When Lust Rules

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When Lust Rules Page 7

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  “You didn’t. I offered. Besides, how in the hell would you make it out there on your own? Trained killers have set their sights on you. I’m not trying to scare the shit out of you, but I am being realistic. My conscience won’t let me let you fend for yourself.” Luken glanced in the rearview mirror as the faint ringing in the background stopped and another male voice sounded inside the truck.

  “What up?”

  “Javin, I need the perimeter patrols at max and six ready for action on the northwest end of the den. Some bad news is following me in. I have a human female with me.”

  “Done.” The connection was severed.

  The man named Javin hadn’t even questioned Luken. He gave him his blind loyalty instead. It spoke a lot of Luken’s character to have that kind of trust given to him. Did all of his pack feel the same way? Julie looked over at Luken. He remained focused on getting them to their destination alive. The strong set of his jaw let her know he was displeased with their situation, yet he didn’t yell at her or send blame her way. Although she knew he had the right to. “I’m so sorry I got you into this,” she whispered as she lowered her gaze.

  “We have company again.”

  Her head jerked up and she looked past the broken glass of the back window and saw a dark SUV approaching fast. Damn if they weren’t adamant.

  The collision came from behind this time, and Luken growled as he tried to avoid the next impact. Julie wished she could do something, but there wasn’t any way to help. All she could do was brace for the next jolt. It came quick, this time from the side. The tire blew out with a loud pop and the truck began to teeter.

  “Fuck! Hold on!”

  Julie braced as the truck rolled. The seat belt dug into her body roughly with each rotation. Glass flew through the cab, stinging her skin as it rained upon her. The air bags deployed with a whoosh. It was all she could do to keep her limbs tucked to her body to try to lesson her injuries.

  The movement stopped and Julie blinked as she tried to grasp her bearings. She hung upside down, the seat belt securing her in place. Next to her a feral growl sounded. She heard the click of a seat belt and watched as Luken slid from his seat.

  “We have to move. Put your hands above your head so you can catch yourself.”

  Feeling slightly dazed, she complied as he ripped through her seat belt. Her fall wasn’t anywhere near as graceful as his. She kind of rolled into a ball then fell awkwardly to the side. Her knee protested as she crawled toward Luken. Pebbles of glass dug painfully into the bruised flesh. She cleared the window and he gripped her hands, helping her to her feet. She pushed the hair away from her face and her left hand came away sticky and warm.

  “There’s no time. I need you to trust me, Julie, and run into those trees. Don’t stop until you see other wolves. Understand?”

  The pounding inside her head increased as she nodded. She watched as he slipped his jeans off. “What are you doing?”


  She didn’t get a chance to argue with him as a shimmer of light covered his body and he changed. A shiver raced through her. Would she ever get used to that? He took off around the side of the damaged truck and she turned to race off into the foliage as he’d told her.

  Breaths sawed in and out of her lungs as her legs pumped hard. Aches and pains burst through her body, but she ignored them, focusing on reaching safety. Low limbs of bushes abraded the skin of her legs and the rough earth dug at her soles. Gunfire erupted, and the cries of birds mingled with the flapping of frantic wings. Above her the tree limbs stirred and leaves began to drift to the earth. She sent up a silent prayer that Luken was okay. If something happened to him she’d never be able to forgive herself. It had been a year without any trouble. A whole year to lull her into thinking it would be safe to venture into another relationship. The cool air hit her wet cheeks and she shivered, only now realizing that tears had begun to track down her face again.

  As she broke through the underbrush and into a clearing, her heart pounded and her eyelids slammed up. A large man with hair as black as the night stood in its center. Panicked, she started to skid to a halt. Was he one of Ivan’s men? A scream started to bubble up inside her as her bottom hit the ground. The muscles in her body quivered from fatigue. She hadn’t run like this in forever. Even though her breaths were erratic and her body screamed she scrambled backward.

  “Where’s Luken?”

