The Coulson Boys (Adam)

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The Coulson Boys (Adam) Page 7

by Karen Lamb

  I arrived at the station 10 minutes early; sometimes it was a bit tricky to find a parking space, but not today. I glanced at the back seat where the hamper basket sat, it was bursting with tasty treats, I had also brought 2 tartan rugs, a chill bag containing a bottle of wine, a bottle of water and a flask of coffee, perfect!

  As I walked across the bridge to the platform my heart was racing; I honestly had never felt like this before. I stood composing myself as best as I could, glancing down at myself to check, I had decided against my white linen trousers instead opting for a more casual look, I wore my favourite pale blue jeans, a crisp white cotton blouse and a pair of pale pink and white summer weight trainers, hopefully giving the air of a smart but casual look, my skin still looked tanned and healthy from France. I loved the cheeky cut my hairdresser Liz had given me, my short curly hair didn’t allow too much choice, but it did suit me, and I loved the glossy shine, which she had achieved with the use of a little Moroccan oil.

  The station attendant announced the arrival of the train from Kings Cross and a few minutes later the train pulled into the station, the passengers started slowly leaving the train; I spotted Adam’s handsome face in the distance as he stepped out of the coach before he quickly turned back towards the door of the carriage to help a struggling young mother with her pushchair and baby, his caring thoughtful nature made me feel good that I knew this man! I began walking towards him slowly, I wanted to take in every inch of him before he saw me. Then he turned in my direction, I saw him scan the platform, as he spotted me, his face lit up as he gave me the biggest, sexiest smile, I could feel his eyes drinking me in, I knew I was returning his smile with ever part of my body, what was it about this man that shook me to the core? As he approached me it was like there was no one else on the platform, our eyes locked, our faces beaming, he placed his back pack on the ground as he reached with both hands to take my face and drew me in for a kiss which made my heart stop, the tenderness and softness of his lips washed me away into oblivion. After what seemed like an age, he dropped his hands to my shoulders and wrapped me in an embrace, as his voice softly breathed words in my ear.


  I stood by the carriage door, a sense of anticipation and excitement all melded into one, I wanted to jump off the train as it slowly entered the station my need to see her and hold her was almost unbearable. A baby’s cry brought me back into the moment, as a young mother struggled with a pushchair and her child.

  “Can I help?” I offered.

  ”Yes please” the mother accepted gratefully, “if you could manage the pusher that would be a great help”. My feet arrived on the platform, my arms full but my eyes immediately seeking out Claire; and there she was looking at me, I placed the pusher down, turning, I made my way towards her, her beaming face said it all and any nervous doubts were gone. I wanted to run to her, but I couldn’t move, I just wanted to stop and stare, taking in every inch of her body, as she approached me her eyes told me all I wanted to know, and I was done for, she had completely captivated my soul and there was no going back.

  My arms reached out and my hands embraced her sun kissed face as our lips touched, I heard her catch her breath as I took her mouth with my lips, a slow lingering kiss which seemed to last for ever. but realising she was still holding her breath I reluctantly broke our kiss and wrapped her in my arms. This woman had stolen my heart and gods help me, but I wanted her like I had never wanted any other woman before.

  As I gently pulled away and smiled into her big brown eyes, I heard myself softly say.

  ”Claire get me out of here, I want you all to myself, and trust me when I say that what I have planned for you and your body shouldn’t be allowed.” Her face flushed right on cue as she realized what I had in mind; I felt her tremble with anticipation. There was nothing she could do but allow me to show her as many ways as I could think of exactly how much she meant to me!


  After a short drive we parked outside a small fisherman’s cottage.

  “It’s, lovely Adam.”

  “It isn’t very big, but it’s perfect for me right now.” I turned and began looking at the view of the sea,

  “What a view,” The beach was less than ten metres away and it seemed to stretch out for miles. “I can really see why you like it here, there is so much solitude and beauty, I bet you enjoy meditating and doing your yoga out here?”

  “What do you think? It offers me a place to be with the great outdoors and it’s right on my doorstep, as for the rent, well it is for nothing, it certainly beats London living”.

  Adam carried the hamper and blankets into the cottage, the interior opened out into one space, the walls were a chalky white, a small brick fireplace with seashells were cemented in and around the fire surround, creating a seaside beach effect. The polished pinewood floorboards gave a clean and practical touch, there were 2 large rugs, an armchair and a big soft sofa, further down the room a small table and four chairs were the only other furniture. The room led to a small functional kitchen with an equally tiny bathroom opposite. A dog legged staircase led up to what I guessed must be the bedroom; the overall look was rustic, I loved its simplicity.

  “It’s perfect and so you,” I said.

  “Glad you like it” replied Adam. “Come on let me show you my beach.”

  “Your beach?” I laughed,

  “Well it kind of feels like it’s all mine.” Stretching out his man size hand he invited my small hand into his; it was a perfect fit, I noted how much this meant to me!

