When Lust Rules

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When Lust Rules Page 3

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  She sighed. “I said no.”

  “Yeah, I heard you, but I have a feeling you aren’t telling me something.”

  She shook her head slightly, her lips parting as if she would say something to rebut him. But then her mouth closed and she turned, reaching for her door handle.

  “It’s late. I should go.”

  He closed the distance between them, grabbing her arm to turn her to face him. “Wait, Julie.”

  She stared up at him, her blue eyes shining in the moonlight. He pushed a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. Damn she was beautiful. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and he found himself wanting to place his own teeth on that plump flesh again. “Let me go home with you, Julie. Just to check things out. I can tell you’re a little rattled and I know you don’t want to tell me why. But let me make sure you’re safe.”

  She gave a tight nod.

  Chapter Three

  Julie opened her door and stepped aside to allow Luken to precede her into her house. She’d felt kind of stupid on the way home with him following her. Surely she had imagined the feeling of being watched earlier. Now she felt like an idiot as she followed Luken through her home as he checked any and all hiding places and found nothing but a few dust bunnies. At least she’d picked up before she left for work this evening.

  She wondered what he thought of the place. It was the one thing she’d allowed herself to spend some of her stashed money on—money she should have given to Arik Markovic, Ivan’s boss and distant cousin. Well, she’d given Arik most of the money and had come up with a good story for the missing portion, claiming she’d spent the money on Ivan’s defense lawyers. Her income wouldn’t allow for a decent place to live, and she thought the security of the gated community where her duplex was located was far better than a rundown apartment building. While she hoped no one from her previous life would track her down, she just felt safer not assuming.

  The white walls held fashionable paintings mixed with a red-and-black color pattern. The black leather sofa and loveseat in the living room were comfy. She didn’t miss Luken’s raised brow as he strolled through the living area. He looked over the bar that separated her kitchen from the living room before entering the hallway. The two-bedroom two-bathroom home wasn’t overly large. He peered into the guest bathroom and Julie looked past his shoulder. Her blue shower curtain was pulled back revealing an empty tub. Lighthouse pictures hung on the wall and the sink area was spotless. She never really used this bathroom, preferring the one in her bedroom instead.

  They rounded the corner into the guest room. Except for a few boxes of stuff she’d left packed, the room was plain and bare. Still, Luken checked the closet. She followed him into the room and when he walked past her, she swore he inhaled a deep breath through his nostrils. She felt her own brow furrow as she watched him exit, and she quickly lifted her arm and completed a sniff check, hoping she didn’t stink.

  Detecting no offensive odor, she quick-stepped to catch up with Luken. When she entered her bedroom she heard him rummaging in her bathroom. Before she reached the doorway he stepped back into the room holding her wolf soap dish. He had an amused smile on his face. “What? I like wolves.”

  She noticed the tooth brush holder in his other hand. A wolf in a sitting position, head upturned, mouth open as if it howled at the moon. Her lone toothbrush poked out of its open mouth. “Do you have something against animals or something?” she asked as he rolled his eyes and went back into the bathroom and returned empty handed.

  Luken slid his hands into the pockets of his dark jeans. “Looks like your home is free of intruders.”

  Julie hugged herself as she looked around her bedroom. She hadn’t expected him to find anyone lying in wait. Or had she? Why couldn’t she shake the fear? Would she always live like this? Waiting for someone to come hunting her down? Maybe she shouldn’t have kept some of the money Ivan had stored in their home. But damn, a new life didn’t come for free. There were expenses and she’d paid her dues in misery. In a way she felt entitled to a little compensation for all the bullshit Ivan had put her through. It didn’t matter now though. She’d taken the money. Now all she could do was live with it and pray for the best.

  She gave herself a mental shake as she met Luken’s gaze. “Yeah. Looks that way. I’m sorry you had to come all the way over here. Really, I was probably just being silly to think someone was hiding in the bushes.” She sure didn’t want to tell him why she’d thought that. Who would want anything to do with a woman carrying her kind of baggage? Besides, this new life was about leaving the old one behind.

