The Coulson Boys (Adam)

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The Coulson Boys (Adam) Page 8

by Karen Lamb

A sensation of stiff muscles and cramp greeted me as I slowly woke up, not yet sure of my surroundings I opened my eyes, one hand resting on Adam’s chest, the top of my head nestled in the crook of his arm, carefully I tilted my head upwards towards his face, which was the picture of contentment, his breathe soft and slow, a smile of joy came over me as I recalled in an instant the night before.

  “Good morning gorgeous”, his eyes still closed, his face taking on a satisfying grin, “a note of warning Claire, be careful what you do with that hand or I will not be responsible for what happens next”, a momentary look of confusion, before I suddenly realized my hand wasn’t on his firm thigh but in fact touching his rock-hard member, I froze for a spit second.

  “Oops! Sorry Adam, my hands obviously have a mind of their own”, his eyes now fully open looked enquiringly,

  “Well they had better decide quickly what they want to do next before I take charge,” he growled. Early morning sex, now that was something I hadn’t enjoyed for a long time, why not? as a sexy little voice purred in my head. I guided my hand shamelessly to stroke him without mercy, as a groan came from his mouth,

  “I think it’s my turn to have some fun don’t you think?” as I gave a cheeky little smirk before letting myself loose, I was going to enjoy torturing and pleasuring this divine body.


  I drove home late morning, my mind in a whirl as I reflected on the last few hours, there was no doubt that I had enjoyed the most delicious, passionate, sex I had ever had in my life. How was it possible to have loved a man for so many years, enjoy a good loving sex life and yet never know such a raw unbridled sex like I had experienced last night?

  Adam had unlocked a part of me that I didn’t know existed, and there was no going back! I knew with absolute certainty I wanted so much more, the mere thought of him made my body tingle with a desire that I couldn’t turn off. How the hell had this happened? Here I was a woman in her 50’s, in a relationship with a man 12 years younger, it was terrifying, exhilarating, and every part of me was enjoying every single moment!


  Claire had just gone and already I was missing her voluptuous body. I needed a distraction, so I took myself off for a run along the beach. My bare feet began picking up the pace as the endorphins started to kick in. I was shocked how much I had enjoyed every single second with her. There was no question she had brought out the best in me and not just sexually, although that was amazing. I loved the fact that I had in some small way opened the door to the possibility of her starting a new relationship; I sensed she was still healing, however there was a part of her ready to move on, I noticed how she revelled in releasing her inner sexual desires as she burst through her fears and thrown herself fully into sharing her body and proving to be the most amazing lover I had ever had.

  I felt a sense of protectiveness towards her, something that I had never felt with any woman. What happens next depended on her, I wanted her to take the next step.


  I was wandering around the cottage, my body vibrating with an energy that was unsettling, I needed a walk to clear my head and settle my restless mind!

  As I walked along the river, memories of the ice cream disaster flooded back, I couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole sorry incident, I most definitely was not the same person. I sensed a level of confidence, which wasn’t there before, and I was deeply grateful to Adam, he had literally saved my life. I was amazed that I had dared to begin an intimate relationship with another man, a man who was yes, a lot younger than me, but I had to admit it was an exciting part of being with him, he made me feel younger and alive and I was enjoying how that made me feel, the question was, what next? We had parted after a long plundering kiss, but nothing had been spoken of when we would see each other again? As if on cue my phone rang.

  “Hello gorgeous, long time no speak”. And there you have it! My heart was pounding, my stomach somersaulting, and my legs were mush! Bloody hell, he could create absolute mayhem with my body by simply saying hello! I felt myself smiling deeply.

  “I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed last night, and this morning”, he continued, “and I can’t wait to see you again”.

  “What a coincidence, I was thinking the exact same thing.” But I was trying to appear calm cool and collected and failing miserably. “How do you fancy coming over to my place tonight, I can cook us a meal?”

  “So, this would be our second date?”

