Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book Page 22

by Jourdyn Kelly

  ‘This could be yours, brother.’ Cade had told him. Greyson was tempted. That temptation grew exponentially as he read through the files Cade had given him on Preston. He glanced at the files again.

  “Lazy fucker,” Greyson muttered disgustedly. Every shortcut that Preston could find, he took. Hell, he even took shortcuts for the shortcuts. “A hostile takeover isn’t the danger here, Preston is. He’s going to run this company into the ground.”

  The vibration of his phone in his pocket shook Greyson from his one-man conversation. An automatic smile replaced the glower on Greyson’s face, and he slid his finger across the screen to answer.

  “Hey, doll.”

  “Hi there, stud. Am I interrupting anything?”

  His heart jumped at the sound of her smooth, accented voice. Before meeting Blaise, Greyson would have thought the romantic notion of getting all dopey over a woman was absurd. He was feeling it, and he still couldn’t believe it.

  “You could never interrupt. To what do I owe this pleasure?” Truth was, when he was concentrating—as he was now on this problem Preston had created for him—Greyson hated interruptions. Funny how that didn’t extend to the luscious brunette he couldn’t seem to get out of his mind.

  “Would you believe it if I told you I missed you?”

  Greyson could hear the mirth in Blaise’s voice, yet he hoped there was a bit of truth in her words.

  “I would want to believe it,” he answered with a smile. “I could fix that, you know? We could meet somewhere. Get… reacquainted. A few times, if you would like.”

  Her chuckle was low, and sexy as fuck. “You’re a sex fiend.”

  Greyson smiled, deliberately lowering his voice in hopes of enticing Blaise into meeting up with him. “You didn’t seem to mind last night.”

  “Hmm. That wasn’t an insult, Mr. Steele. It was more of a compliment.”

  Greyson shifted in his seat. A smart man knows when he has met his match, and Greyson Steele was a smart man. “Meet me, Blaise.” It came out as more of a command than he intended, but he was beginning to feel a bit desperate.

  “As much as I would love to meet you right now, stud, I’m working. But I did call for a reason.”

  “It wasn’t to tell me you missed me?” he teased.

  Blaise laughed softly. “Fine, two reasons. The second being, I would like to ask you to dinner.”

  Greyson’s eyebrows rose in surprise. Women didn’t usually ask him out for a date. To fuck? Yes. But a genuine date? He couldn’t remember one time in his almost forty years of that ever happening.

  “You’re asking me out? Isn’t that my job?” He almost laughed at her derisive snort.

  “Get with the times, Mr. Steele. A woman can have a job, drive a muscle car, and ask a man out.”

  “Are you going to pick me up, as well? What should I wear?” He was amused—as well as completely enchanted—by this woman, and this conversation.

  “Are you making fun of me, Mr. Steele? I could ask someone else if you’re not interested.”

  Even though he heard the laughter in her voice, he hated the thought of her asking someone else. Deciding to keep the mood light, he played along.

  “Not making fun at all, doll. Just want to make sure I dress appropriately for what you have planned for me.”

  She hummed low in her throat, and it had Greyson’s stomach muscles tightening in response. “For what I have planned for you, stud, there’s no need to be dressed at all. However, for dinner, casual is fine.”

  Greyson smiled at the thought of what Blaise may have planned for him. He wondered if he could convince her to stay with him tonight, knowing that she had a problem with his apartment. Hell, he wasn’t exactly enamored with the place himself. Perhaps he could talk her into staying with him if he rented out the Penthouse Suite at the Four Seasons.

  “Oh, and you can come to my apartment,” she said, interrupting his planning.

  “I’ll be there with bells on. What time would you like me to pick you up?”

  “Can you be there around seven?”

  “I can be there whenever you want me.”

  Her chuckle tickled his senses. “You’re such a sweet talker. I’ll see you at seven, Greyson.”

  “See you, doll.”

  “If I didn’t know you better, I would think you were getting soft,” Cade razzed from the doorway.

  “Up yours.”

  Cade roared with laughter. “I’m kidding, brother. I like this look on you. It suits you.”

