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When Lust Rules

Page 11

by Virginia Cavanaugh

  “I know how to tease too.”

  She bucked her hips and he laughed, gripping them to stay the movement.

  “Nope. You have to be still. I plan on enjoying your sweet cream at my leisure.”

  She glared at him and he tossed his head back and laughed. Her body sat on the verge, ready to take the leap. Riding the edge like this was nearly painful. She reached for her core, ready to stroke her clit and bring about a glorious climax.

  Her fingers dipped into her wetness, but before she could apply pressure to her clitoris, Luken snatched her hand away with a low snarl. She watched as he licked her juices from her fingers then cast her hand to the side.

  “When you climax it will be my lips and tongue that get you there.”

  Her back bowed as he started a game of endless torture. He laved her cunt with slow precision, keeping her on the painful edge. Each languid stroke drove her further from sanity. The muscles in her body became tight cords, each and every cell in her straining toward that wonderful explosion that seemed to float just out of reach. Pleasure, pain, thirst. “Luken…I can’t…please.”

  A low growl rumbled against her cunt and she gripped his hair tight. He got serious with his lips and tongue, kissing her pussy passionately, and she shattered with a strangled scream. Like mad she bucked her hips against his sensual mouth as her quim creamed and spasmed.

  Her body jerked as she climaxed hard. She released a panted breath, realizing her throat had become raw from her cries of pleasure. Her limbs became heavy as her orgasm waned and Luken’s mouth left her flesh. She barely registered his hands as they guided her over onto her tummy. A moan left her as his hands dug into the skin of her hips, guiding her ass up as he brought her knees under her. Cool air danced across her exposed pussy and bottom and she shivered. Then she felt the head of his cock running along the seam of her wet folds. She fisted the carpet in her hands and moaned as a new round of tingles ran through her cunt.

  Warm hard flesh pressed against her entrance. “So wet. I love the way you come for me, Julie.” He pushed forward. “Love the taste of your passion on my lips as I bury my cock deep inside you.”

  Julie whimpered as her channel stretched, taking in his thick cock. His hips slapped against her ass. Yes. She needed this. Needed his length filling her quim. Delicious ripples of pleasure had her inner muscles spasming lightly around his erection.

  “Mmmm. Your tight little pussy brings me so much pleasure.”

  She moaned as he pumped his hips a couple of times then stopped. His finger ran across the point where their bodies were joined and he spread that wetness around her anus. Her body grew still at the new sensation his caressing caused. And then he slipped that digit inside her ass and she cried out in pleasure, pushing harder against him. She’d never experienced any type of anal play before. After hearing mixed stories from other women she wasn’t even sure if she ever wanted to try it. But damn, this felt good.

  “Tight little ass. I bet you’ve never been fucked here before.” Luken moved his finger back and forth.

  “No,” she moaned, spreading her legs farther so he could penetrate her deeper. He began a slow rhythm, his cock and finger both working magic on her lower body. Her breaths became erratic as he increased speed. Holy shit it felt so good. Her body buzzed and she wanted more. “Please, Luken. I want more.” She couldn’t believe she was asking for this. “Fuck me in the ass.”

  He slammed his hips against her and added another finger in her tight behind. “Not this time, Julie. Small steps.” And then he really picked up the pace.

  She screamed and clawed at the ground as pure ecstasy coursed through her. Skin slapped against skin as sighs and moans filled the air.

  “Mine,” Luken growled as he hammered his cock deep inside her pussy.

  His possessive rumble had her coming hard in seconds. Screams ripped from her throat as her cunt fisted rhythmically around his cock. If someone heard them they would no doubt think he was killing her. But hadn’t Shakespeare used the word die in reference to orgasm before? Well, she knew full well what he meant now, because she felt as if her body were floating away on this riptide of pleasure.

  “Fuuuuuck!” Luken roared.

  Julie moaned as hot jets of semen filled her pussy. His cock jerked and her quim replied with a tight squeeze. One powerful hand landed beside her face as he pitched forward, still moaning while the last waves of his orgasm crashed over him.

