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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 16

by Ivan Bridgewater

  "Our scouts are telling us a vast alliance is being built by the Guardian Satu-Ra," said the Rock. "Many new resources are being brought to the table by many new allies. We must help these forces work together to the greatest effect."

  Vancrusher quietly said, "Take your place at the head of the table please!"

  I paused, and then said, "I will take that seat when I have finally seen the Darkness crushed! Till then, it must remain empty!"

  The council stirred for a moment. Then the Rock smiled, and said, "The Magi were wise to elect you! The seat shall remain empty till you feel ready to take it!"

  I bowed, stood back up, and turned to leave. As I turned, I realized Tersa, Vandahar, Talara, and Urla, were all standing right behind me. They all had huge grins on their faces. When I walked out of the council chamber, they were right on my heels.

  At this point, my heart was beating so hard I thought it would come through my chest. I stepped through the chamber doors with the others right behind me, and an odd looking little Magi stepped up to me. He said, "My name is Babs! I'm your aide while you're head of the Council! Follow me please, and I'll lead you to your quarters!"

  He started leading us down assorted hallways, and I slowly realized he was disabled. He was limping badly, and I could tell his body was warped and racked by pain. He must have caught my thoughts in the link, because he quietly said, "My muscles didn't form right at birth. There is nothing that can be done!"

  We reached a blank place in the wall. For the first time, I realized there was no doorway in this hallway. Just the two ends of the hall. Babs waved his hand, and the shiny black stone wall folded back, and a doorway appeared. He stepped in, and we followed.

  The room was awesome! This was the home of a Master Magi!

  I felt very out of place! I wanted to go home! To return to Remaca!

  I turned to Babs, and said, "Would you ask the Rock to join me here please?" Babs bowed, and then backed out of the room. Vandahar approached me, and asked, "Is something wrong Kaltar?"

  "Me being here," I said under my breath.

  He looked at me closely, and said, "Thousands of Magi are following you in the link! They are behind you Kaltar! Show them how to be a great Magi!" Every word he said was putting me more on edge.

  Tersa quietly said, "Follow your heart Kaltar!"

  Seconds later, the Rock stepped in with Babs, and looked around the room till he saw me. He stepped over and said, "You wished to see me?"

  "I wish to return home to Remaca," I said.

  The Rock smiled, and said, "You are in command here! Come and go as you please!" He stepped close to me and offered his hand. As we shook hands, he said, "We know where to find you!"

  Standing behind the Rock, Babs asked, "Shall I go with you, or remain here?"

  I said, "You may remain here Babs." His relief was obvious in the link. Krashure Maug had been his home all his life. I saw no reason to drag him from it.

  Twenty minutes later I returned home to Remaca. Tersa, Vandahar, Talara, and Urla, all followed with me. The Rock, and my Uncle Hammond, remained at Krashure Maug to control the movements of the Magi.

  We returned to Remaca and a glorious day. The sun shone down, and I was happy to be home. April and Cindy approached us as Bitsy and Al lazed in the background. It was a good feeling.

  April and I hugged, and she asked, "How did it go?" I spent several minutes telling her what happened. I reached the point in the story, where Tersa kissed me. I saw Tersa's eyes grow large, then pleading. In the link, she begged me not to tell April.

  I hesitated! Not telling was not the same as lying... or was it?

  In that split second, I decided to skip that part of the story. Perhaps I was afraid it might hurt April. I simply went on, never mentioning what happened. When I was done, April seemed overwhelmed by everything that was going on.

  I suppose I can't blame her. So much had happened in the short time since my arrival as a student. At this point, overwhelmed is a perfect word for what I feel. I have so much to learn and do, I don't know where to start. I just know my time is short!

  April's arms tightened around me, and I realized again how much her soft touch meant to me. She is a beautiful creature! I have little choice but to love her! She carries my heart in her hands.

  I must work harder! We must prevail!

  Chapter 20


  I'm going to draw this journal to a close. So much has happened in such a short time. I'm glad now that the Rock has instructed me to write down what is happening. I can see how important a record can be, so I'll close this book, and start another.

  I live for my friends and family! I live for the day the Darkness is finally brought crashing down! It can't come soon enough! Most of all, I live for my beloved April! Stand up! Stand tall, Magi! Our day has come!

  The End

  Return to Table of Contents

  The Kingdom

  Kaltar Farsara


  Into the Battle


  Wizard’s powers

  are only limited by

  his Imagination

  “The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built”

  Book Two

  Into the Battle

  Written by

  Ivan M. Bridgewater Jr.

  Chapter 1

  Meeting Dona Carter

  I find myself totally overwhelmed with all I must do! A vast war is upon me, and I know little of war. During the last few months, I've been drawn into a world of wizards and magic that is, for the most part, totally foreign to me. I have a teacher. His name is Caleon Valcar, but the old wizards all call him Rock. He is a wise leader of the Magi Council, and has helped me greatly, but it is still not enough.

  I come from a world named Remaca. I've made friends on Earth, but I have a lot to learn about Earthers, and the world they live on. With the war I mentioned ongoing. It is difficult for me to find the time to get to know humans better.