  The deep baritone of his voice took a second to process inside her brain. Luken? He asked about Luken. “He said…to run…’til…wolves.” Her labored breaths wouldn’t allow her to string together a full sentence. And then they appeared. Two large beasts came out of the trees in front of her. The near full moon cast a silver glow down onto the clearing. One was a beautiful mix of grays and whites, its pale eyes shining mysteriously. The other was dark, near black.

  “Jasmine, stay with her while we go find Luken.”

  The light-colored wolf advanced toward her as the other wolf and man disappeared the way she came. Julie’s body trembled as the wolf came closer. She had touched Luken’s pelt when he’d been in her kitchen. It had been scary as hell then. But deep down she knew him and knew he wouldn’t hurt her. Would this wolf be the same?

  Julie locked her gaze with the wolf’s. Please be nice. As if in answer to the silent question the wolf dipped her head low then nuzzled the right side of Julie’s face. It took a lot to stay still and not panic, but the second the wolf accomplished the tender gesture, Julie couldn’t help but to relax some, relief of any immediate threat settling inside her.

  The gray wolf sat next to her and they waited in silence. Every small noise had Julie jumping and turning her head to look for signs of movement. Gunfire and howls broke up the silence occasionally and each time Julie prayed that neither Luken nor any of his men were hurt.

  Jasmine growled low and turned to the left. Julie’s gaze followed her. Movement in the trees had her staring and waiting to see what had upset the wolf at her side. A lump formed in her throat as her heart rate increased. Arik stepped out of the trees first. His large frame hard to miss. His long blond hair fell over his broad shoulders. She shivered as her last memory of Arik came to the front of her mind. When she’d delivered the money to him, his bodyguards had escorted her down into the basement. Never had she been down there before. And she now wished she had never gone below.

  Darkness had greeted her. Low light from a few candles burned—enough light to see the woman he had chained to the wall. Welts had covered her back and legs. She had whimpered softly, and Julie averted her eyes, wanting to escape. His frame had been cast in shadow. A flogger dangled from his right hand. Her heart went out to the woman. Ivan had used one of those to punish her before. She could still remember the sting of it against her flesh. Some found pleasure in the pain, but she never had. It had never been delivered with a loving touch, only a cruel one.

  Julie shook off the memory as Ivan stepped out of the trees. His blond hair had been cut short, shorter than he had ever worn it before. His stint in prison had only made him larger in size. Big biceps strained against the sleeves of the black shirt he wore. Bile rose, threatening to choke her. How in the hell had he gotten out of prison?

  “What’s this?” Arik asked, the thick accent in his voice letting her know he found something interesting. Ivan’s family had been in the states since his birth, but Arik had come here from Russia when he was a teen. He’d lost some of that accent over the years, but at times it reappeared thick as ever.

  A loud growl sounded behind her and she flinched. Warm fur brushed against her body and she recognized Luken in his wolf form, a mixture of brown and white, sprinkled with black. Something wet caused the hair around his mouth to clump. She shivered at the thought of what it could be.

  She watched as he advanced in Arik and Ivan’s direction. Behind her a man spoke.

  “You can leave now and never return, or we can take you down. Your choice.”

  Julie glanced back and noticed
the dark-haired man she had first encountered in the clearing. More wolves started to appear, coming from all directions. Each bared sharp teeth, their hackles rose.

  “They are circling her,” Arik said, a slight tone of awe lacing the words.

  “Make your decision now or we’ll make it for you.”

  “I wish to make a bargain,” Arik shouted.

  “We don’t bargain.”

  “I have heard tales…when I was a child. I never knew it was possible. You’re werewolves, no?”

  “What we are doesn’t concern you.”

  “I would be willing to leave the woman alone, if in exchange you make me one of you. Me and my men.”

  Ivan tugged on Arik’s sleeve. “What are you doing? She stole money from you.”

  Arik laughed as he looked over at Ivan. “Why would I concern myself with money when I could gain more than wealth? Do you realize the power—”

  “No deal. We don’t create power-hungry scum. Now, you have three minutes to leave or we finish this.”

