When Lust Rules

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When Lust Rules Page 2

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  “They got into it with another pack. Some boys of similar age. It was over a female from the other pack.”

  “Seriously? I thought you told them no chasing tail in another den until they came of age?”

  Javin cast him a duh look. “Yeah. Covered that one. But Kendall swears the girl’s his mate.”

  Luken laid his forehead on the desk. Yes, Kendall was eighteen and while it wasn’t common for a mate bond to happen this soon, it wasn’t unheard of. Most didn’t even find their mates ’til later in life, but even the early ones were at least in their mid-twenties. He lifted his head and looked at Javin. The last week had been filled with problem after problem. From plumbing and flooding to fighting. Normally it wouldn’t bother him this much, but he hadn’t slept in days. Every time he lay down he couldn’t keep his damn thoughts away from Julie. It’d been a week since he’d last seen her. A week since he’d been a breath away from tasting her sensual lips. He let loose a growl. He could only imagine how the teen felt. This human had damn near driven him nuts. Kendall finding his mate with all those extra teen hormones on board? No wonder he’d gotten into a fight.

  “Oh don’t start growling yet. You haven’t even heard the best part.” Javin’s lips separated, exposing his white teeth in a smile chock-full of sarcasm.

  “Do I want to know?”

  Javin plopped down in the green leather chair in front of the desk. “Oh yeah. So the boys were in town buying supplies for a school group project, and as they were coming home, they thought it would be such a grand idea to walk along the border of Brock’s land.”

  Luken’s jaw tightened as he thought of the other alpha. That wolf was perpetually in a bad mood. Of course the teens would pick that wolf to piss off. Can’t make shit easy. “And?”

  “Well, to hear Kendall tell it, the world stopped and his heart only beat for the girl who stepped out of the woods.”

  Luken couldn’t stop the smile tugging at his lips as he watched Javin grip his hands in front of his chest as he imitated a boyish swoon. “And the fighting part comes in where?”

  “Well, like I said, that was according to Kendall. Greg filled in the blanks. The girl was walking hand in hand with another male from her pack, who also had his buddies and a few of their teeny-bopper girlfriends in tow.”

  The smile slid from Luken’s face. “Fucking hell.”


  Kendall attacked them. Of course if the mate bond had formed he wouldn’t have been able to control himself. Not when he was still so young and had the raging hormones to boot.

  Javin held his hand out. “No. Wait, it gets better.”

  “I have a feeling your version of better is not the same as mine,” Luken grumbled.

  “The girl is Brock’s niece.”


  Javin laughed a sound that held more delirium than mirth. “There’s more.”

  “Oh hell, just get it out then.”

  “The kid she was holding hands with—her so-called boyfriend—he’s the son of Brock’s second.”

  Luken shook his head in wonder. How in the hell could these kids have landed in such a big pile of shit? “You’re kidding, right?”

  Javin’s brow furrowed as he rolled his eyes. “Would I do that? About something like this? I love how much credit you give me, but not even I can come up with a shit storm of this magnitude. Oh. And the girl is all of seventeen.”

  Luken sighed as he leaned back in his chair. Double fuck. He sure as hell didn’t look forward to the meeting he knew would occur. “How bad was the damage on both sides?”

  Javin lifted one arched brow. “Our boys did well.”

  Luken knew that would make the meeting even rougher, but he couldn’t help but smile in pride. His young had more than held their own.

  “According to Greg, Kendall handed that boy his ass. But then the girl ran screaming from Kendall.”

  “Did Kendall give chase?” Sometimes the bond would hit the male before the female. If he’d chased her down it could have frightened her in a bad way. Female wolves could be touchy. Especially at that age. If her wolf felt threatened enough it could block her susceptibility to the bond.

  “No. But don’t get me wrong, he wanted to. But soldiers showed up and things turned ugly for a few minutes.”