  On a previous visit to your world, I met a girl named April. I have become attached to her and the people she calls friends. They have taught me much about this place. It is far removed from the places I have lived. Earth is a place of great beauty, and a place of great violence. It is my belief that I can help the people of Earth to beat the Madness that consumes their lives. If that happens, all the violence on Earth would disappear. You would all be nearly immortal telepaths, capable of mentally altering basic matter, and teleporting vast distances through space.

  I realize it’s hard to imagine. Just take my word for it. I believe it can happen. If I can arrange it, it may happen within the lifetimes of many of you.

  We all have our little dreams. This is mine!

  My teacher, the Rock, has instructed me to keep a written journal of what happens. He is very wise. This is my second journal, and I am amazed how quickly I filled the last book. Events are happening so fast, I have a hard time sorting things out. The written journal is very helpful.

  As I say! The Rock is very wise!

  On this day, I have returned from a place called Krashure Maug. It is a vast Magi stronghold, built upon a planet far from Earth. Krashure Maug is a dark place, and at this point I have recently become the leader of the Magi that operate from there. They voted as I slept, and made me their leader.

  I left as soon as I could, and came home. Krashure Maug scares me. I don't want to live there. I want to live in peace on Remaca. I just need to figure out how to make all this happen.

  My initial return from Krashure Maug was almost a month ago. Since then I've been back and forth many times. This day was different. On this day, we got word a great battle was engaged against the Darkness.

  Each time I appear before the Magi Council, I stand before them. We are there to do business, and then I leave. On this day, a Magi named Van Zalkin appeared before the Council as I stood there. He strode into the Council Chambers unannounced, and stood before the eight man council looking like a man ready to collapse.
/>   I could see he was on the verge of collapse, and I edged a little closer. He was running on pure adrenalin, and I could sense he was running out of that. Without preamble, he said, "A great battle has occurred between the minions of the Darkness, and the Guardians. The Guardians have been victorious!" He started to collapse, and I caught him. He really sagged for a moment, and then stood back up, shrugging me off. He mumbled, "I'm all right! I must speak!" He looked at the Council, and said, "There is a force growing within the Guardians. They are called the Chosen. They turned the tide of battle at the last minute! They crushed the forces of the Darkness!"

  Again he started to fall. I grabbed him as he fell. The entire Council came to its feet. Images came from him in the link, showing all he had seen in the last few weeks. I was having a hard time keeping up with the images. Then suddenly, the Rock called out, "A Child!"

  The man I was holding was limp, but his words could clearly be heard. "It shall be a child born to the Lady of Light!" he said. "It is also the child of the construct Guardian they call Satu-Ra!" In a fading voice, he mumbled, "The child shall be... special!" Then he fell unconscious.

  Four men came in, and lifted the Magi from my arms. As they pulled him out, the Council broke into many conversations at once. I didn't understand all that was happening. I tried to follow the Council's thoughts in the link. But they were going so many different ways, I couldn't.

  Abruptly, the Rock looked at me, and said, "This child shall be special Kaltar! She must be nurtured, and protected! Will you accept this task?"

  "Whatever the Council wishes," I said. "I'm not sure how I'm qualified for this task. But if you wish it, I shall try."

  I've only known the Rock for a few months, but he has been very good to me. He is very patient. He said, "Follow your heart Kaltar! You will know what to do!"

  Then my Uncle Hammond, another Magi on the Council, said, "He should have assistance in this!"

  "I shall take Tersa, Vandahar, Talara, and Urla," I replied. "I suspect they want to get more involved in events as they are occurring anyway!"

  "They can be a rowdy group when they are together," observed the Rock. "Can you keep them under control, or do you need help?"

  I smiled at the question. I had no idea if I could keep them under control. A year ago, I was living on a farm with only my parents for company. Now I was the defacto leader of the Magi. They all had a great deal of faith in me.

  The Rock could see my thoughts in the link. He smiled, and said, "Yes! I'm aware how uncertain you are! Have faith young Magi! Those of us who see the future, see you far in the future, knowing all the answers! Knowing that, you just need to get there!"

  I actually took little comfort from that, but I did understand what he meant.

  My Uncle then said, "Be aware of this group of Earthers known as the Chosen. We need to gather information on these people and their motivations. Be careful Kaltar! They may be dangerous! We still don't know much about what is happening to them. They may become, unstable!"

  I bowed slightly, stood, turned, and left. As I came out the doors to the Council Chamber, Tersa and Vandahar fell in step right behind me. I started working my way towards the nearest exit from the ancient Magi fortress. As we walked, Tersa asked, "Are we finally going into battle?"

  I should note here that Tersa is a warrior Magi. Most Magi are creators, not prone to destruction. Tersa perceives things differently than most of us.

  "We are going to try to protect an unborn child," I replied. I reached out in the link, showing Tersa and Vandahar what had transpired in the Council Chambers.

  We walked a little farther, before Tersa said, "So Magi Hammond believes the Chosen might be dangerous!"