  “I believe it would”.

  “Then I would really like that!”

  “7pm sound good?”

  “Sounds very good, I’ll bring the wine”.

  “Oh you will need my address”.

  “Well here’s the thing, I actually know where you live”.

  “Oh! you do!”

  “Yes, I am afraid I have been stalking you for weeks now!” I chuckled at the image of Adam following me, but also liking the fact that he had been doing some research and probably with a lot of help from the lovely Laura!


  6.45pm, the table was set, candles lit, soft Jazz was playing in the background as I took one final look around to see if I had forgotten anything. ‘Stop fussing Claire he’s not that kind of guy, relax’.

  The doorbell chimed, I felt my heart racing with excitement, as he stood majestically in front of me, my eyes slowly took in the sight of his tall frame and broad shoulders, he took my breathe away; that’s if I had any left to give. I stood in appreciation, liking the way his shiny shoulder length hair curled up slightly, admiring him as if in a day dream, his smile was so sexy it began to create absolute havoc in my body as I felt a sexual tension in all the right parts,

  “Are you going to invite me in anytime soon?”

  “Sorry Adam,” I stuttered realizing that I had just reacted like a star struck teenager in front of her hero! My reaction to his appearance seemed to slightly embarrass him; I don’t know why, he must be used to women swooning around him, but maybe not! I continued to take in his appearance appreciating the effort he had gone to, he was dressed in a cream pair of chinos, and what looked like an expensive linen shirt opened at the neck, finished off with light brown leather shoes, this was a look I had never seen before on Adam, but god, did he look good.

  “Wow, you scrub up well” I smiled.

  “We aim to please” he grinned, as his eyes ran across me in an appreciative manner, “and may I say you look stunning Claire.”

  “Thank you” I said a little nervously. As we stood admiring each other I suddenly realized I still hadn’t invited him in! “Oh my god, sorry Adam, please come in.” He seemed to be enjoying the effect his presence had over me, he stepped forwards and took me in a passionate embrace, stopping for just a second to put a bottle of wine down on the floor before recapturing me in his arms.

  “Hello Claire” he whispered softly into my ear. Wow, that had to be the sexiest hello I had ever heard, I was so glad I had decided to put fresh sheets on my bed earlier!

  Clearing my throat, I ran my fingers through my hair in the vain attempt to gain some composure.

  “Umm, welcome to my humble abode”. Adam slowly scanned the room taking in every little detail, before complimenting me on my taste of décor, his unexpected knowledge of details and style in the cottage surprised me, he was a man of sophistication and mystery, and I wanted to learn everything about him!

  “Drinks, I think, what would you like?”

  “What are you having?”

  “Well I do love champagne, so I think o glass of bubbles”.

  “Perfect, I’ll join you”

  “Another nice surprise, I never had you down as a champagne man”.

  “There is a lot you don’t know about me Claire”.

  “Yes, there certainly is” I said enquiringly.

  “Well, I have all evening to discover your deep and darkest secrets Adam”.

  “Only if its reciprocal” he smiled. I suddenly felt a little unc
omfortable at the thought of revealing my past.

  Adam poured the champagne and as I took a long sip I felt the alcohol coming to my aid, offering me a touch of Dutch courage.

  “What smells so good?”

  “Boeuf Bourguignon. I thought I would transport us back to France”.

  “If it tastes half as good as it smells I am in for a gastronomic treat,” my eyes shone with pleasure at the thought that Adam would be eating my food.

  We sat down together on the large leather sofa, his body spread out and relaxed as he looked across at me, I liked the fact we had some distance between us, I could also take my time checking him out in greater detail.

  “Can I go first and ask a few questions? I would love to get to know you better, I really know nothing about you, which is fine, but at the same time, I am very curious, but only if you are comfortable with that?” he quickly added.

  “There isn’t much too tell”.

  “I very much doubt that Claire”.

