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The Unknown Royal Heir

Page 29

by Kimber Swan

  “Thank you.” I yell at his retreating back.

  The other guard closes the door when he realizes there is no immediate emergency. Daniel sits on the bed next to me still looking concerned and guilty.

  “I’m sorry. I have been monopolizing your time when you should be sleeping.” He says apologetically.

  “Don’t you dare feel sorry for anything. If I didn’t want you making demands on my time, I would have said something.”

  “It’s too much. You never have time for rest.”

  “We knew this would happen. There is still much I must learn and things needs to be done. I have to remember to eat throughout the day.”

  “I’ll make sure that both AnnaBelle and Dante know.” He says. “Are you sure I shouldn’t get the doctor?”

  “No. I’m fine. If I thought I needed him I would send for him.” I answer. “I can’t afford to get sick now. There’s too much at stake.”

  “Don’t worry about that. It will get taken care of.”

  “How can I not worry? They want to take Farquadt from us.”

  England has been trying to take Farquadt away from my ancestors for centuries. Recently with the political unrest, their attempts have been stealthier and bolder. Daniel and I came across some documents that we were asked to sign when we discovered the plot. The Purists have been helping the English sneak their way into our government contracts. If Daniel hadn’t known the holding company, they would have succeeded in a coup by calling in our debts. After we removed those in favor of selling out our country, the House of Lords has been more agreeable.

  “But sweetheart, staying up all night won’t help the situation. I feel you tossing and turning all night, even after I have fucked you into submission.” He says rather bluntly.

  I blush at the intimate memories we’ve shared every night since we arrived two months ago, except for the second week we were here when my monthly friend visited. My heart rate increases as I realize what I just thought. I haven’t had my period in six weeks.

  Oh, my God.

  Oh, my God.

  No, it couldn’t be. I’m just stressed about everything that has happened. Stress can do that. I mean I recently started having sex- there’s no way it happens that fast. I try to calm my rapid heartbeat and slow my breathing before Daniel notices. He strips out of his pajamas and climbs into bed behind me, pulling me tight against him. His arms snake around my waist and his hand rest across my belly. I stop myself from stiffening at the gesture. There is no way he can know when I only thought it myself.

  First thing tomorrow, I am going to visit the doctor without Daniel or Dante knowing. AnnaBelle must carve out time for me when Daniel is occupied. I need to know for sure before I tell Daniel. There’s no way I can be pregnant. Absolutely no way.

  Chapter Thirty

  AnnaBelle carved out a half hour midafternoon after my lunch meeting with Dante. The masquerade ball is tonight, but I have bigger fish to stress about than the last-minute details the ball requires. Dante is upset with me at lunch by my lack of enthusiasm. I basically brush him off. My mind wanders off about pregnancy and babies throughout lunch. I gave him free reign to take care of whatever needed to be done.

  AnnaBelle, bless her gentle, efficient soul, heard about my episode last night and asked if she could talk to me privately. I should have been more worried when she asked, but I wasn’t.

  “Is the appointment about what happened last night?” She asks.

  When I nod, she continues.

  “Is it because you think you may be pregnant?” She questions me candidly.

  To say I’m floored would have been an understatement. How could she have known? I realized the possibility by mistake, but as usual it’s as if she reads my mind.

  “How do I know?” She smiles. “You pay me to know you and everything about you. I noticed when your last period was and you haven’t presented with any symptoms. I counted the days from your last visit and came to the same conclusion as you.”

  “Wow, nothing is sacred when you’re royal is it?” I ask and she nods sheepishly.

  “I guess you don’t want Daniel to know yet?”

  “No, I want to be sure. I don’t know how I feel about it yet.” God that makes me sound horrible. “What I mean is that I was hoping for a few more years with Daniel alone before it is no longer about us. Our times alone together now are short, usually only at night, and then add a baby. I mean we haven’t even spoken about a family yet.”

