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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 9

by Ivan Bridgewater

  The Rock looked shaken. He stood up, and said, "You really scared me that time boy! Aprils right! This experiment is over!"

  I looked at Carl, and asked, "Did you do what I told you to?"

  "Sure did!" he responded, "Then April showed up with Cindy, and a fire ax!"

  "A fire ax?" I practically yelped.

  "And I approve, I might add," noted the Rock.

  I laid there thinking through what had happened. With a shaking voice, April quietly said, "You quit breathing, Kaltar! Cindy was doing CPR when Caleon arrived. I think she saved your life!"

  "I agree," said the Rock. "She saved your life!"

  "You people are starting to scare the hell out of me!" injected Carl. "You act like this is normal. I saw Kaltar phase out of existence, and then return. You're all just going on as if nothing happened." For the first time, I noticed how bad his hands were shaking.

  "We are dimensional time walkers," Rock said in a quiet voice. "You triggered the trait in Kaltar before he was trained. This is my fault for leaving Kaltar unattended. I shall ensure this doesn't happen again."

  Sitting there, small bits of information kept flashing through my mind. A link started with the Rock, and I began to get flashes of where he had been. A galactic war did, indeed, appeared to have already started.

  Entire star systems had been destroyed. Billions of lives snuffed out. Tears began to run down my face. April, unaware of the link, or its information, said, "It’s okay Kaltar. Caleon is here now. He will keep you out of trouble."

  Ignoring her, I said, "You must contact Madias, Master! A great disaster is occurring. We must stop it somehow!"

  The Rock turned away. He wouldn't look at me. He said, "It's too late! The war is already in motion! There is nothing I can do!"

  Carl hissed, "What the hell are you people talking about?"

  "Haven't you been paying attention, human?" growled the Rock. "Kaltar is here to prepare for a war which is currently right at Earth's doorstep. There is a mighty Guardian army based on Earth. Their leader is fighting the Darkness. If he fails, all is lost."

  "I'm going to get sick!" announced Cindy. She got up, and left the room.

  This entire time, April had been staring at me. In a scared voice, she said, "I'm frightened Kaltar. I don't know what to think or do about this. All this going on, and I'm mainly worried about you."

  Carl reached over, and tapped his index finger on the edge of my bed, saying, "I got your back bud! Anything I can do, you just say the word." I could sense his fear in the link. He was a strong minded person, but he had been through a lot lately. Despite that, he wanted to help.

  I also realized something else at that moment. I was lightly scanning Carl, and realized he was a brilliant military strategist. A natural planner, and military veteran. His programming skills had been honed on war games.

  The Rock turned back to me. Looking down at me, he said, "Madias will call for us soon enough. In the meantime, we will be gone from Earth for a while. You had best say goodbye to your friends for now."

  April's face went white, and she told me, "I'm scared Kaltar! Not for me, or even us! Just for you! I'm falling in love with you Kaltar, and I don't want you to change."

  "Pray he changes!" husked out the Rock. "Before you stands the greatest Magi to ever exist. If we are to succeed, his strength will be greatly tested. He must grow up fast. There will be no time for being a boy. He is a man now, ready or not! For all our sake, pray that he can learn to control his powers in time."

  The room grew silent. Carl stood up, and told us, "I'm going to check on Cindy!" He stepped away going down the hallway, to what April called the bathroom.

  Several seconds past, and there was a loud thump outside my home's door. With blinding speed, the Rock snatched open the door, and a monster stood before me.

  It was about seven feet tall, and had a basically humanoid shape. That was about the end the resemblance to a human.

  It was reddish black in color, and stood on two feet with cloven hooves, and a long tail. It had the head and horns of a bull on Earth, and large, sharp canine teeth. The beast looked through the door, scanning the room with its bright red eyes, till it saw me. Then it came straight at me.

  The Rock, caught off guard, was slammed into the wall. I could tell he was stunned in the link. The beast stooped to come in the doorway, and brushed past April. She fell to the ground at the thing’s feet, and the beast reached out with a powerful arm, took me by the throat, and lifted me off the ground.

