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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 1

by Ivan Bridgewater

  The Kingdom

  Kaltar Farsara


  The Beginning

  Written by

  Ivan M Bridgewater Jr.


  Wizard’s powers

  are only limited by

  his Imagination

  Publishers Note

  This is a work of Fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents

  either are the product of the authors imagination,

  or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to the actual persons,

  living or dead, business establishments, events,

  or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The material in this book

  was last updated for publication

  On November 1st, 2017

  I hold all copyrights for this material

  Kaltar Farsara - Boxed Set Collection

  Rewrite/republishing Copyright

  © Ivan Bridgewater November 1st, 2017

  Original Copyright for each book in this collection.

  Kaltar Farsara – The Beginning

  © Ivan Bridgewater April 1st, 2014

  Kaltar Farsara – Into the Battle

  © Ivan Bridgewater January 1st, 2015

  Kaltar Farsara – The Return

  © Ivan Bridgewater January 1st, 2015

  No part of this publication may be reproduced,

  stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form

  or by any means without the prior written permission

  of the Owner/Author


  This book is dedicated to my friends.

  You know who you are.

  You’ve been kind, patient, and supportive!

  Thank You!

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Book One


  Chapter 1

  Meeting Caleon Valcar

  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3

  Visiting Earth

  Chapter 4

  Scanning April

  Chapter 5

  Making Elephants

  Chapter 6

  Visiting the Library

  Chapter 7

  The First Kiss

  Chapter 8

  Signey Octurus

  Chapter 9

  A Miracle

  Chapter 10

  Computer Simulations

  Chapter 11

  Minion Attack

  Chapter 12

  Confronting Vince

  Chapter 13


  Chapter 14

  The Finest Cup of Love

  Chapter 15

  The Kraken

  Chapter 16

  The Burning Car

  Chapter 17


  Chapter 18

  Krashure Maug

  Chapter 19

  The Magi Council

  Chapter 20


  Book Two

  Chapter 1

  Meeting Dona Carter

  Chapter 2

  Kiss of Darkness

  Chapter 3

  Losing April

  Chapter 4

  Hard Lessons

  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6

  Drevins Spraug

  Chapter 7

  April Sleeps

  Chapter 8

  The Gratar Twelve

  Chapter 9

  Attack on Krashure Maug

  Chapter 10

  Defending April

  Chapter 11

  Losing Home

  Baby Dragons

  Chapter 13

  Meeting Jasmin

  Chapter 14

  Attack on Remaca

  Chapter 15

  Making a Stand

  Chapter 16

  Battles Long Ago

  Chapter 17


  Chapter 18

  April is Home

  Chapter 19

  New Allies

  Chapter 20


  Book Three

  Opening Comments

  Chapter 1

  My Return Home

  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3

  Return to Drevins Spraug

  Chapter 4

  Attack on Remaca

  Chapter 5

  About Carl

  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7

  Carl's Dream

  Chapter 8

  The Twins

  Chapter 9

  Down by the River

  Chapter 10

  Donald Morgan

  Chapter 11


  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13

  A New Home

  Chapter 14

  Saving Children

  Chapter 15


  Chapter 16

  Saying Goodbye


  About the Author

  Ivan Bridgewater

  “The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built”

  Book One

  The Beginning


  This is a book that may shake your world view. This is a story about a distant Universe where normal things like gravity can't always be counted on. A place where planets are born from eggs, and dragons and other strange creatures are common. There is little here you may recognize. Yet I assure you this is all a reality. Everything you read here is true. It is written by the greatest wizard to ever live. Of course, he doesn't know that yet. That will come later.

  For now it is enough that you know that this is the story of Kaltar Farsara. His teacher calls him Bean, but don't be fooled. Kaltar's name will one day be on the lips of every person you talk to.

  Just remember, I told you so.

