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Coming Home: An LA Lovers Book

Page 24

by Jourdyn Kelly

  Greyson didn’t want to rush this time. Though he felt that ever-present urgency to be with her, he wanted to savor Blaise. He wanted to seduce her as he promised. Problem was, he thought as he looked into her beautiful, desire filled eyes, he didn’t know who was seducing whom.

  “What are you waiting for?”

  GOD. THAT WAS the word going through Blaise’s mind over and over again. And, at times, slipping from her mouth in the form of breathy pants. Since the moment Greyson carried—yes, carried—her into her bedroom, it has been one hot seduction. She had started out wanting to seduce him, but somewhere along the way, he had turned the tables on her. If Blaise had ever questioned whether a man could be romantic, sweet and slow—something she had never experienced with other men—Greyson was doing a fantastic job at answering that question positively.

  He moved slowly inside of her. It was almost excruciating, the way he teased her, keeping her just out of reach of that ultimate climax. Even if she wanted to speed up the tempo—which her overly aroused libido begged her to do—the weight of his body on top of hers left no doubt who was setting the rhythm. Greyson’s stormy gray eyes held hers as he rested on his elbows, his hands buried in her hair. Blaise couldn’t remember ever feeling this erotic, and completely captivated by a man.

  “Greyson,” she purred. Her voice sounded strange to her own ears. She had never been the kind of woman that was overly vocal in bed, or that purred. But it seemed Mr. Steele was very good at getting Blaise to do things she normally wouldn’t do.

  “I love hearing you say my name.” She could hear the raw hunger in the quiet words, and felt her sex clench in response. Blaise knew Greyson felt her tighten around him when he growled low in his throat, and began moving faster.

  Her fingers dug into the skin on his back, her hips moved in time with his. They were completely in sync. Another thing to add to the list of new experiences. This lovemaking wasn’t about one dominating the other, it was about the mutual need to just be close.

  Blaise felt the stirrings of an orgasm. It was just one more thing that surprised her the first time she and Greyson made love. She had never been one to orgasm through penetration alone, always needing more… stimulation to get off. As her body began to convulse around him, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and rode out the intense sensation of an almost violent orgasm ripping through her.

  Greyson wasn’t far behind her, releasing a long, sensuous groan resembling her name as he came. His weight shifted when he rolled over, bringing her with him until she was on top. He was still inside her, much to her delight, and she settled her knees on each side of his hips, straddling him.

  “That, Mr. Steele, was incredible.”

  “Yes it was, doll.” With gentle fingers, he pushed her hair away from her eyes, tucking it behind her ear. There were so many emotions in his eyes, Blaise had a hard time not looking away. If she was going to give this relationship stuff a shot, she was going to have to deal with it head on, not turn away when things get too intense.

  “Would you like to take a shower before we go to bed?”

  The look of utter shock on his face would have been funny to Blaise if she weren’t feeling exactly the same way. The invitation to shower? Totally meant that. The invitation to stay the night? Well, apparently her mouth, or brain—or heart—had a different agenda.

  “Did you?”

  “I guess I did,” Blaise answered his unfinished question.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want, doll?”

  Blaise was appalled to feel the sting of unshed tear when the back of his knuckles grazed her cheek in a very tender gesture.

  “I’m not really sure of anything, Greyson,” she told him honestly. “But you said to just go with it, right?” Blaise kissed him. “That’s what I’m going to try to do. I know that I don’t want this night to end, yet.” Blaise shrugged a little. “I know I want you again.” She smiled when she felt him twitch inside her.

  “Glad I stocked up on condoms,” he smirked. She appreciated his attempt at lightening the mood, and accepted the change in subject.

  “I’m glad, too,” she responded, deliberately allowing her voice to take on a sultry timbre. “So? Shower?”

  “You bet your sweet ass.” Greyson emphasized his enthusiasm for the task by smacking her lightly on that ‘sweet ass’ as she moved off of him.

