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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 15

by Kimber Swan

  He leans into my ear whispering, “Credit cards can be traced.”


  Daniel places our fare on a table in the back with a good view of all the exits. Outwardly he appears calm, but knowing him now as I do, I see differently. The way his eyes dart periodically around the room towards the exits every time a patron walks in, reminds me of a body guard always watching the surroundings. When a barista drops a tray, I think Daniel is going to tackle me to the ground.

  “Do you think we were followed here?” I ask after he relaxes slightly.

  “Why?” He counters, alarmed again but when he turns back to look at me I incline my head slightly in his direction. “Oh. No, I don’t think so. I don’t see how they could.”

  I reach across the table and clasped his hand.

  “You know, the last few days I’ve come to know you. I know you won’t let anything happen to me. I’m safe with you.”

  He sighs and squeezes my hand.

  “I would give my life for you.” He replies ever so softly.

  My heart flip-flops at his words. So much has happened in the last few days. He never knew I existed, but his father did. If his dad knew, why did he allow Daniel to become engaged to someone else? Did he think I died or something? I thought Daniel said his father covered all traces of my existence.

  “What is going on with your fiancée?”

  “Why?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, you’ve said a lot in the last twenty-four hours most of it affecting her but never mentioned your engagement. I mean does she know about me? I mean… that is… I know she knows about me because… but does she know we’re seeing each other? Did you ever speak to her before all this?”

  He chuckles and shakes his head.

  “You are a breath of fresh air.”

  He leans across and kisses me chastely.

  “Don’t worry about her. She’ll understand.” He says dismissively.

  “Wait, she doesn’t know?” I shake my head perturbed. “You mean she has no idea that you’re with me now? I mean we are together right?”

  “We are most definitely together and everything has changed.” He replies most assuredly with no hint of mockery. “But no, I haven’t had the chance to break things off officially with her, but-”

  “You haven’t had a chance to break things off yet? You’ve known for at least a week.”

  “I explained to you what I’ve been doing since the last time I saw you. Don’t worry about her. She’ll bounce back.” He says defensively and then mutters, “She has plenty of willing bed partners.”

  “Damn you, Daniel. I told you I wouldn’t be the other woman.”

  Heads turn in our direction as my voice raises a decibel.

  “Shit! Fuck! Damn it to hell!”

  “Language!” He says icily. “There is no other woman. You’re it.”

  “That’s the other thing. Why didn’t you fucking say something sooner about this promise?” I asked still peeved. I guess I’m not as over it as I thought.

  “Language!” He says angrily and squeezes my hand sharply. “What would you have said or done if I told you about it?”

  “I don’t know. But you never gave me the chance. Instead you drop the bomb and wait for the fall out to settle. How do you know I wasn’t involved with someone while you were gone?” I retort.

  Daniel starts to talk, then opens, closes, and opens his mouth again like a fish. It’s quite comical and for the briefest of moments as my anger abates. Then he looks at me seriously. His ability to look through me is unnerving. It feels like he can see my deepest darkest secrets. I take a deep gulp of tea, completely forgetting it is still too hot to drink.

  “Shit!” I exclaim as the hot liquid scorches my mouth and the entire way down to my stomach.

  “Daphne! You sound like a gutter wench.” He says irritated.

  “Well, you know what, I am. I’ve been living on the streets since I’m sixteen. If it wasn’t for Dante, I would probably still be there.” I start to stand, but the look he gives me would stop anyone. “I’m not a princess. There are lots of rough edges here, asshole. So deal with it.”

  I ignore his look and walk away. He quickly grabs my elbow halting my escape creating a scene. The guy sitting directly next to where we are looks up at me.

  In an accented voice, the guy asks, “Do you need help, Madame?”

  “No, she doesn’t.” Daniel growls, releasing his grip.

  “No, thank you. I’m fine. I was just leaving.” I reply haughtily.

  Outside, Daniel grabs my arm again pulling me towards him.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t-.”

  “Daniel, I need space to figure things out.” I sigh. “Look, the f-bombs drop like there’s a war when I’m scared.”

  “Don’t run. I’m here.” He says with conviction.

  “You know what my childhood was like. I can’t be a princess. I wouldn’t know what to do.”

  His hands slide down my arms clasping my hands. He brings both hands to his lips, kissing them gently.

  “I know sweetheart. We’re a team. Let me help you.” He squeezes my hands.

  After a while of intense thinking, I nod.

  “We need to get you back into the country and home, unharmed and undetected.”

  Home? That word feels different now. The idea of having a home, a real home, is so foreign that I don’t think I have ever taken the time to understand the gravity or the meaning of the word. My true home has only ever been with Dante. Wherever he was, that was where my home was. It didn’t matter if it was in a cardboard box alongside a building, the pay by the hour hotel room or our current residence. Dante always made the place where we rested our heads at night, a home.

  To think about such a place without Dante seems a betrayal to our family unit. But on the other hand, knowing there is a stable place where Dante and I will be able to call home, lifts a weight I didn’t know was weighing me down.

  “Dante will be there when we arrive. Right?” I demand.

