Simone: First Encounter
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Naughty Like Me, Coffee Breaks
Simone: First Encounter
After the Sunset
An Angel For Ms. Right
Love Before A Wedding
Naughty Like Me, Coffee Breaks
Kelly Renegade: Wild Shoot
Kelly Renegade: Behind the Scene
Rise Series
Breaking Day
Closer Than You Know
Hunger Series
I Wonder How You Taste
One Taste Is Never Enough
Aidan’s Return & Summer Frenzy
Copyright 2011 by Lenise Lee. All rights reserved.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents have no existence outside of the author’s imagination and are purely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events, locales, or people, living or deceased is coincidental.
Naughty Like Me, Coffee Breaks is an Imprint of Lenise Lee Publications
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Author’s Note:
This is a work of fiction. Although the characters in this fictitious writing engage in unprotected sexual acts, the author does not endorse unsafe sexual practices in real life situations.
A Naughty Like Me Coffee Break
Simone: First Encounter
Lenise Lee
I had been watching her for days. Hm. Maybe closer to a couple of weeks, perhaps. Had my thoughts of taking her as my own become slightly obsessive? Had I become a man who had succumbed to the elusive “love at first sight” scenario?
I pondered these thoughts as Simone walked with confident sleekness by my office door again. This had to be the third time in less than thirty minutes. I knew there was a reason why I made sure this branch of the company was run with an open door policy. At this particular moment in time, being able to watch my lady love strut her sensuous curves pass me at less than five feet away – alas, far beyond my arm’s length – was the greatest reason I could think of to ensure that this practice continued.
She was far beyond being pretty or cute, Simone was absolutely stunning. Since her arrival here at our accounting firm about two weeks ago, her ravishing beauty had turned more than a few heads on her journeys throughout the office space or on her way to sit quietly at her cube at the opposite side of where I was stationed on this busy floor. Corporate raiders and mail cart guys alike had set their eyes to roaming over her generous physique. Up until now, it has taken every ounce of strength in my body to keep from knocking one of them around just to prove to them all that Simone Darling was destined to be my woman and no one else’s from this point forward. Yet, today something was different. The magnetic pull that she had over me was tugging exceptionally harder and more urgently on this seemingly average Monday morning. It was as though her essence was slowly starting to course throughout my veins. My breaths were slow and smooth as I tried to recapture the last remnants of her perfume or body spray. It was light and fruity, like a summer day in a garden. Whatever the name of the fragrance, it was the most flattering match to her already perfect and soft features.
This last time, I had glanced up from checking my emails with just enough time to try to memorize every line of her perfectly proportioned and well-toned figure as the woman of my every fantasy swayed by with such natural poise. Simone was tall in heels but was still well under my six foot four inch height. I loved her hair, a dark and sleek cut that framed her deep brown and youthfully glowing skin well. She carried an air of sensuality that lingered long after she was no longer in my eyesight. Without even realizing I had done so, my baby blue eyes drifted close and I retraced every angle of the woman who had the ability to make my heart rate triple in a matter of microseconds. Dressed to impress with a light beige skirt that wrapped around Simone’s shapely and beautifully curved hips and stopping at the mid-thigh of a pair of legs that worked her dressy matching high-heeled shoes, and a wearing a snug, but not overly suggestive or aggressive, white button top that hugged the luscious roundness of her breasts. A warm sensation south of my belt buckle was the first indicator that I had better regain control of my thoughts and senses before another passerby started to wonder what I was really in here meditating on, because I can assure you with complete confidence that I had never taken the time to contemplate on any quarterly report with this much focus and sudden vitality.
My memory drifted back to the day when I was introduced to Simone, which was right after her final round of interviews along with the other candidates for the junior executive position. She had laid a smooth and soft hand within my large palm with confidence and determination. She gave me a handshake that was more firm than most of her male counterparts, all while effortlessly dazzling me with golden brown eyes that seemed to sparkle even under this dim fluorescent light. I liked her – maybe even loved her – from that very first meeting. Never once had any woman caused my manhood to rise in excitement at the sound of polite hello, at least, not until I met my Simone. I had to drive every ounce of will within me to calm my raging hunger to taste her lovely red glossed lips. For a moment, I was lost in a taunting waking and erotic dream of sweeping my hands through her hair. I pictured my large hands gripping her short and lustrous locks between my fingers as she screamed and moaned with delight beneath me as passion overtook her senses. When I had pulled back, I knew right then that she understood her affect on me. The twinkle in the corner of her mesmerizing and slightly slanted almond shaped eyes brightened and then she reigned in her emotions as quickly as they had dared to flash with a controlled frenzy.