  We walked slowly along the golden sands; clumps of seaweed littered the beach, we had fun popping the blisters with our bare feet, releasing its briny smell. We stood and watched the flocks of seagulls screeching at each other out at sea, as they dived into the water searching for a catch. The sea was calm there was only a gentle swell; the waves cascaded onto the shore, the artist in me took in all the colours as the water merged between a dark marine to a pale Azure blue. I stopped to pick up a shell, turning it in my hand, marvelling at its shape and design, why was it that sometimes the simplest things touched me in such a profound way’? Adam stood and watched my reaction to the mollusc.

  “It’s a work of art isn’t it”?

  I silently nodded, “I love collecting shells, they are keepers of memories, they can transport me on wet grey days back to happy times, like now.”

  “So you’re happy Claire?”

  I gazed up at his troubled face,

  “Why do you keep asking me that question? If you are looking for reassurance, then I want you to know, I am happier than I have been in what seems like a long, long time”.

  He lowered his head his eyes searching for answers,

  “I like to check in with you and your emotions from time to time, I can’t always gauge your feelings, and yes, it is reassuring. When you are happy, I am happy, and that makes the moment doubly special”. He looked into my face with an impassioned gaze right before he captured my mouth, his kiss so sweet, my eyes slowly closed as I allowed myself to savour his touch, his lips caressed and then bruised as he deepened into a fierce need, which overwhelmed me, once again his strong arms supporting my body as it succumbed to his touch. He certainly knew how to kiss a woman and bring her to her knees!

  When I look back at this moment in time, it will remind me definitively that this was when he stole my heart, and it was his to love or break!

  The effect was not lost on Adam,

  “Woman you’re killing me”, a giggle escaped me as I relished the effect I had on him, I liked the fact that I too could create a sexual tension that was significant enough to make him want me, it was intoxicating. He scooped me into his arms and spun us around, a naughty look appeared in his eyes,

  “I’m starving, can we head back and enjoy your picnic?” Right on cue his stomach rumbled.

  “When did you last eat?”


  “Oh my god Adam, no wonder you’re hungry, put me down and I�
��ll race you to the house.”

  “Really, this is a race?”

  “Something like that!”

  He kissed me on the nose before dropping me bottom first onto the sand, then he was off, honestly, I did consider chasing him, but only for a second as I followed behind swinging my trainers as I relaxed into a slow stride, content to watch his athletic body speed across the sand towards the beach house.

  By the time I arrived, Adam had the rugs spread out on a flat area of sand, the contents of the hamper laid out on top waiting to be devoured, I must admit it did look appetizing. There was broccoli and feta hummus dip with vegetable crudités, Scotch eggs, game pie, smoked salmon and prawn terrine, a tomato mozzarella and black olive salad, crusty bread a selection of cheeses, and last but not least, fresh strawberries dipped in dark chocolate to finish off our feast.

  “You certainly know how to put a picnic together I love the selection”,

  “Sorry I don’t do cobbled together picnics, food is important to me and it’s to be enjoyed, I thought there would be enough left over for your lunch.”

  “Do you realise this is our first meal together? Thank you for preparing the most perfect picnic I have ever had the pleasure of eating”.

  I saw the hunger on his face.

  “Well, what are you waiting for, go on dive in.” He didn’t need a second invitation as he began to help himself to a slice of game pie, his enthusiasm was infectious as he savoured every single mouthful we simply talked and ate as if we had done this hundreds of times before, relaxed in each others company. Gradually the sun disappeared from view leaving the last colours of twilight, beautiful hues of pastel pinks and blues filled the night sky.

  “Aren’t we lucky, it’s not often we have the good fortune to enjoy such a beautiful sky, I think the gods have finally decided we deserve the perfect day and night,” Adam paused on the word ‘night’. Our conversation had been light and fun with the hint of flirtation, but no more than that, there was no hint of what was to follow, I was well and truly out of my comfort zone, and that brought with it a mix of anxiety and apprehension. I knew I wanted more, but I was too much of a coward to suggest anything else was on offer. I needn’t have worried as Adam most definitely had thought through the next stage of our evening!

  “Claire would you pack the food away I think I’ll light a small fire, it can get a bit chilly in the evenings at this time of year”.

  “Oh, don’t worry,” I heard myself say, “you must be tired after your long journey and I don’t want to out stay my welcome,” I folded my arms in a defensive manner, even I was aware how crazy I was sounding!

  Adam’s stood up hands on hips, his 6’3” frame towering over me, his eyes full of intensity,

  “If you think for one minute that I am finished with you, you are mistaken, I can assure you I am not tired, I want you to stay longer, even better all night, you decide?”

  “Err right, well I suppose I could stay longer, I haven’t got anything to rush back too,” my embarrassment not quite done, I thought how sexually inexperienced I must appear to him, and for the umpteenth time I wondered why he was attracted to me.

  His body softened.

  “Good, now could I borrow these blankets, I thought we could bring the outdoor look inside,” he grinned.

  The smoke was slowly rising from the chimney as I packed away the hamper and shook the sand from the blankets. The fire was welcoming and gave a cosy feel, the blankets were spread once again, this time on the floor, a couple of cushions scattered on top and a collection of candles now flickered giving a soft glow.

  “What do you think” he asked me “anything else madam would like?”

