okay. I'm just glad you're alright."

  He rested his chin on top of my head. "What are you drawing?" He moved my hand out of the way so he could see the whole page.

  "It's your home."

  He kissed the top of my head and moved his hand so I could continue drawing. "You're hair smells good," he laughed.

  I smiled a little. "Thanks. I like your home. It's homey."

  “I like it too.”

  “Mine’s cold.”

  "I'm sorry." He took my pencil from me and turned to a blank page. He scribbled some words and then moved his hand so I could read it.

  Have you thought anymore about us?

  Yes. I'm not ready. You don't deserve someone broken. Some broken princess.

  I focused my eyes out the window so he couldn't see how broken I really was.

  I want you, Reese and all the broken pieces.

  A tear fell down my cheek, and I wiped it away.

  What if it doesn't work? I don't want to lose my friend.

  You could never lose me. Ever.



  I held the pencil in my hand, thinking.

  Let’s see how the trip goes. Then I will tell you for sure.

  I laid my head on his shoulder and yawned.

  "Okay," he whispered in my ear.


  I looked down at the skis on Garrett's feet. "Not happening," I said as I looked over at Havock with a snowboard. "Nope. I'd break something."

  "Put them on, Princess. We're wasting daylight," Havock rolled his eyes and pulled a toboggan over his ears.

  Garrett grinned. "I'll teach you. You'll be fine."

  Havock put his sun glasses on and laughed. "You could go hang out on the bunny slopes."

  I groaned. "This is going to be painful." I slipped on the skis and strapped them in place.

  We went up the ski lift and Garrett held my hand as we reached the top of the mountain.

  "It's easy. Just let the ski lift push you onto the mountain. Let your feet drop. You ready?"

  "No!" I said as I shook my head. "This is a horrible idea!"

  He laughed and pulled me with him as he slid off. I tripped around until I caused us both to fall into the snow. Havock slid past us and headed down the mountain. Garrett laughed and wiped snow off my face. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

  It shocked me but it wasn't a bad shock. Actually, it was rather nice. "I don't think that has anything to do with skiing," I whispered against his lips. He kissed me again then moved off me. He stood then helped me up.

  I slid some and he stopped me. "I'm going to die," I said as he laughed.

  "You won't if you follow my directions. And I like you way too much to let anything happen to you."

  "Okay let’s do this."


  I followed his directions and still ended up on my butt or face more than my feet. After two hours, I laid back in the snow not moving. I'd just fallen really hard and didn't want to move.

  He sat next to me and patted my thigh. "Skiing isn't your thing."

  I groaned. "You go ski. I'm going to lay here."

  "I don't think so." He helped me up.

  "So, what next?" I asked as my body protested to movement.

  We were at the bottom of the mountain near all the restaurants and ski resort. "Are you ready for lunch?"

  "Shit! I haven't checked my sugar."

  "Back to the resort then."

  "But...this sucks."

  "Let's go check it then I'll take you out to lunch."

  "Okay." I pouted as he helped me get my skis off. Sore did not describe my body.

  He bent down a little and motioned towards his back. "Hop on."

  "Are you serious?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

  "Naw, I'm just hunched down like this to look at my feet." He laughed. "Hop on."

  I laughed then hopped on. When we got to the resort he put me down then slid his key in the door. He opened it and let me in first. I went into my room. I grabbed my glucose meter and tested myself.

  He peeked his head in. "Are you alright?"

  "It's a little low but nothing lunch won't fix." I smiled. "But since its low I get some chocolate." I clapped excitedly.

  "Only under one condition..."

  "Yes?" I asked as I looked at him suspiciously.

  "Come closer so I can tell you."

  His dimples showed as his smile

  I moved closer. "What?"

  He slid his hands slightly under my shirt where his fingertips touched the skin right above my pants. The warmth from his hands felt nice and made my skin tingle. He leaned down and met my lips with his.

  I smiled against his lips. "That's nice."

  "Now you can have chocolate."

  I laughed. I grabbed my art book and his hand. "Come on. I'm hungry."

  We were about to walk out when Garrett’s eyes widened at the sight of something behind me. “Reese, look out-” he yelled, but then stopped mid-sentence. “Whoa.” He rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

  I looked behind me then at him. "Are you okay?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

  He nodded and looked at me with confused eyes. "I think so." He scratched his head. "I think...I mean...I saw..." He shook his head again. "Never mind. I think the altitude is getting to my head."

  I chuckled then kissed his cheek. "Let’s go eat. Maybe it'll help."

