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Corporate Assets

Page 10

by Stephanie Brother

  Our energy elevated with every stroke of delicious friction shared. I looked into her eyes as we fucked, and every single wall of hers started to crash down.

  I held her with my eyes, enjoying the helpless look in her gaze as her soul revealed all its vulnerability.


  “Huh?” She whimpered.

  “Guess what?”

  She moaned, inquisitive.

  “I love you.”

  That was all I needed to say. I gave her one rough, sensual stroke, combined with that phrase, and she lost it.

  Convulsive waves gripped her. Her teeth clenched and I watched her, intently, as her brain reeled. The world dimmed around the edges of her eyes and they fluttered shut.

  Watching this woman’s senses shatter as she released herself into me was the most erotic thing I’d ever watched.

  I wanted her to finish, and waited until it was my turn. When I exploded, I growled in pure pleasure. The sweet suction of her wetness sucked out a rush of hot cream, pulse by pulse.

  “Fuck, your pussy feels amazing.” I gasped. To my surprise, she held me close, grabbed my face with both hands, and tongue-kissed me. A fireball of pure bliss raged inside me, and my body jerked its hardest to empty every ounce of my release into her.

  I pulled out, feeling the satisfaction of my cock make a wet plopping sound. I kissed her clit one more time as I zipped myself up.

  I could eat that peach forever, if she’d let me.

  “You good?”

  She looked spent, but satisfied, as she nodded.

  We rearranged our clothes. I sat at my desk and pulled her into my lap. “Wrap your arms around me.”

  We sat quietly, pleasured and alone, watching everyone around us buzz about with excitement to leave and head home.

  “You know they’re getting married this weekend, right?” I kissed her shoulder. “Have you gotten a dress for the ceremony?”

  “I started looking but I didn’t really see anything I liked.” She replied. “I figured I’d go check something out tomorrow after work. Lauren’s coming.”

  “Are you going to the hospital?” she asked. I looked at my watch. Marissa would definitely be there, and I wanted to make a strong impression.

  “Yes. We’re going to the hospital.” I declared. “Together.”

  She looked at me, wide-eyed. “Case, I—“

  “Baby,” I cut her off. “We’ve already gone too far. We’ve already established this routine, developed a relationship. Our parents are getting married, and as far as they’re aware, we’ve only had a lover’s quarrel.”

  “But I don’t feel like we need to keep this up,” she said. Guilt riddled her perfect face. “I can’t lie to my mother about our relationship. Or your dad, for that matter.”

  “You know, my father can look in my eyes and tell that I love you.” Resilient boldness coated every word. I wanted her to feel every word of that truth whisk over her skin, and penetrate her. Mind, body, and soul.

  It’d been long enough, and still:

  I wanted Sage’s heart. I wanted her all to myself. And I didn’t care the expense or excuses. She needed to know that.

  She started to protest again. “I just don’t think —“

  My lips pressed against hers, and I brought my fingers to the nape of her neck. I moaned as we kissed and I allowed my fingers to explore her scalp. Kissing her down to her neck, I delighted in the goosebumps that elicited from her skin.

  “See these?” I slid my fingers over her soft arm, drawing attention to the prickly flesh. “You can say anything you want, but your body doesn’t lie. You want me the way I want you.”

  She attempted to give me a level gaze, one that would guard the virulent stream of emotions that flowed through her eyes, but I could see right through her.

  “Let’s just give this a chance.” I pushed. “A real one. Not for our parents. Not for us. For me.”

  Her breath caught. She squirmed, but I held her firmly in place. “I’m not letting you go until you say yes.”

  “Are you serious?” she asked.

  “As a heart attack. Considering the circumstances, you know I don’t play about those.”

  A subtle ripple spread the sweet chill over her body. She fought back a blush before answering.

  “I guess… I guess it’s worth a shot.” She shook her head. “I just don’t know about going through with our actual wedding. I don’t even have a ring.”

