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When Lust Rules

Page 9

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  * * * * *

  Julie leaned against Luken’s chest as they relaxed in the tub in his dimly lit bathroom. The hot water and pulsating jets soothed her aching muscles. “This is nice.”

  He kissed her ear as he slid a sudsy wash rag over her arm and fingers. “I agree. The tub is nice too.”

  She laughed while gazing over her shoulder at him. His lips touched hers and she sighed. Yes. She could definitely get used to this. As he started washing her opposite arm she settled back against his chest. “Jasmine seems really nice.”

  “She’s a good wolf. Did you two get to talk much while I was gone?”

  Julie nodded. “I now know what fight you were witnessing when I thought you were dog fighting. She said his name is Kendall.”

  Luken laughed. “Yeah. That kid is a mess, but I’m proud of him. He did well.”

  Julie laced her fingers with Luken’s. “There’s a lot to get used to. Things are different in your world.”

  “Do you want to get used to it?”

  Julie shrugged. “Maybe. Do you want me to want to?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  She turned to look at him again. “Does it hurt?”

  Luken laughed. “Horridly.”

  She swallowed hard and bit into her bottom lip. She could be brave and think about all the benefits.

  Luken laughed harder. “I’m kidding. It doesn’t really hurt that much.”

  She pursed her lips. “Ha ha, Mr. Funny.”

  His gaze caressed her face as his finger trailed lightly over the abrasions she’d received during the chase. “It’ll make you stronger. You’ll heal quicker.” His hand pulled away and he clenched it into a fist. “I hate seeing you hurt.”

  She touched her forehead. “It really isn’t that bad. Only hurts a little. I could be dead, so I think we came out on the plus side of things. If you hadn’t been there though…”

  He cupped the side of her face. “Don’t go there.”

  Her eyes closed as he kissed her slow and deep. She had no idea what it was about him, but for the first time in a long time she felt safe. Safe in his embrace and at his side. Which was totally laughable considering all they’d gone through in the last few hours. She ended the kiss, staring into his dark-brown eyes.

  “I won’t let them get to you.”

  She smiled, turning in his arms and wrapping hers around his neck. Her bare skin slid seductively against his chest. He growled and she laughed. The length of his cock hardened beneath her. “My, my. I figured my wolf would be sated, but I guess I was wrong.”

  He took in a deep breath and his eyes did that shimmer thing again. She shivered despite the warmth of the water.

  “Stay with me, Julie. Become part of my pack.”

  The rational side of her brain said she should take some time to think over his offer, but who wanted to be rational. Sometimes the chance of a lifetime was dropped into someone’s lap and they just had to go with it. “Okay.”

  Luken smiled. “Now. Let’s address your ‘good doggie’ comment from earlier.”

  She squealed as he tickled her sides.

  * * * * *

  “Time to wake up.”

  Julie groaned into the pillow, cracking one eye. Bright light assaulted her retina and she squeezed the lid closed. Her muscles protested as she tried to roll over. The pain in her limbs was definitely unwelcome. But the slight discomfort between her thighs was a whole other thing. This wonderful swollen ache could only be experienced after a sound fucking, and that was what Luken had given her. Multiple times. She smiled and stretched at the memory.

  Teeth sank into her ass cheek and she yelped as she scuttled up the bed, pulling the sheet with her. Through squinted eyes she glared up at Luken, pushing her hair away from her face. “What the hell?”

  He laughed. “I couldn’t resist sinking my teeth into your hot little backside. And I’m going to do it again if you don’t start moving.”

  She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her lips. He hadn’t bitten her hard, it had just been shocking. Her eyes began to adjust to the sunlight that streamed through his bedroom window and she took in the vision he created in front of her. Worn blue jeans hung low on his hips. His chest was bare and she took advantage of it as she visually caressed every line and dip of his muscles. His hair was bound at his nape. She pouted. She really liked it free and cascading around his shoulders, or swaying against his strong back. He raised one perfectly arched brow in question.