  It all happened in a single moment. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't focus to fold space.

  Then I heard, "Fucking put him down!" and a large caliber gun roared out. The beast flinched, and we both looked over to see Carl holding a gun. He looked like he knew what he was doing. Smoke rolled from the gun, and with a loud crash, Carl shot the monster again as he screamed, "I said put him down!"

  The beast dropped me, and turned to deal with Carl. Carl seemed to have been waiting for that. I heard Bang, Bang, Bang! Then the beast reached him, and knocked him to the ground. Stunned, Carl laid there as the beast picked him up, and prepared to break his back.

  I could see what the beast was preparing to do. Cindy entered the room from the hallway, and screamed. That caused the beast to pause. The creature seemed to freeze as it stood holding Carl. I could tell there was a problem, and suddenly realized the Rock had seized control of the monster's brain. He had frozen the beast in place, and Carl slowly slipped from the animal's grasp, falling to the floor.

  The Rock, Carl, and April all regained their footing, and stood staring at the creature as it towered over them in my living room.

  Still standing, but shook up. I asked, "Is everyone okay?"

  Everyone quietly nodded yes, and Carl asked, "What the hell is that thing?"

  "It's a construct, created by the Darkness," The Rock said. "I had felt I was being tracked for days, but I couldn't catch a lock on his presence."

  In the distance we could all hear sirens headed our way. Cindy said, "All friendly aliens who can teleport away, should leave before the authorities arrive."

  I looked over at April, and saw the fear etched on her face. She was scared to death. My emotions were running amuck. I wanted so bad to protect her, I was no longer thinking clearly.

  At that point, I realized how focused the Rock was on the beast. Raising his hand, and focusing heavily, the Rock pulled up huge amounts of energy from his surroundings, and sent them into the beast.

  There was a loud audible snap, and cracks appeared all over the skin of the beast. Light shot out through the cracks. The light was so bright, it hurt your eyes. Then there was a bright flash, and only floating ash fragments were left of the thing. The ash was floating away, and even it dissipated to smoke.

  The Rock took a deep breath, and seemed to join us again. He reached over, taking the gun from Carl. Then he said, "No gun, no monster, no incident occurred. The television device must have been too loud."

  Catching on instantly, Carl said, "I get it! No problem! You two get out of here!"

  Looking over at me. The Rock said, "You can return soon, but we must return to Remaca for now!"

  Next to me, I heard April catch her breath. I could sense her unease at once. She leaned close to me, and I instinctively put my arm around her waist, and pulled her even closer.

  She looked up, and told me, "I love you!"

  I was so torn. I quietly leaned down, kissed her, and then looked over at the Rock, saying, "We must leave!"

  The Rock hesitated for a moment. He looked around at all of us, and then said, "I never realized Earthers could be so strong! We shall return very soon, and we will be bringing friends. Fear not Earthers! You have powerful allies you don't even know of yet! Help is on the way!"

  April slowly pulled away from me. Our eyes met, and she said, "Please go!"

  I could tell she was fighting to control her tears. I said, "I shall return before you really notice me gone!"

e stepped over to Cindy, breaking eye contact with me. Over her shoulder, she mumbled, "Bull! Just go before I really freak out!"

  The Rock nodded at me without saying a word, and we folded space for Remaca. The image of April standing there in tears weighed heavily on me. When I arrived on my home planet, I was unable to enjoy my return as I had in the past. It was as if something was missing.


  The Rock was scanning me. He took my elbow, and said, "If you want to help her, focus on your training!" He started us walking toward the house, and he continued, saying, "She will be alright Kaltar. I can see her alive far down the timeline."

  "Why can't I see it too?" I asked.

  "We Magi each have our special gifts and strengths," the Rock said in a patient voice. "We simply haven't discovered yours yet!"

  As we reached the house, I heard a loud thump behind us, and turned to see two Magi walking toward us. The two men were both tall and muscular. I could tell in the link these were older, far more powerful Magi than I was. My Master yelled out, "It's about time you two got here."

