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The Books of Kaltar Farsara Boxed Set - Books 1 through 3 (The Kingdom Kaltar Farsara Built)

Page 23

by Ivan Bridgewater

  Reaching down to Earth's core for the power, I scanned again. Looking out the hospital window, I saw at least four of the Constructs. They showed up in the scan as if they were on fire. I was surprised I hadn't seen them in the previous scan.

  Almost at once, two security people from the Chosen entered the room. It was a man and a woman, and they were dressed for combat. The man asked, "May we help you sir?"

  I turned to him and said, "Call Dona Carter! Tell her Kaltar Farsara is here, and says we are under attack! Tell her to send help!"

  The two looked at each other, and the man said, "All I see is you!"

  I turned to him and yelled, "Do as I say!" The man almost fell down as he ran from the room. The woman followed my gaze out the window for a moment, trying to see what my scan was showing me. After a few seconds, she simply reached into my mind in the link, and extracted enough images from my mind to understand what was happening.

  She looked out the window again with new understanding. "What the hell are they?" she asked.

  "The big things are Constructs," I replied. "The smaller ones moving down the hill are called Critz. When they get here, there will be trouble!"

  "You can say that again!" the woman muttered under her breath. In the link, I heard her calling out to her people close by, telling them what was happening. One by one, they came awake, and responded. Within seconds, several appeared, and started talking to the woman. I heard her say, "Steven went to use the secure uplink to contact Dona! He should be back by now!"

  Two more of the Chosen arrived. I looked at the woman, and asked, "How many security people do you have here?"

  "A dozen!" the woman responded in a subdued voice.

  Far away in the building, I heard a woman begin screaming. At that moment, three more of the Chosen came running down the hallway, and into the room where we stood. One of them said, "I'm going after Sasha!" There was a frantic, pleading quality to his voice. The woman giving the orders hissed, "Stay here!" Almost at once, the distant woman's screams were cut short.

  I could see the woman's thoughts in the link. She would control the hallway, and the window. It was the only two ways in without folding space. They would come up the stairs. It would prevent them from folding space into any trap we might have arranged for them.

  I would have guessed there were at least five hundred Critz starting across the hospital lawn. Four large Constructs were working their way down the hillside behind the Critz. In about five more minutes, the whole bunch would be trying to get in this room.

  We were in a lot of trouble!

  I turned to the woman, and asked, "What's your name?"

  She looked at me oddly, and replied, "My names Celia Watson!"

  I glanced at her and said, "Help is on the way Celia! Don't give up!"

  The man at the top of the stairs yelled, "Here they come!" He started firing his weapon as he backed away from the stairs. Halfway back to us, two more men started firing their weapons. The Critz were just making it to the top of the stairs, and then being cut down.

  For just a split second, two of the weapons ran dry at once. The last armed guard in the hall opened fire. The creatures surged up the stairs into the hall. One of the guards was out of ammunition for his gun, and drew a sword. The enemy were pressing the attack, and I suddenly yelled, "Stand back!" to the people around me. Reaching out with my hand, I forced an energy wave down the hallway.

  The fifty Critz in the hallway were forced down the stairs. It was a wave of Critz bodies coming down the stairs, and the ones at the bottom were quickly being crushed. Horrific screams were coming up the stairwell. We backed up to the room as the guards reloaded their guns.

  Just as the Critz began to return to the top of the stairs, Tersa appeared in the hallway in front of us. She looked at us, and then looked over at the Critz trying to come up the stairs. Then she rolled her wrist, and a battle staff appeared, snapping open in sections. She swung it around over her head, and I got the feeling she was very capable of using the thing.

  In a casual manner, she proceeded to tap the creatures one at a time as they appeared at the top of the stairs. She was making a game out of fending the creatures off, and knocking them back down the stairs.

  Abruptly, the Rock appeared with two other Magi whom I didn't know. He was not pleased, or at least so it seemed. The four large Constructs outside had all made it to the bottom of the hill, and were working their way across the lawn. Without another word, the Rock folded space, and reappeared among the enemy.