  “We can arrange that.” I lifted her hand to my lips and placed a juicy kiss on it. “What’s most important, beloved, is that you take me serious. I mean everything I say about making this work with you.”

  I kissed her gently again, and told her I’d meet her in the lobby in fifteen to head for the hospital.

  Mike walked in, a smarmy leer on his face, as he invited himself in.

  “Hey, Case.” His hands were shoved in his pockets. He lifted his nose in the air and looked around, as if he were surveying the environment.

  “Mike,” I greeted. “To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  A heavy breath released from his beer-gut laden body. “It’s come to my attention that you and the new HR girl might have some sort of ‘thing’ going on.”

  I looked at him, precariously. “I’m sorry. I don’t follow.”

  “Oh, you follow.” He closed his eyes and took another hefty inhale. He exhaled and shuddered, as if he could taste the remnants of sex in the air. “I know you follow me really well.”

  I walked up to him, irritated by his presence. Ever since he’d brought his family to work, he’s had he head up his ass about his chances of taking over. “My personal life is off-limits.” I glared into his soulless eyes as I added, “You might want to watch how you speak to her also. She’s an employee of this company, and she needs to be treated with respect. Nobody is above recourse here.”

  He snickered and teetered on his portly hips. My hand tightened into a fist. He gave me a knowing look; he could smell the scent Sage and I had left in the office.

  Even if he didn’t say anything aloud, I could only imagine how aroused this prick was. His sex life couldn’t hold a candle next to mine, the dusty fart.

  “You sure about that?” He said, cooly. His smug, conspiratorial look triggered my. I wanted to throat-punch him over the arrogant cut, that’s how badly my hatred gnawed over him.“You might want to be careful about the way you talk to me, boy. You might be the CEO’s son, but a new sheriff’s in town. It’s not going to look good if people realize you’re not as principled and prepared as you appear.”

  I wanted to break his jaw, especially after what Sage revealed to me. I wanted to smash his face into a thousand pieces and mop the floor with him.

  But he wasn’t worth losing my position in the company. He wasn’t worth destroying the family lineage. And there weren’t any rules against nepotism here, or dating in the workplace, so there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

  But as Lauren walked toward my door, her purse slung over her shoulder, I realized this conversation needed to end — sharply.

  I eyed him, driving the steely shards of my rage into his beady eyes. “I don’t know what kind of shit you’re smoking these days, but I’m only going to say one thing. Watch yourself.”


  Sunlight peeked through the blinds, lulling me from my slumber. I stretched and yawned. As my fingers pushed off the mattress, sparkling sensations from the soft, chamois-like sheets delighted my senses.

  Case’s arm draped protectively over my hip, where it had fallen when I sat up, just enough to grab my phone and check the time.

  Shoot. I had just enough time to get to the office.

  Then I remembered: I didn’t have a change of clothes. We’d gone to the hospital together, picking up dinner for our parents along the way, and stayed late enough to call it an evening out.

  I felt the slight curve in my lip as I flashed back to last night, the way we made love again before falling asle
ep, a tangle of spent limbs covered in a light sheen of erotic sweat. It was the first time I’d ever been to his home, and I was as impressed as I’d imagined I’d be.

  I looked over at Case, a sleeping mass of muscles and manliness. He looked every bit handsome as he was awake, but there was a softness to him that made him look adorable.

  How could I have been crazy enough to walk away from this?

  I reached out and caressed his face. He groaned, and his hand reached for mine, and kissed the palm. “You sleep good?” he rumbled, eyes still closed.

  “Very good.” He murmured in approval and tugged gently on my arm. I resisted a little before laying next to him. He emanated a warmth that tempted me to get back in bed and forget my schedule. “I have to get ready for work. I’m already going to be late. I don’t have any clothes.”

  “Check the plastic suit bags in the closet on the left side.” I did as I was told. There were three outfits, all perfectly sized for me. Below them were three boxes of shoes, all my exact size.