  She tossed a saucy look over a brazenly naked shoulder, curling a finger to beckon him into joining her.

  BLAISE’S EYES FLUTTERED open, and she felt the hard ridges of muscles beneath her hand. Her body tensed involuntarily.

  “Don’t freak out,” Greyson murmured, holding her a little tighter to his body.

  She willed her body to relax, deciding to just enjoy Greyson’s ripped abs, tracing her finger along the line of hair just below his navel.

  “I’m not freaking out. Much,” she added after a dramatic pause. Blaise smiled when she felt his body shake with silent laughter. “I love this,” she whispered, tugging at the fine hairs. She tried not to flinch at her chosen words, even when she felt those muscles ripple beneath her fingers.

  “Oh yeah?”

  Finally, she tilted her head up, looking him in the eyes. “Mmhmm,” she breathed, kissing him softly. “Good morning.”

  “Mornin’, doll.”

  She could see the concern in his eyes, and kissed him again for reassurance. Blaise yelped when he quickly reversed their positions, with him ending up on top of her.

  “Greyson, as much as I would love to have what I know would be amazing morning sex, we need to get up.”

  His eyebrows raised comically. “Blaise Knight, it is barely seven in the morning. Surely you’re not due at work this early.”

  “Shit! It’s that late? Ellie is going to kill me, or take away my privileges.” Blaise shivered at the thought, then raised up to rest her forehead on Greyson’s. “I’m sorry. I wish we had longer to explore this whole ‘morning after’ thing.”

  “Privileges as in red velvet cake?” He chuckled when Blaise shivered again, nodding. “What are you missing to deserve that?”

  “Yoga,” she grimaced. “I’m supposed to be there early to help her set up. She teaches a class, and I’ve already missed running with her yesterday,” she explained at his questioning look.

  He nodded, though he didn’t move off of her. His weight pinning her down was seriously making her contemplate missing red velvet cake. Ellie couldn’t possibly stay mad at her forever. Right?

  “What time should you be there?”

  “Before 7:30.”

  “Plenty of time,” Greyson announced as he dipped his head, and kissed her deeply.

  After a breathless moment, she pulled away panting. “No way, stud.” Blaise tried to sound assertive, but it was hard when all she wanted to do was give in to him. “I don’t have time. Plus, you ran out of condoms last night,” she smirked.

  “Hmm, true.” He flashed her a sexy grin. “That doesn’t mean everything is out.” Greyson trailed his hand down her toned belly, tickling her and making her laugh. The laugh abruptly turned to moans as he stroked her already slick sex.

  “Greyson.” It was a half-hearted attempt at getting him to stop. At this point, she wanted nothing more than for him to make her come. “You’re going to get me in so much trouble.”

  “But it’ll be worth it,” he growled, slipping two fingers inside her.

  She arched her back, her hips lifting to meet the thrust of his hand. Moving her thigh to give him better access, she rubbed against his impressive erection, causing him to moan. Nudging him slightly, she was able to slip her hand between them.


  He groaned heavily as she began to stroke him. He likes to watch, she thought with a grin as he peered down between them. Knowing his eyes were riveted on what she was doing to him, she brought her hand to her own wetness, lubricating it before she went back to caressing him. His thrusting became more insistent as she fisted him in her hand, squ
eezing, sliding and tugging in a rhythm she knew was driving him crazy.

  His thumb pressed against her extremely sensitive bundle of nerves, inducing an amazing orgasm she wasn’t quite expecting.

  “Greyson!” She arched, trying not squeeze her right hand hard enough to hurt him as she convulsed around his fingers.

  “Fuck, Blaise! I’m going to come.”

  “Get on your knees between my legs,” she breathed, making sure to keep her cadence. He complied, and Blaise knew this would be another first for her.

  “You should stop if you don’t want…”

  “Let go, Greyson.”

  Blaise watched as every muscle in his body tensed, his eyes closed, and the tendons in his neck stood out prominently. He rumbled out a strangled cry as he came hotly onto her waiting stomach. They were both breathing hard, and she could tell Greyson wanted to collapse on top of her, so she pushed him over. He landed with a thud, and a chuckle, causing her to bounce a little.