  I believe my teacher had reached a point of no return that day. He waded in among them, smashing them aside. It appeared he was using pressure waves to wipe out whatever stood before him. I had never really seen him in combat. It was as if it were a dance. Even the large constructs were trying to back away from him. His large wooden combat staff suddenly appeared in his hand. He swung it over his head, and brought it to the ground with great force.

  There was a loud crash, and a visible shock wave emanated from the place the staff hit the ground. The Constructs and the Critz all began to scream, and as I watched, they just seemed to slowly fade to smoke.

  The two Magi who had arrived with the Rock were dressed for battle, but hadn't moved since they arrived. The Rock folded space from the front of the hospital, and appeared before us. In a commanding voice, the Rock pointed at one of the Magi warriors, and commanded him, "Go to the Council at once! Tell them of this event!" the warrior folded space, disappearing instantly. The Rock turned to the second warrior and told him, "Go to the school on Remaca. Warn them of this attack. Instruct them to send messengers out to the colonies. Tell them we are being targeted for attack! Now go!" The warrior disappeared.

  Tersa had stepped closer to me, and softly said, "Next time, wait for me!"

  "There was no time," I replied. "Had I waited five more minutes, they would have overrun this place!"

  I could see Dona entering the hall at the top of the stairs, walking toward us. Several armed warriors from the Chosen were behind her. She must have heard my comment, because she said, "I'm just getting used to you saving our butts! I thought I left enough guards to ensure this place was safe. It appears I was wrong."

  "It was Celia and her people that held this place," I said. "I hardly did a thing!"

  Celia quietly blurted out, "Bullshit!" under her breath.

  The Rock said, "I'll assign some of our people here as guards if that's okay with Dona!"

  "We're moving the place," I informed them

  The Rock and Dona looked at each other, and the Rock asked, "We are?"

  "Yes," I replied. "We are moving the entire facility to Drevins Spraug. I know April will be protected there!"

  "What is Drevins Spraug?" asked Dona.

  "It's a Dragon stronghold!" said Tersa. "And come to think of it. A perfect place to ensure April's safety!"

  Looking at the Rock, Dona asked, "Are you sure about this?"

  "He's calling the shots at this point," Rock said, pointing at me.

  Dona took a good look at me, and said, "You promise my people won't end up dragon food!"

  "Yes," I assured her. "I promise your people will be safe."

  "Where is this place?" asked Tersa.

  "We're in northern Canada," replied Dona. "It was an isolated location!" She paused, looked at me, and said, "Very few people knew of its existence, at least till recently!"

  "It won't matter after tomorrow," I said. "We won't be here."

  Dona said, "Our people report there have been a dozen Critz attacks on Earth in the last year. They are attacking specific Guardian and Magi targets. Sooner or later, this is going to be observed by the general Earth public. When that happens, we will have a panic on our hands."

  "As if we don't already have enough problems!" observed Tersa.

  I said, "I'm going to Drevins Spraug to make arrangements." I focused on Dona, asking, "Can I trust you to secure this location for now?" She nodded, and I knew she would secure the place. I could s
ee in the link that she was grimly determined not to let me down.

  "I shall remain here till you return," said the Rock.

  I said, "I'll be right back!" and folded space.

  I returned to the Plateau on Drevins Spraug that we had appeared on during our previous visit. Instantly, Tersa appeared behind me. I looked over, and she calmly said, "Teach me about Dragons, Kaltar!"

  I stepped to the edge of the cliff, and yelled, "April needs your help! Bitsy! Do you hear me? April is in danger!"

  In the far distance, I saw two dragons moving toward us like missiles. I knew at once who they were. In seconds the pair alighted on the cliffs edge next to me. Bitsy looked down at me and asked, "Who would harm our April?"

  "Evil creatures!" I replied. "Minions of the Darkness! I would bring her here for safety! I feel she would be safer here under your protection!"

  The giant white dragon looked at me with so much love in her eyes, and said, "I will guarantee her safety here on Drevins Spraug. No harm shall come to her, I swear!"

  "There will be people from among the Chosen with her." I said. "They work to awaken her. You must protect them as well!"