  Chapter 1

  Meeting Caleon Valcar

  My name is Kaltar Farsara. I have been told I must write in this book. My Master says that I will understand later. My Master's name is Caleon Valcar, but the old wizards all call him Rock. I don't know why.

  My Master calls me Bean. I'm not sure why. I suspect it is an insult, but I can't tell. I arrived here several daily cycles ago. My Father and Mother made me come here. I think they were mad because I had made eggs.

  My parents had birds for the eggs. They used the eggs for trade. I started making the eggs to help. I did it to help, but they were upset. Two cycles later, I was sent here. My Mother cried all night before the morning I left. My Father said he was very proud of me.

  Then they sent me here.

  This place is called Krakensti. It is a dark fortress. I don't like it here very much. I'm not really full grown. I'm just big for my age. When last I celebrated my birth, my Mother said I would soon be kissing girls. I doubt it, but I suppose it could happen someday.

  My Master is rather intimidating. I am his student, and he is my teacher. My Father and Mother have been my only teachers till now. They taught me all I know.

  I kind of miss them a lot.

  Master Valcar was the only person here when I arrived. Despite that, he lives in a castle. I don't understand how my parents are so poor, and he is so rich. He is all alone.

  I knocked on the door when the wagon dropped me off. The old man that drove the cart laughed when he dropped me off, and said, "I wish you luck with that!" Then he almost drove off with my bag. He seem
ed in a big hurry to leave.

  As I say, I knocked on the door, and a really old man came to open it. His face looked ancient, but he had the grace of a large animal. He seemed to radiate power. When he opened the door, he looked at me and said, "You must have an egg to enter."

  So I opened my hand, and gave him an egg. He took it, looked at it closely, and said, "That will do!" I walked in, and the door closed behind me. I've been here ever since.

  Master Valcar has been nice to me. He never hits me, but I'm a little afraid of him. He has power in his voice. It scares me. I can see the things he talks about.

  The Master says it's mind talk. He said we can speak to each other without talking. It's like pictures in your mind. I can hear him thinking when the room is quiet. The Master says I must practice being still and thinking. He says I can hear in special ways. I don't really understand what he is saying.

  So he scares me.

  Almost three daily cycles later, the Master gave me this book, and said to write down everything important that I see and do.

  So I am.

  My first day was spent learning how to clean my room. It has to be really clean (I don't know why). The second day, I learned to clean the house.

  I call it a castle, but the Master calls it his home. I guess I am small, so it seems like a castle to me.

  I'm small next to my Father, but I'm almost as tall as Master Valcar. I guess I still have some growing up to do.

  On the third day, I started my training. Master Valcar had a ball as large as his hand. He told me to make it float. He had me hold it in my hand until I could imagine how it felt. How much it weighed. The texture of it. He told me to close my eyes. Then I felt him take it from me.

  He told me to imagine the ball floating in front of me. He said, "Try harder! This is important!" After a moment he said, "Now stay focused, and slowly open your eyes."

  When I did. The ball was just floating there. I yelled, and it fell to the floor. Master Valcar smiled and said, "You are a little bean. You must practice till you can make the ball float anytime you want it to. Do you understand?"

  I nodded, and that was all I learned that day. I practiced till we ate. We ate fish. The Master seems to like fish a lot. That's all we seem to eat.

  The next day, the Master said, "You must make your own world. You will use this. Take it, and keep it safe." I believe it was the egg I gave him when I first arrived. I noticed it felt very warm. It seemed to move. It felt a little soft, and seemed larger than I remembered. He said, "Follow me." Then he went outside.

  When we got outside he said, "Now float the egg as I taught you."

  I opened my hand, and the egg went straight up in the air. I yelled, but it was too late. It was long gone. I looked at the Master, and he was just looking up, and smiling. Then he looked down at me and said, "You did well little Bean. Now think! Imagine a world. When you dream tonight, you'll bring a new world to life."

  That night I had a dream about a planet being born. It started out very small. Then it grew larger and larger. It was a beautiful place. It looked so barren.

