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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 21

by Ivan Bridgewater

  He was scanning me as he approached, and I could sense his relief that I was alive. As he drew closer, I got to my feet, and stood waiting with the others. Upon joining us, he proceeded to apologize for his failure to control the blast he has triggered out on the practice range.

  I was beginning to wonder if we needed a better place to practice than my back yard.

  "I was demonstrating how to create a hydrogen reaction, and it got out of control!" Ramann said, looking slightly frazzled.

  "As usual," commented a young woman student next to him.

  Ramann gave her a dirty look and continued, saying, "My daughter doesn't think much of my abilities!"

  "You're a great wizard, Father," said the girl. "I don't believe you're much of a warrior,"

  The group’s instructor seemed to regain his composure. He looked at me, and began to apologize, saying, "If you'll excuse us, I'll take them back to class!" He started to usher the class away, only turning to me one last time to say, "Sorry for shaking you up!" Then he turned to follow his class.

  As they all walked down toward the river, Tersa said, "Selena doesn't cut old Ramann any slack!" When I looked puzzled, Tersa said, "Selena is Ramann's daughter. She is so sweet to everyone except her Father that we have often wondered why. She never seems to let up on him!"

  "He's blown up their last three homes," Urla quietly noted.

  "The first two times were on purpose," pointed out Vandahar.

  I stopped walking, and the others all did the same. "He blew up his own home?" I asked.

  "On Earth they call it demolition," said Vandahar. "Ramann began building homes, and then demolishing them when he decided to create a newer home. He said it kept his world balanced."

  "He just enjoys blowing things up," Tersa observed in a matter of fact voice.

  "And that angers Selena?" I asked.

  "I get the feeling this kind of activity has been going on for some time," Vandahar pointed out. "I've known them both for many years. He has always been absent minded, and she was always been giving him a hard time."

  I slowly began walking again, and the others joined us as we arrived at the riverbank. The students had walked further upstream, away from the school. The four of us stopped to talk on the riverbank. About five minutes went by, and there was a large "BANG" upstream.

  Then the screaming began. You could tell at once it was a woman. For some reason, I just knew it was Selena. The four of us broke into a run, and in seconds, we could see the students standing along the riverbank. Three of them were down on the ground. By the time we got to the group, everyone but Ramann was standing.

  Ramann appeared dead.

  One of the students was almost hysterical. "It's my fault!” they blurted out. “I misjudged the distance to impact. He took the shock wave from an airburst round!" Selena's face had gone chalk white.

  I bent down, scanning Ramann's body. It wasn't the blast. It was a heart attack that had brought him down. I couldn't understand how this had happened. Ramann should have been able to cure any such illness on his own.

  Suddenly I felt a vicelike grip in my arm. When I looked up, Tersa stood by my side. She quietly said, "Don't even think about it, Kaltar!"

  I looked right into her eyes, and told her, "Release my arm at once!" I left no doubt in my voice that it was a command.

  For just a moment, Tersa debated. I could see it in her. She was far older than me. I suppose in many ways, far wiser. She debated, and then stepped back. Her gaze dropping to the ground. I felt bad, I could tell I was breaking her spirit, but I had no choice. There was no time to be polite.

  I returned my focus to Ramann. Precious seconds were ticking by. I gripped his hand tightly.

  I took his pain!

  It was incredible, on many levels. It was far more than the broken ribs and the heart attack. It was a pain he felt within. His heart ached from loneliness! He had been alone for far too long!

  I took it all!

  Then I started to die!

  There was a struggle occurring. I could feel it happening in a detached sort of way. First it was Tersa, struggling to keep me alive. Then I could sense Ramann trying to release the grip I had taken on his hand. His daughter reached into my mind in the link, and gently uttered the words, "Release him!" Then I slept.

  I awoke in my own room. The bed felt so good, for a moment, I forgot what had happened. Then I realized there was someone else in the darkened room. My mind began to focus, and I started to feel the pain. I just laid there, trying to focus the pain away.