  Luken stood abruptly. “They better not have gone after our juveniles.” His lips pulled back as the fierce protectiveness of his wolf rose to the front.

  “Not bad. Just enough to back them off Brock’s land.”

  Luken blew a frustrated breath and pushed his hand through his hair. “Schedule a meeting with Brock. It’ll be me, you and Scott. See where Brock prefers to meet. We can go to his den if he feels the need for us to, although I really don’t like that idea. But since our pack trespassed we shall concede to his wishes on the place.”

  Javin stood. “On it. And if you don’t mind me asking, what in the hell has put you in such a bad mood?”

  Luken growled. “I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with every time I see your face there’s the highest likelihood you will be spouting more problems.”

  Javin laughed. “No. I don’t think that’s it. When was the last time you got laid?”

  “Get out.”

  Javin laughed harder. “Yep. That’s it. Do you need me to find you a woman?”

  “Javin, get the fuck outta here. I don’t need your help getting laid. Good thing too since you have to work twice as hard as most wolves to get that way yourself.”

  “Hello. There’s my shit-talkin’ friend.”

  Luken gave him the finger and Javin exited the office with a shit-eating grin on his face. But damn if his second hadn’t come close to the real issue. Luken definitely wanted someone in a sexual way. But having Julie in all the ways he’d imagined wasn’t any closer to a reality.

  Should he seek her out again? He could most likely find her at the bar. Damn. A few of his friends had been with a human female before. Could he? Should he? It could get messy. No way would she be able to know what he was. He sighed. Which was totally unfair to her and very selfish of him. Nothing would come of their coupling except the burning lust. He wouldn’t change her. No doubt she had a family and friends she would have to leave behind. He wouldn’t ask that of someone.

  But what if she didn’t? What if she was alone in the world like Tyra had been? “Damn,” he whispered. Only one way to find out.

  * * * * *

  Julie pulled on Luken’s coat and exited the bar. His scent still lingered on the material. She closed her eyes briefly as she inhaled. She knew it was pathetic to still be wearing it—seeing how he hadn’t reappeared in a week—but it made her smile when she remembered the night he’d given it to her. It also made her horny as hell. She had vowed to herself the next time he reappeared she wouldn’t let him escape so easily. Screw proceeding with caution. She wanted him. And if things hadn’t been so crazy the other night she might have gotten around to telling him.

  Hell, the whole week had been crazy since she’s last seen Luken, but thank God things were slower tonight. Good thing Rachel seemed to be getting better at waiting tables too. She was still a klutz, but at least she functioned for the most part.

  Mark and Rachel stepped out behind her and Mark turned to lock up. It wasn’t often they all got to leave together at closing time, but tonight was one of those nights. She waved to them and started toward her car as she dug inside her purse for the keys. Mark had volunteered to give Rachel a ride home and Julie heard both doors of his truck slam with a metallic clink as she pulled her keys from her bag. She wasn’t sure, but she was beginning to wonder if something wasn’t going on between the two of them. She’d caught Mark staring Rachel’s way a few times and had also seen Rachel send him a few shy smiles.

  Julie grinned at the thought. She kind of hoped they did. Mark was a good guy and he deserved to be happy. From what she’d known of Rachel she seemed really nice too.

  Julie inserted her key into the d
oor lock and shivered as an eerie tingle ran down her spine. She turned, looking over her shoulder into the dense foliage that lined the hill behind the bar. In the distance she heard Mark’s truck rev and tires slinging tiny rocks as he left the parking lot. No movement other than the slight breeze dancing through the trees. But damn if it didn’t feel as if someone was watching her.


  She jumped, releasing a yelp as she scattered away from the car. Strong hands caught her waist before she fell and she found herself pressed against a warm firm body. Spicy summer nights. She focused on his face. “Luken, you scared the crap outta me.”

  He loosened his hold but kept his hands on her hips. “I’m sorry. What were you looking at?” His gaze shifted over her head and into the thick trees.