  Feeling wicked, she dropped the sheet, giving him a view of her breasts. She smiled as she watched him trace his tongue across his upper teeth beneath his lip. “What if I want you to?”

  He growled.

  She rolled to her side, pulling the sheet to make it drape across her tummy but expose her bare ass. “Come here.”

  He clenched his hands into fists and then released them.

  Why was he being so stubborn? She got on all fours and crawled across the bed. She was starting to love the way his eyes shimmered, the color slightly changing. He wasn’t immune to her seduction. This made her happy.

  He closed his eyes and tilted his head back as if looking above for intervention. Why was he resisting her so hard? She arrived at the edge of the bed in front of him and rose up on her knees. When he didn’t look down at her she raised her hands to his cheeks. He didn’t balk against the gentle guidance she used to tilt his face back to hers. She smiled and he flashed his teeth, nipping the air in front of her. A quiver of desire danced through her pussy. Her fingers found the band that tied his hair back and she slid it free. “Much better,” she cooed as she maneuvered the strands over his powerful shoulders.

  He lightly gripped her hands. “Julie.”

  She leaned into him, her lips a breath away from his. “Kiss me.”

  This time he didn’t resist. In fact it was just the opposite. He returned the contact with great enthusiasm. His hands locked around her wrists and he tugged on her arms, securing them at the small of her back. Her breasts came up flush against his chest and she moaned as her slit grew wet.

  She wanted him now. Needed him to drive his cock deep within her. On a moan she maneuvered closer, trying to tell him with her body what she craved.

  The sound of a male clearing his throat loudly reached her ears. She froze in place as Luken released her mouth with a snarl.

  “We have guests,” he mumbled against her lips.

  “With impeccable hearing,” the man shouted from down the hall.

  Wide eyed, Julie stared back at Luken as her heart rate increased. Heat crept up her neck and settled on her face. Oh God. Seriously?

  “I tried to say something,” Luken whispered as a smile spread across his face.

  Embarrassment turned to ire and she pulled out of his grip. “You think this is funny, do you?”

  She moved away from Luken and grabbed the sheet as Luken let loose a laugh.

  “I’m sorry. It’s not funny,” Luken replied as he stifled his laughter.

  Chuckles echoed from the living room and Julie exited the bed with a huff as she made for the en suite bathroom. “If you need me I’ll be in here dying from embarrassment, but I am glad I could be the comic relief for the day.”

  Luken grabbed for her arm, but she sidestepped him. He did manage however to catch the door before she could slam it behind her. She tried tugging on the handle to free the wood from his grip, but quickly realized there was no use. She sighed, releasing it, and strode farther into the bathroom. He entered and closed it behind him.

  Julie clutched the sheet around her in a fist at her breasts. “You could have said something.” God, her skin still felt as if it were in flames. What would the man in the living room think of her? She’d probably sounded like a big ole ho.

  He stalked closer. “I’m sorry. I should’ve said something, but damn if you don’t make me lose all train of thought when you are playing the seductress.”

  She came to a stop at the entrance of the shower, meeting hi
s gaze. “Your friend probably thinks I’m a slut.”

  Luken laughed. “No. I don’t think that’s what he thinks. He probably thinks I’m one lucky wolf. And in that he’d be right.” He closed the distance between them, pulling her body flush against his and whispering near her ear. “Do you feel what you do to me?”

  She sighed as her nipples puckered into tight buds. She could feel the weight of his erection pressing into her lower body.

  “To be honest I was just about to tell our guests to leave so that I could fuck you slow and deep.”

  Julie sucked in a breath. “Guests? As in plural?” Great! More than one person…er…wolf got to hear her whore routine. Being horrified when the male had shouted must have made her miss the pluralization the first time Luken said it. How in the hell was she going to face them? She pushed him back. “That’s enough. I am not going to let you seduce me here in the bathroom so that I can once again play the role of harlot while people listen.” She pointed toward the bathroom door. “Go. I need to shower.” Then it hit her. Her suitcase was somewhere in the woods inside Luken’s totaled truck. “What the hell am I going to wear?” she mumbled to herself.