  "He believes it's possible, but not likely," I said. "You and I know that they saved me from being taken once before. I've seen no reason to distrust them yet!"

  Right then we reached the front gates to the fortress, and stepped clear, out into the open air. My two companions stepped close, and we all folded space for my home, Remaca.

  In an instant, we were all three back home. That fact wasn't lost on my pet dragons, Bitsy, and Al. I heard them bellow, and start across the large meadow that is out in front of my home. In seconds, they were upon us, and we all three cringed as the two huge animals slid to a stop, and stood looking at us in obvious delight.

  The large female, Bitsy, was easily ninety feet long now. She is all white, with red eyes that appear to reflect her inner fire. She is a wonderful creature to behold.

  She looked at me with a huge smile on her face, and then turned and bellowed, "Kaltar is home!" toward the house.

  Almost instantly, April stepped out the door, and started walking toward us. She was grinning from ear to ear as she said, "I was starting to wonder what was taking so long!"

  As she stepped closer, we stopped and hugged for a moment. We each took a deep breath in unison as we stood holding each other. I've come to draw great strength from April. She is a truly beautiful person!

  After several seconds, we stepped back away from one another, and I said, "There was a problem at the meeting! I need to see Talara and Urla as soon as possible."

  "They went out about an hour ago to stretch their legs," April said. "They're due back any time."

  "I need to get cleaned up!" I pointed out. "When they return, ask them to please wait for me to come back down!" Then I went upstairs to get cleaned up.

  A short time later, I came down to find April, Cindy, Tersa, Vandahar, Talara, and Urla all in the kitchen drinking something called coffee. I don't understand its appeal, but to each their own.

  As I stepped into the room, the talking subsided at once. Talara quietly noted, "I see travel, and a long voyage in our future!"

  I smiled at him and said, "You keep saying you want to be more involved!"

  Now Talara was smiling as he said, "Actually, I keep saying I want to run away in fear! It's Tersa that wants to ride a dragon into glorious battle!"

  Laughing, I asked, "Since when?"

  Tersa cut the fun short, almost shouting as she said, "Just cause I said I was wrong about dragons, doesn't mean I want one waiting for me at home!"

  Listening at the kitchen window. Bitsy's ears went back flat, and she moved away as if insulted. I could tell in the link that wasn't Tersa's intention. It was just the way it worked out.

  April got up, saying, "Excuse me." Then she walked out to talk to Bitsy. The Dragon was as big as a fighter jet, but she was April's baby. The creature would do anything for her, and I took comfort from that. I knew April would never lack for protection.

  Our talk quickly returned to events at the council meeting. As we did, I could feel the anxiety rise in everyone, even Cindy. She's not a Magi, but she is figuring out pretty quickly what's going on. I simply suggested that we should go investigate as a group.

  Tersa had an entirely different outlook. She suggested that we should disperse. She also suggested we start training Magi for combat. By their nature, Magi are strong on defense, slow to attack.

  An entire plan appeared in the link. I could see Tersa had thought this out much farther in advance than I had. Talara and Urla would be leaving to recon what was happening with the conflict. They would also be watching out for a woman the Magi had come to know as the Lady of Light.

  There were two parts of Tersa's plan I really didn't like. The first was the constant guards I would now have. I understood her point. I just didn't like it. The second was, that I was supposed to stay here in a protected position, safe from harm.

  Since I refused to stay at Krashure Maug, we were going to bring Magi here to Remaca to train. Plans were already in motion, and I got the feeling that, if I was smart, I wouldn't rock the boat.

  As the link continued, I realized that my friends were trying to protect me.

  It was a good feeling!

  I looked at Tersa, and asked, "Is April aware of these plans?"

  "She suggested several of them," said Tersa. "She is a very smar
t young Earther!"

  I had to laugh. My Magi friends had already grown to like April and Cindy. I could see in the link that they were rapidly growing to be a family. It made me happy to see them all working together.

  Within the hour, Talara and Urla had left, and I realized an army of Magi were getting ready to descend on Remaca. It slowly dawned on me that guest quarters would soon be needed. I took a walk along the river, and a short distance away, I created a visitors house.

  I went into the computer records I had recently absorbed on Earth, found a place where soldiers were trained, and duplicated it on Remaca. The people of Earth called it Parris Island. It seemed the warriors from there were well trained, so we would start with that.

  As I started to return home along the river, April was walking toward me with both Bitsy and Al right behind her. The two dragons were romping and playing like big puppies. When we met in the road, we hugged for a moment, and then slowly started back to the house.

  After a moment, April said, "I know a lot is going on, but Cindy and I are overdue for a visit back to Earth. If we don't show soon, people will start asking questions."

  We walked a few steps before I said, "Okay! We can leave in a few minutes!"

  I could tell April was caught off guard. She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Fine! We'll get ready to go!"

  By the time we got to the house, Tersa was stepping out of the front door, and said, "Vandahar and I will be going with you! I don't want another incident, like last time!" I didn't need to be reminded. It seems every time I go to Earth, something bad happens.

  Of course, Earth is where I met April! So, not everything on Earth is bad!


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