Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book Page 23

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “That’s quite the dilemma,” she agreed with a small smile.

  “It really is. So, now here I am, empty handed while you’ve slaved over the stove to cook me dinner.” He paused, quirking a brow. “You did cook it, right?”

  She gasped, feigning shock and indignation. “You doubt my skills?”

  “Hell no. Your skills are amazing. I can attest to that,” he answered with a straight face. “I just didn’t think you cooked.”

  She shook her head and laughed. “Because I’m always at the diner?” He nodded. “It’s not much fun to cook for one person,” she admitted. “So, I don’t do it often, but I can cook. You can’t be roommates with Ellie for so long and not pick up a few things. You do like lasagna, right?”

  “Love it, though I don’t think I’ve ever had it homemade.”

  “That’s kind of sad.”

  “I don’t know. I’m sure if Nora had cooked anything I would inevitably hate it now. Besides, lasagna was too ‘ordinary’ for her palate.”

  “Hmm.” Blaise held her tongue, not wanting to offend Greyson by saying something nasty about his mother. “Well, I hope you don’t mind, but I only do ‘ordinary’ food as that’s what Ellie taught me.”


  SHE TOOK HIM on a quick tour of the apartment she was so proud of. It was spacious enough, but dwarfed in comparison to his penthouse. Maybe he was used to the grandiose lifestyle, but she could see he was, much to her surprise and delight, quite impressed.

  Blaise closed the door to the guest room, gesturing nonchalantly towards the third bedroom. “That’s where I do some of my work.” She stopped when she felt a gentle hand on her arm.

  “May I see it?” he implored.

  “It’s nothing special.” Of course, that wasn’t completely true. She had designed every aspect of the room, down to the tiniest detail. It was very special to Blaise, and she was ecstatic at how it turned out. However, she just didn’t think Greyson would find it as fascinating as she did.


  The disappointment in his voice had Blaise pausing. With a sigh, she steered him in the direction of her in-house ‘greenhouse’. Pushing open the door, she propelled him inside, and closed the door quickly behind her. “It’s just flower stuff.”

  It was hot in the room, causing a slight film of sweat to appear on his neck that she longed to lick up.

  “What are these?” Greyson asked, snapping Blaise out of her increasingly sexual thoughts.

  “Hmm?” He was peering in one of the incubators. “Oh, just something I’m working on for a client.”

  Greyson’s brows furrowed. “You grow the flowers here?”

  “Some,” Blaise lifted a shoulder. “Special orders, mostly.”

  “That’s…” his eyes shifted from the hatchery to Blaise. “That’s incredible. I had no idea that could be done.”

  “Why would you?” Blaise’s question wasn’t meant to be unkind, and she knew Greyson understood that. “It’s not your specialty. I’m sure what you do at Steele Industries, and what you did in the Army are beyond my scope of understanding.”

  Greyson nodded thoughtfully. “Well, these days Steele Industries is a bit beyond my scope of understanding, too.”

  She laughed at his self-deprecating smirk. “Come on. It’s hot in here, and dinner should be ready soon.”

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, walking awkwardly out of the room with her back plastered to his front. “What? I don’t get to see your bedroom?”

  “That’s later, stud.”

  BLAISE KNIGHT, QUEEN of solitude—if you don’t count her best friend and goddaughter—was secretly thrilled with all of the praise Greyson had bestowed upon her during dinner. It really was an easy dish to make, but done right, it rivaled any high priced fancy meal. Pair it with garlic bread and a fresh salad, which Blaise did, and you had damn near the perfect dinner.

  “I have red velvet cake for dessert.”

  “Of course you do,” Greyson laughed. “I take it that’s from Ellie?”

  “Yes. One thing I do not do is bake. Besides, no one can beat Ellie’s cakes. I wouldn’t even try.”

  Greyson reached over, and traced a finger down Blaise’s cheek. “Maybe later?”

