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Let Me Say This, Again

Page 16

by B. Swangin Webster

  “Did he hit Kevin?”


  “So how do you know that it was going to be a conflict?”

  “I don’t. I’m just saying. Look I don’t know what I am saying. Can you take me to Matthew’s house?”

  “If you want.” Dee said and made a U-turn at the next corner and pointed her car in the direction of Matthew’s house.

  Chapter 39

  Kayla walked in before her father did and threw her bag on the steps and went into the kitchen. Kevin asked her if she wanted to talk.


  “Well, I think we should lay down some ground rules.”

  “Are you serious? I could have stayed at moms for all of this.” she said while drinking her glass of grape juice.

  “Now wait a minute. I think you remember what happened to you when you had a slick mouth before, I would hate to have to remind you.”

  “Tsk.” She said

  He stepped closer to her and she flinched.

  “Now, I suggest we get some things clear. That little episode of skipping school will not be happening here, nor will you be coming and going as you please. Is that understood?”

  She didn’t answer.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” he said and inched closer to her.

  “Yes.” She mumbled.

  “Your curfew will be eleven o’clock on the weekdays and midnight on the weekends, understand?”


  “Good and you will not be disrespectful when Rebecca comes over.”

  She rolled her eyes but answered yes anyway. “Can I go now?”

  “Yes. There is some Neosporin in the bathroom cabinet, go put some on your face.” he said as she walked away from him.

  Kevin made a drink and called Rebecca.

  “Hey baby.”

  “Hey yourself.” She answered back.

  “Look, I’m sorry for this afternoon.”


  “Well, you up for some company?”

  “Nope.” Rebecca answered dryly.

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “I heard you.”

  “So you are still going to stay mad.”

  “I ain’t mad.”

  “Then I’ll see you in about an hour.” Kevin hung up and went to grab a shower.

  He told Kayla he would be back, but if all worked out, he didn’t plan on coming back until after work tomorrow. He felt he was overdue for some alone time with Rebecca.

  Kevin pulled into Rebecca’s garage and touched the hood of her car. The car was cool signaling to him that hadn’t gone anywhere lately. He walked in, nodded to her doorman and headed to the fifth floor.

  “Hey sexy.” he say to her while pulling her close and pushing his tongue inside her mouth before she could speak.

  She broke the kiss, “Look Kevin. I think we need to clear the air about some things that were said.”

  “Come on baby. Let’s talk later. As you can tell, I’m in the mood, and talking isn’t what I had in mind.”

  “I’m serious, we need to get some things straight.”

  “What things?”

  “The Atlanta…”

  “I’m not discussing that tonight.”

  “I think we need to.”

  “Look, we already discussed it. You know my position on it and I am not changing my mind.” he said, while sitting on her couch.

  “I think…”

  “I said we are not discussing it. I didn’t come over here to hear this bullshit tonight.”

  “Well, I didn’t tell you to bring your ass over here. I told you I wasn’t in the mood.”

  “Look, let’s just chill and have a nice time.”.

  “Kevin, look I’m serious. You said some things in the office that I can’t let go, namely that you were looking for someone to run the Atlanta office.”

  He jumped from the sofa and started pacing back and forth. “And again, let me say this to you, you took the time to do what was necessary for us to open another office, you didn’t complain when I was writing you those expense checks.”

  “You wrote those checks because I had expenses.”

  “Seriously, you’re going to tell me that you spent eight thousand dollars on work expenses?”

  “I spent eight thousand dollars to make sure that I had a damn place to stay while I was there and let’s not even talk about I had to eat while I was there.”

  “Oh right, and you spent six thousand dollars to eat? Tell me something else.”

  “This is not even about that, this is about me taking over the Atlanta office, like you promised me.”

  “I didn’t promise you anything, and for you to say that I did, would be a flat out lie.”

  “Are you calling me a liar?”

  “Look you need to back down. I didn’t call you anything, all I said was…”

  “All you said was that I was lying about the expenses. I don’t appreciate that shit! You are the one who is a liar!” she said while pointing her finger in his face.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” he said as he slapped it away.

  “You heard what the hell I said, you are a liar! I guess that’s why your dumb ass ex-wife kept staying with your trifling ass!”

  He grabbed her arms and pulled her towards him. As she struggled against him, he raised his fist and slammed it into her face.

  He was sweating and he had a few scratches but he left her where she lay.

  Chapter 40

  Dee pulled her car up behind the car already parked in Matthew’s driveway and commented about him having company.

  “Just the ex-wife.” Cheryl answered.

  “Well I suggest you go in there and let her know that he is your man.”

  “Be serious Dee, I am not worried about her.”

  Dee put her car in park and turned in her seat, “Let me tell you something, I don’t care who the woman is, you never say you aren’t worried about another woman with your man, especially if that woman used to be his wife. Hell, she knows his weaknesses and his strengths.”

  “Whatever.” Cheryl opened the door, only half listening to Dee.