  She glanced in the same direction, but she didn’t spot anything wrong. She turned to face him. “Nothing…I guess I’ve watched one too many thriller movies.”

  He smiled down at her and she couldn’t stop the buzz of awareness that raced through her belly and settled between her legs. Her fingers flexed against the muscles of his chest. His pecs tensed and released beneath her palm. She met his gaze.

  “I see you’re wearing my jacket still.”

  She pushed back slightly and unzipped it. “Is that why you came here? Do you need it back?”

  His hands went inside the jacket and he gripped her waist, bringing her body back flush against his. “No. I came here for you.”

  Her breasts pressed against his chest and immediately her nipples hardened into tight buds, begging for his attention. It really had been too long since she was intimate with someone. “So are things less complicated?”

  His head lowered and he nipped her bottom lip. She gasped at the erotic slide of his teeth against her sensitive skin. Her tongue traced the slightly abused flesh, hoping he would put his lips on hers.

  “No. But that doesn’t make me want you any less.”

  “You really don’t know anything about me.”

  He gave a sexy half laugh. “Nor do you know anything about me, but I can tell your body doesn’t give a damn about the small details either.”

  She released a shaky breath. Her instinct was to deny his words, but instead she took a tiny step toward him, bringing her pelvis against his. A sigh escaped her lips as she pressed tighter to the evidence of his body’s response. Apparently they were in accord. People had casual sex all the time. Why couldn’t she? “This probably isn’t a good idea.”

  His head lowered more and he breathed his response across her mouth. “Terrible idea.”

  Julie couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure as his lips met hers. His hot tongue traced the seam of her lips and she opened, allowing him to caress the depths of her mouth. The sensual slide had her growing wet as she gripped the back of his neck and held on tight.

  Damn he could kiss. He moved quickly, spinning them until her back met the door of her car. Teeth traced an erotic path of nibbles down the side of her neck as he pressed his body firmly against hers. Erratic breaths burst from her lips as his hand slid up her side and cupped her breast. There were a million reasons she should stop him—stop this between them. Never had she given control to her own basic needs. He squeezed her nipple and rolled it between his finger and thumb. Sensation shot through her breast and traveled through her body, stopping in her core with a pulsating pleasure. Selfish need won out though. She turned her head on a whimper and sought his sensual mouth.

  Her fingers speared through his long hair and he deepened the kiss, plundering her mouth with fierce erotic strokes of his tongue. Her panties grew wet and she ground her hips against his, wanting more.

  He released her lips and rested his forehead against hers. “Damn, Julie. I want you so bad right now. But I refuse to take you up against a car like this. You deserve better.”

  Hell, she didn’t care if it was a little animalistic to go at it right there. Her body burned and her pussy throbbed, aching to be filled. This should have sent up another red flag, but instead she moved in close and grazed her teeth across his neck as he’d done to her before. His chest rumbled as he released a low growl. The sound made her cream.

  Luken nuzzled her neck as he gripped her thighs, picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moved up and down against his erection. Even through their jeans his large cock provided stimulus where she wanted it. She moaned and he nipped her neck.

  “Fuck. Julie, you have to stop that, or I swear I’ll fuck you hard right here. I’m trying to do the right thing, but you are driving me mad.” Luken pressed his nose against her neck and inhaled a deep breath.

  She released a shuddering sigh as she licked his earlobe. “Then take me to your place.”

  He froze and lifted his head, turning his gaze toward the thick cluster of trees. Julie blinked, wondering what had him throwing on the brakes. He released his hold on her and her legs slid down the outside of his thighs until her feet touched the pavement. The muscles wobbled slightly as she tried to remain standing as he turned to look into the wilderness.

  He spun to face her. “Julie, listen to me. I want you to get in your car and lock the door. If I am not back in ten minutes I want you to leave.”

  She blinked rapidly as she tried to clear her lust fogged mind. “Wait…what are you doing?”