  "Those who serve April will be safe here!" said Bitsy. "Only her enemies need fear my wrath!" She leaned very close to me, and asked, "Will you trust me young wizard?" I could see in the link she wished me to mount her as a human might a horse. I hesitated for just a second, then decided I trusted her. Stepping over, I settled onto her back, just where the neck and wings connect. In an instant, she rolled off the cliff, and we were flying.

  I had been on computerized flight simulators several months before, but this was far more intense. The wind rushing past my face, and the feeling of flight were amazing. Straight as an arrow, Bitsy headed toward a distant mountain top. Just two minutes later, the giant white dragon settled down on the edge of a huge ledge on the side of a mountain. A hole had been burrowed into the side of a sheer cliff. I could tell at once it was Bitsy's nest.

  She looked at me, and said, "This is my home! Please allow me to show you around!"

  Right then, Tersa folded space, and appeared beside me. I could see Al flying toward us. Tersa looked at me, and said, "I am NOT going to ride a dragon!"

  Bitsy snorted once in disgust, and said, "Follow me!"

  We started walking into the vast mountain. The Main tunnel entrance to the warren was enormous. Neatly cut from the mountain, it seemed to be made of some sort of polished glass. Seeing my thoughts in the link, Bitsy explained, "Al digs out the stone. I heat and polish it. We make a good team!"

  We walked for several minutes, and suddenly, off to one side, I saw an opening to another room. The room was cavernous.

  And it was full of eggs!

  I'm not talking a few hundred! I'm talking thousands of large red eggs, each the size of something the Earthers call a football. The eggs even had a leathern look to them that made me think of a football.

  Tersa and I both stopped, and I asked, "Planning on a large family are we?"

  I would have sworn the huge female dragon blushed. Her entire white body seemed to go flush for just a moment, and she quietly said, "You told me I could have babies!"

  "And what shall we feed the babies?" I asked.

  "Sulfur!" Bitsy replied. "We love sulfur! This world is rich in sulfur, and we shall flourish! Bitsy swung her head to the left, and said, "Down this corridor, you shall find a place recently created. It could hold many Magi. You may do as you please. The only way in, is past our egg nests!" she looked at us closely, adding, "We would fight to defend this place! It is our home! We owe it to you and April! You'll be safe here!"

  And I knew we would be.

  Chapter 11

  Losing Home

  Within a few hours, I had created a duplicate of the hospital back on Earth. I was beginning to tire and weaken. More and more, Tersa was helping. At the end of six hours, we returned to Earth. Dozens of Chosen security people were in the area. They seemed very upset at almost losing the hospital.

  I ordered the sleeper tube moved, and Dona asked, "Are you sure about this?" I just nodded. I was sure April would be as safe as she could be. In short order, an army of dragons would be guarding her. April would be safe.

  It took us two days to transfer the tubes, and set up all the things needed to make them operate. I found Bitsy to be a very gracious host. The people of the Chosen who remained to care for the sleepers loved the place.

  When last I saw April, she was lying in a transparent case, in a giant glass cavern, built within a vast dragon's lair, deep within a granite mountain.

  I was allowed one last moment alone with her. At that instant, for the first time, I feared I might never return. I had learned enough to know how desperate the struggle had become. The enemy is managing to land troops in force. They must be stopped!

  I looked down at my beloved, and tried one last time to scan her. There was nothing there. I ramped up the power to the scan, and ran it again.

  Behind me, Tersa stepped up, and said, "We must leave now Kaltar! There is much to be done!"

  I forced myself to turn away, and started toward the exit to the lair. Two Magi warriors I didn't know, fell in behind Tersa and myself as we walked toward the exit. I was walking briskly, and about halfway to the surface, Bitsy stood waiting for me. I paused for a moment, and she said, "When you need us, call! We shall be there!"

  For just a moment, I reached up, and gently stroked her ear. Then I said, "April would be so proud of you!" She blinked her giant eyes at me, and I knew I had said the right thing. Then I turned, and started for the exit, and clear skies.