  “Tyra brought you some things.”

  Julie’s gaze snapped back to Luken. “Tyra? She’s here?”

  “Yeah. Her and her mate, Konrad.”

  She didn’t know if this was worse or better. At least Tyra knew her, and knew she wasn’t really the big ole slut she sounded like earlier.

  “I’ll lay the stuff on the bed, and then later we can get you some new clothes.”

  “Thank her for me.”

  Luken leaned in and kissed her lips briefly, then whispered against them. “And when they leave we’ll revisit the whole idea of me nibbling your backside.”

  She pushed him away, but couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping her mouth as she watched him grin devilishly. Once again she pointed at the door. “Go.”

  He turned and left. Wow. Things had changed so drastically. In a few days she would become a wolf. The thought both thrilled and scared her. But also she was with Luken. Her heart gave a funny beat. It had been a long time since she felt the rush of excitement that accompanied the first part of what could be a serious relationship. And she could definitely see herself falling for Luken. But could he fall for her? It was really too early to be thinking that way. But at the same time she’d agreed to become part of his pack. Maybe she’d jumped the gun?

  A sour turn started in her stomach. If they didn’t last or if he tired of her what would she do then? Would she get kicked out? Or would she have to mope and sit back, watching as he moved on with someone else?

  She leaned against the shower stall, looking at the door he’d exited through. Luken had been elated when she’d agreed to becoming one of them. Did that mean he was feeling the same way about her? Maybe she should tell him she needed more time to think about it. In her heart she wanted it, but her mind still sounded the warning signal. This decision would literally change her life forever.

  Deciding to think more on it before making a move, she stepped into the shower and quickly washed. It had been a long time since she’d seen Tyra, and she was curious as to how she was doing. Had she been changed too or had she always been a wolf? A small laugh bubbled up inside her. She could’ve been working alongside a werewolf and she hadn’t even known it.

  When she exited the bathroom she was thankful to see a skirt and a blouse lying on the bed. While she and Tyra were about the same size in the waist, there was definitely a difference in their heights. This would keep her from having to roll pants legs up several times.

  She dressed in a hurry and gave one last glance in the mirror. Bruises and scrapes decorated her face in a few places and she didn’t even have any makeup to hide them. Really she’d become an expert in covering such wounds while with Ivan. But alas she would just have to sport them today. Luken on the other hand didn’t have a mark on him. He’d told her it was part of being a werewolf and while she didn’t plan on being hurt all the time, she would like that perk after her change—if she changed. Funny how a few hours had her wobbling on that choice.

  She left the bedroom and headed down the hall. The white textured walls were unadorned. Luken, in essence, had the definition of a bachelor pad. The heat from her earlier embarrassment started to fill her cheeks again. Hopefully no one would mention what they heard moments ago.

  As she passed the kitchen she heard voices, but as she rounded the corner and entered the living room everyone stopped talking and looked at her. Wow. So much for slipping in unnoticed. Konrad sat on the sofa, his dark hair only slightly longer than it had been when she’d met him at Harry’s bar. He was definitely easy on the eyes and she could see why Tyra was attracted to him. But he wasn’t Luken. She gave a small wave. “Hello.”

  Tyra stood up. “Hey, Julie. It’s good to see you. I’d ask how you’ve been but Luken has kinda told us what is going on.”

  Julie’s gaze caught on the abdominal swell beneath Tyra’s shirt. It wasn’t huge but it was definitely there. “You’re pregnant?”

  Tyra’s hand covered her belly and she smiled. “Yeah.”

  Konrad reached out and grabbed her free hand, pulling her onto his lap. His hand went to her belly as well. “I can’t wait to see them.”

  Them? Since she was a wolf did that mean she’d have a whole litter? Hell, it would probably be rude to ask.

  Tyra laughed, pushing the strands of her dark hair behind her ear. “You should see the look on your face right now, Julie.”