I also had to fight back the temptation to make the manager directly beneath me hire her on the spot. I wanted this woman – this ravishingly gorgeous and seductive woman – near me as often as possible everyday. I could think of no better way to work my charm on her than to have her working here at this office. I resisted the urge because I didn’t want to raise any eyebrows regarding my intentions and, thankfully, my instincts were right. Simone didn’t even need me to get her in the door, her immaculate internship credentials and having earned a Masters in Accounting and Finance from one of the nation’s most prestigious university at an accelerated pace more than catapulted her over and above the rest of the interviewees. My silly puppy dog love caused me many sleepless and sweaty nights as I counted down the days until her start date finally arrived. After talking with Simone just that once, I had no desire for another woman, she was all that I craved every waking moment of the day and every restless night.
I wondered if my infatuation would go on forever with no relief in sight. Never once since she arrived here had Simone ever made any attempt to take advantage of my adoration for her. Though others may have missed the slight smile that hung at the edge of my lips whenever she was near, or the way my eyes followed her shapely frame from one end of the floor to the other without bothering to b
link until she was completely out of sight, I know that Simone had not missed any of the multiple ways I had wordlessly tried to show her my affection and draw her near. Yet, she never returned an ounce of my silently pleading sentiment. It was always business as usual during our all too brief minutes of time alone in my office. If she had only batted my long dark lash at me, had only bit down on her moist lips just once with greed and expectation in her eyes, had only uttered on one quiet word of desperate want from her perfect and kissable mouth, I would had shut – no slammed – the door with urgency and taken her love for myself right there on my desk and not given two shits about who heard our lustful moans filtering through the door and out into the walkway. But, Simone never did any of those things and I remained silent and waiting for the day when I would get my chance to prove to her that I was all that she had been looking for in a man and in a lover. Someone who would adore her and take care of her for the rest of her life if only she would give me the opportunity to make her my woman.
Thick dark blond hair and crisp blue eyes had lured many ladies into my hands. I was compulsive about jogging my five miles a day and hitting the gym no less than five times a week to ensure that I was in better shape than most men half my age so I was confident that my looks were not the issue. I had never married and had no children and I never looked twice at any other woman in this office except for her, which made me completely sure that Simone was well aware that I was available whenever she wanted me – if she wanted me. Another thought suddenly occurred to me, as I took yet another mental break to day dream about Simone, a woman so close and always so far away from being mine. I was older than she, probably by at least fifteen years or so, and I thought that this was the reason that she might be hesitant. If that were really the reason Simone was doing her best to overlook this attraction that we shared, I would have to make her understand that age was truly just a number and that my dick was hot, hard, and more than ready to prove this theory.
I had never taken the time to reason out why someone had imagined it being a good idea to sit that noisy copier right in front of my doorway. Today, I was unbelievably grateful that the person had done so. Simone had made one final trip this way and had stopped at that clunky machine to make a copy or scan or use one of the other ninety-nine thousand functions on that piece of junk. Right now, the only thing that mattered was her image in front of me. The curve of her generous ass was moving hypnotically from left to right as she shifted from foot to foot while she worked the machine. The smoothness of her long mocha colored legs beckoned me to come up behind her and lay my suddenly wet tongue along their silky lengths. The slimness of her waistline practically begged to have my hands clutching her curved hips while I slid my massive length between her thick thighs and pushed hard and fast as I tried my best to make her cum down its extended length.
For whatever reason, whatever the distraction – perhaps she had heard my heart pounding like crazy against my heavy chest or her delicate nose may have sensed my heightened pheromone levels hitting their peak – she turned her head and stunning heavenly brown eyes glanced back in my direction. For a fraction of a second, a look of deep need flashed across her lovely face and I was a man in love and in urgent need to quench a fire that I had allowed to burn inside for far too long. I had turned away every other woman since the day I had first lain eyes on Simone and was well past due for satisfying my need to feel gushing wet juices sliding over my groin.
I stood up with such a force that my desk chair slid back and slammed into the wall behind me. I didn’t care about the trivial noise that it had made because I could only see one sight before me – Simone, my love. As quickly as I could move my long legs and snatch an all too important item from my wallet and shove it into my pocket, I walked from my office and over to where she stood. With gentle ease, I touched the arc of her elbow and she turned with a look of shock mixed with knowing washing over her face. Without delay, and to my somewhat surprise, she started to follow behind me with casual ease as I made my way across the work floor and toward the rear. My adrenaline was at its peak and my smooth brow was becoming slick as I tried to maintain a façade of confidence while Simone and I made our way at a practiced pace pass her co-workers and my subordinates. A blurred cascade of words buzzed by my head: “See you at lunch, Simone,” “Have a great lunch Mr. Kade,” “Danny, don’t forget about that meeting at two.” A tight smile clung to my mouth while I felt the heavy pressure of my swollen cock pushing against the seams of my dark blue tailored suit pants. It was just our luck that lunch hour had finally come around and mostly every else was making their way toward the cafeteria or toward the exit door, both of which were in the opposite direction of where she and I were headed. Anyone who wasn’t on the move for a much-needed break away from the desk was still chained to whatever project they were working on and were paying us absolutely no attention at all.
