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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 27

by Kimber Swan

Word has leaked that the King is dead. The country is in turmoil. We have neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. Everything is moving too quickly. The most prominent allegation is that I killed him. There is mayhem in the streets and mountains of Farquadt. People are starting to loot, thinking there is no political structure. Daniel and I sent Dante out on a fact-finding mission. He was to speak with the people and find the whereabouts of Lady Elizabeth. He has not returned yet and I’m starting to worry about his safety.

  While we wait for his return, the members of the House of Lords arrive first, Baron Farfall included. Interesting that he looks surprised at being called for this meeting or he is a really that good of an actor. I bet it’s the latter. Next, the Cardinal and his entourage arrive too soon after leaving late last night. Finally, the witnesses from last night return, looking scared. Daniel and I greet them in the conference room, reinforcing their safety.

  The ballroom has been converted to a conference room specifically for this meeting. There are rows of chairs set up in a semi-circle around a stage and podium. Daniel and I along with the Cardinal will stand on it. In the actual conference room, the press is awaiting us there. As soon as this meeting is over, Daniel, the Cardinal and I will be escorted there under guard.

  As everyone is seated, the Cardinal starts the procession followed by Daniel who is escorting me. The Cardinal, having been informed of the gravity of the situation, is dressed in his finest robes, knowing he is about to perform his duties to the Royal family. Daniel decided on a fitted, navy three-piece suit with a fitted white Armani shirt. AnnaBelle selected a simple, white, two-piece wool suit the seamstress recently finished, paired with a string a simple pearls and pearl stud earrings. My hair was done up in a French knot. Not my usual look, but I look the part.

  AnnaBelle and Dante thought it best to give the image that I am older. Hopefully, the decisions we make over the next forty-eight hours will prove my maturity to them. What Dante and AnnaBelle didn’t realize was that I have a secret weapon at my side, Daniel. He has been partly running the country alongside my father for years. The thought that my father is no longer here brings new tears to my eyes. Daniel spent much time with him and will be able help me know him more.

  Donald calls the meeting to order. As Daniel rises, it affords me the opportunity to look over the House of Lords. Some of these men I met last night at dinner and some were witnesses to my marriage and deflowering. A blush creeps up as I think about last night. I look up at Daniel. He must feel my gaze on him because I see a small smile grace his lips during one of the pauses in his speech.

  We discussed his speech ahead if time, but if you asked me the words I couldn’t tell you. Some of the Lords are shifting uncomfortably in their seats. Daniel and I worked on my speech right before everyone showed up. Thank goodness for a great memory. It was memorized it in less than an hour.

  Baron Farfall sits stoically in the front row, indicating his rank and position, acting as if what happened the night before didn’t happen. He is as crazy as his daughter if he thinks that will go unpunished. I have to wonder again if he has any idea what his daughter did. Of course he does, how could he not? The Baron must be real sure of himself and the power he holds to show up here today if he does know. No one is invincible, including him.

  “Now then,” Daniel says, pulling me from my thoughts. “For many of you what I have to say will be surprising. Late last night, Princess Freya and I were married.”

  There is an uproar. If I weren’t watching him like a hawk, I would never have seen Baron Farfall flinch slightly.

  Thank you, daddy, and Daniel.

  “Cardinal MacBishop presided over the wedding.” Daniel looks to the Cardinal who he nods curtly. “Princess Freya came to my bed pure. This was witnessed by the King, some of you as well as some of the working class.”

  The people who attended nod their heads in agreement. Again, this is met with louder murmurs. The looks directed at me range from admiration to outright hostility, most understanding the implications of what Daniel announced. Daniel looks down at me sitting and clasps our hands. The Baron’s eyes shift to our joined hands. The person next to him whispers in his ear but the Baron does not respond. He remains sitting, acting indifferent.

  “Princess Freya has met all the stipulations set forth by our ancestors and can claim her kingdom by all rights and law.”