  Julie gave herself a slight mental shake. “I’m sorry. Everything is just so new and I sure don’t want to ask a stupid question.”

  “Ask away,” Konrad said. “How else are you going to learn?”

  Luken walked up and took her hand, escorting her to the loveseat. “We won’t bite. Well, I might, but I don’t think you’ll mind too much.”

  She sat down and cast a quick glare at Luken, who still wore that devilish smile. He had to bring up the biting. And why did he have to look so damn sexy when he smiled like that? She turned her attention back to Tyra and Konrad. “When are you due?”

  “Sometime in March. We just found out that we’re having twins a week ago though.” Tyra smiled up at Konrad and he nipped the air in front of her lips.

  “So I’m guessing for the most part pregnancy is the same for wolves?” Julie asked.

  “Sort of,” Tyra replied. “There are a few differences. Most female wolves only go into heat once a year in the fall and winter months. This pregnancy is one of those oddities because I’m such a young wolf. For the first five to ten years that a younger wolf goes into heat it can be sporadic and more than once in a year. It’s our animal and human sides at war if you will.” Tyra laughed. “Sorry if I’m rambling. I just learned most of this myself.”

  Julie leaned forward, anxious to hear more. “No, you’re fine. But may I ask how old you are? Did Konrad change you?” It would be nice if the answer was yes because then she might be able to get Tyra alone and pick her brain about the whole thing.

  “No. He didn’t change me. I was born this way, but I lost my pack young and so I also lost out on a lot of information I would have otherwise learned. But I turned twenty-five last month.”

  “Damn, Konrad, you mated a pup,” Luken said with a laugh.

  Konrad flipped him off.

  Julie felt a little deflated. But Tyra’s words brought on another question. She turned to look at Luken as he sat down beside her. “How old are you?”


  Julie felt her eyes open wide. Holy shit. She hadn’t been ready for that. He didn’t look a day past his upper twenties. Her mouth opened and then closed. She didn’t know what to say.

  Luken cupped her cheek in his hand. “Don’t freak. We freeze in the aging process when our bodies are in their prime. I’ve not noticed any change in myself since around twenty-eight.”

  “But if you don’t age then…” Immortalit
y? Hell, she wouldn’t complain about not having to invest in wrinkle cream, but never dying?

  “We don’t die of age, but we can certainly be killed if our wounds are severe enough,” Luken said.

  So much to take in. The possibilities of this were astounding. One could easily see multiple generations in their blood line born and watch them grow. And history. She’d always liked history in school, but to have seen all the things that some of these wolves have seen? She could question them for hours. Her head whipped toward Konrad. “And you? How old are you? If you don’t mind me asking that is.”

  “Not at all,” Konrad replied. “I’m pretty old. One-hundred-fifty-two.”

  A laugh escaped Julie. “Wow. I guess that would make him your old man, Tyra.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I hate to bring everyone down,” Konrad spoke, “but we need to talk about this Arik guy. Luken was telling us what happened, but we need to know more about him.”

  Julie snuggled into Luken’s side as he put his arm around her. “What do you want to know?”

  “Do you think he’ll try to find another set of wolves to change him and his men?” Luken asked.

  Julie pursed her lips in thought. “If he can, yes. I don’t know Arik all that well. I didn’t want to. But he and Ivan are distantly related, like fourth or fifth cousins, and they think a lot alike. When they get their minds stuck on something they will pursue it. He seemed pretty interested in being turned so I’d have to place my bet on that. But how many other packs are there? Jasmine said last night that you have a pack, Konrad, but how many more are there? Can’t y’all warn them?”

  Konrad huffed out a breath. “Several. Too many for us to have any influence. Good thing is they are hard to find. We can sense each other, but not many humans know about us as a whole. For instance, you didn’t have a clue about this other side of things and you worked alongside Tyra for nearly a year.”

  “But that doesn’t mean he can’t find an alpha to change him. It will just be more difficult,” Luken added.

  “That’s true,” Tyra said, turning her gaze to Luken. “So how big of a threat do you think this poses as a whole?”


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