  “I understand. You are both newlyweds, but you must understand as Queen it is your duty to provide an heir to the throne. You have done that now. You should be happy.” She smiles while stating, “At least there will be no more ‘baby bum’ watches in the tabloids.”

  I sigh disgustedly. “I remember thinking when Kate and William were married how the press immediately looked for a bump. I thought they were incredulous to be looking soon after their marriage. When they started with Daniel and me, I still couldn’t get over it.”

  She laughs good-naturedly. “That’s the press for you.”

  “I want to speak with the doctor, have him do some tests, get through tonight and then I’ll tell Daniel, but not before tonight. You can’t tell Dante. He won’t be able to keep a secret like this from Daniel. He will be over the moon and start acting all big brother on my ass.”

  She doubles over laughing, holding her side at my smartass remark. It is nice to see this side of AnnaBelle, especially after what she has been through recently. The fact that I have been blessed to have such a confidante in her has made the whole queen thing easier. She and Dante allow me to be myself most times. The only time I am not myself and acting the Queen is when we are with guests.

  “I will need your help finding the doctor’s office. I don’t want Daniel or Dante to happen upon him examining me.”

  “It’s off the left wing, I’ll take you.”

  On our way there shortly after lunch, we are stopped no less than a dozen times by staff asking about last minute surprises to tonight’s event. Finally, AnnaBelle kindly directs them to Dante for those answers, using the excuse that we were visiting with someone and could not stop to make these decisions. They take AnnaBelle’s authority as if it was me speaking and rush off to find him. Running into Robert on this side of the castle is disturbing, especially since we dodged the guards assigned to me at this time. He stops us as I was opening the door to the doctor’s office.

  “My Queen, where are your guards?” Robert asks noting only AnnaBelle.

  I know it is wrong dodging the guards, especially with all the guests visiting and staying within our walls. Daniel and Robert were very specific with me about having the guards around me always especially during this time. We don’t know where Elizabeth is and who could be helping her evade us.

  AnnaBelle is quick to answer. “I started throwing up in the middle of lunch and her Highness insisted on taking me here herself. She refused to take the guards. She wanted me to be able to keep my privacy and felt the guards do not allow for that.”

  “I understand you wanting this, your Highness, but you need to think about your safety. We cannot let anything happen to you.” He pleads. “I’ll wait out here until you’re done and then I’ll speak with the guards again.”

  “I don’t want them getting into trouble for this.” I command.

  “If you can evade them then they shouldn’t be guarding you.” He states matter of fact.

  I know Daniel will agree with him when he hears about this little stunt. He will be royally pissed off, pun intended. Not seeing a way out of this I nod.

  “But you cannot come in.” I state.

  AnnaBelle pushes open the door to a beautifully decorated waiting room. I would have never thought an actual doctor’s office would exist in a castle. It is like its own separate universe in here. The walls are tastefully decorated with black and white still pictures. There are only a few brown leather seats in two rows facing a large fish tank with all sorts of colorful fish.
The desk is behind a half wall separating the waiting area from the office. There is a large screen television, currently off, above the fish tank.

  “I never knew this was here.” I whisper to AnnaBelle not wanting to disturb the woman behind the desk on the phone.

  The woman sees us and stands abruptly, hastily ending her phone call.

  “Your Highness,” she says while curtsying, “What do we owe this pleasant visit for?”

  When she stands again, I notice how well-groomed she is. She stands at about five feet seven inches, wearing an expensive tailored suit. Her hair is neatly tied back and her nails are perfectly manicured. Her makeup is tastefully applied.

  AnnaBelle offers an excuse for me yet again. “I spoke with Dr. Stevens. She told me to come by when there was a break in my schedule. Since I’m so close to our Queen, she wanted to attend me now.”

  Man, she needs a raise. She lies most efficiently.

  “Dr. Stevens is free now. Why don’t you head back, it’s the first door on your right?”

