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Gainer: Jagged Edge Series #6 (Jagged Edge, Alpha-Male, Romance)

Page 17

by A. L Long

  “After you left and I read your note, I went to the hotel to find you before you did something stupid. You forgot to lock your locker and your bag was sitting inside. I saw the Bible in there, but didn’t think anything of it,” I confessed as I pulled the black book from her bag and zipped the bag closed.

  Taking my place behind the wheel, I thumbed through the pages until I came to the first highlighted word. Just like Emma said, the individual words were highlighted, which, when put together, gave us the clue we needed to find those plates. I could have kissed her for being so smart, and that was exactly what I did.



  I was antsy as hell as Lou drove down I-90 on our way back to Manhattan. The only thing that I wanted was for Jagged Edge to have those plates in their possession and O’Malley and TJ behind bars for life. As we got closer to town, I was about to burst with worry. Looking over to Lou, I asked hysterically, “What do you think Peter will do once you tell him about the plates?”

  “The only thing he can do. Go to the church and get them.”

  “But what if O’Malley and TJ are there?” I questioned.

  “The only reason they would be there is by coincidence. There is no way they know where those plates are. If they did, they wouldn’t have kidnapped you.” Lou’s words were sharp and cold, as though he would kill them if he had the chance.

  When we got the shop, the cars were lined up in front just like before. Assisting me out of the truck, Lou held my hand and squeezed it gently as he opened the door. The guys came into view right away. They were all waiting in the lounge area with mutinous looks on their faces. It was as though they were ready to fight a war.

  “Hey guys. Things are looking up,” Lou began, my look of confusion searing into his face. “We may have a lead as to where those plates are.”

  As Lou began explaining to the guys where the location of the plates might be, the guys were hanging on every word. The more Lou talked, the better I could tell that Mike Chavez and Sly were already trying to piece how they could get the plates. By the time Lou finished, a plan was in place to get the plates, and with my help, get O’Malley to the church, along with his sidekick TJ. I wanted to do more, but Lou insisted I wait at the apartment until everything was over. There was no way I was going to do that. With a little convincing, I was able to talk Lou into allowing me to go, but waiting outside the church until everything was clear.

  With the plan in place, I made the one phone call where I knew I was going to have really work my charm. Using my own cell, I dialed TJ and waited for him to answer. When his voice came over the speaker, I said, “I know where the plates are. Tell O’Malley to meet me at St. Peter’s.”

  “Hold on. What make you think I believe anything that you are saying?” he coughed.

  “Because I know where they are and you pretty much don’t have any choice but to believe me.” I had to admit, I was even beginning to believe myself.

  That was, until I heard, “Listen, child, this is how it is going to be. We will not be meeting at St. Peter’s. Instead, we will be meeting at St. Andrew’s and you will come along. The minute we feel any deception on your part, well, let’s just say you will be looking over your shoulder every day of your life until one day you won’t have to because, my child, you’ll be dead. Tomorrow at noon,” O’Malley cursed before continuing. “One more thing, don’t be late.”

  All Lou had to do was look at me and I knew this meeting wasn’t going to happen, at least not with me. “There is no way that I am going to risk Emma getting killed by this asshole. Nikki is about her size and has the same hair color. We can send her.”

  “One problem, bro. If O’Malley has any suspicion that something isn’t right, Emma is going to be in danger for the rest of her life. We have to go through with sending her. It is not to say that we won’t be close by, out of sight,” Peter pointed out.

  Peter was right. There was no way that I wanted this hanging over me the rest of my life. I didn’t want a life of constantly looking over my shoulder. The best thing to do was go through with the meeting and pray everything would go as planned.


  On the drive home, Lou didn’t say one word to me. I felt like he was blaming me for what needed to be done. I wasn’t sure what I could say to him to make him understand that I had to do this. Turning to face him, I could no longer hold back what needed to be said. “Lou, you must know that this is the only we are going to be able to TJ and O’Malley. If at any point they see that anything is wrong, I might as well dig my own grave. Sending Nikki is sure to guarantee that.”

  Pulling the truck to the side of the road, he put the truck into park and brought my body over the center console and pressed his lips to mine. It just about took my breath away the way he took hold of me. Never had I felt so much passion from him. When he broke the kiss, he rubbed my cheek with his thumb and vowed softly, “I love you, Emma. You are everything to me and I will always keep you safe.”

  His words were so sincere. Nobody had every professed that kind of compassion for me. Even though I knew deep down my mother loved me, she never did anything to keep me safe. I was her protector. I was the one who watched out for her, took care of her. Placing my hand over his, I looked deep into his eyes to absorb all the love they held and muttered, “I know,” before I pressed my lips to his.

  If it hadn’t been for the fact that we were pulled over to the side of the road, I would have showed him just how much. I took my place back on the passenger side, Lou put the truck into drive, and made his way back onto the road. As darkness began to take hold of the day, I kept wondering how tomorrow would play out. Then I began to worry about the words that were highlighted in the Bible and the hint they revealed. What if we were wrong and the plates weren’t where I thought they would be? What if the clue meant something else?