  "You're really starting to irritate me!" Tersa exclaimed from the shadows. "We need to get a few things straight before the next emergency!"

  Feeling nauseous, I asked, "Can we resolve this after I'm healed and feeling better?"

  Tersa leaned forward into the light enough that I could see her sitting in the chair. She looked weakened. I could understand her anger. Then I sensed her emotions in the scan. She wasn't angry. She was in love with me! I was hurting her!

  I quietly told her, "I'm sorry Tersa! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

  "It's not your fault," she said. "I set myself up for this. I can see your love for April in the link. I see your devotion to her, and it just makes my love burn stronger!" She sat there silently for a moment. Then told me, "Actually, I was doing fine till I saw you dying!" Her voice broke, and she didn't continue.

  "I'm sorry," I repeated.

  "Well, on the bright side, Ramann Zanthros and all the students down at the school think you can do no wrong!" she commented, beginning to regain her composure slightly.

  "I want to talk to Ramann as soon as possible," I told her.

  "No problem," Tersa agreed. "Both him and his daughter have been staying here since the incident."

  "I want to speak to him alone," I noted.

  Tersa paused, and then said, "I can arrange that!" She stood up and stepped out of the room. I noticed she was limping as she left.

  Several minutes went by, and then Ramann stepped in. He was acting a little sheepish. I waved him to sit down as I clicked on the light next to the bed. As I turned back to look at him, I could see his anxiety in the link. I quietly asked, "Why are you allowing yourself to die?"

  I could sense his intense discomfort. He slowly said, "My wife died in an accident long ago. With her loss, I lost my zest for life. I suppose I just don't care anymore."

  "And what of Selena?" I asked.

  That seemed to bring a slight smile to his face. He looked up at me, and our eyes met for the first time. There was a pain this man carried I could never lift from him. It was amplified every time Selena dug into him again. Without intending to, Selena was killing her own father a little bit at a time.

  I said, "I need an emissary to Krashure Maug, but it is a solitary position. It would mean leaving Selena here for a while. Could you stand that?"

  The smile grew far larger on his face, and he quietly told me, "I would enjoy that immensely!" His gaze dropped back to the floor. Then he said, "I love my daughter, and she loves me. For some reason, we don't seem to work well together."

  "I'll tell Tersa you are working with me now," I told him. "She will insure that Selena remains here in school!"

  Ramann nodded to acknowledge my comment, and rose to leave. He smiled down at me, and said, "Thank you for saving my life!" He started to step out the door, and stopped. Looking back, he added, "Both here, and at the river!" Then he turned, and was gone.

  Chapter 7

  April Sleeps

  I must have fallen asleep again. When I awoke this time, there was early daylight streaming into my room. There were two chairs in my room. Tersa was asleep in one. Selena Zanthros was asleep in the other. As soon as I stirred slightly, Tersa's eyes came open. She whispered, "Good Morning!"

  Then Selena's eyes came open, and she immediately demanded, "How dare you send my father to Krashure Maug without me!"

  I debated for a moment. Then I said, "Your father seemed very happy the last time I s
aw him!"

  For a moment I saw Selena's ire rise in the link. Abruptly it seemed to burst like a bubble, and she said, "If you made him happy, I'm grateful. I'm just worried about him."

  "He will be fine," I told her. "He just needs a purpose in life. It will soon make him stronger."

  Selena looked at Tersa, and then back at me. Then she said, "A lot of people have faith in you. I sure hope you can live up to all the hype!"

  "So do I," I replied.

  A second passed, and Selena said, "I need to get to school! I really just wanted to thank you for saving my father's life!"

  I simply replied, "You're welcome." With that, Selena stood up, and left the room.

  Several seconds went by. Then Tersa said, "Ramann replayed your conversation with him back to me in the link. It was very perceptive of you to pick up on his distress."

  "It's easy to see a broken leg," I replied. "It's more difficult to see a broken heart."

  There was an uncomfortable pause, and then Tersa commented, "Well, you would know about sensing broken hearts!" in a sarcastic voice. She hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I'm sorry! That was uncalled for!"