  Both of their breaths came out in rapid bursts. His free hand curled around her abdomen and he pitched to the side, taking her with him. Her head rested on his outstretched arm as he spooned her from behind.

  Chapter Ten

  “I have a business proposition for you,” Arik said with a smile. Luck had been on his side as he followed the directions the crazed incarcerated man had given him. Well, at least people thought the man crazed since he went on and on about wolves attacking. Arik’s smile widened as he looked across the wooden table at the alpha wolf named Riker. From the looks of it, this pack didn’t mingle much in society. Each man present sported a shaggy beard and long hair. They looked wild. They also looked as if they weren’t well acquainted with a shower either.

  “I don’t do business with humans. Now, get out of my den.” Riker pushed back from the wooden table.

  Arik placed a briefcase on the top and spun it to where the locks faced Riker. “Don’t be so quick to judge. I can tell by the state of the homes we passed as your men led us in here, you could use what I’ve brought with me.”

  Riker growled.

  Arik held up his hands. “I wasn’t trying to insult you. It’s just that I believe we each have the ability to give the other something he needs.”

  Riker gave a nod to one of his wolves and the dark-haired man crossed the room and opened the case. Arik sat back in the creaky chair, satisfied at the gleam he saw in Riker’s dark-brown eyes. Some said love was the universal language, well, Arik disagreed. Money was a universal language and he believed everyone had their price.

  “And just what are you expecting in exchange?”

  Arik stood, meeting the alpha’s gaze. “I want you to change me and my men tomorrow. From what I gathered this should be easily done.”

  Riker laughed. “Take your money and go. I don’t change people unless I am bringing them into the fold.”

  Arik tried to keep the scowl off his face as he inwardly cursed. “I’ll bump up the price to two million.”

  Riker glared at Arik, revealing stained teeth in a snarl. “What makes you think I give a shit about the money?”

  “Everyone likes money.”

  Riker began to pace the small windowless room. “Why do you want to be changed?”

  Arik crossed his arms in front of his large chest, satisfied that the wolf was now contemplating the offer. “That isn’t your concern.”

  “Then this conversation is over.”

  Arik held out a hand to stop Riker’s forward progress. “Now wait a damn minute. My reasons are my own, but if you’ll tell me why you’re reluctant to accept then maybe I can give you enough information to ease your fears.”

  Riker growled. “Make no mistake. I’m not afraid of you or anyone else.”

  Arik had to swallow hard as his pulse increased. The wolf’s eyes had shimmered, nearly taking on a nonhuman appearance. It was freaky. Excitement warred with caution inside him. If he played this right he would soon be able to incite the same reaction in others. “Then why won’t you take the money and do me this favor?”

  Riker glanced at the other two wolves in the room then moved his gaze back to Arik. “I tell you what. You want to be changed? It’ll be on my terms.”

  This time the scowl wasn’t held in check. Damn it. Why couldn’t he have found a regular old greedy bastard in this group? He didn’t like doing anything on someone else’s terms. But this goal needed to be achieved so he swallowed his pride for now and asked the question. “And those would be?”

  “The pack you are tryi
ng to create will owe allegiance to mine. And you will give me the two million up front and then pay a monthly tithe to me as well. Let’s say to the tune of fifty thousand.”

  Arik scoffed. Damn if he didn’t get a greedy bastard after all, just heavier on the bastard part. Teeth clenched, he nodded in agreement. If he could just get through tomorrow night he would then deal with this prick and his ideas of a fifty-thousand-a-month tithe.

  “Good.” Riker walked over to the case and slapped the lid down, securing the latches. “I’ll expect the other million in cash tomorrow when you and your men show up.”

  * * * * *

  Julie smiled as she rolled over in the bed, draping one arm and one leg over Luken’s supine body. He curled his arm around her, pulling her more firmly into his side. It was nice, this lazy loving. After the intense sex they’d had in the living room, Luken had picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and made slow love to her again. He was insatiable. Hell, who was she kidding, when it came to him she was also insatiable, wanting to be skin to skin with him as much as possible. It felt right, which scared the hell out of her. She’d fallen in love with him. It made no sense. How could she feel this deeply for a man she hardly knew?