  “It wasn’t a problem. I would rather know you’re safe.”

  She smiled and he returned the gesture. Her heart fluttered as the butterflies dive- bombed inside her belly. The power of that smile. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip as an uncomfortable silence descended. The proximity of the bed could no longer be ignored. Her gaze went to the yellow-and-blue comforter and back to him.

  He took in a sharp breath as his eyebrows raised and he started for the door. “I guess I better go now.”

  Disappointment had her lips pursing as she followed him down the hall. But as he reached the living room and headed for the front door the fear rose inside her. She really didn’t want to be alone. He stopped his progress, but he didn’t turn around. She seized on the chance to get him to stay. “I don’t know about you, but I could use some hot tea or something. I could make you a cup if you’d like.”

  He turned, giving her a questioning look. “What is bothering you, Julie?”

  Her heart rate increased as she headed into the kitchen. “Nothing.” She raised her voice to ensure he’d hear her as she set to making herself a cup of the hot brew. “I just thought you might like something to drink. But you must be tired. It’s late, so I totally get you wanting to leave. Maybe I’ll see you again in a week or so.” She sighed and whispered, “Or maybe not.” Her eyelids lowered as she cursed herself for acting like a scared rabbit. For crying out loud, she was a grown woman. She’d been taking care of herself for some time now. This moment of weakness sneaked up on her in a blink and she had to beat it back. She didn’t want to look pathetic.


  Her head whipped around as his voice sounded from her immediate right, startling her. He leaned against the doorway of the kitchen. She willed her heart to slow the forceful pumps as she took in a steadying breath.

  “Something has you scared. You can tell me what it is.”

  She swallowed the lump that tried to clog her throat and shook her head. She couldn’t tell him. What would he think of her? Her past was something she sure as hell didn’t want to discuss with him.

  Luken held his hands up in defeat. “Okay. I’ll go then.” He moved to exit the kitchen.

  “Luken, wait.” He turned and the words froze in her throat. She didn’t want to be alone, but knew if she asked him to stay he’d want answers. “When will I see you again?”

  “I’m not sure.” He sauntered to a notepad on the countertop and picked up the pen beside it. “Here’s my cell number. Give me a call when you’re ready and maybe we can find some place to sit and talk. Or if you need anything…you could call too.”

  She gave a tight nod, not trusting her voice to remain stable if she spoke. He walked past, stopping only for a brief second to place a kiss on the top of her head. She stood still, staring across the bar and into the living room. She flinched when she heard the door open and close on a whisper of wind. The metal rattle of him checking to make sure the door locked behind him had her hanging her head.

  They may not know much about each other, but his actions had definitely said he at least cared for her well-being. It touched her deeply. It had been so long since someone cared about her safety. She’d been fifteen when her father died on 9/11. When those towers collapsed, it crushed something inside her mother as well. The drinking began then, and for the remaining years of her life, her mother had checked out of reality, leaving Julie to f
end for herself.

  And then she met Ivan. He was so charming and handsome. Too bad she let him swoop her up in the fairytale. He treated her like a princess and showered her with gifts. It wasn’t until after they married she’d discovered what she’d signed up for. A shiver of dread slithered down her spine. She never wanted to go back to that.

  * * * * *

  Luken exited the truck and waited for his other pack mates to arrive. The meeting with Brock would take place shortly. Scott was the first to arrive, pulling in on his crotch rocket, his blue-black hair waving in the wind. He swung his leg and dismounted, pulling his shoulders back to stretch the muscles in his back. His stature was shorter than Luken’s, but he was still in the average height range of males. But what he didn’t have in height he made up for in muscle, which made him perfect for today’s meeting. The strong silence was just what was needed. People looked at Scott knowing they didn’t want to give him shit, and it was also nice because he was never quick to lose his temper.

  “Hey, Scott. Have you seen Javin yet?”