  Feeling a little braver with the help of the champagne, I felt ready for his questions.

  “Okay, fire away”

  “Where were you born?” Oh good, the simple ones first I thought!

  “I was born in Montreal, Canada” I said in a slightly shaky voice. “My father and mother emigrated from Scotland to make a better life for themselves, but we ended up back in the UK when I was about 8”. Adam took my hand,

  “Claire trust me, please don’t feel nervous, we don’t have to do this.”

  “No, it’s Ok” I smiled back. “And you?”

  “I was born in West Sussex, on the farm actually, mum was very keen on a home birth.”

  “What part of Sussex?”

  “Near Chichester, my family have lived there for three generations, the farm has grown considerably over the decades, its beautiful I would love to take you there one day.”

  ‘This is going well I thought, he wants me to meet his family, I didn’t see that coming!’

  “How about your parents?” he continued.

  “They are both dead. Dad died of a heart attack when he was 60, he had just retired, it was such a shock, then mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and died 2 years later”.

  “Oh Claire, I am so sorry,” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Sometimes shit happens! Let’s continue our discussion at the table”. Adam rushed to get my chair.

  “Good manners and attentiveness, that wins you more brownie points” I grinned up at him.

  “I’m banking on it,” as he took his place opposite me. “This looks wonderful”.

  “I thought a light starter was advisable, it is Charente melon carved out into balls, with buffalo mozzarella, thin ribbon slices of jambon sec, and a drizzle of honey and mint dressing”.

  I watched his face as he took his first mouthful,

  “This is delicious, so you’re not only a sexy lover, you’re a superb cook as well!”

  “Blimey! I’ve never heard those words in a sentence at my dining table before! Right, now where were we?” I said, “tell me a bit more about your family, oh and by the way, I am an only child, and was thoroughly spoilt!”

  “Stop cheating! OK, my father is 67, he has farmed all his life, can’t let go of the running of the place. My Mother is 66 and is the glue, which keeps us all together, she is desperate for dad to retire now so they can go off and have some adventures together. I have three brothers I am the oldest as you probably know, I am 41”. I felt myself flinch as he reminded me of our age difference. “Then there is Sean who is 39, he runs the business side, accounts etc. Harry is 31 and his speciality is breeding sheep and finally there is Daniel, the baby at 27, he is an absolute genius when it comes to spotting breeding stock, and that’s about it. Oh and non of us are married!”

  “Tell me, are they all as good looking as you?” Adam shook his head as he swallowed a mouthful of melon.

  “Nope, you have the pick of the bunch sitting right here”.

  “Well aren’t I the lucky one” I smirked “It must get a bit intense at the farm, all that male testosterone flying around”.

  “You’re not wrong, Daniel particularly is struggling a bit, being the youngest, he always feels he has something to prove, the truth is he is the smartest, but don’t tell him I said that!”

  Adam cleared the plates as I brought the casserole dish to the table, I lifted the lid to allow the aromas to escape, it looked great, Adam at this point was salivating.

  “Oh-la-la! this looks and smells gorgeous, you’re spoiling me”. A sense of pride hit me as I realized how much I wanted him to like my cooking, almost as much as he liked me! It had always been such an important thing in my life; it gave me great pleasure to cook for people who were special to me.

  After a second serving Adam sat back with a look like the cat that had got the cream.

  “That was possibly the best Bourguignon I have ever eaten. I insist on doing the washing up.” A few minutes later he had skilfully dealt with all the dishes, some by hand, the others stacked into the dishwasher. There was something sexy about watching a handsome man with his sleeves rolled up, elbows deep in washing up bubbles tackling dirty dishes in my sink, for a minute I was quite jealous of the attention he gave them wishing it was me he was touching all over. I reluctantly brought my carnal thoughts back to the present.

  “How about some cheese and dessert wine” I grinned, “that’s if you have room?”