  Luken ran his hand up and down her spine in a featherlight caress. “What are you thinking so hard about?”

  Julie titled her head on his chest, her gaze meeting his. “I was wondering about you. About what it was like for you growing up.”

  He gave a slight shrug. “What parts do you want to know?”

  She smiled at him, fascinated by the mystery behind this sexy body that was all Luken. “All of it.”

  He let loose a soft laugh. “I’m really not that interesting.”

  “To me you are.”

  He pulled her body on top of his and kissed her lips. She straddled his waist and felt his cock jerk beneath her. Oh it would be so easy to let him lull her into another round of lovemaking, but she had a suspicion he was stalling. She pulled her mouth away from his and he nipped at the air between their parted lips. “You’re avoiding the question. Why?” What things could be so terrible that he felt the need to hide them from her?

  He rolled them and she gasped. Being pinned beneath his powerful body did things to her insides. He was so strong and sensual. But she fought her body’s response to this alpha male and pressed on. “So what was it like growing up as a wolf?”

  “Not bad, once I found Konrad.”

  Her brow furrowed. “What happened before?”

  He smoothed her hair away from her face. “When I was a teen, our pack was attacked by another. It was brutal and only a few survived. I led them up from Oklahoma. You met Scott. He was one of wolves who traveled with me. He was still young at the time, six I believe. Ashok was even younger. There were twelve of us, all pups still. I was only a teenager myself, left in charge with others who depended on me for their well-being. I had the makings of an alpha even then, but I’m not going to lie. I was too young to run my own pack, so when we found Konrad, I was silently glad to give up the reins.” Luken grinned. “But I didn’t let him know that.”

  Julie smiled in return despite the ache she felt deep within over his loss. He knew what it was like to lose a family too. And to have all that responsibility thrust upon his shoulders? Damn. He’d managed to lead a bunch of children all the way to the Ozarks from Oklahoma. Her heart swelled with pride in his ability and hurt for the child in him who had to grow up so suddenly and in the face of such pain.

  “So for the next few years I gave Konrad hell while studying each move he made. He’s a good alpha and he became my best friend. We found a home in his pack and laid down roots once again. When we split, all twelve plus a few mates came with me. The bonds that were formed during that time as children were deep. We developed a trust in each other that grows in strength every day.”

  Suddenly her trust in him turning her tomorrow ran marrow deep. Even as a child he’d been capable of providing safety to those in his care. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. “I’m so happy that tomorrow you will make me a part of all of this.”

  He kissed her tenderly. “You’re not scared at all?”

  “No. I…trust you.” She had nearly said the L word but caught herself. That word had the ability to freak guys out. She’d keep it to herself for now.

  “You’re a remarkable woman, Julie. It will be a pleasure bringing about your change tomorrow.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cool air kissed Julie’s skin and she shivered. A blanket of black dotted with bright twinkling lights filled the expanse above her. The light of the full moon would soon bathe her skin. Excitement bubbled inside her, turning her tummy into a nervous knot of anticipation. She and Luken stood nude in his backyard, and her gaze roamed over his body. Such masculine beauty. She couldn’t stop smiling, ready for this next step in her life. He assured her that she would eventually become comfortable with her nudity around pack, but she had a feeling that would take longer than he thought.

  “When the moon rises, I’ll shift and I want you to lie down on the grass. I will bite you on the leg.”

  She was surprised at this. “Oh. I figured you’d bite me on the neck or something.” After all he seemed to like putting his teeth against her neck and shoulder.

  Luken laughed. “I’m not a vampire.”

  She blushed, tilting her head to look at the lawn.

  Luken closed in on her, using his fingers under her chin to tilt her face up. “Actually I could bite you on the neck or shoulder,” he ran his fingers over the skin as he spoke. “But that is kind of a special place since mates mark each other there, so alphas tend to avoid that area.”