  “Yes, he should be there by tomorrow night. I told the staff to allow him all the freedoms I have.”

  “Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without him.” I hug Daniel thankfully.

  His hand sneaks up the back of my neck cupping the nape and holding my head to his shoulder. The other arm embraces me, cocooning us. Our surroundings and its inhabitants disappear with the hug. His scent fills my lungs like a warm cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter’s night. However, all too quickly the environment comes crashing back when something crashes behind Daniel, alerting him to dangers still chasing us.

  “Come on let’s go.” He says kissing my forehead before turning to leave.

  Chapter Fourteen

  We quickly enter an electronics store buying Daniel the newest iPhone, which is paid for in cash. He uses his alias, James Malcolm, to register the phone and his address in the states. We leave the store less than half an hour later and enter a clothing store like Macy’s. Although Daniel appears relaxed, I caught the way he scanned the building. He knew my size and walked through sections of racks grabbing items as he moved. We purchase a few outfits without trying them on.

  He slows the pace as we leisurely stroll, arm in arm, to the car. He casually drapes his arm across my shoulders. As we pass a storefront window, I notice we look like two lovers going for a walk. He stops alongside the car long enough to kiss me soundly before depositing me in the passenger seat. He makes sure I’m secure before he walks around to the driver’s side. He pats my knee affectionately before pulling out.

  The drive to the docks is as uneventful as the rest of the day. I have no idea what to expect at the docks. No sign of our pursuers anywhere. It is surprises me when we aren’t stopped at the border and questioned about our lack of passports, but then I see Daniel giving the border guard money.

  Who says money can’t but everything, I think wryly.

  The smell of tangy seawater hangs h
eavy in the air when we arrive at the cold docks. The sky no longer holds the warmth it had while we were in Amsterdam. The sun peeked out momentarily behind the rain laden clouds, doing little to warm the air.

  Daniel takes his time looking for a parking space and circles the parking lot a few times before settling on one close to the water. The commercial boat yard filled with barges, tugboats, and fishing boats should have clued me for the type of boat we are taking, but it doesn’t.

  “Stay here while I check the boat.” He says squeezing my hand.

  I nod, watching as he walks toward the docks. His gait is sure, steady and sexy. He holds himself with such grace while the air around him buzzes with authority. A few fisher women- yeah that’s right fisher women- turn their heads and stare as he passes by. The possessiveness rushing through my system surprises me as I watch them. Part of me wants to race over and stake my claim, but the saner part demands I stay and do as I’m told.

  Alone in the car as I am, I think back over the last few days. I have gone from a barely making ends meet waitress to a princess, who will be queen when her newly found father dies. The everyday humdrum life Dante and I were complaining about recently no longer exists. I fear those humdrum moments will be few and far between. This has been the longest we have been apart since we ran away together five years ago.

  Could I do it? Could I be a queen? Daniel said we would do it together. Could I run a country with his help? Insecurity overwhelms me.

  Daniel knocks on the passenger side window breaking my contemplations. I unlock the door as instructed. He opens it, offering me his hand. If I grab his hand now, there is no turning back. After a moment’s hesitation, I take his hand and rise out of the car ready to claim my rightful life.

  Despite the new wool outfit Daniel had me change into at the store, the damp air still reaches my skin beneath. He felt this outfit was better for traveling and would keep me warmer in the cold, sea air.

  “Everything is all set. Are you ready Princess Daphne?” He asks me formally, bowing over my hand in the process.

  “Yes Daniel, my subject, Duke of Balwart. I think I am.” I reply with mock formality, but then say seriously, “Only if you are by my side.”


  I wink at him, trying to lighten my suddenly frightened mind. He winks back and then laughs a full belly laugh. My insides turn to liquid at the sound and it makes me happy knowing that I caused this reaction.

  “Your chariot awaits, my princess.” He bows again with flourish and ceremony. “Always your servant, Milady.”

  I don’t know what I was expecting in terms of chariots, but what he leads me to is not in my wildest imaginings. The boat is large enough to land a small aircraft and does not look sea worthy in the least. There are numerous large rusting metal shipping containers, each having different markings from their places of origin. The part floating in the water is all rusted and pitted.

  “Are you sure this thing is reliable?” I ask.

  “You mean the barge?”

  I nod.

  “Yes, it runs better than it looks. Come, you’ll see.”

  He tugs on my arm to follow. Once we board the barge, he takes me on a mini adventure, making turns, left then right, and then left again. I catch glimpses of the dock and sea between the aisles of shipping containers.

  “This is a maze. You’re not expecting me to escape, are you?” I ask playfully.

  He stops abruptly and turns towards me.

  “Not ever. You’re mine now.” He replies with all seriousness.

  He tugs me towards him proving his point. The kiss steals my breath away.

  “Hmm.” I murmur, dazed and confused.

  “This is going to be torturous, having you this close and not being able to-.” He mutters before turning back around, not finishing the thought. “Come, I want to show you the inside.”

  My heart is beating rapidly from the kiss and the excitement. We come to a large metal door. Daniel slides it with ease despite the wheels grating loudly. I wince at the noise. The seagulls perched on top of the other barges take flight at the noise.