  Greyson frowned at his best friend. “What look?”

  “Love,” Cade answered matter-of-factly.

  “Come on, man. We hardly know each other. Love is a strong word, isn’t it?” Unconsciously, Greyson raised his hand to loosen a tie that wasn’t even there. If he wasn’t wearing a tie, why did he feel a little constricted?

  “You got something else you wanna call it?”

  “Cade, we’re just getting to know each other. People don’t fall in love that fast.”

  “What the hell do you think love at first sight means?” The twinkle of merriment in Cade’s eyes told Greyson all he needed to know. That his friend since they were tykes was having a grand ole time watching Greyson squirm.

  “You’re an ass.”

  Cade shrugged off the insult like water off a duck’s back. He knew Greyson didn’t mean it anyway. At least not entirely. “I’m only half kidding, brother. I’ve never seen you like this over a woman. It’s kinda scaring me.”

  “Stop being a dick, Cade.” Greyson pushed away from the massive desk, stood and turned his back on his friend. He studied the scenery. It wasn’t as picturesque as his view at Steele Industries, but it still gave him the same serene feeling.

  “You’ve never been this sensitive about my jokes, Greyson.” Cade’s normally jovial attitude suddenly turned serious. “That must mean there’s a little bit of truth in what I’m saying. Is there something wrong with feeling the way you do?”

  Greyson sighed. “She’s not ready, man.” He turned back to the desk, picking up one of the files he had been studying. “Anyway, does she really deserve to be thrust into this shit?”

  “Hold up, brother. You have given up enough for your family. I’m not going to sit around and let you give this woman up, or not take a chance on this relationship because of your damn family.”

  Greyson winced inwardly at the harshness of Cade’s words. He was right, of course, but that didn’t mean Greyson wanted to hear it.

  “Blaise is a good woman,” Cade continued. “I know I just met her, but you know damn well that I’m a good judge of character. Plus, I see how you are when I just mention her name. You really want to give that up because you have this messed up sense of obligation to someone like Preston Steele?”

  “It’s not that black and white, Cade.”

  “The fuck it isn’t!” Greyson’s eyebrow raised dangerously at Cade’s outburst, but that didn’t stop the former Marine. “Are you happy with Blaise?”

  “She makes me happier than I ever thought I could be,” Greyson confessed. “But…”

  “No. No buts, brother. You’ve sacrificed a lot for your family and this country. If you want a happy life with the woman you choose, fucking do it.”

  Greyson scratched at his beard. “This is a big step for me, Cade. Not to mention for Blaise. If I told her how I felt, she’d go running for the hills.”

  “You know that for a fact?”

  “Sometimes the intel comes from the source itself, man. Blaise has never wanted a relationship before.”

  “Yet, she’s in one now. With you.”

  “Yeah, well, I think I’ll give her a little time, go on a few more dates, before I drop this bomb on her. It’ll give me a little time to come to terms with it myself if that’s what it really is.”

  “You’ve already come to terms with it, Grey. Hell, you were about to take her to meet the family after the first date!”

  Greyson chuckled. “That was at the r
equest of Nora.”

  Cade coughed into his fist, “Bullshit.”

  “Fine,” Greyson conceded with a laugh. “I want to show her off to the world.” He laughed harder at Cade’s comical look. “And, yes, show her off in front of Pricilla since I’m pretty sure she’ll try to showing up uninvited. However, just because I’m ready to do that, doesn’t mean Blaise is on the same page. She’s already backed out of lunch on Sunday.”

  “Which is understandable.” Cade sat in one of the leather chairs in front of the desk, and lifted his chin, motioning for Greyson to sit as well. “I’ve known you almost my whole life, brother, and I still have never made it to one of those damn lunches. I ain’t afraid to admit that your mother scares me a bit.”

  Greyson laughed. “Yeah, me too. Somehow I think Blaise could hold her own with Nora, though.”

  “Did she tell you why she’s backing out?”

  Greyson let out a quick breath. “The same reason I just gave you. We don’t know each other that well. Blaise thinks we should spend more time together before I lead her to the wolves.”