  Feeling like my mind was going to combust, I let out a loud, “Urrr!” causing Lou to slam on the breaks.

  “Baby, are you okay?” he wailed with an expression of worry on his face.

  “I just wish I knew for sure that those plates were in that church. What if they aren’t there, Lou?” I said, doubt running through my mind.

  “Emma, they will be there. Where else could they be? The clue was pretty cut and dried. There is no other St. Peter’s Church in Manhattan,” Lou said, reassuring me as he took hold of my hand. His eyes shifted to the road as he began driving again.

  I didn’t say another word until Lou pulled into the parking garage, and even then, it was only one-word sentences. When we entered the apartment, Lou took my bag to the bedroom while I got something to drink. Reaching into the cabinet, I pulled down Lou’s bottle of Jack and two glasses. I wasn’t much of a whiskey person. Matter of fact, I wasn’t much of anything since my first experience with alcohol a few weeks ago. Pouring us each a generous amount, I carried the glasses over to the couch. Taking a seat, I placed Lou’s on the coffee table while I kept mine close. With a few sips in me, I could feel my body begin to relax. Downing the rest of my whiskey, I stood to get another shot, only to be greeted by Lou, who was standing behind the couch.

  Something was going on with him. His cell was in his hand and the look on his face said everything. Something bad happened. Getting his attention, I asked, “Lou, what is it?”

  “Courtney, she didn’t show up for work this morning and they can’t reach her on her cell. Ryan and Chavez are headed to her place to see if she is there. It may be nothing, but if I had to guess, O’Malley had something to do with this.”

  “Why wouldn’t he have said anything earlier when I talked to him?’ I asked, concerned.

  “Because he is a lowlife asshole and probably didn’t want to give away his insurance policy that you would come alone,” Lou cursed.

  “This is all my fault,” I cried as I fell to the couch.

  “This in no way is your fault, Emma. That man is a sadistic bastard.”

  Rounding the couch, Lou was besi
de me and pulling me close to him. He always managed to find a way to make me feel better. I didn’t know what I would do if I ended up losing Courtney. She was the only friend I had. As much as I loved Lou, there were just some things that only a woman would be able to understand.

  There was a comfort that washed over me as we sat in silence, just staring out the window at the magnificent skyline. I could feel the pressure of his sweet lips press against my head as he spoke in a soft but reassuring tone. “Everything will work out, Emma. O’Malley and TJ will get what they deserve.”

  Shifting in his arms. I turned to face him, finding his face contorted with hate and disgust. Easing my hands up his chiseled chest, I met his eyes and lifted my lips to meet his. His tension eased and his arms swept along my back as he slowly lifted the hem of my t-shirt up my back and over my head. The warmth of his breath felt as light as a summer breeze, making my body vibrate with a need I had never wanted before. With no objection, he laid me gently along the length of the couch and slid my leggings down my thighs, taking my not-so-sexy panties with them. As I laid there in anticipation, I watched as he quickly removed his jeans. When his beautiful maleness came into view, my body began to tingle just knowing soon he would be inside me.

  As he ripped open the packet that he took from his pocket before placing his jeans on the floor, my eyes were focused on his ridged member as he expertly rolled the glove over it. Feeling the tips of my hard nipples rub against his hard chest, the friction alone had me undone. I knew that I was ready for him and all I wanted was to feel him inside me. But more than that, I wanted to one day feel his warmth with nothing between. Just me and him.

  Towering above me with a grin that told me I was his, he slowly eased inside my channel. Flesh to flesh, man to woman, our bodies became as one, in perfect sync with each other’s. Lou pushed to his hands and with an expression that only a person in love could understand, he lowered his head, placing his lips over mine. My emotions took over and my gates opened, releasing the pleasure that was only meant for him. Reeling in my delight, Lou increased his movements, pumping harder, with more eagerness, inside me. I was certain that my body was going to explode with ecstasy. I waited as long as I could to control yet another release, until Lou screamed with contentment, finding his own paradise. There was nothing I wanted more than to be here with him, like this, forever.



  It was late when I woke up scrunched next to Emma’s warmth on the couch, which was not meant for one person, let alone two. I was able to roll off the edge and get to my feet without waking Emma. Her hands were curled up under her head as the rest of her body was extended out. With only a small blanket covering her, I was blessed to see the curves of her silky legs and the way the softness of her skin beamed from the lights of the city shining through the window.

  I was so mesmerized by her beauty that the fact that my body was sore from sleeping in such a contorted position didn’t seem to bother me anymore. Gazing down at her, I knew that lying in the bed would be more comfortable than sleeping on the couch. Wrapping her body in the blanket, I slipped my arms under her body and lifted her. A small moan escaped as she nestled her head in the hollow of my neck. With a small whimper she asked, “Where are we going?”

  “To bed, baby,” I said as I placed a kiss on her head.

