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Collide: A Riverbend Novel

Page 8

by Sara Daniell

Her eyes locked on mine. "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice shook with fear.

  "Shouldn't I be asking you that question?"

  She put her head in her hands. "It was so real."

  "What was?"

  She shook her head and started sobbing.

  I swallowed hard and tried to look away from the strap of her tank top falling off her shoulder. She needed me, and all I could think about was sex. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

  "Tell me what to do to help."

  "Make it stop. Please. I want them to stop!"

  I didn't know what she meant. "Make what stop, princess?"

  "I want the nightmares to stop! I just want to sleep. Please," she begged.

  I didn't know what to do except to lay down with her until she fell asleep. I got under the covers with her and held her close to me. I had to move my body off hers a little. Being pressed up against her like that had my imagination racing with all the things I'd like to do to her. I could make her forget those nightmares really quick, but she was too innocent to have a guy like me. I convinced myself I would be the good guy that moment and just hold her.

  "Is this helping?" I whispered close to her ear.

  She nodded. Her body shook a little with her silent cries. I fixed her strap on her shoulder so it would stop tempting me to yank it off completely. "Goodnight."

  "Night," she whispered then drifted off to sleep.


  I woke up with my arm still around Reese. The sun was just starting to peek through the curtains, and I knew if I didn't get my ass out of this room, I'd be dead. Good thing I didn't give a shit. I closed my eyes, enjoying the way she felt next to me.

  "Have you seen Havock?" I heard my mom ask from outside the door.

  "No. He's probably out on a mountain somewhere," Dad answered.

  "The ski lifts don't start loading until after nine. It's only seven." Moms tone grew more worrisome.

  "Call him."

  "Good idea."

  My phone started ringing from the floor beside the bed. I didn't remember bringing it in her room with me, but there it was revealing my whereabouts. Mom opened the door, and her phone fell to the floor when she saw me in bed with Reese.

  "Morning." I smiled.

  Reese didn't move. The dark circles under her eyes showed how much she needed sleep.

  "She was having bad dreams. It's not what it looks like so calm down. She's not my type," I lied but I knew mom didn't need to have a heart attack this morning. Reese mumbled under her breath but stayed asleep.

  "Just get out! It looks so wrong!"

  I laughed. "Alright but if she wakes up it's your fault.'

  "Out!" Mom almost shouted.

  I got up and reached down to get my phone. I walked out of the room and shut the door behind me.

  "Havock Satterly, you better not start having feelings for that girl! She is a guest in our home and if the state thinks for a second that we're allowing that they'll take her away!"

  "Mom, chill. Nothing happened and it won't. I was just helping her sleep. She was scared."

  Mom touched her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes. "Alright. Sorry. I just don't want her to be thrown into the hands of the state. She'll get lost in the system and-"

  I touched mom's shoulder. "It won't happen. Calm down."

  "Havock, why don't you go lay down. You're not usually up until after lunch when you're out of school." Dad laced his fingers with mom’s and led her out of the hall.

  There was no way I'd be able to fall back asleep. I needed a cigarette. I threw my hoodie over my head and slipped on my shoes. I walked out onto the back porch and sat down.

  I smoked as I read a text from Jude.

  Jude: Something weird happened last night. I was leaving work and when I got out to my car someone had keyed it with the words, bring her to me. WTF dude!

  I knew it was early, but I had to text him back.

  Me: Did you call the cops?

  Jude: It's early asshole.

  Me: Tell me about it. So did you call them or not?

  Jude: Yeah, and the night manager looked at the surveillance cameras that looked out to the parking lot. We never saw anyone. The cops didn't do shit either. They took a picture of it and told me to stay safe.

  Me: I'm sure it was some of the girls from school being bitches. They hate that Garrett has accepted Reese. They have been joking all week at school about burning her at the stake and saying that she's insane. They were saying crazy shit to me since I'm friends with her. I'm sure it wasn't anything to worry about. Just girls being stupid.

  Jude: Probably.

  It pissed me off that people could be so cruel. I finished my cigarette and headed back inside. I saw Reese awake and sitting at the table with mom. She still had dark circles under her eyes and she looked miserable.

  "Are you okay?" I asked as I walked to the fridge to get something to drink.

  She nodded then put her head on the table.