  Smiling, the two men stepped up to us, and the one on the right said, "We were practically on the other side of the Universe when you called! Please forgive us if we're late!"

  The Rock smiled, and hugged each man for a moment. He turned to me, and pointed at the man on the right who had spoken, saying, "This is Vandahar!" Then turned to the other man, saying "And this is Talara! These two Magi have created over a hundred wonderful worlds."

  "Not all at once," said Vandahar, obviously joking. "It's a project arc we have been working on for a long time."

  "He's a creation addict," joked Talara.

  "Me?" yelped Vandahar.

  "Hush you two!" said the Rock. "This is the young Magi I spoke to you about."

  "Kaltar!" said Talara, reaching out and shaking my hand. "The Rock speaks highly about you. It's a pleasure to meet you."

  "Same here," said Vandahar, following Talara's lead. We too shook hands, and he continued, saying, "Be strong young Magi. You have the best teacher I've ever known as a mentor. You will do well!"

  The Rock said, "There is a problem gentlemen! I just destroyed the husk of a Fasck Construct back on Earth!"

  The other two men sobered instantly. Talara said, "Have you reported this to the Council?"

  "No," said the Rock. "We just arrived here ourselves. I need to get rid of this!" he noted as he produced Carl's pistol from his robes. He handed me the gun, and instructed me, "Go and secure this for now, please!"

  "Yes Sir," I said as I took the weapon. I went into the house, and locked the gun in my room. When I returned, the three Magi all stopped talking, and looked at me as I walked up.

  Talara said, "The Rock said you can link with machines on Earth, and learn of things that may aid us."

  "I've learned of many things on Earth," I replied. "I am unaware of anything that can help us at this time."

  "May we scan you?" asked Vandahar.

  I nodded to agree, and the men instantly each initiated a scan. I staggered slightly as they pressed me. The Rock abruptly said, "Stop!" He waved his hand, and several chairs appeared in my front yard. Pushing me slightly, the Rock said, "Sit down boy!"

  As soon as I did, the scan began anew. It went on for some time. Then, all three men stopped, and stepped back. The Rock and Talara took seats, as Vandahar remained standing. In a quiet voice, he said, "Are you aware of what the Earthers have crammed into your skull?"

  "They didn't cram anything into me," I replied. "I absorbed their primary computer cores for something the Earthers call the Pentagon. I was unsure if I could access the information later. I decided to download not only the information, but the operating system as well.

  The men all just looked at me for several seconds. Then the Rock said, "I would like to test you for a minute Kaltar. Are you up for that?"

  I nodded agreement, and in seconds I could sense as the men reached into space, and called a meteor shower down on us. There were at least thirty large rocks on their way. I had played this game before. I was worried right way.

  Seated across from me. The Rock quietly said, "Don't let it shake you up Kaltar! You can do this! We're here with you."

  I was shook up, but I focused right away none the less. Something was different than last time. I pulled energy from the weather system on Remaca. And then I reached down to the spinning core of the planet. I pulled power from the generator that created gravity on Remaca. I focused it, and turned it on the first wave of rocks.

  I reached out, and directed the power at the first wave of stones. Four of them were instantly vaporized, and two more spun out to gravel, and little more than dust. Talara gasped, and said, "What have you done?" He whispered the words, saying each one slowly for effect. He paused a moment, and then said, "Do more!"

  So I did. I reached down, really took a grip on the core, and threw off a huge energy spike. The remaining stones exploded harmlessly in space. I returned my focus to Remaca, and realized all three men were staring at me.

  Vandahar quietly looked down at me deep in thought, and said, "Very impressive young Magi. I doubt the three of us together could have done better."

  The other three Magi's minds were racing in the link. I couldn't keep up. Abruptly, Talara said, "I'll go appraise the Council of what is happening. You know it will take time."

  "Time is something we are growing short on brother!" said Vandahar.

  "Yes! So it would appear," Talara agreed. "I'll return with more help as soon as I can!" With a slight flash, Talara folded space, and was gone.