  Gooseflesh covered her as she thought about what that mark would be like. She wanted Luken to be the one who marked her there as well. “Oh.”

  “There will be a little pain, but it will go away quickly. Once your change is complete and you can stand we’ll join the rest of the pack for a run.”

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  He nipped at her lower lip. “You’ll be my first.”

  She watched as his gaze moved from her to the horizon. Swallowing hard, she turned to watch.

  “It’s time.”

  The first light of the moon peeked out from behind a hill. The shimmering color of Luken’s shift had her turning back to him. His brown-and-white fur was dusted with a little black. He looked at her with expectant eyes. She gave a stiff nod and lay down as he’d asked. The cold blades of grass had her gasping in a breath and she shivered, waiting for the feel of his teeth against her flesh. A staggering breath entered her lungs as his lips pulled back, revealing sharp white teeth.

  The strike was lightning fast and Julie stifled her cry of pain by slapping a hand over her mouth. Squeezing her eyelids shut, she waited as warmth spread through her veins. Her heart rate accelerated and the heat within magnified. The cold lawn that had made her shiver was now a welcome chill against her overheated skin. A howling filled her ears and she whimpered, clutching at her ears. The sound had been so loud that she thought her ears would bleed. Crisp air filled with the scents of fall burned inside her nostrils. The scents were overwhelming, but one scent stood out and had her opening her eyes, looking for him. Spice. Sunshine instead of dried leaves. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her vision. Finding the ability to focus was hard. Her eyesight narrowed on a twig connected to a high branch of the large tree in the yard and then went fuzzy. A few more blinks and she found more control.

  Then she saw him, her lover. Luken in all his wolfish glory stood beside her. Her gaze locked with his as her body began to change. Shimmering color surrounded her, but she never lost sight of him. She rolled more to her side as her transformation came to an end. Voices filled her head. It was hard to concentrate on one individual.

  Focus on me for now. You’ll get used to hearing the rest of the pack and be able to single out the voice you want to hear.

  Julie jerked as Luken’s voice
resounded in her head, drowning out all the others. She rose on shaky legs—four shaky legs. The other voices dimmed, becoming a background noise. She tore her gaze from Luken and looked down at her furry feet. Her gaze shot back to his, excitement filling her. She couldn’t contain the joy. Head pitched back, she looked toward the bright moon and let loose a howl. Luken joined her and soon they were answered from various directions.

  This is amazing!

  Luken brushed his body against Julie’s. Her coloring was similar to his own. But he couldn’t figure it out. His heart was filled with the joy and excitement of her finally being like him, but yet the mate bond was absent. He walled in the thoughts, not wanting anyone, especially Julie, to pick up on his bafflement.

  In his heart he knew she was his, so why in the hell hadn’t his wolf jumped on board yet? Maybe it was because he hadn’t given it enough time. The night wasn’t even over yet. Yes. That had to be it. His wolf just needed a little time.

  Try to walk around some. Get used to your new senses and using four legs. Luken watched as Julie ambled around the yard, each step becoming surer than the last. Her happiness laced her scent, making it sweeter. Her laughter sounded inside his head as she ran circles around him in the backyard.

  You catch on quick.

  Julie came to a stop in front of him and snapped her teeth at the air in front of him. I can’t believe how wonderful all this is. I feel so alive. So new. My energy level is bursting. Do you always feel like this?

  No. You’ll get tired, but not as easily. Luken brushed his body along hers and loved hearing the growl she released as she sighed inside his mind. Oh yes. This woman—wolf—was definitely his. He nipped at her hind legs and she quick stepped away from him, irritation clear in her new golden eyes. Play with me.

  Julie released another growl then darted away through the open gate. Luken followed, delighted in the way she moved across the hills. So far she’d managed the change well. There would be several things for her to learn about her new life, but tonight he wouldn’t bog her down with the upcoming fighting lessons and such. Tonight he wanted nothing more than to watch her elation at her new-found existence.


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