  We walk through a door in the direction she points. The artwork decorating the walls is extraordinary the further back we go. There are exam rooms off the hallway each boasting luxurious exam beds and state of the art equipment. AnnaBelle knocks on what seems to be an office door.

  “Come in.” A female voice says from behind the door.

  AnnaBelle opens the door and I precede her entry. The lady behind the desk stands and quickly curtsies. I wasn’t expecting a female doctor, but then again, this country is very matriarchal. After gathering her wits, she points to the two chairs in front of her desk. I sit followed by AnnaBelle.

  “What can I help you with?” Dr. Stevens says to AnnaBelle.

  AnnaBelle looks to me.

  “I need to know that everything we say to you is protected under doctor patient confidentiality. I mean in America they have laws that protect the patient from the doctor revealing something they shouldn’t.”

  “Yes, your Highness, we have very similar laws here. Anything you say here is in confidence.” She replies. “Especially since you are Queen, we are more secure.”

  “Okay then. I think I may be pregnant.” I candidly state.

  No sense in beating around the bush. The doctor looks dumbfounded by my statement.

  “Dr. Stevens?” I say.

  She shakes her head. “Yes, I’m sorry. I guess I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Trust me. Neither was I.” I remark with a smile.

  Dr. Stevens quickly regains her composure again and starts asking the basic questions.

  “When was your last period?”

  “Approximately six weeks ago.” I say, looking at AnnaBelle for confirmation.

  AnnaBelle nods.

  “If you’re pregnant, it may be too soon to see anything by a pelvic sonogram. Normally, I like to wait until you are eight to ten weeks along, but we could try one today if you would like? We will need to perform some tests, draw blood and take a urine sample.” I look at her as she explains further. “The blood will give us a definitive answer and an approximate date of when you conceived. The urine will let us know right now if you are.”

  “Let’s do this then.” I reply, slightly shaken that by the time I leave I will know for sure if I am.

  May be I should have told Daniel? If I am pregnant and I see the baby before him, I think he would be upset and feel left out.

  “Let’s just do the tests not the sonogram. I don’t think it would be fair to my husband if I saw the baby before him.”

  Dr. Stevens nods, rises and walks to the door. We follow in her wake.

  “I’m going to perform all the tests in house, this way we can keep everything confidential. If we need to use an outside lab, I’ll use a different identifier.”

  “Yes, definitely.” I agree.

  Dr. Stevens leads us to the exam room closest to her office. The woman from the front desk, whom I now know is the nurse, follows us in. Dr. Stevens pulls out an over the counter urine pregnancy test.

  “There’s a bathroom right behind that screen. If you be kind enough.” Dr. Stevens points.

  If the nurse is surprised by hearing the news, you would never know. Her professionalism should be commended.

  “I’ll be back in a few moments.” Dr. Stevens states. “Pat, if you can prepare the room for an obstetric exam that would be wonderful.”

  “Sure thing, Dr. Stevens.” Pat replies patiently.

  Of course, as I am sitting on the toilet trying to pee in a cup and I don’t have to go. I stand up, walk around and run the water hoping something will work. After being in here for about fifteen minutes, the urge finally comes. When I come out, the room has been transformed.

  The exam bed has been converted to allow for stirrups and a lamp. Multiple blood drawing tubes line the counter by the sink. Pat grabs the urine sample with purple, gloved hands and walks to the counter. There are other torture like looking instruments next to the tubes, making me cringe and close my legs thinking about where they go.

  “If you would please change into that robe, Dr. Stevens will be right in.” Pat shuts the door behind her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Dr. Stevens was a female? Where did she graduate from?” I say to AnnaBelle while changing out of my suit, behind the curtain in the corner.

  “The Queen has her own physician as does the King. Although until recently, Dr. Stevens used to practice in a town nearby, but your father had her relocated to be your personal physician shortly after he met you.” AnnaBelle explains.