  “Smart woman.”

  “Yeah, she is. Can’t say that I’m disappointed,” Greyson smiled. “Spending more time with Blaise is definitely high on my list.”

  “So focus on that, man. Forget your family for a while, and just be with Blaise.” Cade shrugged. “It’s time to get out from under the Steele name, Grey. I can’t make you work with me, but as your best friend, I refuse to let you miss an opportunity with a good woman.”

  “You either really hate Pricilla, or you want another crack at Ellie,” Greyson goaded.

  “We would have had to dissolve this friendship if you ended up with Pricilla, brother. And I wouldn’t say no to another try with Ellie. Maybe next time I can figure out how to keep her interest,” Cade laughed. “In all seriousness, Blaise is good for you. Don’t waste this chance because of self-imposed obligations.”

  SELF-IMPOSED OBLIGATIONS. Secrets. Manipulation from Nora. Preston’s embezzling. Relationships. Love? Greyson’s head was beginning to pound. He couldn’t focus on one particular thing, and it was beginning to annoy the fuck out of him. He glanced at his watch. 6:30. He was thirty minutes early. If he went up now, he would seem overly eager—which was probably true. If he stayed down here, sitting in his car in front of Blaise’s apartment, he’d feel like a fool. Perhaps he should have taken more time showering, and getting an overnight bag together at his apartment. Of course, he wouldn’t tell Blaise that he packed a bag, or reserved a room. He’d get a feel for how the night goes first. Greyson glanced at his watch again. 6:32.

  “Fuck it,” he muttered, needing to see Blaise more than he cared to admit. He smiled as he smoothed his hand down his worn jeans and black Henley, hoping they were acceptable for whatever Blaise had planned. Nora Steele would have a coronary if she saw his outfit. Hell, most of the women he had ‘dated’ expected him to be in three-piece, designer suits. Greyson Steele had a reputation to uphold, and an image to represent. One of the things he loved the most about Blaise is that she held no such expectations.

  Greyson froze in his tracks. There was that word again. “Shit.” There was no way he could have those feelings for a woman he just met. Could he? Yes, Blaise made him feel things he’s never felt before, but was it love? Love at first sight didn’t exist. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if love existed. Nora and Preston certainly weren’t good examples. For Greyson, the possibility of love has always been… inconceivable.

  However—completely for arguments sake—he told himself—if it was possible, how did that make him feel? He stood there, taking stock of how the word ‘love’ affected him. He was amazed that it wasn’t a negative thing. “Not something Blaise needs to know right now,” he murmured to himself as he made his way up to the woman on his mind. Too soon, and she’s too skittish about relationships to chance it. After Cade’s little ‘talk’ earlier, Greyson wasn’t about to jeopardize what he had with Blaise.

  Ridiculous nerves caused his stomach to flip, and once again Greyson found himself cursing this teenager reaction. I should have brought something, he mused, pressing Blaise’s doorbell. He wasn’t a man used to showing up empty handed, but not being able to bring the clichéd flowers, he was at a loss.

  Then the door opened, and all coherent thoughts and blood left his brain, and Greyson could do nothing but stand there, gaping—and, quite possibly drooling—at the stunning, petite brunette. His eyes traveled from top to bottom. He took in the loose ponytail, the deep purple, over-sized, V-neck t-shirt that hung loose off her shoulder, and showed off a lavender, lace bra. The front of the shirt was tucked into white, cotton short shorts that revealed long, tanned, toned legs, and tapered off to painted—also purple—toe nails. The woman was a fantasy. One that Greyson’s body responded to immediately.

  GOOD LORD. THE man should ditch all of his fancy suits, because what casual clothes did for him was almost criminal.

  “Hey.” Blaise glanced at her watch noting that he was a little early. Seems to be a theme with him. She watched, intrigued, as his throat worked, and his hungry stare devoured every inch of her. When his eyes finally made it back to hers, he cleared his throat, embarrassment flickering across his face for a moment.