  "So, I was thinking we could all just do whatever today. I want to do some shopping and your dad wanted to do a little sight seeing."

  I sat at the table with a bowl of cereal. "Sounds good."

  Garrett walked in and pulled up a chair next to Reese. I watched as he spoke quietly to her. I tried with great difficulty not to throw my cereal at him.

  "Reese, would you like to go shopping with me today?" Mom asked.

  Reese picked her head up. "I'd actually get to go?"

  "Of course." Mom was taken back by what Reese said. "Have you not ever been shopping?"

  Reese shook her head no.

  "You're not missing anything." I took another bite.

  "I guess I'll go hang out with dad," Garrett said then he and dad exchanged a high five. My family was so annoying. Everyone looked at me.

  "Us or them," Reese said not giving me much of a choice.

  "I'm gonna stay here. Veg in front of the TV or something non-productive."

  "Loner," Garrett coughed.

  Mom cut her eyes at him. "Be nice."

  "But why would you want to be alone?" Reese asked confused.

  "I don't answer personal questions this early in the morning."

  Reese frowned at me, shook her head, and then stood. "I'm going to go check my sugar." She smiled at Mom then went to her room.

  “Do you have to always act like that?” Mom asked as she fixed her coffee.

  “Like what?”

  "Like you're some big mystery to the world."

  I stood. "I'm going to take a shower."


  I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was in an off white knit knee length sweater dress and black tights. To top it off, I also had on some high heeled black boots. I tugged at the dress until Mrs. Johanna came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders.

  "Beautiful! I'm buying it for you!"

  "You don't have too," I said as I blushed. I liked the outfit a lot, but I didn't want her to waste her money on me.

  "Yes I do! You can wear it when we go out to dinner tonight!" She giggled excitedly and shooed me back into the dressing room to take it off so she could buy it.

  I changed back into my clothes and handed the clothing and boots to Mrs. Johanna. I had some money that the judge had released to me. Not a lot, but enough to get some new art supplies. "May we go to the art supply store down the street?" I asked as she bought the outfit.


  I had enjoyed being with her today. We walked out of the store and down the street. "Thank you."

  "You're so very welcome, dear. It's nice. I've always been surrounded by boys." She looped her arm through mine as we walked.

  "I like being with you. It's like having a mom," I said quietly. I blushed when she looked at me. "Sorry. That was probably inappropriate."

  Tears filed her eyes. "No, I'm glad you did." She wiped her eyes. "I knew your mom. She would have been so proud of you."

  "I miss her. I don't remember her a lot, but what I
remember is home. After she died, the house wasn't a home anymore. It was cold." I shrugged and wiped the tear that fell down my cheek.

  "She adored you. Her and I were actually best friends in school. Then life happened and we drifted apart." She smiled softly. "You look so much like she did at your age."

  "That's what dad always says. I have pictures of her." I put hair behind my ears as we walked. "Dad put them all away. I kind of got some from him without him knowing." My shoulders sagged. "I love my dad. We have had our problems, but I’m his baby girl." More tears fell down my cheeks. "You don't think he's alive, do you?"

  "I sure hope he is."

  I nodded. "Me too." I wiped my tears with my free hand. "I don't understand everything he did but I know he loves me."


  After a long day shopping, I sat in front of Mrs. Johanna as she fixed my hair and put a little bit of make up on me. After we were finished, we headed to the restaurant where all three of the boys were supposed to be waiting for us.

  I walked in and saw Garrett, Havock, and Mr. Rick. I liked Garrett. A lot. But my heart seemed to only speed up when Havock looked at me. Which was stupid because he didn't even like me. He merely put up with me. Hell, half the time I didn't like him.

  I liked Garrett all the time and when he kissed me or touched me I enjoyed it. But him just looking at me didn't make my heart want to jump out of my chest. I cursed myself. This wasn't a fairy tale. I didn't need fireworks. I wanted, no needed, someone stable. Someone I cared for and who cared for me. That was not Havock. Havock only cared for one person and that was Havock.

  I tugged on my dress a little but Mrs. Johanna slapped my hand away. I really believed this was the shortest dress I had ever worn.

  Havock was taking a drink when he saw me. His mouth dropped open causing his drink to miss his mouth completely, soaking his lap.