  “Well,” she exhaled sharply. “I can honestly say that has never happened before.”

  Greyson took a couple of deep breaths, a grin plastered to his chiseled face. “It was sexy as fuck.” Then he must have understood what Blaise had just said. He removed his arm, and peered at her with concern. “Did I make you uncomfortable, doll?”

  “No!” Blaise wanted to turn to him, and almost did before remembering she should clean up before trying to move. “That’s not what I meant. I’ve just… I’ve never allowed a guy to do,” she looked at her stomach, her tan contrasting with his little ‘gift’. Greyson was right. It was sexy as fuck. Though she highly doubted she would think that way if it were anyone else. “This.”

  Greyson didn’t respond. He stood up quickly in all his naked glory, disappearing into the bathroom. Blaise grabbed a pillow, flinging it over her face. The last thing she wanted to do was make him feel bad. And, it wasn’t bad! She never said she didn’t enjoy what just happened. Before she could think about her next move, she felt a warm, soft cloth grazing over her skin. She lifted the pillow a fraction, peering out from underneath. What she saw made her catch her breath. Greyson was kneeling beside her, carefully—and lovingly—cleaning her.

  She removed the pillow, and sat up, placing her small hand over his larger one. “It wasn’t a bad thing,” she said softly. When he remained quiet, she took his chin in her hand. “Believe me, Greyson, if I didn’t want to do something, I wouldn’t do it. I wanted this. I enjoyed it. I’m sorry if I made it seem otherwise.”

  He took her hand in his, kissing the palm. “I don’t ever want to do anything that upsets you, Blaise.”

  “You didn’t.” She smiled sweetly. “Well, that’s not entirely true. You made me even later. If I lose my red velvet privileges, you’re losing privileges to my body.”

  His eyes widened. “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Red velvet, Greyson.”

  Suddenly, she was in his arms, quickly being carried towards the shower.


  Blaise knew Ellie was really pissed when she didn’t even turn around to greet her.

  “I know, I’m so sorry!”

  “First, you ditch me for our run yesterday, and now this. You were supposed to help me set up this morning.”

  Ellie’s back—which was still aimed at Blaise—was rigid. Shit. She really is mad. “Ellie, sweetie…”

  Ellie finally turned around, the hurt clearly evident in her eyes. “I’m happy you’ve found someone, Blaise. I truly am. But does it have to be at our expense? The least you could do is call me, and tell me you’re not going to be around.”

  “I –” Blaise paused, taking a deep breath. She completely understood how Ellie was feeling, and felt bad for being the cause. “Yesterday was a terrible mistake, sweetie. I forgot, and that’s unacceptable. I’m so sorry. This morning? I fully intended on being here on time, but Greyson…”

  “Called you and distracted you?” Ellie offered helpfully when Blaise paused again to think of how to explain her morning. Ellie grabbed a few bottles of water, ready to distribute them to each mat setting. It was one of the things Blaise loved about Ellie. No matter what she was doing, she made sure everyone was taken care of first.

  Blaise blushed. “Not exactly. I woke up with him. And, got distracted,” she finished for good measure. A small grin formed when Ellie’s eyes damn near bugged out of her head.

  “Y-you stayed the night with him?”

  “Actually, he stayed the night. With me.” She jumped out of the way as the armful of water bottles came crashing down in front of her. Quickly, she knelt to help Ellie pick up the bottles. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? Are you? You actually let Greyson in?” Ellie blindly searched for the containers as she studied Blaise.

  Blaise shrugged. “You told me I should.”

  Ellie snorted. “Since when do you listen to me?”

  “I always listen to you. I don’t always take your advice,” she smirked. “But I listen.”

  “Mmhmm.” Ellie finished setting up, and joined Blaise again. “You didn’t answer me. Are you okay?”