  Seconds later, I reached the open sky, and folded space straight for Krashure Maug.

  I arrived to find the place alive with troops. Two Magi, and a dozen Guardian knights, stood at the castles main entrance. A force field was in place at the entrance, and everyone had to be scanned. A short while later, I was being led to the Council Chambers. As soon as I entered, both my Uncle, and the Magi known as Esteva, stood up from their seats.

  Esteva said, "Both Madias and the Rock just left here! The timeline has shifted again! The lady of light has awakened, and a child has been born to her! A baby girl! The child is a center point in the time line! The flow of time moves past her, as water would flow past a stone in a stream!"

  Uncle Hammond said, "We spoke of you joining the Guardians before! We believe that time has come! You shall train on Signey Octurus with a force of Guardians soon to enter the battle. Get to know their ways. We must learn to work with them."

  "Many of them are brutes, but they are truly ferocious warriors!" said Esteva. "They are tenacious, and will create a strong force to contend with." The old councilman smiled and continued, saying, "From what I've seen, you will have much in common!"

  Tersa interrupted, asking, "May I go with Kaltar?"

  Uncle Hammond smiled, and said, "The Rock said you would request that. Yes! You may go with Kaltar!"

  "I have one task to perform back on Remaca!" I said. "Then I shall report to Signey Octurus, and do as the Council bids."

  Everyone on the council nodded, and I took it for a dismissal. I turned, left the Council Chamber, and started for the exit. Behind me, I heard Tersa trying to keep up. She finally called out, "Where are you going in such a hurry, Kaltar?"

  As I stepped into the clear, I turned to her and said, "I'm going to talk to Selena Zanthros! I owe her that much!" There was a look of shock on Tersa's face as I folded space. A moment later, I stood before the school on Remaca. This too, had become a busy place.

  I scanned around, and quickly located Selena. She was some distance away, and I was weak enough, that I decided to walk to her, instead of folding space. As I started to walk, Tersa appeared, and began to walk with me. As we got closer, Tersa quietly said, "You don't have to do this Kaltar!"

  We both knew I did.

  As we stepped around a bend in the river, Selena was standing with several other warriors that were in training. I
walked up to her, and could feel her anger in the link. She stood, debating for a moment. Without asking, she reaching into my mind, and replayed my memories of her father’s death. I relived the events as she replayed them, and the last of my energy faded. I collapsed onto the ground, and fell unconscious.

  I awoke many hours later. I was in my own bed on Remaca. My head ached, and I knew I still needed rest. As I stirred, I heard Tersa say, "The Rock was here. He said you are to rest for at least two days before you report! I would consider that a minimum!"

  The room was dark, but I knew Tersa had to be sitting in the chair next to the bed. I asked, "Don't you have anything better to do than wait for me to wake up?"

  She sat there in silence for several seconds. Then she said, "I'm like a lost puppy Kaltar! I just follow you around, hoping you'll notice me!"

  I softly said, "I'm sorry I don't love you that way Tersa! I care for you deeply! Too much to take your love lightly!"

  "I know," she said. "I know it's illogical to love you. I can clearly see your thoughts in the link. It seems the more I try not to love you, the worse it gets." She stirred, and stood up in the darkened room. She said, "Selena has asked to talk to you when you awaken. I'll be right back!" I heard the door open and close.

  A few seconds went by, the door opened, and the lights came up in the room. Tersa and Selena stepped in. I expected to be castigated over the death of Ramann. Instead, Selena said, "I saw in the link what happened. I realize now how much Father's death affected you! I'm sorry I doubted you! I didn't understand what happened!"

  "I failed him," I said. "He was trying to protect me, and I failed him! I was too weak to help him! I laid there, and let him die!"

  I've never felt such remorse! I had never failed in such a horrific way. Two of my friends were dead because I failed! Two good men! I just wished I could join them! I was on the verge of hysterics.

  Selena, on the verge of tears herself, said, "I was angry at first Kaltar. But once I saw events through your eyes, I realized you tried to help him, and the others, as best you could. You did nothing but try to help us! I'm sure my Father died doing what he believed in!"


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