  “When you said casual, I didn’t think you meant shoes were optional.” Blaise was sure this was meant to be a tease, but his voice was hoarse. Something she knew happened when he was highly turned on. Funny how I should know that after one night of sex.

  She smiled sweetly. “Well, you are early,” she teased. “Actually, I thought maybe we would have dinner here. I don’t need shoes for that.” Blaise held her breath, waiting for his response to what was arguably one of the hardest things she’s ever had to do.

  Greyson’s eyebrows shot up, and he glanced behind him. “Should I grab my usual seat?” he asked, jerking his thumb at the wall across the hall.

  “I deserved that,” Blaise muttered, then lifted her gaze. “Come in, Greyson.”

  It was almost comical, the way he just stood there and gawked at her as though he couldn’t believe she had just uttered those words. Join the club, stud.

  “You could stay out here if you want,” she told him when he didn’t move. “But I have comfortable chairs inside, and the lasagna will be much easier to eat at the table.”

  “Lasagna. Chairs.” Greyson glanced around again. “Inside?”

  Blaise finally laughed, grasping his shirt and pulling him inside. “You’re a goof.”

  His eyes bore into hers, and she found herself wondering if he was thinking about what a huge step this was for her.

  “Are you sure about this, doll?”

  I guess he is.

  “You’re in here, aren’t you?” she answered dryly. It was difficult, she found, not to be flustered by his intense consideration of the matter. “Look, let’s not make a big deal out of this. I wanted to cook for you, and I wanted to show you that I could invite you in without passing out.”

  “Cook?” He sniffed the air, seemingly just becoming aware that there was a lingering aroma. “Smells great.” Greyson took her in his arms then, burying his face in her neck. “Smells delicious.”

  Blaise moaned quietly when he brushed his lips across the delicate skin right behind her ear. “Back at ya,” she whispered, taking his face in her hands, and bringing his mouth to hers for a proper hello kiss.

  “Mmm.” Greyson licked his lips. “You taste good.”

  A perfectly shaped eyebrow lifted, accompanying a mischievous grin. “So you’ve said.”

  She felt the vibration of his laughter as he hugged her to his chest. “I stand by that statement, however, I may need to do more research. All in the name of science, of course.”

  “Of course,” she chuckled. “I’m sure you could talk me into being your test subject again. It was quite enjoyable the first time.”

  “Hmm. Doll, as much as I would love to strip you right now, and get on that, I’m too intrigued by being in
side.” He laughed, and tapped her on the tip of the nose. “Don’t give me that look. You know what I meant.”

  She decided to let the comment go, and stop stalling when she realized they were still standing near the door. “Let me just check the timer on the lasagna, and then I’ll give you the nickel tour.”

  “If I pay more, do I get a thorough tour of your bedroom?” Greyson wiggled his eyebrows at the suggestion, giving Blaise a lecherous smile.

  “Maybe,” she called over her shoulder on her way to the kitchen. “Take off your shoes, and get comfortable. I promise, you don’t have to stand by the door all night.”

  “Good to know,” he murmured close to her ear.

  Blaise jumped, not expecting him to be right there behind her. “Jesus! You probably shouldn’t sneak up on someone in a room full of sharp objects.” She put a hand over her wildly beating heart. It’s fine. You’re fine. You’re just not used to having anyone here. “What are you, part cat? I didn’t hear you following me at all.”

  “Occupational hazard,” he shrugged. “I was trained to get into places without being detected or deterred. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “Surprise, not scare.” She patted him on his rock hard belly. “Ready for that tour?”

  He peeked over her shoulder, inhaling deeply. “You know, if I’d known we would be staying in, I would have brought something. A bottle of wine, at least.” Greyson glanced down. “It’s tough dating a woman who owns a flower shop.”

  “Is it?”

  “Sure. I can’t go anywhere else to buy you flowers. Don’t want to give the competition business.”

  Blaise felt ridiculously giddy that he would think of that.

  “And,” he continued as she lingered on his ‘protectiveness’ of her shop. “If I buy them from your shop… well, that’s just like giving you something that’s already yours.”


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