When we reached the door of the supply closet against the back wall, I turned the handle with so much force that I nearly pulled the brass object from its socket. Taking one final sweep behind us, I made sure that no eyes were turned toward us before making a quick nod to her to enter inside the narrow and darkened space. She did so and I followed behind, shutting and locking the only entryway into the small room from the inside.
Once inside, I felt around for the light switch and flipped it up and there she was, my future wife in all her blissful beauty peaking up so shyly at me. Her soft brown eyes peered up with a lustful blaze that held me back for only another moment – captivated by her surreal and alluring affect over every cell in my body – before my craze to claim Simone as my own pushed me forward and into her arms.
I remember seeing her lips tremble ever so slightly with a hint of nervousness. I touched my index finger to the crest of her moist upper lip in an effort to calm the small quaking of her body. However, as quickly as I laid my finger against her mouth, she used her tongue to encircle and then envelop my digit into her hot and damp mouth. My knees wavered a little as my body was racked with a feeling a sensual intoxication that I had never before felt in such heavy waves. I let her mouth suck on me a little longer and then I was finally able to regain my composure. Now that I knew she wanted me too, my urgency went from wanting to prove that I was still vigorous enough to satisfy her sensual appetites, whatever they may be, to having to lay a complete claim over her mind and perfectly shaped body as she had no doubt already managed to do to me well in advance of this intimate moment.
Slowly removing my finger, I pulled Simone close and covered her soft mouth with mine. My thick tongue probed with fever at her supple lips until she allowed me in. I kissed her like a man in desperate need of air, as I had felt for all of the weeks I had to wait with sly patience for this chance at feeling her smooth silken hands running over my sculpted chest. She was delicate with her touches at first and then her equally feverish need to place skin against wanting and hot skin took over. Small quick fingers made fast work of undoing the buttons of my dress shirt and snapping the cotton fabric over the rosy peach skin of my wide shoulders. Simone pulled away from the kiss and I immediately felt like I needed to recapture her lips between mine. But, before I could reach out and pull her into me again, her lips had already latched on to my pecks. She made lazy circles around the area of my nipples as her hands fanned out flat against the curve of my back and then gripped her nails deep into the heavy muscle there. I thought that I might nearly go light headed from the mix of erotic pleasure and pain, especially when she nipped hard at my left nipple and then lapped at it delicately right afterward. This woman was having her complete way with me and I was loving every minute of it. My cock was swelling to the point that it was painfully pulsing for release.
As much as I wanted her taunting of my amplified senses to continue, time was not on our side and I needed to be with her before I lost whatever small portion of my mind that remained. I kicked a few random objects on the floor and to either side of us out of the way and slowly eased Sim
one back against the closet wall. When she was in the perfect position, I kneeled down in front of her small form and lifted her lean left leg up and over my shoulder. My woman wasn’t wearing stockings and that made this task all the more easy to take care of. I positioned my heavy hands at the back of firm brown thighs and my mouth started to salivate before I could move any further. Another few inches upward and the roundest and most supple ass filled my palms, and the urge to squeeze hard overwhelmed me. She flinched slightly under my grip and when I looked up, the smoldering look in her creamy brown eyes told me that she liked her loving just a little on the rough side and I was all too excited – nearly bursting – to show her that I could accommodate her desire.
Using the index finger on my free hand, I snatched the thin strip of licorice red material covering her trimmed kitten to the side and revealed a throbbing clit beneath. Her hot button was swollen and silky, just waiting for me to give it all the attention her pussy deserved from her new man. I laid my fat tongue hard against her bulging clit and then wrapped my warm lips around it and sucked deep. Over and over again, I lapped at her dripping juices, drinking them in with delight, while my sweet Simone moaned and panted. She rubbed her fingers through my thick hair as I lifted her right leg high up in the air and then angled my face so that I could thrust my tongue far into her tight pussyhole. She gripped the back of my head hard and pushed my face deeper as I tongue-fucked her endlessly, savoring her tangy taste as Simone’s lustful juices spilled out of her hot pink center and over my greedy lips and dribbled down over my chin and onto my chest. Her core started to shake and I knew that she was near a climax. I needed to be buried deep inside my love when she finally came, so I took my last lick at her pulsing pussy and swallowed another smooth gulp of her silken juices before I released her clit from between my coated lips.