  Some Lords stand arguing amongst themselves. Yet again, Baron Farfall remains sitting. The gentleman sitting next to him stands up yelling at Daniel, voicing his opinion the loudest of them all.

  “Where is the King? I demand to see him at once.” He demands of Daniel.

  I squeeze Daniel’s hand. That’s my cue. I have witnessed enough to know who my supporters are and who will fight me. I rise. The Lords see me standing. The ones still seated stand also. Their impeccable manners and upbringing deeply ingrained.

  “Please be seated.” I say, moving my hands in a lowering motion.

  When did I become so poised? Inside I’m shaking like the earth during an earthquake. Daniel takes his seat.

  “Last night after the witnesses left and everyone that remained in this manor retired, someone broke in. The intruder used one of the many secret passageways known only to the Ducal family. This passage led to the bed chambers I occupied up until last night. It is speculated that the intruder was looking for me, but instead my father decided to sleep there to be close to me after a harrowing day yesterday.” I pause, taking a deep breath. “The intruder, again thinking I was in the bed, shot my father in the head, killing him instantly.”

  The rumblings turned to shouts and arguments. Some Lords start pushing and shoving each other. There were groups of Lords avidly arguing amongst themselves. The Baron chose this opportunity to stand. The Lords quickly became quiet when they saw him stand, the next powerful man in the crowd after Daniel.

  “So, Princess Freya,” he says my name disdainfully, refusing to call me by my rightful title.

  “You mean Queen Freya.” I correct with attitude.

  “Yes, yes. Forgive me for not remembering. I’m distraught by the news. What you are telling us is that the King is in fact dead.”

  “Yes, Baron Farfall. My father was murdered sometime between four and nine this morning. That was when his guards noticed he hadn’t stirred yet. They went to check on him and found him on his back with his hands neatly crossed against his chest appearing to be asleep. If it was not for the blood staining the pillow, they would have thought him still asleep.”

  “I demand that you and the Duke be taken into custody at once.” He yells, pointing at us. “You say this intruder,” he states mockingly, “knew the secret passageways that only you and the Duke would know. If that is true you are admitting to patricide and regicide.”

  The gall of this guy to accuse me of killing my father, the very one I was denied knowing by him and his cronies. This from the same man who had me kidnapped and almost murdered. The Lords argue again and I decide to give them a few minutes. Dante quietly steps unseen into the back of the room, nodding his head no when I look at him. Daniel caught sight of him also and gently tugs me down to whisper in my ear.

  “He either couldn’t find her or no one saw anything.” He whispers.

  “I know, but we can still have the Baron arrested for kidnapping.” I remind Daniel. “Maybe this will draw her out or he will confess to murdering my father. Either way it is a win-win for us.”

  “Excuse me everyone.” I say with command. “If you will allow me to answer the charges the Baron has accused me of.”

  Everyone quiets down to low whisperings.

  “Baron, I did not kill my father nor did the Duke. We were blissfully ignorant of anything outside our bed chamber as newlyweds are usually otherwise too preoccupied to care.”

  Some of my supporters nod and smile in agreement. Under different circumstances, I think they would have found my comment funny.

  “I did not know this passage existed until I heard my fat
her was murdered. Daniel never had the chance to show me. The King’s guards relayed to us that no one passed them, which I then concluded the existence of the secret corridor. There are only two people alive who know this corridor exists, Daniel and Lady Elizabeth. Only the two of them know exactly where the passages are located.”

  The uproars and accusations start again. The royal army standing on the sides of the room is ready to intervene when I say. They take a step closer towards me and towards the group of Lords becoming more agitated. The Baron looks shocked. We stare each other down. I can’t tell if it is an act or not. He falls back in his chair gasping for air, holding his chest.

  “Please everyone remain seated.” I command in a much louder authoritative voice, one I never knew I possessed.