  I felt bad for Tersa, but there was nothing I could do to help her. I asked, "Should I send you to Krashure Maug? It appears that's the best I can come up with so far."

  "No," she replied. "I'll remain here, suffering in pain and agony." She smiled at me oddly, and added, "Perhaps it will make me a better warrior. They say what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"

  "They usually say that just before they die," I said with a smile.

  She stood up, and smiled down at me. Then she said, "I'm going down to breakfast. Will you join me?"

  I nodded, and told her, "Let me get dressed, and I'll be right down."

  Ten minutes later I walked into the kitchen to find Vandahar making pancakes. I will note here that he needs more practice. I don't understand how you can mess up a pancake. Urla and Tersa were being kind in calling them pancakes.

  As I sat eating the mutant pancakes Vandahar had created, I debated what giant mess awaited me today. It was beginning to feel like I was wading into the ocean named Disaster. The waves washing over me, trying to drag me down.

  I decided it was time to assess what was going on. I looked at Tersa and asked, "How long did I sleep after helping Ramann?"

  There was an uncomfortable silence in the room. Even the link went dead. Urla said, "Tersa lost three days! You lost a week!"

  "Tersa lost three days?" I asked, looking over the table at her.

  "That was after you both died!" added Vandahar.

  Tersa said, "I'm losing my appetite fast! If you'll all excuse me!" She pushed back her chair, and walked out. After a few seconds, I got up and followed her.

  She made it out the front door of the house before I caught her. Touching her elbow as she started down the front steps, she spun on me with tears in her eyes. She was furious.

  "What do you want?" she snapped.

  "I want to thank you," I told her. "And I want to tell you not to do it again."

  I guess I said the wrong thing. Her face was livid, and she yelled, "I'll stop when you do! The only reason I intervened was to keep you alive! It's you who has to help every stranger you meet! I'm starting to think your suicidal!"

  Then she leaned in, and kissed me. I was so started I almost backed off the porch. "What was that for?" I blurted out.

  "It was that, or slap you! Count yourself lucky!" she said in a full shout. Then she spun, and started toward the river.

  I debated, and then started after her.

  As I caught up with her, she must have sensed me in the link. She spun back around, and demanded, "Are you looking for the slap now?"

  "Please just calm down," I pleaded.

  She paused to catch her breath, and then said, "I'm not used to being around an innocent young person, Kaltar. I know you are too young to appreciate this, but I haven't felt anything for a man in a very long time. I find out you're out there, and you don't even care. It's a little frustrating! Okay!" She brushed her hair back, and our eyes actually met for a moment. I realized just how beautiful she was as a woman. I saw her as more than a person. She was a warm, vibrant, woman!

  And I still just loved April!

  Tersa saw my thoughts in the link, and the look in her eyes instantly turned to irritation. She told me, "I'm going for a walk, and I want you to stay here!"

  I paused for a second. Then I told her, "Actually, I'm going to be gone for a few days. I'll see you when I get back."

  There was a deadly calm in Tersa's voice as she said, "I was unaware you were leaving. Where are you going so abruptly?"

  "I'm going to see April!" I replied.

  At least ten seconds went by. Then Tersa told me, "That's a really bad idea Kaltar!"

  I was tempted to scan her. I suspected she knew where April was. After a second, I decided it would be wrong to force the information from her, and turned to walk back to the house.

  Behind me, I heard Tersa call out my name. I stopped, and turned back to face her. She slowly took the few steps over to me, and said, "I'll take you to her, but I'm telling you, it's a big mistake!"

  I stood debating her comment. I finally asked, "Why would you say that?"

  She dropped her voice, and said, "If it was me, I couldn't stand to see you lying there helpless!"

  "I've got to see her," I said, "My imagination is giving me nightmares! I need to see where she is being held!" I paused, and said, "I don't really have much choice! It's something I feel compelled to do!"

  Tersa stood looking at me for a moment, and then said, "I'll go get the others."