  Julie watched as the expression on Arik’s face changed abruptly. She knew that scheming look all too well. He knew he was outnumbered here.

  Arik put his hands up. “We go.”

  Julie watched as they retreated, taking slow steps backward. She could see the fury in Ivan’s eyes. He wasn’t happy. He whispered something to Arik, but Arik cast him a dark look that had him holding on to the rest of his words. The wolves advanced, including Luken. Another wolf fell in beside him. A hand on her shoulder had her jumping with a small yelp. Her gaze met a dark-black stare, but she relaxed when she realized it was the man who had been speaking to Arik and Ivan.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you. My name is Scott and I need you to come with me.”

  She swallowed hard and nodded as she accepted his offered hand.

  “Ashok and Jasmine, you’re with me.”

  The black wolf joined the lighter one that had been guarding her and together they set off into the trees.

  Chapter Seven

  Luken stepped under the hot spray of the shower. Water cascaded down his body, turning pink as it circled the drain in the floor. He’d killed a human tonight, and he hadn’t been the only one. His pack took down five of Arik’s men before they confronted him in the clearing. Most of his pack members had only sustained mild injuries they would recover quickly from. All except Mitchell, who had taken a bullet to the shoulder. A few more inches and it would have hit his lung. It would take him at least a few days to be back in action again. Their kind healed fast, but some injuries took a little longer.

  With a growl Luken hammered his fist against the tile, but not hard enough to crack it. This wasn’t his home, and even though he was alpha, he wouldn’t disrespect someone else’s domain. While in Konrad’s pack he hadn’t minded when his alpha came over looking for a brawl to release tension because Konrad always replaced everything that was damaged, usually with something better. But hell, he was fresh out with his own pack and didn’t have the funds to waste on a lack of self-control. Next month would mark the last payment to Konrad, and then he could finally start building a large nest egg for his pack. Konrad had given him a small loan when he started out, but it had been Luken’s top goal to pay him back. The alpha in him didn’t do well with owing anyone.

  He quickly washed and got out. He’d stopped by Javin’s on the way back into the den. Julie had been frightened enough for one night, she didn’t need to see him walk into his house naked with blood covering his skin. Javin had set out a pair of sweatpants on the counter. Luken quickly put them on.

  On the other side of the bathroom door he could hear his top advisors discussing the incident. No doubt they would want some answers, but none of them would outright ask. They would never question their alpha, but a good alpha didn’t hold things away from his pack.

  But what could he tell them? It wasn’t as if she was his mate. The whole damn thing frustrated the hell out of him. At least one thing seemed for certain. He would give her the option of being turned—of joining his pack. And if the mate bond didn’t form between them then, he’d just have to keep her in his bed until his wolf got with the program, because at some point the man had chosen, and he wanted Julie.

  Teeth clenched, he gripped the brass doorknob and yanked. That fucker, Ivan had shitty timing. Had the fucktard not chosen then to make an appearance, Luken would still be buried balls deep inside Julie, relishing every sigh and whimper she made as he rode her body hard.

  His cock sprang to life at the thought. Great, now he would be addressing his wolves with a raging boner. This should be awesome. He tried to think of every boner-deflating thought as he walked down the hall. At least he was down to a semi when he walked into the kitchen.

  Six expectant faces looked his way. None of them said a word. It was a heady feeling when that kind of loyalty came your way. Luken looked at each of them in turn. Two females and four males. His inner circle. All of them made him proud to call them pack.

  Javin and Scott leaned against the long counter while Fausta, Elena, Tobias and Nick sat around the small kitchen table.

  Each had superior strength, but he chose them for many different reasons. Fausta didn’t let any wolf forget that females could be every bit as vicious as any male. A warrior to the core, covered in golden skin. An exotic beauty with a wonderful mind. A deadly combination. She had come to Konrad’s pack thirty years ago, but she never talked about where she’d come from. It had actually surprised Luken when she’d signed up to go with him during the split. Nonetheless he was glad to have her with him. Elena was his mama bear of sorts. Mess with the pack and she’ll attack. Elena was strong in ways that Fausta wasn’t. She had an emotional strength that allowed her to be tender or savage depending on what was called for. Fausta always seemed a little rough around the edges. Elena was soft and curvy, motherly. Most of his males called her the hot mama. Her auburn hair curled around her heart-shaped face and her green eyes beckoned.