  The inside is nothing like it’s exterior. The hallway is lined with polished, dark wooden doors and marble tiled floors. The walls are white washed, sparkling as opposed to the rusty brown of the deck. Although the sun is hidden behind the clouds, this area is bright and warm.

  Daniel pulls me behind him past several doors until we come to the far end of a hallway. He stops in front of another polished wooden door no different than the others, but the way he acts, tells me this room is different. Daniel thrusts the door open and with a grand bow allows me to enter first.

  The room is resplendent in coloring and materials. The shades of gold, brown and whites lend it a soft ethereal feel. There are three doors branching out from this living space. This space is furnished with an oversized couch, chaise lounge fit for a queen, desk complete with a sleek laptop and a dining table. A modern entertain center houses state of the art electronics. Daniel opens the smallest of the other doors to reveal a bathroom larger than my apartment.

  I enter and realize I could get lost in here. The bathtub reminds me a small swimming pool with water jets and surrounding deck. The toilet is separated from the bathing area by a door. The multiple spout shower houses a corner television.

  Oh, my God. A television in the shower?

  The walk-in closet off the bathroom is filled with women’s clothing, shoes and hats- all in my size. I stare at Daniel bewildered. He smiles sheepishly back. In the center of the closet is a double-sided dresser filled with unmentionables and more. I step back into the main room in awe of everything.

  Daniel inhales slowly, swinging the double doors inward. This room is even grander than the flat in Paris minus the view. The oversized king bed is magnificently covered in a heavy silk coverlet and pillows, like something out of a medieval story. The ceiling is lit, making it look almost translucent. The bluish light along with the painted cherubs on the ceiling give it a heavenly feel.

  “Daniel, this is beautiful.” I twirl around trying to take it all in.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I would have never guessed this was here.”

  “That’s the idea. No one ever knows when the king leaves the country. To the average, and not so average observer, it looks like supplies are being shipped, but when in fact a greater cargo is hidden on board.”

  He smiles proudly at the deception and comes closer taking one of my hands in his.

  “This is how my father was able to get your mother in and out of the country without alerting anyone.”

  “You mean she was in this room at one time before she…” I ask.

  “In one similar. The one she had frequented was decommissioned almost ten years ago. I thought it would cause speculation if I commissioned it again. So, I thought another one like the Juliet should be transformed. I didn’t think it would be finished in time, but my crew surpassed my expectations yet again.” He smiles proudly.

  “Well, it’s beautiful. You should be proud. But what’s with the exterior?” I inquire.

  “The idea is to not look like a luxury barge, which would draw too much attention.” He answers.

  “Okay I get it.”

  “Why don’t you take a bath and relax while I make sure everything is good to get underway?” He suggests. “Then we can plan?”

  “That sounds heavenly. But plan what?”

  “Your unmasking.”

  I walk past him smiling weakly. He pats my rump affectionately. Yelping, I smile genuinely, looking back over my shoulder and shake the offended rump at him. He growls, making me laugh and rush off towards the bathroom. I lean against the door sighing with contentment and wonder. It is amazing how only hours ago, we were running for our lives. I was angry and scared, but now I feel a new chapter of my life is starting.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The bathtub faucet should come with its own set of instructions. I play with a
few of the knobs until I find right one, adjusting it until the perfect temperature comes out. In my search for body soap, I came across lavender lemon scented bath salts and empty a generous amount in the filling tub. The air becomes heavily scented with the combination.

  I slip out of my clothing and luxuriate in the feel of the soft, pale green, shag rug under my feet, reminding me of a fleece blanket as my toes curl out and open in appreciation. A girl could get used to this type of life. The bath salts, although it could be a bubble bath with the amount of bubbles forming, create a hefty layer of bubbles hiding the tub beneath. I sigh in delight after dipping my toes in, checking the temperature. I slip in without making any waves. The water wraps my body in a warm cocoon, leaving me drowsy. The last few days have taken their toll. I’m exhausted and my reserves are depleted. The soothing scent coupled with my exhaustion push me further and I fall asleep.

  I don’t know how long I have been napping when I hear a gentle knock at the door. A woman enters without being beckoned, all business like, until she looks around the room and our eyes meet. She drops her gaze and curtsies quickly. I quickly draw the remaining bubbles around my breasts while her gaze is still downcast. The water has cooled and my breasts pucker in response.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, perturbed by the intrusion into my haven.

  “My name is AnnaBelle, Your Highness. I am your lady’s maid.” She peeks at me briefly from under her lashes. “The Duke bid that I come check on you. He was worried that you would catch a cold. You’ve been in here for a while.”

  “Did he?” I quirk an eyebrow at her.

  A lady’s maid? What the hell is that?

  She has the ghost of a smile on her face in reaction to my statement.

  “Is Dan-? Is the Duke around by chance? I need to speak with him immediately.”

  She steps back slightly at my question as if I burned her. Was my tone too harsh? Did I scare the meek mouse? Now I feel guilty for no apparent reason. Damn.

  “I’m sorry. Could you please get Dan-? The Duke please.” I try sounding less harsh.


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