  Garrett ignored him as he started grabbing every cloth napkin he could. Garrett smiled but didn't say anything. We agreed we would keep us a secret if there ever was an us.

  Garrett was dressed nice. He had on a dark pair of jeans and long sleeved button down shirt tucked in. His short hair was fixed like it always was.

  Havock had on an ACDC t-shirt with a hooded leather jacket, jeans, and of course his converse. His hair was in a mess like he just stepped out of bed, but it looked good on him.

  Rick pulled out a chair for me and Johanna. He whispered in his wife's ear, and she giggled as she sat.

  "Thank you," I said as I took my seat next to Garrett.

  Mrs. Johanna had straightened my hair making it look even longer than normal. "So did you guys have fun today?" I asked Garrett and Havock.

  Garrett nodded. "Yeah. Dad and I went hiking. It was great. Saw some moose and everything."

  Garrett smiled, but Rick glared at Havock. It was obvious he was upset Havock didn't come along.

  "How about you, Lone Ranger, what'd you do?" I asked Havock as I put the new napkin the waiter brought in my lap.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Garrett do the same, but he only brought one hand back up. I wondered about that for a second before I felt it on my thigh.

  That warm tingling feeling filled me with his hand there. Garrett made me feel cared for and safe.

  "Oh you know, a few drugs....slept..." He smiled at his dad.

  "Do you have to be so rude all the time?!" Garrett snapped.

  Havock laughed. "Tell me, Garrett, is it exhausting living to please everyone or do you actually enjoy it?"

  Rick slammed his fist on the table. "Enough!"

  Johanna put her head in her hands. "Just one dinner. Just one could we please, "she looked up at her boys, "eat without a fight?"

  Havock kept a cocky grin on his face but never agreed our disagreed. Garrett nodded.

  Havock pulled out his cell but dropped it. He knelt down to get it and when he came back up, he raised a brow at me.

  He stared at me with intense, fiery eyes for a few seconds then started texting on his phone. Garrett noticed and started talking to me to distract me from Havock.

  "You haven't looked at the menu yet. Have any idea about what you want?" He opened my menu in front of me.

  "They have the best pasta," Johanna said as she scanned her menu.

  "Pasta isn't a good choice for a diabetic," Havock said never looking up from his phone.

  "How do you know?" Garrett asked.

  Havock's lips curled. "I've done my research." Havock put his phone back in his pocket when the waitress came over.

  "Ready or would you like more time?"

  "My brother," Havock said as he pointed at Garrett, "can't read. He has to look at the pictures."

  "Aww it's okay, I'll give you more time." The waitress looked sympathetically at Garrett then walked away.

  Havock laughed when everyone glared at him. "What? It was funny. She fell for it!" Garrett nor his parents were amused.

  I sighed and shook my head then looked at the menu. I felt a prickle on the back of my neck. I looked around and saw a dark figure staring at me from the shadows. I stiffened, my eyes locked on the shadow. Then suddenly it disappeared.

  "Reese?" Garrett said worriedly. "You alright?"

  "What is it, dear?" Johanna asked as she closed her menu.

  "Nothing." I gave them a weak smile then looked back at my menu. I'm going insane.

  The waitress came back over with a kid’s menu and handed it to Garrett. Havock burst out laughing. Johanna and Rick laughed too.

  “He’d like crayons as well,” Havock said through his laughter.

  The waitress looked embarrassed. "He was joking wasn't he?"

  "Don't feel bad, he's an ass to everyone."

  I said as I smiled. Garrett laughed.

  Havock nodded. "It's true."

  The waitress laughed. "Does that mean you guys are ready?"

  I ordered a shrimp concoction and tried to get comfortable. I tried not to scan for the shadow. Tried not to be afraid, but it was hard. I'm so scared and for some strange reason, I wanted to be held by Havock. Dammit, I'm an idiot.

  Havock got a text that made him look at me. He then looked at his mom. "Mom, can I talk to you alone for a second?"

  My stomach dropped. Something bad happened. I felt it.

  "What's wrong?" she asked.

  Havock looked at me then down at his phone. "Mayor Johnson's plantation house burnt to the ground a few hours ago."

  Garrett moved his hand from my thigh to my hand. He held it tight.


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