  “He did?” I ask perplexed. “Why did I not know that?”

  “There was no need to let you know. You haven’t been sick. Her offices are on this side of the castle because she still sees some patients from the town. Over here, they don’t have walk through the castle to get to her.” AnnaBelle continues. “Most times the doors connecting to this part of the castle are closed. I had them opened today for this appointment. That’s probably why Robert was out there. I forgot to put the request through security.”

  “I see.” I ask.

  “Dr. Stevens will recommend to her patients a different physician. She was told about this stipulation when she was originally interviewed prior to accepting the position.”

  “Oh. That doesn’t seem fair.” I reply.

  “It is one of the highest positions to hold in the country. She knew what she was saying yes to when she agreed. So did Nurse Pat.” AnnaBelle explains further. “Trust me, they are well taken of. They have to escort you on all trips, dinner, balls and whatever else may come along.”

  Seems like a sweet job to attend all these functions and to only worry about my well-being.

  “Does Daniel’s physician have to do the same?” I ask as an afterthought.

  “Yes, he does. Daniel brought his doctor from Balwart. He used to be the family physician.”

  I make myself comfortable on the exam bed then drape the blanket over my legs. AnnaBelle walks to the counter and leans against it looking over her shoulder.

  “What does it say?” I ask her in a whisper.

  “I don’t know. It’s not like any of the tests I’ve ever seen.”

  Dr. Stevens walks in followed by Pat.

  “Okay, let’s see what we have.” She strides to the counter, picking up the urine test, looking more closely at it.

  “Well?” I ask, the suspense killing me. “Am I?”

  She slowly turns around. The look on her face tells me before she utters the word, “Yes.”

  The bed seems to have disappeared as I fall back. I hear their mutterings, but I can’t move. My vision is blurry around the edges and the last thing I hear is AnnaBelle yelling.

  “Robert, get the King now.”


  When I wake up, my surroundings are unfamiliar, but the hand clasping mine is not. There is a steady, high pitched sound coming from my left. I lift my hand to my head, but am stopped by something. Daniel pushes my hand back down.

baby.” He mutters. “You have an intravenous.”

  “Where am I?” I ask groggily, laying my head back down, closing my eyes.

  “You’re in Dr. Stevens’s office.” He explains. “What do you remember?”

  Dr. Stevens? Who is Dr. Stevens?

  Oh, that’s right.

  My eyes snap open staring at Daniel. There’s a softness to his eyes, that wasn’t there before. His other hand is resting on my lower belly, reverently. He knows.

  “You know?” I ask shyly.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you thought this was a possibility?” He says in awe.

  “I didn’t want to disappoint you if I wasn’t.” I reply. “But honestly, I hoped I was wrong. We just got married. Elizabeth is still on the loose. There is still so much we have to do before we bring a baby into this world.”

  “Oh, baby.” He croons. “There will never be a right time. We will always be in some sort of danger or crisis.”

  “I know. How do we, as good parents, bring a baby into this?” I ask. “I mean we never even spoke about having children.”

  “We should have before today. I’m sorry. I want a ton of children with you. I never thought about having them before I met you. That first night I dreamed of us surrounded by children, happy.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  “Why would you think that?” He questions me softly.

  “I guess because I didn’t know what you wanted.”

  “Well, now you know. There’s nothing for you to worry about. I want the whole world to know.”

  “No! We can’t.”

  “Why ever not?” He asks perplexed.

  “I want to make sure we are passed the critical point before everyone knows. It will be hard to keep this from those closest to us, but I want everyone else to remain ignorant.”

  Daniel mulls it over. I see different emotions pass over his features until he finally nods.

  “Thank you. It will be safer for me and this little one.” I place my hands directly over Daniel’s. “Do you want to see it?”

  He stands up awkwardly knocking the chair backwards then opens the door, yelling out to the doctor. Dr. Stevens comes rushing in with Pat on her expensive heels.


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