  Blaise inhaled, slowly letting it out. It was one of the things she loved about Ellie’s yoga class. Ellie taught Pranayama breathing, and Blaise used it often when feeling particularly unsettled. “Yes?”

  “Is that a question?”

  “No. Yes. No.” Another breath. “I’m fine. It was nice.”


  “Okay, it was hot and amazing, and this morning was…”

  “Worth red velvet?”

  Blaise’s eyes widened. “Please don’t do that! I apologized! And, I’m here. I’ll help you clean up, I promise. Besides, it wasn’t my fault.”

  “And, you’ll run with me tomorrow. Six miles.”

  Blaise gulped. I hate running! “Yes,” she squeaked.

  Ellie checked the clock on the wall. “You have about three minutes before people start filing in, so plead your case. How was it not your fault?”

  “I told Greyson I had to go, but he started…”

  Ellie lifted her hands. “I don’t need details about the sex you’re having.”

  “It wasn’t sex exactly,” Blaise explained, surprised at herself. They had never been explicit when talking to each other about their love lives. More accurately, Ellie never told her anything, and Blaise usually kept it clean. But she found herself actually wanting to have that girlfriend she could say anything to. She wanted that to be Ellie.

  “I’m going to regret asking you what that means, aren’t I?”

  “Not if it makes you uncomfortable,” Blaise answered a little sadly.

  Ellie must have noticed Blaise’s somber attitude, because her eyes softened, and she smiled. “What does ‘not sex exactly’ mean?”

  Blaise grinned. “Well, we ran out of condoms last night.” She smacked Ellie lightly on the arm when she rolled her eyes. “So, this morning we had to… improvise.”

  “I’m so going to regret this, but improvise how?”

  “Oral?” Unbeknownst to them, some of Ellie’s students had started coming in.

  “Ooo, maybe some mutual masturbation?” Another suggested. The ladies—thank God there were only ladies—began discussing amongst themselves just how Greyson and Blaise ‘improvised’.

  Blaise’s face was flaming. She could feel the blush reaching the tip of her ears. Ellie she could handle being open with, but virtual strangers? No way.

  Ellie quickly jumped to Blaise’s rescue. “I feel twenty Chaturangas coming on.” Ellie chuckled when eyes went wide—including Blaise’s. All Blaise could think was, thank God she never stays mad at me for long.

  “Thank you,” Blaise whispered as she hugged Ellie. “It was the mutual masturbation one.” She laughed as Ellie pushed her away playfully.


  Cade looked away from his monitor, taking in Greyson’s appearance. Casually dressed in jeans and a green oxford shirt with the sleeves roll
ed to the elbow, Greyson was looking much more relaxed than he was yesterday. Blaise must be keeping his mind off of things.

  “Still playing hooky?”

  Greyson took his usual seat in front of Cade’s desk, crossing an ankle of his knee. “Told you. I’m not going back there until I know what’s going on. So? Where are we?”

  “You know I can’t discuss that, brother.”

  “Cade, you’re the one who brought me in this. I need to know what’s going on with my company.”

  “A company you don’t even want,” Cade reminded him. “Why not just get out while you can? No more obligations. Just you, Blaise, and the job you really want to do.”

  Again, Greyson serious considered the idea. It sounded damn good to him. He knew he would most likely be outcast from the family, but Greyson was hard-pressed to feel bad about that. The only one he had ever been close to was his grandmother, and she has been gone for more than two years.

  He could give up the penthouse, find a place where Blaise would be comfortable. Maybe a house in Brentwood. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Greyson. Just because Blaise let you stay the night, doesn’t mean she’s ready for… what? Moving in together? Marriage? Shit. It was unsettling how comfortable he was thinking of a future with Blaise. A future he hadn’t dared to think about when he was in Special Forces. Too many things could go wrong out there, it could drive you insane to think about a time that could never come. But now…

  Unfortunately, loyalty was one of Greyson’s attributes. In this case, he didn’t find it a particularly good trait. “I can’t do that.”


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