  After another five minutes, no one listens. I nod to Daniel. He walks to the commander of the regiment whispering my command. The commander fires his gun at the ceiling and some plaster falls in the corner where he aimed. This catches everyone’s attention. They sit down immediately. The Baron starts to rise, but is quickly circled by Balwart’s guards. They move back when he retakes his seat.

  “Unfortunately, there is more.” I look directly at Baron Farfall. “Last night at a dinner held in my honor, I was kidnapped by a gentleman named Adam Brody. He brought me to one of the old dungeons deep in the bowels of the royal castle that have not been used in almost a century. While I was held captive, Baron Farfall paid a visit along with Lady Elizabeth. It was their plan to eliminate me as a threat to the crown.”

  The gentleman who was whispering in the Baron’s ear moments before slides his chair further away from the Baron, leaving the Baron alone in room full of friends and foes.

  “I think, Baron, you are the one who should be taken into custody for kidnapping a Princess of the crown. Until we figure out who killed the King, you will be held. I think Lady Elizabeth should be brought in for questioning as well. I know it is the King or Queen who makes the decision here in Farquadt, but since I grew up in America and I am not unbiased by these events, I offer we take a vote. The Cardinal is willing to count the votes as to who feels we should have the Baron and Lady Elizabeth held until further notice.”

  The loud murmurings and head nods tell me all I need to know. I nod at Donald. He has the staff distribute pens and paper.

  “Since I know many of you are friends with the Baron and don’t wish to be implicated, the Duke and I have agreed this vote should be anonymous. If you would be kind enough to check either yes or no on the paper provided to you then staff will collect them for the Cardinal to tally.”

  I take a seat as the Lords receive, complete and return their slips of paper. Baron Farfall looks regal sitting alone, ramrod straight in his seat. He truly believes he will get away with what he did. He has no remorse. Honestly, I don’t think he had anything to do with Elizabeth breaking in. I think he may be innocent of the murder charges. But after what he did to me, there is no way I’m voicing my suspicions.

  After what seems like an interminable amount of time, the Cardinal walks solemnly with the results. He shows it to Daniel, who nods. The Cardinal walks back to the podium, clearing his voice before he begins. The whispers stop as they all await the Baron’s fate.

  “In the matter of whether or not Baron Farfall and Lady Elizabeth should be taken into custody for the charge of kidnapping, the majority vote is ninety-six to fourteen in favor of.” The Cardinal looks to the royal commander and says, “Commander, if you would please take Baron Farfall into custody and remove him from the premises immediately.”

  The commander looks to me, bows stiffly then nods to the Cardinal. He signals three guards towards the Baron. The Baron stands regally and holds out his hands to the commander.

  “Baron, where can we find Lady Elizabeth?” I ask genially.

  “I will never tell you.” He says threateningly. “You have not heard the last of me, Princess Freya.”

  We’re back to that.

  “Actually Baron, again it’s Queen Freya. The moment my father died last night, I became Queen. Or did you forget that.”

  Check mate asshole.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The room erupts into chaos as Baron Farfall is taken away in handcuffs. Many of the lords feel they are above reproach and are upset with the way the Baron is carted off. They realize I will not tolerate the way they have behaved previously. The Loyalist and Purist are always pitted against each other, but tonight proved to reach a new level. The royal army helps quell the infighting.

  “As Queen, you need to do something about this.” Daniel instructs quietly, covering the microphone with his hand. “This will only add to the civil unrest that exists.”

  “My Lords, if you please. There is still more to discuss.” I say in as loud a voice as I can.

  The rumblings start quieting when they realize I’m standing at the podium again with Daniel beside me, but there are still a few who ignore me. The commander returns when the Baron is safely ensconced away. He walks over to the gentlemen whispering something to them. The sunlight filtering in through the large windows reveals the serenity of the countryside. I wish I could be out there frolicking in the snow-covered mountains instead of in here dealing with the aftermath of my father’s death. Daniel nudges my side.