  I remember thinking it needed water. As I watched, water formed on the surface. The water covered more and more of the surface till I feared it would be a water world. Then it all seemed to stop, and the land and the water seemed balanced. No more one than the other.

  I heard Master Valcar say, "That is very good!" Then I woke up, and was alone in my room.

  The next day the Master said I must leave for my new home. I became upset. I had just gotten here, and now I had to leave already. Then the Master said he would be going with me, and it didn't seem so bad. We had our first meal of the day, and then prepared to leave. I was getting really tired of fish. I hoped my new home had something else to eat.

  The Master finally said it was time to leave. I saw no animal or cart to take us, so I believed we would be walking. The Master stepped up to me and said, "Here we go!"

  Then he laid his hand on my arm, and we were on the planet from my dreams. I don't know how I knew, but I felt sure of it. Startled, I asked, "What happened Master Valcar?"

  He smiled at me and said, "It is a thing of the mind. With time, you will understand. For now, you have work to do."

  I had no idea what he meant. I asked, "What would you have me do?"

  The Master smiled and said, "This is your world. You shall remain here till you are capable of leaving on your own. All that this world is, shall come from you. For now, you have much to learn. I suspect you may be hungry. Is that true?"

  As soon as he said it, my mouth started to water. I said, "Yes Master! But I don't want any more fish if you don't mind."

  He smiled at me and said, "Close your eyes Bean. It will help you concentrate."

  I closed my eyes, and heard the Master ask, "Do you have a favorite fruit?" I nodded yes, and he continued, saying, "Imagine the whole tree. Think of one you saw long ago."

  I thought about what he said. Then I really tried to imagine the tree standing in the field back home. The fruit was bright red, and very juicy. My Mother called the fruit Asha. I could even remember the smell when you cut into one.

  The Master said, "Open your eyes Bean, and go get your dinner."

  I opened my eyes, and there stood the tree. It was just as I remembered. We walked over to it, and I was shocked. It was covered in fruit. The Master smiled, and handed me a ripe fruit from up high in the tree.

  After eating nothing but fish for days, I was ready for a break. I grabbed it and bit down.

  It tasted too good for words. The juices ran down my chin as I ate. I ate two of the Asha before asking how the Master made the tree appear.

  He looked at me and said, "You did this. This is your world. You've done this." Then he paused and said, "I give you a warning. Be careful what you do. There will be repercussions to everything you create. Some will be good, and some bad."

  I asked, "I can make anything appear?"

  His smile spread, and he said, "That's the concept."

  I immediately said, "I've missed my Mother and Father."

  The Master said, "The people you might make would not be the people you love and remember." He looked me in the eyes and said, "Don't make living people appear, at least not for now. You have a lot to learn. One of the things you will learn, is not to create people."

  I stood thinking about what he had said. Then asked, "Can I just go home?"

  The Master burst out laughing and said, "No. You can't go home. At least not right now. But given time, you'll thank me for this. For now, I suggest you think about a place to sleep while we're here. I want you to close your eyes, and imagine a place to live in. Don't worry if you mess up the first time. This is a large planet, and you can try again later. Now just give it a try."

  I closed my eyes, and tried to think about a place to live in. I thought about my home. But decided that living there alone would make me homesick. Then I thought of the Master’s home. It was too big for me. But I realized I had seen a home like it once before. I thought about it for a few minutes. I tried to remember every detail.

  Then Master Valcar put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Open your eyes boy."

  I looked, and there stood the place, just as I remembered it. I was rather startled how the building looked. It appeared just as I remembered. The background appeared barren. Yet the building looked like an exact replica. I asked, "May we go in?"

  Master Valcar was already headed for the front door. He yelled over his shoulder, saying. "Come along Bean."

  I ran to catch up, and Master Valcar still got to the door before me. He pushed it open, turned to me, and asked, "When did you see this home?"


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