  I shook my head and giggled. “Do you always have a plan of action?”

  “I wouldn’t be Case Williams if I didn’t.” One eye squinted in my direction. His charming, boyish smile was adorable, and made my heartbeat race.

  He adjusted and rolled over onto his back. The mouthwatering tent between his thighs sealed the deal.

  It’s okay to relax and be a little late sometimes, I thought, walking back towards him, ready for a little morning sex. I mean, you’re not living if you’re not taking time to enjoy the little things in life, right?

  Twenty minutes into my arrival, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” I called out. The latch turned, and my stomach turned.

  Only the likes of Mike Schwarb could dampen one’s spirits after a beautiful round of morning sex.

  “Miss Bush.” He greeted. I wished I could smack the slick, condescending smirk on his face. He’d been making these leering expressions at me whenever he passed me.

  He made me uncomfortable, but in an intangible manner. I tried to define it, but it was inexplicable.

  I just knew, deep down, he was trouble, even if I couldn’t specify how.

  “Good morning.” My muscles strained as a thin, tight smile of my own. “How are you?” I didn’t look at him; I pretended to be engrossed in responding to emails. He had yet to make a positive impression in terms of both appearance and personality.

  He approached my desk and lifted his tubby middle management thigh to rest atop it. He leered at me with his arms crossed.

  “Do you enjoy working here, Miss Bush?”

  I frowned, unsure how to respond. He grated my last nerve, and I hadn’t even had breakfast yet.

  “Well?” His authoritative scrutiny made me wish I could dissolve into ether and disappear.

  “Yes, I enjoy my role.” I replied carefully. I gave him a level once-over. His arms were crossed, and a palpable sense of superiority filled the air around him.

  “It certainly doesn’t seem that way.” There was a sinister ring to his words. A gruesome feeling spurned in my stomach.

  He gave me a nasty, boorish look. Whatever he’d say next wouldn’t be good, nor would it end our conversation smoothly.

  “Excuse me?” I blinked and tilted my head, adjusting the fashion glasses perched on the tip of my nose. “Is there something I can assist you with, Mr. Schwarb?”

  “I’m aware of your personal relationship with Case.” His beady eyes squinted, and the office lights gleamed off the balding section of his flinty-haired dome.

  “I appreciate your speculative interest, however, I’d prefer not to discuss that.” I grimaced. This wasn’t an appropriate conversation to have.

  “Creative, but it’s not the most professional way to build your career here, if you ask me.”

  He continued to push the topic with that crusty smile on his face. His coffee-stained teeth flashed a menacing look, but instead of feeling threatened, I became enraged. Tension raked my body as my blood pressure rose.

  He needed to leave, and I needed coffee and a twenty minute walk to cool my head.

  “Mr. Schwarb, I have a full schedule today, and an interview in fifteen minutes.” I rose from my seat, but he put a hand on my shoulder, and pushed me back down.

  “I’m not finished.” He said tartly. I glared at him, patience skating on the thinnest layer of ice.

  “Yes, you and Case are indeed dating. I know you fucked him in his office yesterday. That lascivious behavior is already against company policy.”

  My heart raced; how did he know? I barely made any noise. We kept our activity as clandestine as possible.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, for one. And two, your language is unacceptable.” I infused my words with a warning tone. “Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts, however I’d prefer that you focus on yourself and your affairs moving forward, Mr. Schwarb. I’m not here to discuss my personal life, another employee’s personal life, or indulge in office hearsay. This is my official warning to you. Now, please, allow me to escort you to the door, as I must prepare for this interview.

  I stood up, holding my arm out to prevent him from placing another heavy hand on me. He stood also, and blocked my path by spreading his legs and towering over me.

  “Not so fast, Miss Bush.” His eyes raked over my body, and I felt my skin crawl. My stomach hardened at the tightness of his words.

  “You need to listen to what I have to say, especially if you plan to continue working here.”