  “I think it looks very inviting”.

  “Great, that’s the look I was going for”.

  Adam sat on the rug and pulled me down next to him, the fire was quietly burning giving a welcoming warmth to the room. Adam’s face took on a serious look.

  “Claire, I am not going to lie to you, I have wanted this moment since we first met, and I think you have too?” His eyes intensely focused on my face. I nodded silently. “Not good enough Claire, I need to hear you say that this is what you want, otherwise it stops here, and we stay good friends.”

  “Adam, I want this as much as you.”

  ”I doubt that very much Claire, but I will take that as a yes, I don’t want there to be any awkwardness between us, I can sense you are anxious, I promise you I will take things slowly and if at any time you change your mind just tell me to stop.”

  “Adam, shut up and kiss me.”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  He ran his fingers softly through my curls, before burying his face into my hair breathing in deeply, “god you smell good”, he whispered and slowly laid kisses down my face trailing his lips like a feather over my cheek as he made his way to my earlobe nibbling it gently with his teeth, his tongue flicked down my neck edging down pausing on the little hollow at the base of my throat, his every move making me softly moan with sheer delight, as an urgency built up in my body, but I could tell Adam didn’t want to be rushed as he delighted in tormenting me with his art of seduction.

  “Nice?” he asked.

  “Oh yes” I sighed, his hands brushed over my breasts making me gasp out loud, before returning to stroke and rub them through the cotton fabric of my blouse, it was his turn to groan as my nipples hardened and ached with a need to be touched, his deft fingers slowly opened each button of my blouse, at this point my bra was straining against his hands, I made a vain attempt to pull his t-shirt off,

  “No Claire this is all about you, let me focus on you, and then I will let your seductive talents loose on me ok?” I nodded, not really in any state to argue and I certainly didn’t want him to stop!

  He slipped my blouse off, a hand slide across my back, a second later my bra was undone,

  “Wow that was very skilfully done,”

  “Thank you, I have been known to do this before,”

  “Why does that not surprise me?”

  “I thought every woman liked a skilful lover?”

  “Yes, I can see it figuring prominently on your CV!” His hot tongue was slipping down doing magical things to my breasts as his mouth circled around and pulled at my nipples, my body had taken on a mind of its own as my back began to arch upwards towards his mouth, I felt out of control, loving his attention, how could I ever think this would be anything but a journey of sheer bliss, a discovery and a reawakening of my sexual desires.

  I felt a button pop open as his tongue continued to thrill me, a hand tugged at my jeans, trying to be helpful I lifted my bottom to allow a speedier removal.

  “Thank you” Adam whispered.

  “Your welcome” I giggled, my body was experiencing an all-consuming hunger which was completely overwhelming me.

  “Everything good” as he briefly paused, breathlessly, waiting for my reply

  “Don’t you dare stop?” I whimpered, his voice filled with a sexual contentment replied.

  “Then I will continue”.

  Having now dispatched my jeans, Adam crawled back up, stopping at my newly acquired lacy panties.

  “Hmm very nice” I knew at that moment the extravagant price tag that came with these was worth every penny. Once again, his mouth was kissing my lips as a hand slide slowly into my panties, I swear it was almost the undoing of me, his magic fingers explored and tortured me, till I thought I would explode, his mouth now joining in, as he groaned with sheer pleasure. I lost all sense of reality, as a sea of intense release crashed throughout my body followed by a scream of primordial joy, all I could say was thank you over and over again.

  “Claire, you are beyond beautiful,” I saw a sudden raw need in his face, as he began taking off his clothes, his magnificent strong muscular frame was finally revealed to me, every inch of him was made for pleasuring women, as my eyes took in his erection, I became transfixed with the view of another man’s body, a sensation of excitement and
anticipation made me shiver, as his eyes locked on mine he moved onto my body covering me with his, a hand slowly spread my legs as he entered me with such tenderness, I felt my self softly crying out, Adam paused

  “Are you ok?” a look of concern etched on his handsome face, I smiled and nodded, Adam needed no more assurance as he plunged deeper, I was totally yielding to his steady rocking and surging, in return I responded with a quickening urgency, which was all consuming. I could not take my eyes off this lovely man as he filled me with all that he had, there was no holding back, his voice telling me he was experiencing the same, as he kept calling out my name, our pace steadily increased, the heat and intensity as we joined together in a sublime climax, an explosion of energy rocked through our bodies as we connected at the most intimate level, this is how I wanted to feel, and anything less would never be enough again.

  Our satisfied bodies shuddered gently, as the aftermath of our sexual activities came to a peaceful surrender. Adam caressed my face and looked deeply into my eyes.

  “I hope that was as pleasurable for you as it was for me? You are something else Claire, all I can think of is exploring your body in as many different ways as possible over and over again,” his face was full of sexual intent.

  “That definitely sounds like something I would like to experience Adam”. My legs entwined around his body taking all his strength, as he wrapped me tightly within his arms, a deep contentment flowed between us before our sexual hunger began to once again demand more of the same, but with a few new twists and turns until we surrendered to some much-needed sleep.



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