  “Okay then, where were we?” I ask. “Yes, it seems with the untimely death of my father, we need an official royal figure. Cardinal, are you ready?”

  The murmurings and blank stares clue me in that only a few of the Lords know what is about to happen. Daniel takes my hand as the Cardinal approaches. A large group of royal guards enter followed by AnnaBelle carrying the Queen’s crown and Donald carrying the King’s, both of which are nestled in thick purple pillows. Dante approaches with his palms open and the royal staff placed across them.

  “If there is anyone who feels Princess Freya and Duke Balwart should not be officially crowned Queen and King of Farquadt, please speak now.” The Cardinal announces in a booming voice, one I didn’t think the man possessed.

  No one speaks after a few minutes. The Cardinal continues with the ceremony but I interrupt him.

  “I have a just a few words I need to say before we go any further. I know many of you doubt my ability to rule Farquadt effectively and I truly understand that. But I think what you need to remember is that your King will always be who you thought it should be. The Duke has been effectively assisting the King for years. Please have faith in his ability and trust in his belief that I will always do what is best for the citizens of Farquadt.”

  The round of applause that follows is unexpected and brings a few tears to my eyes. These people are willing to trust in me because of Daniel. I silently vow that I will do everything in my power to never have them lose their trust in him or me.

  The crowning is performed with the least amount of pomp and circumstance. I’m sure if my father was alive and handing the crown over to me there would have been much ceremony and tradition. After we are crowned and I am handed my staff, we turn to everyone, watching as they kneel before us. We hold our heads high as we walk amongst them towards the door. The doors open and we are escorted by armed guards to the smaller conference room holding the press. A trumpeter, somewhere in the distance, announces our arrival as the doors to the room open. The press turns as one and quickly kneel when they see us approach, but not quick enough that I didn’t see their shocked expressions. They remain bowed until we are standing behind another podium.

  “Please rise.” I instruct the mass of people cramped in this small room. “Be seated.”

  Daniel stands ramrod straight slightly behind me. Donald, Dante and AnnaBelle are off to the side, inconspicuously observing and taking their own mental notes.

  “Thank you all for coming. Being raised a New Yorker, I’m just going to cut to the chase. Last night the King, my father, was murdered in his sleep after the Duke and I were married.”

  I give them a few minutes to process what I’ve said and make not

  “I have met all the requirements per our ancestor’s edicts as it was witnessed.” I can’t help but blush at the memory. “A few minutes ago, the Cardinal performed the crowning ceremony in front of the House of Lords. We stand before you united as Queen and King of Farquadt.”

  Some of the press start talking amongst themselves while other start to voice questions. I raise my hand quieting them.

  “I know many of you have questions and we will take a few in a couple of minutes, but first I want to reassure the people of Farquadt that every future decision made by us will always be in the best interest of Farquadt. My father believed in the people of Farquadt. During the short period of time I spent with him, he did instill this in me.”

  Daniel clasps my hand squeezing it reassuringly.

  “I know you know nothing about me, but I want to remind you that King Daniel has been among you his entire life. Some of you have met him walking the streets as a simple man.” I smile at him.” Well, maybe simple isn’t the right description.”

  They laugh at my joke.

  “My father treated him like a son and groomed him the time when he would take the throne. Please trust that King Daniel believes I will be a good Queen to all.”

  I see out of my periphery Daniel nodding.

  “Now, we’ll answer a few questions.”

  I point to a young man in his mid-thirties with dark brown hair wearing glasses. “Yes, you sir.”

  “How was the King murdered and do you know who did it?” He asks.

  “I don’t want to get into the specifics of his death, but we do have an idea of what transpired. I will say that we don’t think my father was the intended victim. He happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But knowing my father, he is looking down on us saying I am wrong, he was in the right place at the right time if I am still alive.”

  “So you’re saying you were the intended victim?” He asks quickly.

  “Yes, we believe so.” I reply. “Next question.”


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