  “Sure.” She was suddenly at a loss at what to do. With Ellie and Jessie, it was easy. The two women would drink wine while listening to Jessie talk about school, or whatever else she was into that day. Or, they would play silly games, give each other facials… you know, typical girl nights. She had never had to entertain a date in her home before. “We could, um, watch a movie, or…”

  Greyson grasped her fidgeting hands. “Relax, doll. We could sit on the couch and do absolutely nothing, and I would be happy. There’s nothing I want more than to just be here with you.”

  Blaise flashed him a grateful smile. Talk. I can do that. And, if it gets too uncomfortable, there’s always sex. She quickly altered her thoughts, not wanting to have that kind of relationship with Greyson. Standing, she held her hand out to him. “Come on. Let’s get to know each other.”

  Blaise grabbed the half-empty bottle of wine, gesturing to their glasses. Once he had them in hand, she pulled him towards the living room, and nudged him down onto the couch.

  With glasses filled, Blaise handed one to Greyson, and sat back, facing Greyson with one leg tucked under her.

  “Let’s start with the easy stuff, like favorites.” Blaise sipped her wine, peering at him over the rim.

  “All right. I don’t really have favorite movies or anything like that. Didn’t have much time while I was in the service. I like all different kinds of music, depending on what I’m doing at the moment. I enjoy fast cars, good food, and, as it turns out, the company of a good woman.” He paused for a long moment, causing Blaise to believe he was done. Just as she was about to open her mouth, he continued. “My family is dysfunctional, but no one seems to notice because they’re rich. Friends used to envy me in high school for having the cars, clothes and chicks. Only Cade knew the truth about how miserable life was in the Steele household.

  “I know I shouldn’t complain. I grew up more privileged than a lot of others, Cade included. But…”

  “But it was hard living up to your parents’ standards, and the fantasy life others believed you had?” Blaise ventured.

  Greyson’s eyebrow raised. “Exactly.”

  She ignored Greyson’s questioning look. Blaise wasn’t sure what more she could say about her family that she hadn’t already told him. Which, of course, wasn’t much. Some things just needed to remain private. “Was Cade someone your parents approved of?”

  Thankfully, Greyson took the hint. “No, but that didn’t deter Cade. The man plays by his own set of rules. I think that’s what made me want to be friends with him. Nothing held him back from doing exactly what he wanted to do.”

  Oh boy. Tread lightly here, Blaise. “And, you can’t? Even now?” She winced inwardly when he hesitated taking a drink of his wine.

  “A couple of weeks ago, I would have had a different answer for you.” He finished his wine, setting the empty glass on the table. “Now? With all of the shit that’s going on, the lies, the misjudgments, Preston’s incompetence. I want out. I’m about to be forty years old.” He took a strand of her hair between his fingers, tugging lightly. “There are more important things I want out of life now.”

  “Then you should go for what you want,” she whispered.

  GOD, I HOPE you mean that, doll. “That’s the plan,” he stated out loud. “I have a few things to tidy up at the company, but after that, I’ll take Cade up on the offer to work with him. In the meantime, I plan on getting to know you much better.”

  Blaise flashed that sexy grin he loved so much. “Sounds like a solid plan.”

  “Mmhmm.” Damn, he wanted to finally take the rest of that tour into her bedroom. That need battled the need to get her to tell him more about herself. Realizing that the kind of relationship he wanted with
Blaise meant more than just sex—incredible sex, he amended—Greyson continued the conversation. “So? Favorites?”

  He held back a smile when surprise flickered across her features. You were expecting me to make a move. Good to keep you guessing.

  “Um. Let’s see.” She tapped a fingernail on her beautifully white teeth. “I’m not a ‘favorites’ type person, either, though I do watch TV and movies. Mostly, I enjoy action films.”

  Greyson was pleasantly surprised, and knew she could tell by the little smirk that quirked at the edge of her lips. Luscious lips. He cleared his throat. “Action movies and a muscle car. You realize you’re every man’s wet dream, right? Tell me you drink beer and watch sports, and I’ll marry you right now.”

  They both froze. He hadn’t meant to say that. Fuck, he didn’t even know where that came from, or how it found its way in—and out—of his mouth. Way to go, jackass. You just fucked up your chances.