  She rang the doorbell and Sherrie opened it.

  Cheryl spoke but got no reply. Dee came walking up behind her and heard Sherrie comment about them coming to see ‘her’ man.

  Dee saw Matthew first.

  “What’s up Matthew? Guess what, your girl went and got herself locked up today.” she said with a laugh.

  “Dee, damn, I was going to tell him once we were in the house.”

  “Sorry.” Dee said with a huge grin on her face.

  “What in the hell?” he said.

  “I got arrested for hitting Kayla.” Cheryl announced.

  He didn’t answer, instead he walked into his kitchen with Dee and Cheryl on his heels.

  “You don’t have anything to say?” Cheryl asked.

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know. Something more than nothing.” she said with attitude.

  “Well, since I couldn’t say anything at your house, then I didn’t think you would want me to say anything else.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Look you two, calm down…” Dee said stepping in between them.

  “I guess you didn’t tell Dee that you dismissed me earlier.” he said while walking into the living room.

  “I didn’t dismiss you.”

  “No, you simply told me to call your disrespectful daughter for you, while your husband looked at me like I was the help!”

  “I did no such thing. You are the one who got your ass on your shoulders and walked out the door!”

  “No, you have it all wrong. When you need my help, it’s oh Matthew, and please help me Matthew, but when you want to be all up in your ex-husbands ass, it’s the opposite.”

  “How dare you!” Cheryl said while stepping closer to him.

  “Now wait a minute.” Dee held her hands up between them
“Let’s calm down. Cheryl, you didn’t tell me that Matthew was with you earlier.”

  “Did that matter?”

  “No, but why did you dismiss him, as he says.”

  “I didn’t dismiss him. I asked him to leave so that we, me and Kevin, could talk to our daughter. Who knew he was so damn sensitive.”

  “I am not the sensitive one, maybe you need to talk to your gay son about that.”

  Cheryl’s eyes got big and her mouth dropped open. She inhaled deeply and walked out of the kitchen.

  “Cheryl, wait. I didn’t mean that.” he said to her back.

  “You sure don’t fight fair, do you?” Dee said to him while stepping outside.

  “Dee, I didn’t mean that. It…I…look, I’m trying to digest all that has happened today. Cheryl isn’t the only one who got arrested today. I got picked up for defending my ex-wife against someone who was out to hurt her and Cheryl. It’s a long story, but you have to tell Cheryl that I didn’t mean it.”

  “You know Matthew. You are my boy, but sometimes y’all men are all alike, you stick your foot in your mouth and then you want someone else to clean up the mess.”

  “I’m not asking…”

  “Why did you have to go and say the one thing that Cheryl’s ex-husband always threw up in her face? Do you honestly believe that she doesn’t know that Donnell is gay? Hell, she knew it before Donnell knew it. She always says that momma’s know what their children will or will not be. She doesn’t want him being singled out because of it, and she doesn’t want him to feel unloved or unwanted as Kevin always made him feel. But for you to say that to her.” She left the rest unsaid and walked away.

  She got outside and Cheryl was standing by the car. She hit the remote to unlock the doors and Cheryl climbed inside. Dee shook her head as she walked to the other side of the car and got in.

  As she pulled out of the driveway she asked if Cheryl wanted to go to dinner but she knew the answer would be no.

  Dee tried to choose her words carely, “Cheryl…”

  “Just take me home Dee.” Cheryl said as she continued to stare out of the window.

  Kayla bounced down the stairs after rushing her company out the side door and saw her dad in the kitchen. He was putting ice on his hand.

  “What happened to your hand?”

  “Nothing. Where were you? I called you when I got here almost ten minutes ago.” he said while staring at his daughter standing in front of him with a short nightgown on. “Go put some damn clothes on”.

  “I was about to take a shower, I didn’t hear you.” she said.

  She then noticed the scratches on his face and put her hand up to touch them when he slapped it away.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Keep your fucking hands off of me.” he yelled at her.

  “Dang, who were you in a fight with? Did you go back over to mom’s house and get into a fight with Matthew?”

  “Don’t you ever question me, do you hear me?” he said while slamming her against the counter.

  “Daddy, stop!” she said as her eyes were as big as saucers.

  He released her and cursed while walking out of the kitchen.

  Chapter 41

  Rebecca pulled herself up off of the floor, and limped into the kitchen. She dragged the ice cube tray from the freezer and put some in the dish cloth. She walked into the living room and pulled the cordless phone from the base.

  “Can you come over? I need you.” she whispered into the phone.

  Her mother walked in and immediately started firing off the questions at Rebecca.

  “What happened to you? Did Toni do this? You need to call the police, I told you she would be angry if you let her move down here with you and Kevin. You know those kind of people are jealous and violent.”

  “Mom, what people?” Rebecca said as she stepped away from her mother’s embrace.

  “You know. Gay people.” She whispered.

  “Mom, why are you whispering? No one can hear you.”