  Scott pulled off his shades and locked his black gaze with Luken’s. “Yeah, when I left he was arguing with Kendall on why he wasn’t allowed to come to this meeting. Although I think Kendall will win regardless. If Javin doesn’t bring him, I have a feeling he’ll just follow him.”

  Luken ground his teeth. He should have dealt with the stubborn juvenile before he left this morning. Was it too much to think the kid would realize he’d brewed enough shit already? Luken pushed his hand through his hair. Maybe the kid should come. After all he probably needed to see firsthand what he and his friends had wrought with their stunt.

  As if Javin had read his mind, he pulled up and parked his truck, Kendall in the passenger seat. Luken gave them a nod as they got out and walked over. When Javin went to speak, Luken held up his hand to silence Javin as he turned his attention on Kendall. The eighteen-year-old had grown into a decent-looking man. Maybe the mating bond had hit him after all. The lankiness Luken had noticed about him a few months back had been replaced with nice muscle tone. And his face had begun the transformation from boy to man, his features sharper and more rugged then they had been. His brown hair was cut short. Luken couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face as he took in the juvenile’s suit and tie. “Just who have you dressed to impress?”

  Kendall cleared his throat. “My mate.”

  All three men laughed, and then Javin spoke. “Hate to disappoint you, but she won’t be here today.”

  Kendall’s smile faded. “What do you mean she won’t be here? I thought you would negotiate her release into our pack?”

  Luken crossed his arms in front of his chest. “That would be a no. She’s seventeen and off limits. The best you can hope for is supervised visits, and after the stunt you guys pulled, Brock would be generous to offer even that. And clearly, you haven’t met Brock if you thought this was going to be some walk in the park.”

  “Generous isn’t a term I’d use to describe him,” Javin chimed in.

  “I’m not leaving here without my mate,” Kendall shouted.

  Luken growled, prowling forward into Kendall’s personal space. Kendall averted his gaze from his alpha but didn’t cower. A possible alpha in the making, Luken thought to himself. Even though he was displeased with the teen’s outburst he couldn’t help but be happy at his strengths. He’d be a great asset to his pack, at least until Luken had to release him to form his own. “You will listen to me, Kendall. Your mate will not leave here with us today. And you will not do something stupid to affect our relationship with another pack. You want to be a man? Then start acting like one. Stop throwing your sniveling little fit and think of all of your family—pack. Your actions here today reflect on them and also protect or risk them. Do you understand me?”

  Kendall spoke through clenched teeth. “Yes. Luken. I get it.”

  Luken stepped back as he heard another vehicle approaching. “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page now.”

  They all turned in the direction of the approaching truck. It had been murdered out. Black paint, wheels and windows. At least Brock hadn’t picked his den for a meeting spot, but it was still close enough. The clearing was only about a mile from the border of his land. Luken didn’t recognize the younger male who exited the backseat, but something told him it was the son of Brock’s second. Father and son stood near the same height and had the same short bleach-blond hair. Brock’s second, Victor, pulled his wide shoulders back as he approached his son’s side. The boy had some catching up to do, but there was no doubt he would be at least as large in body build as his father one day. The young brat cracked his knuckles. Great. All the raging hormones were at the party. Luken cast another stern look in Kendall’s direction as Brock exited his truck.

  The other alpha hadn’t changed much from the last time Luken had seen him. His hair still stood high in a black-and-red mohawk. Three piercings lined his left brow and large gauges filled each earlobe. Today they sported silver skulls on a black background. Tattoos crept up his neck above the collar of his tattered black T-shirt. Luken knew there were sleeves to match under the leather jacket covering his arms. One tat stood out though. The one on his right arm. A wolf in full fury. Luken had to admit it was badass ink. Black shitkickers with metal fastenings hid the hem of his dark jeans. He managed to look pissed off all the time. Luken inclined his head in greeting.

  “Let’s cut the shit and get on with it,” Brock growled. “Neither of us wants to be here and neither of us is happy about it. Did you punish your young for trespassing on my land?”