  On our way out he kept looking over his shoulder. I looked over my shoulder.

  He rubbed my back. "You see something?"

  I saw a shadow. Following us. I turned my head and smiled. "Besides a lot of people and snow, no. Come on. If I don't eat soon my blood sugar will get all screwed up."

  He looked one more time, so did I, but it was gone. He blinked his eyes a few times but that was it. He didn't mention it anymore.

  Garrett let me pick the place. We sat at a small round table and after ordering our food, he sat and stared at me as I drew.

  "What are you drawing now?"

  "The mountains. They're beautiful." I didn't tell him that I was drawing him as well. Him on his skis.

  His cell phone beeped and he pulled it from his jacket pocket.

  "It's dad checking on us." He texted back then stuck it back in his pocket.

  I looked up when I heard a chair scooting across the concrete. Havock pulled up a chair and sat at the table with us. "Here you two are. I was worried you got lost on the mountain somewhere."

  Garrett shook his head. "Reese can't ski."

  "No, it was very comical. You missed a good laugh."

  "I bet." Havock laughed then waved at a waitress to come over. He scanned the menu quickly then ordered.

  I closed my art book, stretched, and groaned. "I hurt everywhere."

  "I bet we have some Advil or something back at the room," Garrett said as he took a drink of his Dr. Pepper.

  "That and a hot bath will help." Havock grinned when Garrett cut his eyes at him.

  I shrugged. "It would be nice. You guys can go back to ski and snowboard while I go back to the room."

  Garrett shook his head. "I don't feel comfortable leaving you alone."

  "She's short, but she's not three, Garrett." Havock rolled his eyes.

  "Under the circumstances she doesn't need to be alone, Havock."

  "We're at a ski resort I've never been to. What's the worst that could happen?" I asked.

  "No," Garrett said sternly. "Mom and dad would kill me."

  "You're going to be so bored." Havock added.

  "No I won't. A nap actually sounds nice." The waitress brought our food out.

  I watched as Havock loaded his fries in ketchup and mustard. He then took a fry and stirred it around until the ketchup and mustard were all mixed together.

  "That looks disgusting."

  He half grinned then took his massive cheeseburger, opened it and scooped fries on it then replaced the bun on top. He took a bite.

  Garrett laughed. "He has issues."

  Some of the mustard-ketchup mixture was left on his bottom lip near his lip ring. He licked it off in a seductive manner as he kept his eyes locked on mine. He cracked up when I started blushing.

  Garrett smacked him on the back of his head. "Seriously?!"

  Havock couldn't stop laughing. "Sorry," he said between breaths as he continued to laugh. "It's just so good it got me all excited. I forgot I was in public."

  "You are so weird," Garrett said as he started to eat his food.

  "Would you like me to leave?" Havock asked as his laughter started to calm a bit.

  "It wouldn't hurt my feelings."

  Havock nodded, grabbed his food, and walked off to a table by himself.

  I shook my head and dipped a piece of my personal pizza in ranch and took a bite. "You two are a mess."

  "Don't feel sorry for him. He likes to be alone." Garrett laughed.


  I couldn't get her out of my mind. All I could think about was her. I tossed and turned in my bed until I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to see her. Even if all we did was say hello, that would be enough for me. Being near her is more addicting than any drug I've tried. I got out of bed and gabbed a hoodie off the floor. I walked down the hall until I stood at her door. I turned the knob quietly and eased the door open.

  I walked in and closed the door quietly behind me. I noticed her sleeping and smiled. She was beautiful and the one who consumed my mind every waking and sleeping moment. I was used to having control of my life but that all changed when she walked into it. More like crashed into it. I looked around her room and found her drawing book. I opened it and scanned the pages. I saw more pictures of me but I also saw some of Garrett. My hope was shattered right then and there. I thought maybe, just maybe it was me she was interested in, but that was a stupid assumption. She just liked to draw. Plain and simple. I closed it and decided to leave. I was wasting my time.

  I had just put my hand on the knob when I heard her whimper in her sleep. She then started saying no over and over. I walked over to the side of the bed and sat next to her.

  "Reese," I whispered as I shook her a little.

  "No! Havock!" She yelled out in her sleep.

  "Reese," I said a little louder and shook her a bit harder.

  She jerked awake and looked wildly around the room. Her whole body shook. I wanted to hold her until she calmed down but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

  Instead, I placed my hand on top of hers. "Hey, it's alright. Nothing can hurt you here."


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