  “Mmmm, that’s nice,” she muttered, snuggling even closer to my body, causing my will to take her again to be tested.

  Pulling the covers away, I gently lowered her onto the mattress and rid her of the small blanket. Gazing down at her beauty for a minute, I covered her with the comforter even though I could have stood there all night, memorizing every curve and line of her perfection.

  Taking my place beside her, I drew her near to me and wrapped my arm around her soft body. My thoughts began to drift to what my life would be without her and how frightened I was about tomorrow. Not for myself, but for her. Even though I would do everything in my power to protect her, there was still the possibility that something could go wrong. If O’Malley did have Courtney and was using her as leverage to make sure that he got what he wanted without any incident, then her life could very well be in jeopardy as well. The more I thought about it, the more I knew we needed to spread the coverage. We needed to split up. Even though Emma was to meet him at St. Andrew’s, I believed that men covering St. Peter’s would no doubt benefit the plan. It would assure that the men would be ready for O’Malley once he got there.

  Unable to think anymore, because my head was beginning to hurt and my eyes felt like lead, I kissed Emma on the head and fell into a deep sleep.


  “Get the fuck away from me. I’m not going to let you touch me ever again. You’re never going to touch anyone ever again.” My eyes burst open and my body was drenched in sweat. Looking over to Emma, I thanked God that she was still asleep. These fucking nightmares were going to end up having the best of me. This shit with O’Malley needed to end.

  No longer able to sleep, I had to do the only thing that I knew would be able to clear my mind. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I slipped on my running shorts, grabbed my shoes, and looked back at Emma before closing the door. It was so early that I was pretty confident that I would be back long before Emma would be getting up. Just to be safe, I jotted down a few words on a note and wrote a whole bunch of ‘xoxox’ under my name. I knew that girls liked that kind of stuff.

  Heading out of my apartment, I couldn’t believe that even at 5:00 a.m. it was already warm. Increasing my stride, I jogged across the street and into the park. Already people were up doing their thing. It never ceased to amaze me how early Manhattan came alive. I guess that is why I loved this city so much

  After getting a good burn in my lungs, and a clearer mind, I decided to do something special for Emma. Heading over to the best bagel shop in New York, I figured a good breakfast would do Emma good. Reaching the little shop, I pulled out my credit card and ordered two cinnamon crisp bagels with apple-honey cream cheese and two coffees to go.

  I guess I should have requested a drink cart for the coffees. I didn’t realize how hard it was to juggle the hot cups while trying to unlock the door. Emma must have heard me from inside the door because just as I was about to place them on the carpet, the door opened with my beautiful Emma standing on the other side. Handing her one of the cups, I said with a big smile, “Morning, sunshine”

  Grabbing the cup, she smiled back. “The x’s and o’s were a nice touch.”

  “Yeah, I thought you might like them.” I was right, girls did like that sappy stuff.

  Taking our bagels to the kitchen, I pulled them out of the bag and placed them on a plate. Emma, wearing only one of my shirts, which I could get used to, took a seat at the bar and took one of the plates and began spreading the cream cheese on one of the halves. When she licked her finger to remove the excess, my eyes focused on her lips as they curled around her finger. It was almost too much for me and the erection that was growing between my legs.

  The minute her eyes met mine and she batted her eyelashes at me, I knew that she was playing with me. She certainly knew what made me hard. Then again, it wasn’t that difficult when it came to her.

  Finishing what seemed to be a flirtatious breakfast, I only wanted one thing, and that was her, but I also needed to shower. Killing two birds with one stone, I lifted her from her seat and slung her over my shoulder. The view was amazing as the t-shirt she was wearing was no longer hiding the cute little ass that was going to be mine. With a little giggle, she asked, “Where are you taking me, handsome?”

  “I think you may have missed a spot of cream cheese. I thought I would help you with that.”

  I knew she was well aware of where I was going to take her so with all love behind it, I smacked her on her tight little ass and continued to smile at what was going to happen in that shower. The cream cheese on her lips wasn’t the only thing I was going to be licking.

Setting her down carefully on the tiled floor, I reached inside the shower and turned the water on. Helping her rid herself of my t-shirt, I couldn’t help but dip my head to her breasts and capture her pert nipple in my mouth. Emma lowered her arms and slid her fingers inside the waistband of her panties and lowered them to the floor. I, of course, couldn’t resist kissing her on her mound before lifting her to the counter before I continued. There was nothing sweeter than to taste than her sweet honey. I so loved when she was ready for me. Giving her sex the attention that it needed, I stopped my ministration, but only because if I didn’t, we would never be getting our shower.

  Removing my clothes, her eyes were upon me waiting with anticipation for me to finish what I had started. Kissing her on the lips, my hands fell to her ass and cupped her tight cheeks as I lifted her from the counter and carried her to the shower. Once inside, the feel of the water cascading down between our bodies was all it took as the water beaded on her firm breasts. The pressure inside me was almost unbearable as my cock stood at full attention.


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