  “I drink beer and watch sports.” Her quiet declaration blasted through his senses, setting each one of them on fire. “However…” And, those fires were just squelched by one single word. “Marriage is not required to get me to do those things with you.” Blaise smiled, but Greyson caught the small tremble.

  “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, doll.” Greyson was sheepish and contrite. Two things he never associated with himself. This woman was doing things to him that he didn’t quite comprehend. Was he sure he wanted things that way? Did he want to change? After a moment’s thought, he acknowledged that he wasn’t really changing for Blaise, he was just learning a different side of himself. A side he had never had a use for before now. Greyson was so focused on his inner thoughts that the warmth of Blaise’s hand on his cheek nearly made him flinch.

  “I’m not uncomfortable, Greyson. It was just…”

  “Shocking? Scary?”

  “Unexpected.” She leaned into him, touching her lips lightly to his in the sweetest kiss he had ever had. “So. Now you know my entertainment preferences—oh, I like most music as well—my drinking habits, and my love for hot cars. Especially if a hot man is driving it,” she winked, making him grin. “Anything else you need to know?”

  “Everything.” The simple statement spoke volumes, he wasn’t going to deny that. Blaise could take it how she wanted, telling him as little or as much as she wanted. Tonight. He would make sure they had plenty more opportunities to do this again.

  “That may take a while. How about we get some cake, talk about the little things, and then…”

  Greyson hiked an eyebrow. “Then I get to finish the tour?” He offered her his sexiest grin. She charmed him even further by the faint blush that crept up her chest.

  “Then we’ll watch a movie.” She shot him a sassy wink as she popped up off the couch. “Want milk with your cake?”

  I COULD GET used to this. As he had told Blaise, Greyson wasn’t one to take the time to relax and watch movies. However, with a beautiful woman curled up next to him, her head resting on his chest as he lounged on her comfortable couch, and her fingertips making lazy circles on his belly? Yeah, he could definitely get used to this. They had decided on one of the Fast and Furious movies, he didn’t know which one, and he didn’t really care. ‘Hot cars, and hot guys.’ She had told him with a shrug. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be annoyed or jealous by that. All that mattered at this moment was the treasure he now held in his arms.

  It was such a surreal moment for Greyson. He never imagined he would be content just being with a woman, and enjoying the quiet company with no expectations. Just then, he remembered the reservations he made for the Four Seasons. Blaise hadn’t mentioned anything past the movie, and Greyson didn’t want to be presumptuous, but he did want to know what the next step was. Now, to do that without screwing up an almost perfect night. Perfect would happen when he gets to see her bedroom.

  “I, uh,” he cleared his throat. “I made reservations at the Four Seasons.”

  He felt her body tense, and the lazy patterns stopped before casually starting again.


  Greyson was sure Blaise meant to sound laid-back, but he could hear the bemused strain. So, he would try to keep it nonchalant for her benefit.

  “Mmhmm. I thought that since you weren’t comfortable at my place, maybe you’d be more comfortable on neutral ground.” He sighed when she pushed away from him and sat up. “Before you say anything, doll, I wasn’t expecting you to say yes.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “You weren’t? Don’t you have to pay for reservations up front? You must have been confident that I’d say yes.”

  “I just asked them to hold it for me, Blaise. I was hopeful.”

  Blaise moved, sliding slightly until she was sitting on the coffee table in front of him. It took effort, but he chose not to take offense to her suddenly distancing herself from him.

  “Does this,” she waved her hands back and forth between them, “not scare the shit out of you?”

  He thought for a minute, then shrugged. “I don’t know, doll. I think I’ve just decided to trust in what I’m feeling, and just go with it.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that,” he nodded. He took her hands in his, chafing her knuckles with his thumbs. Greyson frowned when she gently pulled her hand away.

  “What do you know about me?”

  He wasn’t sure he understood Blaise’s question, which made him hesitate in answering. “Um, I know that you like action movies…”

  “No. I mean what did Cade tell you?”

  Bemused, Greyson studied her demeanor. Normally, he was an expert at body language, and reading emotions. Blaise was an enigma to him. She had a talent for voiding her face of any indicators concerning how she felt. He wondered if it was a skill she had worked on for years to keep herself from getting too involved. It certainly wasn’t something he wanted her to get used to using with him.