  Eyes are a dead giveaway, they reveal our dark and deepest secrets and right at that moment Adam’s were screaming shameless lust. I realized, once again, I was holding my breath, waiting for the next moment to unfold.

  “To be honest, right at this moment all I can think about is tasting and eating every bit of you!” he explained hungrily.

  “You don’t play fair”.

  “No, I don’t. I play to win! You will recall we haven’t actually had sex in a bed yet”.

  “You have a point,” I agreed, any thoughts I may have had about cheese had completely melted away! When the choice of sex with Adam was on offer, there was no contest!

  I boldly took his hand and led him to my bedroom; Adam suddenly stopped and looked at me.

  “Are you ok with this, please don’t be afraid to tell me. I am aware this is a private space, which only you and Will have shared, we could use another bedroom”, one of Adam’s most endearing traits was his thoughtfulness, I put a finger on his lips.

  “Thank you, but this is another barrier I need to cross if I am ever going to move on with you or anyone else. It’s okay honestly”. The tension eased from his face followed by a warm smile as he kissed me slowly while walking me backwards till we reached the bed, he carefully eased me down onto the duvet, his mouth tasted delicious, our tongues exploring as our lips crushed together, all of which began to create a heat in my body, partly sexual, partly hormonal, I was just starting the menopause and it certainly was making life interesting as it unexpectedly ignited me with yet another hot flush every time I got overly excited, I wasn’t quite sure which would be my undoing, Adam’s sexual advances or the menopause!

  I found myself pulling at my dress to get it off, anything to offer some cooling relief, finally I managed with a lot of help from Adam to free myself, the liberation was welcome. I lay back in my soft pink bra and panties feeling my body cool down, while watching Adam slowly take his clothes off, my eyes feasting on his undressing, which he was deliberately doing at a slow teasing pace, I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest, I have never seen anything so erotic, or beautiful. I pulled back the duvet and lay back across the fresh white cotton sheets and onto the pillows, my eyes locked on his body. I could tell he was enjoying taunting me.

  He showed no sign of shyness, in fact he exuded a sexual confidence somehow knowing that this foreplay was driving me crazy and heightening my need to reach out and touch him. He stood naked in front of me, the image of a Greek god, every part of his toned body, hard and taut, he climbed onto the bed his e
yes never leaving me, as he stroked my flesh from the toes upwards. I felt a shiver run through me as the sheer thrill of his touch shook me to the core; the anticipation was almost too much.

  There was no doubt Adam was a skilful lover, I was putty in his hands, his fingers slowly and exquisitely knew exactly how to caress and explore every part of me with devastating effect, I felt as if I was coming apart and there was nothing to do but enjoy his attention. He slipped my panties off with his teeth, and realising I couldn’t take much more he let his fingers and tongue work their magic as my body crashed into an amazing orgasmic release.

  His face was full of intensity as he removed my bra and began to nuzzle my breasts with his mouth, tongue and hands. A dark demanding look on his face told me he needed to be deep inside of me, he took control and thrust himself into my expectant body. We became lost in a beautiful game of gratification, which became more and more intense, till I realized I was going to experience another orgasm; was that even possible so soon after the last? The answer was an emphatic Yes! I was now in a delirious state of euphoria, as once again I experienced total sexual gratification, an experience which just kept getting better and better!

  Adam lay on top of me for a few moments before realizing his weight was crushing me, not that I was about to complain. He took me in his arms in what I was quickly becoming accustomed to calling ‘an Adam hug’, which said more than any words could ever say. As if to break the mood he joked,

  “So, we’ve had great sex on the floor, and now even better sex in bed, what next?”

  I shrugged, “You know I like surprises”.

  “Understood” he winked. “Now then is that cheeseboard still available?”

  “Absolutely, are you still hungry?” and there was that look again, as his eyes spoke volumes.

  “Come on, grab a bathrobe from the wardrobe and I’ll get the cheese”.

  “Does that mean you aren’t kicking me out afterwards?”


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