  Five minutes later, the four of us folded space for Earth. I returned to my home to find it neatly cleaned. A small table lamp was on. Several tablets were laid out with notes of what we’re going on. They reminded me of my own journals. I got the feeling they were meant to help me keep up on current events.

  I quickly realized the papers read like a police report, and thought of the woman, Dona, who was with the Chosen. The apartment was secure, and I could tell the Chosen had the area buttoned down tight. I looked over at Tersa, and said, "Okay! Take us to April!"

  Tersa rolled her eyes, and folded space. The rest of us were right behind her. We found ourselves in a large hospital. It was very cold outside. I could see snow on the ground. The room we were in was huge, with large glass windows at one end. Neatly spaced out in the room was three rows of glass tubes. Each row had four tubes, making a total of twelve tubes. Six of them were full!

  One of them held April!

  She looked just the same as the last time I saw her. She could have been asleep, but all the medical equipment told me that wasn't true. I stood gazing down on her, wanting so bad to just wake her up. There had to be a way

  Abruptly, several of the Chosen appeared in the doorway to the room we were in. It was obvious the place was guarded. The guards made no move to subdue us, but within seconds, Dona Carter appeared.

  “You shouldn’t have come here,” Dona said quietly. “Only a broken heart awaits you here. I can see your mind Magi. I wish I had hope for you, but there is no hope to give.”

  “We should leave this place, Kaltar,” Tersa advised.

  I just stood there staring down at April. I reached out one last time, trying to find her mind in the link. I kept searching for a few seconds more, and then I felt the tears start to run down my face. I was on the verge of hysteria, and finally turned away from the bed. I couldn’t look at her anymore just lying there.

  I folded space without saying another word, returning to my home on Earth. I needed to collect my thoughts and focus before doing anything else. Vandahar, Urla and Tersa appeared right behind me. Seconds later, Dona arrived.

  Dona looked at me and said, "You shouldn't have done that Kaltar! You freaked my security people out!"

  I lost my patience, and yelled out, "I love her! What would you have me do? Would you leave the one you
love to such a fate?"

  Dona was taken aback by my anger, and quietly replied, "I don't know what I would do." Tersa started to cry, and walked out of the room.

  Urla rolled her eyes, and Vandahar said, "This just keeps getting worse!"

  Dona must have been scanning all of us. She suddenly said, "Let me get this straight! Tersa is in love with you, and you're in love with April?" When Vandahar nodded, Dona said, "Well, that's a mess!"

  "Tell us about it!" agreed Vandahar. Turning to Urla, he asked, "Do you see now why I say never fall in love?" Urla quietly nodded.

  Dona looked at me, and advised, "In future, please let me know when you wish to see April. I'll gladly make the arrangements so there will be no confusion." I simply looked at her, and nodded an acknowledgement.

  Then I looked at Urla and said, "I'm going downstairs to speak to Carl. Tell Tersa I'll be right back." I stepped out of my apartment, and started down to see Carl. Both Vandahar and Dona were walking along right behind me.

  As I stepped up to Carl's door, I heard, "Come on in!"

  I opened the door to find Carl and Cindy waiting for me. They both nodded at Dona, and Carl said, "Good to see you, Kaltar."

  I nodded back, saying, "I thought it was time to check in and see if you're alright!"

  With a smile, Carl held up his hands like he was going to clap them together. Electricity arced from one hand to the other, and he said, "Doing better every day!"

  With a simple smile, Cindy responded, "We're doing fine Kaltar. How are you?"

  I nodded, and said, "I came to see April." There was silence around the room, and I quietly added, "She is sleeping peacefully."

  "You need to have faith in us," said Dona. "If there is a way to awaken these people safely, we will find it. We are working on it constantly. We just need more time."

  Carl looked at me, and said, "She's right Kaltar. I can see them working in the link. They never let up. I believe it's just a matter of time, and April will be returned to us! Have faith."

  Then Cindy said, "April wouldn't want you to suffer Kaltar! I believe if she could speak, she would tell you to move on!"


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