  Luken took in a deep breath, praying he could control his temper while dealing with this surly son of a bitch. “Yep. But you know we aren’t here to discuss their punishment. I have a member of my pack who says he found his mate that day.”

  The younger blond let loose a growl and Kendall matched it. Both alphas silenced their own juveniles with a look before returning to stare at one another.

  Brock bit down on his tongue ring and then released it. “Selena denies him as a mate.”

  “Wait, oaf—”

  Luken didn’t have to look to know that either Scott or Javin had silenced Kendall. “You know as well as I do that when it happens at this age sometimes the female is late to follow. And I have to say with as unreasonable as he is acting I am inclined to believe that the girl is his mate. Selena was what you said her name is?”

  Brock snapped his teeth. “Are you calling my niece a liar?”

  “Stop acting like an ass, Brock,” Luken growled. “You know damn well I’m not. It’s as if you are looking for a fight today.”

  Brock gave a chilling smile. “Oh there will be a fight today.”

  Luken crossed his arms in front of his chest. “And why are you so sure of that?”

  Brock inclined his head in Kendall’s direction. “Because if he wants any chance at my niece he must earn it. I won’t just let her go into some relationship where she won’t be protected.”

  Luken ground his teeth. Fucker really wants me to knock him out. “I protect what is mine.”

  Brock laughed. “You don’t think I see it? Alpha is written all over that boy. He won’t always be with you, Luken.”

  “That may be, but he’s nowhere near ready to be released any time soon and you know that as well. So exactly what are you proposing?”

  Brock tipped his head in Kendall’s direction once more as he stripped off his jacket. “If the boy wants a shot at my niece then he has to take me on.”

  “What. The. Fuck. Ever. Ain’t happening.” Luken laughed. “He’s a fucking kid.”

  Kendall growled again.

  Luken ignored him and continued. “I knew there was something wrong with your head and getting your jollies on attacking young just proves it.”

  Brock roared. “Ain’t shit wrong with me unless you count my wanting to protect what’s mine. Age doesn’t make a damn to me when I’m protecting mine.”

  “I’ll d
o it,” Kendall shouted over the growls tearing from each alpha’s mouth.

  Brock smiled and stood tall. “No fear. Smart or stupid? Guess time will tell. But you won’t fight me today, pup. Our time will come later. But Gage has staked a claim on Selena. The mate bond hasn’t formed yet, but we have faith that it will. He also shows alpha potential, and unlike your pup over there, I trust him to guard Selena with his life.”

  Kendall let loose a low rumbling growl of warning.

  “They’ve been dating for the past six months,” Victor chimed in.

  “He better stay the hell away from my mate.”

  Luken held up a hand to stop Kendall’s protest. “Kendall will fight Gage. The winner gets a clear path to court your niece, and others are warned off her.”

  Brock traced his tongue over his top teeth. “Deal.”

  Luken turned and grabbed Kendall by his upper arm, steering him away from the others. “You ready to bring it?”

  “More than you know.” Kendall yanked at the tie, pulling it loose before taking it over his head. “Just the thought of that blond fucker near my mate makes me want to kill him. When I saw them in the woods he was about to kiss her—Selena. Such a pretty name. You should see her, Luken. She’s beautiful.”

  Luken suppressed the urge to roll his eyes at the love-struck teen. The girl could look like the ass of an elephant—not that she did—and he would still think her the most beautiful thing created if she was his mate. “Well, this fight ain’t to the death. You’re going to have to pin him and grip his throat without executing the final blow. Keep your head and don’t let your emotions control you.”

  Kendall stared into Luken’s gaze. “I will win this.”

  Luken gave a stiff nod of approval and stepped back as Kendall finished disrobing.

  Chapter Four

  Julie stared at the number on the notepad, a sigh of frustration escaping her lips. She wanted to call Luken. It was her night off from the bar and she couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do than spend it with him. But if she picked up that phone she knew what she was signing up for. The talk.


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