  I set my jaw and gave him the steeliest glance I could muster.

  “Office romance is a cute fantasy. Falling in love with your CEO and getting married is another.” His boorish attitude repulsed me, but I allowed him to finish. “Now, Miss Bush,” he said, nastily, “I’m more than well aware that your little fling with Case is for appearances only.”

  My stomach coiled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I replied. I hoped I didn’t look as sick as I suddenly felt. Like an anvil dropped on my chest.

  His eyes narrowed viciously. “You have no idea of the Craigslist ad you answered, requesting your photo and resume?” He inquired. “Or the fact that you were one of over two hundred women screened for the job?”

  Sick to my stomach, I felt an ache in the back of my throat. The sensation intensified as he bored into my eyes, his expression saturated with triumph.

  “Cat’s got your tongue now, Miss Bush?” He said my name cold and succinct. I swear I thought his eyes became evil and snake-like for a moment too.

  “What do you want, Mike?” I pushed through gritted teeth. He laughed venomously before responding. Chills ran through my body.

  “Listen, doll. I’m not here to give you any trouble, but I’m going to be in charge of this company soon. You don’t want to be on my bad side when this happens.” He stepped closer, forcing me to step back.

  I swallowed uncomfortably. He licked his lips as his eyes traveled over my body, and I felt my blood run cold. I nearly pinned myself against the wall, with nowhere to move.

  Making matters worse, with my office door closed, without windows, nobody would know what was happening.

  I wished to Heaven that someone would just walk in and catch us. I suppressed the urge to vomit. I was a hostile hostage while I waited for him to state his demands.

  “For starters, you can lock the door. Then, you can get on your knees and show me how that mouth of yours really works.” He snarled.

  He even had the nerve to have the beginnings of a chub in his pants.

  I bristled.

  This asshole. How dare he? I would fucking never. Not even on my worst, most desperate day.

  “That is highly inappropriate.” I replied. “And as an employee in the Human Resources department, I would have expected better from a manager such as yourself.”

  My face burned hot, scalding hot, but I did my best to maintain poise. I’d never actually worked in HR before this job, and I had to use what
I knew.

  “As inappropriate as the fact that you and Case are pretending to be lovers so he can take over the company? Give me a fucking break, toots.”

  His arrogant laugh sent shards slicing down my spine. He was filled with certainty, and wasn’t speculating on the nature of Case and I’s relationship.

  He knew exactly what our agreement was.

  “This is a company directed by shareholders. They won’t take lightly to this scandal, or the fact that you’re not even remotely qualified for your position.” He spat. His chest puffed up as he drove his point home. “I’m going to be the CEO of this company in a few weeks, no matter what happens. What I can tell you, is that whether or not you and your little playboy for hire get to keep your jobs when this happens is on you and your ability to listen.”

  I wanted to retch. There was no way anyone could let Mike “Shitface” Schwarb become the CEO. He was a nasty, filthy, office dirtbag who put Cyrus Beene to shame.

  And for middle management, he had too much time on his hand to obsess over Case and I. How does a man like this have time to investigate this much?

  “And you think demanding a blowjob is supposed to make me feel safe, secure, or willing to work for this company?” I spat, turning my nose back up at him. “Right now, I am in the HR department, Case is the CEO in interim, and you have more than crossed the line with me, several times during this conversation.”

  The door knocked, but it didn’t minimize the hateful glare I gave him. I didn’t know how I would get through this day, but I would make certain Mike wouldn’t be here by the end of it.

  But instead of snapping out of his villainous role, he buried his heels in and pushed the issue.

  “I must say, Miss Bush, you do have an impressive resume — for a marketing associate. As a matter of fact, you and Lauren have some nice corporate assets. They’d feel incredible wrapped around every inch of my—”

  “Thank you for sharing your thoughts.” I cut him off and pushed past as the knocks on the door — this time much louder than before — saved my life. “I’ll be sure to let you know the outcome of our conversation.”


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