  “Well, I don’t like to speak about such foolishness.”

  “Mom, please. I just want to lie down for a minute.”

  “Girl, you get your butt dressed. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “Mom, that is not necessary. I only have a few scratches and bruises. Nothing this ice won’t fix.” she said while sitting on the couch and folding her legs under her, while pressing the ice pack onto her lip.

  “I don’t know why you put up with…”

  “Mom, don’t. I will be fine. I just want you to sit with me. Please. Is that too much to ask?” she said while refusing to let the tears slip from her swollen eyes.

  “You know your dad would be so upset if you are letting her start this again.”

  “I’m not. I promise.” Rebecca said while getting up to get another towel, as her phone started to ring.

  “My mom is here.” she said and then was off of the phone.

  “I know that wasn’t that heifer.” Her mother said.

  “Heifer? Mom, who calls women that anymore?” she said with a smile.

  “Well, I could call her much worse.”

  “That’s why I love you.” she said while snuggling up to her mother’s ample breasts and resting her head like a two year old.

  “I love you too.” Her mother said as she brushed her daughter’s wild hair down with her hands.

  Rebecca’s mother had only been gone for about thirty minutes when Toni appeared at her door. Rebecca immediately turned away from her.

  As Toni stepped in front of her, “What the hell…”

  “I know he didn’t put his hands on you!” she shouted.

  “Calm down, it ain’t that serious.” Rebecca said walking towards the kitchen.

  “I know you are not about to tell me that you are letting him put his hands on you.”

  “Sit down!” Rebecca yelled back at her. “What’s wrong, does it bring back memories?” she said as she placed her hands across her chest.

  “I know you are not about…”

  “Yeah I am. I am not going to stand here while you act all new. You used to do the same thing when we first met.”

  Toni stepped up to Rebecca, “that was a long time ago.”

  “Look, I don’t feel like hearing it tonight.”

  “Did Kevin do this?”

  “We had an argument, end of story.”

  “A story that normally ends with him beating a woman senseless.”

  “Look, if you’re going to lecture me, go the hell on home.”

  “What? Is this about Atlanta?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. What did you come over here for anyway?”

  “I missed you, and since you ditched me at the mall, I wanted you to see what I bought today.” she said while twirling around.

  “Yeah, it looks good on you.” Rebecca commented while maneuvering around her to go to the wet bar. “Do you want something to drink?”

  “Yeah, dirty martini.”

  “Are you going to join me?” Toni asked walking up behind her. She spoke directly against her neck, in a sexy whisper, “I’m going to make you forget all about today.”

  Rebecca pushed against her, “And how do you propose to do that?”

  “Well, for starters I would run you a nice hot bubble bath. You are a little tense, and from there, well, I’ll let you decide.”

  Toni pinched Rebecca’s nipples and whispered for them to go upstairs.

  Toni ran Rebecca a hot bath and as Rebecca slid into the water her mind began to wonder about her situation. Tonight he proved that he was not going to change and the diamond ring on her finger only meant he wanted to control her, just like he did to Cheryl. Unlike Cheryl, Rebecca had that nigga by the balls. She just had to figure out what she planned on doing with all of her newfound information.

  Chapter 42

  Cheryl called Dr. Vorite’s office and was told she had left for the evening. She called her cell phone and her cheerful voice answered immediately.
  “Cheryl, I’m so glad you called. Is everything ok?”

  “No.” she said and immediately started crying.

  “Ok, calm down. Where are you? Are you home?”

  “Yes.” she said between sobs.

  “Give me your address, and I’ll come over.”

  An hour later Cheryl opened the door and saw Dr. Vorite standing there.

  “Would you like something to drink? I only have Pepsi and water, unless you want something stronger.”

  “Well, I’ll take a Pepsi.”

  Cheryl went into the kitchen and opened a bottle of Pepsi and poured it into a glass.

  She poured herself another glass of wine and joined the doctor in the living room.

  “Um, do you think it wise for you to be drinking?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Well, I don’t want you to get in the habit of drinking whenever you feel stressed.”

  “Well, I don’t normally drink.” she said as she put the wine glass to her lips and drained half of it before placing it on the end table.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Cheryl explained all that happened between Kevin, Matthew, Kayla and herself.

  “How did it make you feel when Matthew referred to your son as gay?”

  “It hurt. He knew that Kevin always called my baby that. He knew that it upset me when Kevin did it, yet said it like it was nothing.”

  “Ok and what was your response?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What did you say to him?”


  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do. Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I don’t know.” Cheryl said while getting up from the couch.

  “Cheryl, yes you do know. Now tell me the truth, why didn’t you say anything to him about calling your son gay?”

  “Because…” her voice began to crack.

  “Go on…”

  “Because he is gay! My son is gay, but it doesn’t matter to me.” Cheryl said.

  “Ok, so why didn’t you tell Matthew that.”

  “I didn’t want him to get mad.”

  “Get mad at who?” the doctor urged.


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