  “Do what I said. Now.”

  She stood there watching his retreating form, feeling confusion. Why in the hell was he running off into the brush? If he didn’t want to take her home then he could have just said no. Things were becoming weirder by the minute. First no call, then he shows up and says things are complicated and now she all but begged him to fuck her and then he stops and runs off into the brush? What the hell?

  But then Julie remembered the feeling of being watched earlier. Eyes going wide as conscious thought replaced lust brain, she yanked open her door and got inside, slapping the lock into place. Had someone truly been out there in the woods? Hell. Old fear crept inside her as a lump formed in her throat. She tried to push it away. “Ivan’s in jail. I need to just calm down.” Too bad her pep talk wasn’t working.

  Luken took off into the brush, tracking the scent of the human male he’d caught. His cock throbbed in his jeans, but any threat to Julie’s safety outweighed the needs of his body. As he’d held her and prayed for control over his instincts, the wind had shifted. The smell of human male laced heavily with anger reeked. Quickly he’d remembered Julie staring in this direction when he’d approached her. She might only be human, but he couldn’t rule out the possibility that she had sensed something. If someone was out here watching her he would damn well find them and deliver them an ass kicking they wouldn’t soon forget.

  He turned to the left, following the trail. He didn’t like leaving Julie back there in that parking lot alone, but he had to see if he could catch whomever it was who had been watching them. Possessiveness reared up inside him. The sighs and moans Julie had released for him were private—his. Her passion wasn’t something he wanted others to witness. He knew better than to take things that far in the open, but damn if she wasn’t a little temptress. It seemed he quickly forgot the head on his shoulders when she was around.

  He had planned to invite her for coffee. A totally human thing to do. He’d wanted to get to know her and maybe find out a few things about her family situation. He hadn’t planned for things to turn so sexual so fast. But the sight of her wrapped in his jacket, their scents mixed and mingled on the material had driven him nuts. It made him think of his scent on her skin as their bodies rubbed against each other. He wanted that—wanted to see her passion-flushed nude body smelling of his as he took her nice and slow. But he had no right to her if he couldn’t bring her into his pack. It wouldn’t be fair to fuck with her emotions like that. But damn, her lilac scent laced with the honey sweetness that appeared when she was turned-on called to him on a primal level. He couldn’t keep his hands off her when she intoxicated him with her scent. But he had no rig
ht to feel so possessive of her. She wasn’t his—might not ever be.

  The scent grew stronger as he pushed through the foliage that lined the ground beneath the dense canopy of trees. His gaze landed on an area that had been trampled near a large tree trunk. He took in the smells surrounding him and determined this was where the human had been hiding.

  His gaze panned the area looking for any sign of him, but he found none. The man must have made a run for it before Luken had darted off into the woods. If only the wind had shifted earlier, then he might have had a chance at discovering the identity of their Peeping Tom. He committed the man’s scent to memory, making a note to hang out in the bar a few times this week and see if he could catch the scent. He’d also question Julie to see if there was any reason someone might be following her.

  Luken turned and headed back toward the parking lot. It didn’t take him long to spot Julie, sitting in her car and peering out the window. He also didn’t miss the relaxation in her facial muscles that told him she was relieved to see him again. She opened the driver’s side car door as he stepped over the curb and onto the dark asphalt.

  Julie hugged herself as she looked at Luken. “Did you find someone?”

  He shook his head. “What were you looking at when I came up behind you and frightened you?”

  She looked at the ground a moment then back at him. “Nothing…I just felt like someone was watching me. What made you run into the woods?”

  He couldn’t explain the scent he caught. Not without explaining a lot of other things he didn’t even want to go into right now. “I thought I heard something. Is there any reason to think that someone might be following you?”

  Her brow furrowed and she looked out into the woods then back at him. “No.”

  Why did he have the feeling she wasn’t being entirely honest with him? “Are you sure? No threats or any enemies floating around?”


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