  Vandahar thought for a moment, and then said. "I'll follow up on the Guardians at Signey Octurus. We must start to track their movements at all times."

  "Yes! I agree!" said the Rock. The two old friends shook hands for a moment. Then Vandahar stepped back, folded space, and was gone.

  The Rock focused on me again. He said, "There is much to do. But for now, I want you to go get some rest. You're going to need it."

  "Rest!" I exclaimed. "After all that's happened today, you expect me to sleep?"

  "That's the reason I say it. You need to be rested and alert," the Rock explained, smiling at me patiently. "In many ways, you are like my son Kaltar. I only want the best for you. Now go get some sleep! That's an order!"

  He was right of course, as usual. As soon as I laid down, I fell asleep. I woke later, and went down to find the Rock toying with the clouds, making them form shapes as they passed overhead. It was very entertaining. I could have watched him all day.

  He looked up, and realized I was behind him. The cloud he was working on began to break up. He turned, and started walking toward me. As he approached closer, he said, "Now you look ready to fight lions young Magi. Shall we return to Earth so you can see April?"

  The look on my face answered him. He smiled and said, "I thought so!" Then we folded space for Earth.

  We went to my home. It was empty, but neatly cleaned. Several new pieces of what April called furniture had appeared. As soon as we were sure April wasn't there, the Rock said, "Go find your woman! I'll remain here, and wait on you."

  Nodding to acknowledge his comment, I focused on April, and folded space to her.

  She was in her home, standing with her back to me. She was watching the television as she stood there, and I said, "Hello!"

  I was unaware she had a beverage in her hand. She screamed, and threw the drink in my face in one fluid motion. I was blinded, and she realized who I was at once. Apologies poured from her for half a minute as she wiped my face. Then she suddenly looked into my eyes, and said, "Perhaps you should knock on the door in the future."

  We both started to giggle, and I said, "I'm just glad I shall live to tell the tale!"

  Abruptly, April clutched at me, hugging me around the waist. "I missed you!" she blurted out with her face pushed into my chest.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I softly said, "I missed you too!" We stood there for a full minute. We were
holding each other tightly, and I realized how much strength I drew from just standing and holding her.

  It was a good feeling!

  Slowly, we separated slightly, and she looked up into my face. She had been crying, and I asked, "What's with the tears?"

  She burst out laughing, and said, "You keep me constantly freaked out, and then ask me what's wrong!"

  I pulled her back to me, holding her close. Her warm, soft body, molded to match mine. I had never held a woman like this before, and found myself becoming rapidly confused. We started kissing again, and suddenly I heard the Rock call out in the link, asking. "Kaltar! Are you well?"

  I pinged back, "Yes! I am well!"

  Looking up, April asked, "Are you alright?"

  "Yes," I replied. "The Rock is at my home. We should join him."

  A few minutes later we were at my home. The Rock and April exchanged greetings, and we all sat down at the table in the kitchen. We sat for a short while talking, and there was a knock at the door. Seconds later Cindy and Carl joined us, and were sitting with us at the table.

  The first thing Carl said to me was, "I want my gun back!" I assured him it would be returned, and he asked, "What the heck was that thing I shot, anyway?"

  "It was a Fasck Construct!" said the Rock. "The Darkness can generate and send them out to kill. The Magi simply call them Minions."

  Dwelling on what was said. Carl sat thinking for a moment, and then said, "I still can't believe the things exist, and I saw it with my own eyes."

  "What did the local authorities think of all the noise we made?" I asked.

  "They bought your story, no problem," said Cindy. "I wouldn't do it again anytime soon. I got the feeling they suspected something wasn't right.

  The Rock nodded and said, "Good! We just don't need to draw any attention."

  "Well, if somebody on the street see's one of those construct things running around, you're going to draw some attention really quick!" noted April.

  "Yes, that would be a problem," said the Rock. Now it was his turn to sit deep in thought. After almost a full minute, he suddenly stood up, said, "Excuse me!" and stepped over to the door.

  Stepping out into the hall, He called out, "We are over here, Vandahar!"


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