  “I told you, doll. All I got from him was your address and phone number.” He kept his voice calm, not wanting to end the night on a bad note. Hell, he didn’t want to end the night at all.

  It was Blaise’s turn to study him, and he imagined she was contemplating whether he was telling the truth. Part of him wanted to question why she was so defensive about that. It was the other part, the part that could understand the need for privacy that let it go.

  “I promise, Blaise. I have no intention of giving you a reason not to trust me. Did I choose an alternative option on getting your address? Yes. But I did it for honorable reasons.”

  Blaise raised a brow at that. Luckily for him, she didn’t disagree. With a small nod, she sat back down on the couch, allowing her knee to touch his.

  “I can’t promise I will want you to stay the night, Greyson,” she began, causing his heart rate to triple. “But you can tell them you don’t need the room. If we end up staying together, I would like for it to be here. Not some impersonal hotel room. Is that okay?”

  Greyson grinned, only to have it widen to toothy smile when she tickled the whiskers on his cheek. In all seriousness, it was more than he could have hoped for. He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes, taking in the sweetness of the gesture. It amazed him that Blaise wasn’t into relationships. Despite her fiery temper and independence, she had an innate generosity and affectionate nature that tugged at his already taut heart strings.

  “Would you like to finish that tour now?” she asked quietly. Her mouth was close enough to his that he could feel her warm breath mingle with his.

  “I would.” Greyson grasped her hand, holding firm before she could stand. “No expectations, doll. If you’re not comfortable with me staying here, I understand. And, in case I forget to tell you later, thank you for inviting me in. That, and having you cook a special meal for me, it means a lot.”

  She shrugged a little, looking a tad embarrassed. “It was just lasagna. Nothing special,” she insisted.

  “Believe me, it was. It could have been Raisin Bran c
ereal, and I would have loved it.” Loved you even more for just being brave enough to do this, he added silently. He was still a little freaked about the ‘L’ word constantly popping up in his mind, but what he said to Blaise was the truth. He had decided to just trust his feelings, and go with it.

  Greyson chuckled when Blaise wrinkled her nose. It was cute, and he vowed to bring more adorable facial expressions out of her.

  “Raisin Bran?” She narrowed her eyes at him. This time she didn’t hide her true emotions, and by the crinkle of skin at the corner of her eyes, he could tell she was razzing him. “Is that what the old folks are eating nowadays?”

  “Old folks, huh?”

  In a lightning fast movement, Greyson snagged Blaise around the waist, and began tickling her relentlessly for her ‘old’ remark. What had started out as just a playful bit of fun, turned into a major turn on for Greyson. He had already known that he loved her low, throaty laugh. He wasn’t expecting to find her strength just as arousing. Blaise wasn’t quite as strong as he was, but she certainly held her own, surprising him. She also, he found, played dirty. There were many times he found himself grabbing her hand, prying it off a certain part of his anatomy. She didn’t do it for pain, but purely to knock him off his game. It almost worked. Multiple times.

  Finally, Greyson gained control of Blaise’s wandering limbs, pinning her legs between his powerful thighs, and her hands above her head. She bucked her hips a few times, but he wasn’t budging. The only thing the movement got her was contact with his hardness. Greyson wasn’t complaining one bit.

  “Gotcha,” he breathed in her ear, taking the lobe in his teeth for a nibble. Blaise shivered beneath him, sending all sorts of wonderful sensations through his body.

  She peered up at him through hooded eyes. “I guess you do, stud. What are you going to do with me now?”

  “I’m going to take you to your bedroom, and make love to you until you can’t take it anymore.”

  It was a bold statement, but in the position they were in, Greyson was feeling particularly bold. He wanted nothing more than to lose himself inside Blaise for as long as she would let him stay. I’ll just have to make love to her all night, he thought with a sexy smirk. He knew that Blaise was feeling at least a fraction of what he was, because her breathing hitched before increasing. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly with each breath, her hardening nipples brushed his chest through her clothing. Slowly, he lowered his lips to hers, capturing them in a slow, passionate kiss.


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