  Tobias sat reserved in his chair. The wolf was lethal. Cold calculation. His black-eyed stare held Luken’s. Arms like bands of ebony crossed in front of Tobias’ large chest. He definitely wasn’t a man of many words. Luken knew he could count on Tobias to always think with a level head. And then there was Nick. Javin’s younger brother and destined to be just like him. His fair features were similar to Javin’s. The two smart-asses would be the death of him. But they differed in what they brought to the table. Javin was a fierce protector and selfless, willing to lay down his life for his pack. While Nick was just as ready to protect, he was also a genius with computers and strategy. He could hand someone their ass in a chess game in no time flat. Scott brought strength and unity to the group. A born leader.

  “I know you are all wondering why we put ourselves out there for the human female, but I don’t really have a great answer. The only thing I can tell you is she is in trouble and she needs us. She doesn’t have anyone to help her and I plan on giving her the choice of joining our pack.”

  “Then she is one of us until she isn’t,” Tobias said.

  “He’s right,” Elena spoke up. “If you believe that you’ll be changing her in a few days, then she gets the protection of the pack just as everyone else does.”

  “I agree,” Fausta voiced.

  “But there is more, isn’t there.” Javin stepped away from the counter and opened the fridge, retrieving beers to pass around.

  Luken shrugged. He knew Javin wasn’t questioning him, he was making an observation. “Maybe.”

  Elena smiled, leaning forward with her forearms on the table. “Wow. Luken has a human girlfriend. Never thought you would go human before.”

  “He’s whipped,” Javin said, laughing.

  Luken popped the top on his beer then shot the metal lid at Javin. It caught him in the ear, which cut off the laughter and any further smart-ass comments. “I’m not whipped.”

  Elena started laughing next. “If you say so.”

p; “I am not beyond sending the next lid your way,” Luken warned, but his words carried no steam. He even felt his own lips curl into a smile as Elena fixed her green-eyed stare on him, the depths of the emerald color shimmering with mischief.

  Luken leaned against the door frame. “Anyway. Enough about my sex life. We need to discuss the more serious matters.”

  “I agree.” Javin pushed himself up to sit on the counter. “His sex life would be a very boring topic to continue.”

  Scott hid a smile as Luken growled.

  “Hey, I was just agreeing with you.” Javin beamed.

  “Arik.” Luken shot Javin a dirty look. “That is our enemy’s name, at least the main one. His right hand is Ivan, who happens to be Julie’s ex. He is fresh out of prison and we’re unsure if he escaped or if he was released.”

  “Do you think they’ll come back for a second round?” Fausta asked.

  “That’s hard to guess at until we have more information. Fausta, I want you to hit the computer and dig up anything you can on these guys. Nick, help with that. Scott, I want you contacting local packs. I didn’t much care for the way Arik was looking at my pack like he wanted a toy of his own. Asshats like him make trouble for the rest of us when they’re in control of a pack. Problem is, Arik has some serious money, and as we know, there are alphas out there who would do just about anything for money. Greed isn’t only a human trait.”

  Tobias stood up. “The most logical thing to do would be for Arik to hunt down one of those alphas. I don’t think he gives a shit about your woman. That man wants power.”

  “But we can’t rule out Ivan. I think his beef with Julie is of a more personal nature, and I got the impression that if he can’t convince Arik to return for Julie then he might do so alone. I want security increased until we see what they’ll do. I don’t want the young pups outside the den either. Alert their parents to the dangers. In all, we took out five humans tonight. We can’t put anything past Arik. We don’t know how he’ll react. He could incite the other humans and cause a mess, although I’m leaning more toward him looking for a creator. But if he doesn’t find one then there’s always the possibility he could go the other route. We just don’t know.”


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